

全国小学英语课堂教学优秀案例一等奖(课堂实录) 安徽 王磊


1、Have a great

T: Hello! Boys and girls, I’m glad to meet you here. At first I’ll introduce myself. My first name is Wang, so you can call me Mr .

Ss: Wang.

T: Ok. Now please show me a hand and say hello to Mr Wang. Hello! Boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Mr Wang.(手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)

T: Hello! Boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)

T: Hello!(老师走向一小组,向一小组的同学打招呼)

Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)

T: Hello! Boys and girls.(老师走向另一小组,向另一小组的同学打招呼)

Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)

T: Good!

2、 Do the actions.

T: Ok, now, this time, look at me. I will stand here and do the actions. Please say it after and let’s see who is the first. Ok?

Ss: Ok!

T do the actions and Ss say it after.

Ss: Get up.

T: You are first. One point. Ok!

Ss: Brush teeth.

T: You’re number 1. Ok. And this one.

Ss: Wash face.

T: And this one.

Ss: Have breakfast.

T: And this one

Ss: Rollerblade.

T: Yes, right. rollerblade. I like sports.

Ss: Play basketball.

T: Play basketball.

Ss: Sing a song.

T: And this one. Oh.

Ss: Play computer games.

T: Yes, you did a good job. It’s right. Now, I will play the computer.


1、Learn new phrase

T: Ok! Wow! It’s a wonderful picture. Is it nice?

Ss: Yes.

T; Is it clean?

Ss: Yes.

T: It’s my home. It’s really tidy and clean. Why? Because me. I’m very hard working. I’m very hard working.(老师边系围裙边说) Every day, I make the bed. Please wait for me. Ok. It’s so hard to—ok.(老师做出围裙很难系的样子,让学生理解hard的意思) Let’s go. I empty the trash, look, I’m good. I cook meals. Look, the chair is so heavy, but I’m strong , I can move the chair. Now please look at here. (teacher write ― I can‖ on the blackboard) I can .Ok, now, this one ,look , sweep the floor. (teacher write ― I can sweep the floor‖ on the blackboard)I can sweep the floor. Ok, good, please read after me. I can sweep the floor.

Ss: I can sweep the floor.

T: I can sweep the floor.

Ss: I can sweep the floor.

T: What’s this? (T shows his hand and ask)

Ss: Hand.

T: It’s not hand. It can change the voice. It’s magic. Look, if I put my hand down , you say lowly, lowly, lowly; if I put my hand up, up, up, up, up, up, you read louder, louder, louder. Understand? Ss: yes.

T: Ok. I can sweep the floor.(老师用手势表示,让学生由低到高,再由高到低读这个句子10遍)

T: Good. Ok. Look here. Ok, I can sweep the floor. Who can sweep the floor? You please. S1: I can sweep the floor.

T: You are helpful at home. This is for you. But put it down. Don’t look at it. Ok, look at this. Ok ? Now , who can wash the dishes? Ok, you.

S2: I can wash the dishes.

T: Do remember. There is it?(示意学生用话筒回答)

S2:I can wash the dish.

T: Good, dishes. Ok, now, dishes.

S2: Dishes.

T: ok, now, this is for you. And this one. Set the table, set the table, who can set the table? You please.

S3: I can set the tale.

T: I can set the tale .Ok, now, here you are. And this one. You needn’t , you needn’t, needn’t .Ok, here, who can make the bed?(手放在耳朵边上,引导学生说出Let me try,激活课堂氛围) Ss: Let me try.(小声)

T: You please.

S4: I can make the bed.

T: I can make the bed. Ok, this is for you..

S4: Thank you.

T: And this one. Wash clothes, wash clothes.

Ss: Let me try. Let me try.(大声)

T: please.

S5: I can wash clothes.

T: Ok, now, here you are.

S5: Thank you!

T: Oh, just now I cook meals. Ok, you please.

S6: I can cook meals.

T: Now, here you are. Ok ! this one, this one, water the flowers.

Ss: Let me try. Let me try. Let me try. Let me try. Let me try. Let me try.(更大声)

T: Ok, there, you please. That boy.

S7: I can water the flowers.

T: Good, only one, only one. Ok.

