
  this winter holiday, i read another book call "seabed 20,000 miles", this book is extremely interesting.the writer is

  jules verne.

  they in the south pole area navigation, in on the road which comes back, unfortunate is surrounded by the iceberg, but they used own wisdom to save own life.

  a how soul-stirring quarter! thinks them, in the dangerous situation, they is clear-headed, has overcome the difficulty with the wisdom.then i? i all very am from infancy to maturity timid, moreover is approaching difficultly time does not have the courage to go facing, to defeat it.

  "seabed 20,000 miles" although is only a risk novel, but it has given me actually many courages, it lets me face the difficulties bravely.

  schoolmates, let us make contact with this marvelous submarine together, has a look the seabed forest, the coral kingdom, the mystical buried treasure and the sunken wreck! also some many new stimulation thing waits for us to understand.

  well,lets us explore together, enters together "seabed 20,000 miles" world.

  this book also have a nice story.lt makes me feel excited.i am interested in the book very much!

  this winter holiday, i read another book call "seabed 20,000 miles", this book is extremely interesting.the writer is

  jules verne.

  they in the south pole area navigation, in on the road which comes back, unfortunate is surrounded by the iceberg, but they used own wisdom to save own life.

  a how soul-stirring quarter! thinks them, in the dangerous situation, they is clear-headed, has overcome the difficulty with the wisdom.then i? i all very am from infancy to maturity timid, moreover is approaching difficultly time does not have the courage to go facing, to defeat it.

  "seabed 20,000 miles" although is only a risk novel, but it has given me actually many courages, it lets me face the difficulties bravely.

  schoolmates, let us make contact with this marvelous submarine together, has a look the seabed forest, the coral kingdom, the mystical buried treasure and the sunken wreck! also some many new stimulation thing waits for us to understand.

  well,lets us explore together, enters together "seabed 20,000 miles" world.

  this book also have a nice story.lt makes me feel excited.i am interested in the book very much!


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