

强调句型。It is / was + 被强调的部分 + that (who)…

如果把“It is (was)...that ”去掉,该句应该意思完整,不缺句子成分: Li Lei was born in the room.

(1) It was in the room that Li Lei was born. (强调地点状语) (2) It is Li Lei who/ that was born in the room(强调主语) 一般疑问:

Was it in the room that Li Lei was born? Is it Li Lei who/ that was born in the room? 特殊疑问:

Where was it that Li Lei was born? Who is it that was born in the room?


(A) 原句子是现在时或将来时,强调句用It is + 被强调的部分 + that (who)…; 若

原句子是过去时,强调句用:It was + 被强调的部分 + that (who)… (B) 即使被强调的部分是复数,It 后面始终用单数形式。

It was Tom and Lucy that gave us much help.

(C) 强调人时,可用who 或that, 但若强调时间、地点、原因、方式时,不能用

when, where, why, how只用 that

(1) It is our teacher who / that helps us make great progress. (2)It is by bus that I go to school every day.

(D) 在强调not…until结构中的时间状语时,it is/ was not until …that …

I didn’t go to bed until twelve o’clock last night. — It was not until twelve o’clock last night that I went to bed.

(E)特殊疑问句中只有疑问词可以被强调。句型为:特殊疑问词+be + it that+…? What is it that made him so angry?

(F) 强调主语时,who 或that 后面的谓语形式须与被强调的主语保持一致。

It is Lily who / that speaks Chinese very well.


1. learn team spirit. A. of; of B. of; to C. for, to D. to; to 2.---It was ___________ who helped us out of danger.

---What brave and helpful children! We should learn from them. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs 5.It was because I like you ______ I speak out frankly. A. that B. why C. because D. who

6.Great changes have taken place since then in the primary school ______I am studying. A. where B. that C. which D. there

7.It was because I was caught in the traffic jam ____I came to school late this morning. A. which B. when C. what D. that

8.____ important to learn English well.

A. That’s B. It’s C. It has D. That has 9.It’s time

A. to go to home B. to go home C. going to home D, going home 10.It ’s a long time ago ______ I saw you last time.

A. when B. since C. for D. that

11.I went to the zoo yesterday. It me two hours there by subway. A. spent, getting B. took, to get C. spends, to get D. takes, to get 12. is important for all of us English loudly in the morning. A. It; to read B. That; to read C. It; reading D. That; reading 13.I didn’t know it was Sunday I got to school. A. because B. when C. after D. until


强调句型。It is / was + 被强调的部分 + that (who)…

如果把“It is (was)...that ”去掉,该句应该意思完整,不缺句子成分: Li Lei was born in the room.

(1) It was in the room that Li Lei was born. (强调地点状语) (2) It is Li Lei who/ that was born in the room(强调主语) 一般疑问:

Was it in the room that Li Lei was born? Is it Li Lei who/ that was born in the room? 特殊疑问:

Where was it that Li Lei was born? Who is it that was born in the room?


(A) 原句子是现在时或将来时,强调句用It is + 被强调的部分 + that (who)…; 若

原句子是过去时,强调句用:It was + 被强调的部分 + that (who)… (B) 即使被强调的部分是复数,It 后面始终用单数形式。

It was Tom and Lucy that gave us much help.

(C) 强调人时,可用who 或that, 但若强调时间、地点、原因、方式时,不能用

when, where, why, how只用 that

(1) It is our teacher who / that helps us make great progress. (2)It is by bus that I go to school every day.

(D) 在强调not…until结构中的时间状语时,it is/ was not until …that …

I didn’t go to bed until twelve o’clock last night. — It was not until twelve o’clock last night that I went to bed.

(E)特殊疑问句中只有疑问词可以被强调。句型为:特殊疑问词+be + it that+…? What is it that made him so angry?

(F) 强调主语时,who 或that 后面的谓语形式须与被强调的主语保持一致。

It is Lily who / that speaks Chinese very well.


1. learn team spirit. A. of; of B. of; to C. for, to D. to; to 2.---It was ___________ who helped us out of danger.

---What brave and helpful children! We should learn from them. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs 5.It was because I like you ______ I speak out frankly. A. that B. why C. because D. who

6.Great changes have taken place since then in the primary school ______I am studying. A. where B. that C. which D. there

7.It was because I was caught in the traffic jam ____I came to school late this morning. A. which B. when C. what D. that

8.____ important to learn English well.

A. That’s B. It’s C. It has D. That has 9.It’s time

A. to go to home B. to go home C. going to home D, going home 10.It ’s a long time ago ______ I saw you last time.

A. when B. since C. for D. that

11.I went to the zoo yesterday. It me two hours there by subway. A. spent, getting B. took, to get C. spends, to get D. takes, to get 12. is important for all of us English loudly in the morning. A. It; to read B. That; to read C. It; reading D. That; reading 13.I didn’t know it was Sunday I got to school. A. because B. when C. after D. until


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