Ss: Let me try.

S8: I can empty the try.

T: Trash.

S8: Trash.

T: Ok, show me a hand and read after me. Trash.

S8: Trash.

T: Trash.

S8: Trash.

T: Trash, trash, trash

S8: Trash, trash, trash

T: Ok, oh, I have no card now. Get them back.


T: Now, you can look at it.

S1: Yes.

T: Can you sweep the floor?

S1: No, I can’t.

T: Can you wash clothes?

S1: No, I can’t.

T: Can you cook meals?

S1: No, I can’t.

T: Oh, my gold, can you water the flowers?

S1: No, I can’t.

T: Can you make the bed?

S1; Yes, I can.

T: Yeah, I got it. Ok, yes, make the bed. Where are my cards? Ok, put, put down. Ok, there. Can you make the bed? No, there. Can you water the flowers?

S2: No, I can’t.

T: Oh, can you? I’m sorry, who can help me? I forgot it. Help me? Ok, you please.

S3: Can you sweep the floor?

T: Once more.

S3: Can you sweep the floor?

S2: No, I can’t.

S3: Can you water the flowers?

S2: No, I can’t.

T: And who can ? one point. Ok, you please.

S4: Can you cook meals?

S2: Yes, I can.

T: Do this.

S4: yeah!(做胜利的手势)

T: And here. Can you ask her? You ask her.

S5: Can you wash clothes?

S6: No, I can’t.

3、Learn new sentence

T: Ok, please listen to me. Can you wash the clothes? Every one look at here. (teacher write ―Can you wash the clothes?‖ on the blackboard)Can—you—wash—the—clothes? Please, you should read in this way. Can –you—wash—the—clothes?↑ Remember. Can –you—wash—the—clothes?↑Can you wash the clothes? ↑(升调,老师有又夸张的手势表示,像大合唱时的指挥家一样,由慢到快)

Ss: Can –you—wash—clothes?↑ Can –you—wash—clothes?↑Can you wash clothes? ↑

Ss: Can you wash clothes? ↑(学生根据老师的指挥,由快到慢,再由慢到快,一起读了9遍)

T: Remember it. Can you wash clothes? ↑(老师又边说边做,慢速的说了一遍)Can you show your hand and have a try? Ok, come here and show your hand. Ok, I think you can you can do it.

S1: I think I can.

T: Ok, come here.

S1 do and the other Ss say.

T: Let’s go on. Remember here.

S1 do it again. Ss say it again.

T: Ok, thank you. Now give me victory.

S1: Yeah!

T: Ok , good . another student come here and do . come here , you please .

S2 Do 2 times Ss say 2 times .

T: Ok .

S2: Yeah !

3、 Read and answer

T: Ok , now this time . I will introduce you two new friends here . Let’s look at it . Ok , here , look , this is Sally and that is Tom . Tom is a boy and Sally is a girl . but I have five questions ask you .look first one .

Can Tom cook meals ?

Can Sally water the flowers ?

Can Sally make the bed ?

Who can cook meals ?

Who can sweep the floor ?

Please listen and answer my questions . now .

Ss listen to tape .


Sally: You are helpful at home?

Tom: Yes, I can sweep the floor and empty the trash.

Sally: Can you cook meals?

Tom: No, I can’t. but I can wash the dishes and set the table. What can you do at home? Sally: I can wash clothes, make the bed, and water the flowers.

Tom: That’s good. Can you cook meals?

Sally: Of course, I can. Sometimes I cook for my parents.

T: Ok , this time . Please look at the dialogue . ok , look at it . All of you have the dialogue on the paper . But , now please look at the paper and answer the question . Ok ,now let’s talk about it , ok ? Group work. Ok, talk about it . Ok .

T: First one can Tom cook meals ? You can by the answer for the line .ok ?(走向一个小组参与活动)

T: Can Tom cook meals ? No , he can’t . good . (走向另一个小组参与活动)

T: This one . talk about it . can Sally water the flower ? Yes or no ? Find the answer from the dialogue.(走向第三个小组参与活动)

S1: Yes, she can.

T: Ok, 3、4、5 you can read. Ok?

T: Ok, ok, ok, let’s wait for there.

