
(1)Luoyang Peony Flower Fair 洛阳牡丹花会

“ 洛阳牡丹甲天下”,而今牡丹逢盛世,花开更富丽。每逢4月18日至25日,在洛阳举办“牡丹花会”, 满城的牡丹怒放,形成了花的海洋,真是“唯有牡丹真国色,花开时节东京城”。

Peony of Luoyang ranks the first under the heaven. When it is just on the heyday of peony in full blossom, peony is more pretty and glittering , Every April 15 to 25 Peony fair is held in luoyang. The fully blooming peony makes the luoyang city a sea of the peony flower, just like the scenery described in the well-known poem ―only peony is most beautiful flower .Seeing the blooming peony, all the citizens of the ancient capital are shocked.(他人翻译)


A holiday for your heart, a home for your eyes.Always with you, Luoyang wandering tribes.(自己翻译)

(2) The Millennium City ,Kaifeng 千年古城,开封

开封清明上河园 位于开封西北隅,以北宋画家张择端绘制的巨幅画卷《清明上河园》为蓝本,再现了《清明上河园》中所描绘的东京开封的繁华景象,是一座大型民俗公园。

The long scroll of ―river sightseeing on Qingming festival is located northwest of Kaifeng based on painting by Zhang Zeduan,

the painter of the northern Song Dynasty (960-1127),which illustrated the prosperous scene of Kaifeng as shown in the scroll. It is a large part with folkways as the main topic. (他人翻译)


Kaifeng, the memory of history, the water-town in North.(自己翻译)

(3)Songshan National Forest Park,Dengfeng 登封嵩山国家森林公园

由太室山和少室山组成,东西绵延约60公里,群峰挺拔,气势磅礴景象万千。由峰骨、洞、瀑、泉、林等自然景色构成的中岳十二景,是全国重点风景名胜区。 The park consists of Mt.Taishi and Mt.Shaoshi,extending 60km from east to west .Beautiful scenes of peaks,valleys,caves,waterfalls,springs,and forest.It is a state-level scenic area.(他人翻译)

(4)Shaolin Temple,Dengfeng 登封少林寺



Kungfu under heaven comes out of Shaolin .One must go to Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng to visit the birthplace of Shaolin Kungfu and to get some idea of it.Shaolin Temple 13kms northwest of Dengfeng City was firstly built in the Northern Wei Dynasty(386-534).Shaolin Kungfu is famous by the temple while the temple is famous for its Kungfu.Shaolin Temple is called ―No.One Temple Under Heaven,which attracts Kungfu practitioners all over the world .The tourist attractions are the Main Temple Yard,the Forest of Pagodas,the First Founder’s Yard,the Second Founder’s Yard and the Damo Cave.The existing 240 pagodas there is largest ancient pagoda group in China.(他人翻译)

(1)Luoyang Peony Flower Fair 洛阳牡丹花会

“ 洛阳牡丹甲天下”,而今牡丹逢盛世,花开更富丽。每逢4月18日至25日,在洛阳举办“牡丹花会”, 满城的牡丹怒放,形成了花的海洋,真是“唯有牡丹真国色,花开时节东京城”。

Peony of Luoyang ranks the first under the heaven. When it is just on the heyday of peony in full blossom, peony is more pretty and glittering , Every April 15 to 25 Peony fair is held in luoyang. The fully blooming peony makes the luoyang city a sea of the peony flower, just like the scenery described in the well-known poem ―only peony is most beautiful flower .Seeing the blooming peony, all the citizens of the ancient capital are shocked.(他人翻译)


A holiday for your heart, a home for your eyes.Always with you, Luoyang wandering tribes.(自己翻译)

(2) The Millennium City ,Kaifeng 千年古城,开封

开封清明上河园 位于开封西北隅,以北宋画家张择端绘制的巨幅画卷《清明上河园》为蓝本,再现了《清明上河园》中所描绘的东京开封的繁华景象,是一座大型民俗公园。

The long scroll of ―river sightseeing on Qingming festival is located northwest of Kaifeng based on painting by Zhang Zeduan,

the painter of the northern Song Dynasty (960-1127),which illustrated the prosperous scene of Kaifeng as shown in the scroll. It is a large part with folkways as the main topic. (他人翻译)


Kaifeng, the memory of history, the water-town in North.(自己翻译)

(3)Songshan National Forest Park,Dengfeng 登封嵩山国家森林公园

由太室山和少室山组成,东西绵延约60公里,群峰挺拔,气势磅礴景象万千。由峰骨、洞、瀑、泉、林等自然景色构成的中岳十二景,是全国重点风景名胜区。 The park consists of Mt.Taishi and Mt.Shaoshi,extending 60km from east to west .Beautiful scenes of peaks,valleys,caves,waterfalls,springs,and forest.It is a state-level scenic area.(他人翻译)

(4)Shaolin Temple,Dengfeng 登封少林寺



Kungfu under heaven comes out of Shaolin .One must go to Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng to visit the birthplace of Shaolin Kungfu and to get some idea of it.Shaolin Temple 13kms northwest of Dengfeng City was firstly built in the Northern Wei Dynasty(386-534).Shaolin Kungfu is famous by the temple while the temple is famous for its Kungfu.Shaolin Temple is called ―No.One Temple Under Heaven,which attracts Kungfu practitioners all over the world .The tourist attractions are the Main Temple Yard,the Forest of Pagodas,the First Founder’s Yard,the Second Founder’s Yard and the Damo Cave.The existing 240 pagodas there is largest ancient pagoda group in China.(他人翻译)


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