T: Ok, first question, can Tom cook meals ? you please.

S2:No, he can’t.

T: No, he can’t. Yes, you are right. Number 2 Can Sally water the flowers ? that boy.

S3: Yes, she can.

T: Yes, she can. Let me see. Good! Number 3 Can Sally make the bed ?

Ss: Let me try.

T: Ok, you please.

S4: Yes, she can.

T: Good, next one, Who can cook meals ?

S5: Let me try.

T: You please.

S5: Sally can cook meals.

T: Ok, let’s see, ok, yes. Yes, wonderful. You are right. Number 5 Who can sweep the floor? Ss: Let me try.

T: You please.

S6: Tom can.

T: Let’s see, yes or no? Ok, Tom. Good job.


T: Ok, now, you do read job. Now let’s play a game. Where’s where are my cards? Give them back to me. 1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8good. Now I need your help. Who want to come here? You please. Ok, hold it and remember it .Let’s read.

Ss: Water the flowers sweep the floor set the table empty the trash wash the clothes make the bed cook meals

T: You hold in, I will choose one. I don’t look at it ,I guess. lf I guess right, you say yes I can , if I guess wrong you say no I can’t . Can you wash clothes?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Can you sweep the floor?

T: Can you cook meals?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Can you make the bed?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Water the flowers here. Can you come here? Guess. You come here. Choose one. Don’t look, please guess.

S1: can you make the bed?

Ss: No, I can’t.

S1: Can you sweep the floor?

Ss: No, I can’t.

S1: Can you water the flowers?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Only one time.

S1: Can you set the table?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Go back, have next time. Who can come here? Ok, let me try.

Ss: Let me try.

T: You please.

S2: Can I sweep the floor?

T: Can you can you.

S2: Can you sweep the floor?

Ss: No, I can’t.

S2: Can you make the bed?

Ss: Yes, I can.

T: Ok, next, only, ok, who want to come here? O k, you please, that boy.

S3:C an I wash the dishes?

Ss: No, I can’t.

S3: Can you set the table?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Can you sweep the floor?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Only one time.

S3: Can you empty the trash?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: 1、2、3、4 cards, you please.

T: Look at it . set the table empty the trash wash the dishes sweep the floor ok, you hold it. S4: Can you sweep the floor?

Ss: Yes, I can.

T: You’re so clever!

S4: Yeah!

T: Ok, three, one two three, three cards. That’s very very very easy, you please. One, only one. Ok and help you.

S5: Can you set the table?

S5: Can you empty the trash?

Ss: No, I cant.

T: You needn’t. only one card. empty the trash Wash the dishes hold it.

T: I do it. Can you empty the trash?

Ss: Yes, you can.

T: Yeah, I’m clever .

5、Do and say

T: Now we have no cards. You go back. Who can do the action and we guess. You ask can you (T do the actions ― play basketball‖)

Ss: Play basketball?

T: Can you do the actions? Come here, ok you please. Ok.

S1 do the actions.

T: Let me try, let me try. Can you sing?

S1: No, I can’t.

S2: Teeth?

S1: Yes, I can.

T: Brush teeth?

S1: Yes.

T: I think you are singing. And .

S3: Let me try.

T: You please.

T: I will sit here, this is my seat.

S3 do the action.

S4: Can you play the football?

S3: Yes, I can.

T: Good, you can do this.

S3: Yeah!

T: And you please.

S5 do the action.

Ss: Let me try.

S6: Can you play basketball?

S5: Yes, I can.

T: Ok, this time we have know I can do you can do but do you know what your mother do ? S7: Let me try.

T: You please.

S7: My mother can play the piano.

T: Piano, wonderful, good.

S8: My mother can cook meals?

T: Cook meals ,ok , you please.

S9: She can do house work.

6、 interview your classmates

T: Ok please look here. Ok, wait a moment. Here , I will ask . Ok you please listen to me . What can you do?

S1: I can I can water the flowers.

T: Water the flowers,1、2、3, Ok here.( T write 8 on the paper)You go on. What can your mother do?

S1: My mother can set the table.

T: Oh, your mother can set the table. Where is it? I can’t find it. Ok, here. (Write 5 on the paper. )Last one what can your father do?

S1: My father can cook meals.

T: Cook meals I will write here , three. (Write 3 on the paper) Do you want to ask? You can ask your best friend in your group. Now ask and write down the answers.

Ss do pair work

T: Use it .(示意学生用话筒)

T: You can stand up and ask your friend .

Who can stand up and ask your friend ?

Ss: Let me try let me try .

T: That boy you please . who’s your friend ? ok , you please

S1: What can you do ?

S2: I can cook meals .

S1: What can your mother do ?

S2: She can sweep the floor .

S1: What can your father do ?

S2: He can make the bed .

T: Good , wonderful , thank you !

Ss: Let me try .

T: Ok, you please .

S3: What can you do ?

S4: I can sweep the floor .

S3: What can your mother do ?

S4: My mother can cook meals .

S3: What can your father do ?

S4: He can water the flowers .

T: Ok , good .

Ss: Let me try .

T: You please .

S5: What’s can you do ?

T: What not what’s , what can you do ?

S5: What can you do ?

S6: I can sweep the floor .

S5: What can your mother do ?

S6: She can wash clothes .

S5: What can your father do ?

S6: He can cook meals .

T: Ok , last group .

Ss: Let me try .

S7: What can you do ?

S8: I can sweep the floor .

S7: What can your mother do ?

S8: She can wash clothes .

S7: What can your father do ?

S8: He can cook meals .

T: Ok , this time , let’s see . ok , can you see ?

Ss: Yes , I can .

T: Can you climb ?

Ss: Yes , I can .

T: Can you rollerblade ?

Ss: Yes , I can .

T: Can you dance ?

Ss: No , I can’t .


T: Ok , this time , let’s sing , ok ? please the first time . ok , just a moment , ok , sorry , please wait . now look have song for you first time listen .

Ss listen .

T: Can you sing ?

Ss: Yes , I can .

T: Let’s sing and do the actions . Ok , climb ride a bike rollerblade . ok .

Song: Can you climb ?

Yes , I can . yes , I can . Can you sing ? Yes , I can . yes , I can . Can you ride a bike ?

Yes , I can .

Can you dance ?

No , I can’t . no , I can’t .

Can you swim ?

Yes , I can . yes , I can .

Can you sing ?

Yes , I can .

Can you rollerblade ?

Yes , I can . yes , I can .

Can you dance ?

No , I can’t . no , I can’t .

Ss: Sing together .

T: Ok , are you happy today ?

Ss: Yes .

T: I’m very happy. Please say hand waving


Ss: Bye .

T: Bye bye .

Ss: Bye bye

T: Bye bye .

Ss: Bye bye

T: Ok ,please stand up , and say good bye to teachers , ok . Ss: Goodbye teachers .


全国小学英语课堂教学优秀案例一等奖(课堂实录) 安徽 王磊


1、Have a great

T: Hello! Boys and girls, I’m glad to meet you here. At first I’ll introduce myself. My first name is Wang, so you can call me Mr .

Ss: Wang.

T: Ok. Now please show me a hand and say hello to Mr Wang. Hello! Boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Mr Wang.(手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)

T: Hello! Boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)

T: Hello!(老师走向一小组,向一小组的同学打招呼)

Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)

T: Hello! Boys and girls.(老师走向另一小组,向另一小组的同学打招呼)

Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)

T: Good!

2、 Do the actions.

T: Ok, now, this time, look at me. I will stand here and do the actions. Please say it after and let’s see who is the first. Ok?

Ss: Ok!

T do the actions and Ss say it after.

Ss: Get up.

T: You are first. One point. Ok!

Ss: Brush teeth.

T: You’re number 1. Ok. And this one.

Ss: Wash face.

T: And this one.

Ss: Have breakfast.

T: And this one

Ss: Rollerblade.

T: Yes, right. rollerblade. I like sports.

Ss: Play basketball.

T: Play basketball.

Ss: Sing a song.

T: And this one. Oh.

Ss: Play computer games.

T: Yes, you did a good job. It’s right. Now, I will play the computer.


1、Learn new phrase

T: Ok! Wow! It’s a wonderful picture. Is it nice?

Ss: Yes.

T; Is it clean?

Ss: Yes.

T: It’s my home. It’s really tidy and clean. Why? Because me. I’m very hard working. I’m very hard working.(老师边系围裙边说) Every day, I make the bed. Please wait for me. Ok. It’s so hard to—ok.(老师做出围裙很难系的样子,让学生理解hard的意思) Let’s go. I empty the trash, look, I’m good. I cook meals. Look, the chair is so heavy, but I’m strong , I can move the chair. Now please look at here. (teacher write ― I can‖ on the blackboard) I can .Ok, now, this one ,look , sweep the floor. (teacher write ― I can sweep the floor‖ on the blackboard)I can sweep the floor. Ok, good, please read after me. I can sweep the floor.

Ss: I can sweep the floor.

T: I can sweep the floor.

Ss: I can sweep the floor.

T: What’s this? (T shows his hand and ask)

Ss: Hand.

T: It’s not hand. It can change the voice. It’s magic. Look, if I put my hand down , you say lowly, lowly, lowly; if I put my hand up, up, up, up, up, up, you read louder, louder, louder. Understand? Ss: yes.

T: Ok. I can sweep the floor.(老师用手势表示,让学生由低到高,再由高到低读这个句子10遍)

T: Good. Ok. Look here. Ok, I can sweep the floor. Who can sweep the floor? You please. S1: I can sweep the floor.

T: You are helpful at home. This is for you. But put it down. Don’t look at it. Ok, look at this. Ok ? Now , who can wash the dishes? Ok, you.

S2: I can wash the dishes.

T: Do remember. There is it?(示意学生用话筒回答)

S2:I can wash the dish.

T: Good, dishes. Ok, now, dishes.

S2: Dishes.

T: ok, now, this is for you. And this one. Set the table, set the table, who can set the table? You please.

S3: I can set the tale.

T: I can set the tale .Ok, now, here you are. And this one. You needn’t , you needn’t, needn’t .Ok, here, who can make the bed?(手放在耳朵边上,引导学生说出Let me try,激活课堂氛围) Ss: Let me try.(小声)

T: You please.

S4: I can make the bed.

T: I can make the bed. Ok, this is for you..

S4: Thank you.

T: And this one. Wash clothes, wash clothes.

Ss: Let me try. Let me try.(大声)

T: please.

S5: I can wash clothes.

T: Ok, now, here you are.

S5: Thank you!

T: Oh, just now I cook meals. Ok, you please.

S6: I can cook meals.

T: Now, here you are. Ok ! this one, this one, water the flowers.

Ss: Let me try. Let me try. Let me try. Let me try. Let me try. Let me try.(更大声)

T: Ok, there, you please. That boy.

S7: I can water the flowers.

T: Good, only one, only one. Ok.

Ss: Let me try.

S8: I can empty the try.

T: Trash.

S8: Trash.

T: Ok, show me a hand and read after me. Trash.

S8: Trash.

T: Trash.

S8: Trash.

T: Trash, trash, trash

S8: Trash, trash, trash

T: Ok, oh, I have no card now. Get them back.


T: Now, you can look at it.

S1: Yes.

T: Can you sweep the floor?

S1: No, I can’t.

T: Can you wash clothes?

S1: No, I can’t.

T: Can you cook meals?

S1: No, I can’t.

T: Oh, my gold, can you water the flowers?

S1: No, I can’t.

T: Can you make the bed?

S1; Yes, I can.

T: Yeah, I got it. Ok, yes, make the bed. Where are my cards? Ok, put, put down. Ok, there. Can you make the bed? No, there. Can you water the flowers?

S2: No, I can’t.

T: Oh, can you? I’m sorry, who can help me? I forgot it. Help me? Ok, you please.

S3: Can you sweep the floor?

T: Once more.

S3: Can you sweep the floor?

S2: No, I can’t.

S3: Can you water the flowers?

S2: No, I can’t.

T: And who can ? one point. Ok, you please.

S4: Can you cook meals?

S2: Yes, I can.

T: Do this.

S4: yeah!(做胜利的手势)

T: And here. Can you ask her? You ask her.

S5: Can you wash clothes?

S6: No, I can’t.

3、Learn new sentence

T: Ok, please listen to me. Can you wash the clothes? Every one look at here. (teacher write ―Can you wash the clothes?‖ on the blackboard)Can—you—wash—the—clothes? Please, you should read in this way. Can –you—wash—the—clothes?↑ Remember. Can –you—wash—the—clothes?↑Can you wash the clothes? ↑(升调,老师有又夸张的手势表示,像大合唱时的指挥家一样,由慢到快)

Ss: Can –you—wash—clothes?↑ Can –you—wash—clothes?↑Can you wash clothes? ↑

Ss: Can you wash clothes? ↑(学生根据老师的指挥,由快到慢,再由慢到快,一起读了9遍)

T: Remember it. Can you wash clothes? ↑(老师又边说边做,慢速的说了一遍)Can you show your hand and have a try? Ok, come here and show your hand. Ok, I think you can you can do it.

S1: I think I can.

T: Ok, come here.

S1 do and the other Ss say.

T: Let’s go on. Remember here.

S1 do it again. Ss say it again.

T: Ok, thank you. Now give me victory.

S1: Yeah!

T: Ok , good . another student come here and do . come here , you please .

S2 Do 2 times Ss say 2 times .

T: Ok .

S2: Yeah !

3、 Read and answer

T: Ok , now this time . I will introduce you two new friends here . Let’s look at it . Ok , here , look , this is Sally and that is Tom . Tom is a boy and Sally is a girl . but I have five questions ask you .look first one .

Can Tom cook meals ?

Can Sally water the flowers ?

Can Sally make the bed ?

Who can cook meals ?

Who can sweep the floor ?

Please listen and answer my questions . now .

Ss listen to tape .


Sally: You are helpful at home?

Tom: Yes, I can sweep the floor and empty the trash.

Sally: Can you cook meals?

Tom: No, I can’t. but I can wash the dishes and set the table. What can you do at home? Sally: I can wash clothes, make the bed, and water the flowers.

Tom: That’s good. Can you cook meals?

Sally: Of course, I can. Sometimes I cook for my parents.

T: Ok , this time . Please look at the dialogue . ok , look at it . All of you have the dialogue on the paper . But , now please look at the paper and answer the question . Ok ,now let’s talk about it , ok ? Group work. Ok, talk about it . Ok .

T: First one can Tom cook meals ? You can by the answer for the line .ok ?(走向一个小组参与活动)

T: Can Tom cook meals ? No , he can’t . good . (走向另一个小组参与活动)

T: This one . talk about it . can Sally water the flower ? Yes or no ? Find the answer from the dialogue.(走向第三个小组参与活动)

S1: Yes, she can.

T: Ok, 3、4、5 you can read. Ok?

T: Ok, ok, ok, let’s wait for there.

T: Ok, first question, can Tom cook meals ? you please.

S2:No, he can’t.

T: No, he can’t. Yes, you are right. Number 2 Can Sally water the flowers ? that boy.

S3: Yes, she can.

T: Yes, she can. Let me see. Good! Number 3 Can Sally make the bed ?

Ss: Let me try.

T: Ok, you please.

S4: Yes, she can.

T: Good, next one, Who can cook meals ?

S5: Let me try.

T: You please.

S5: Sally can cook meals.

T: Ok, let’s see, ok, yes. Yes, wonderful. You are right. Number 5 Who can sweep the floor? Ss: Let me try.

T: You please.

S6: Tom can.

T: Let’s see, yes or no? Ok, Tom. Good job.


T: Ok, now, you do read job. Now let’s play a game. Where’s where are my cards? Give them back to me. 1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8good. Now I need your help. Who want to come here? You please. Ok, hold it and remember it .Let’s read.

Ss: Water the flowers sweep the floor set the table empty the trash wash the clothes make the bed cook meals

T: You hold in, I will choose one. I don’t look at it ,I guess. lf I guess right, you say yes I can , if I guess wrong you say no I can’t . Can you wash clothes?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Can you sweep the floor?

T: Can you cook meals?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Can you make the bed?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Water the flowers here. Can you come here? Guess. You come here. Choose one. Don’t look, please guess.

S1: can you make the bed?

Ss: No, I can’t.

S1: Can you sweep the floor?

Ss: No, I can’t.

S1: Can you water the flowers?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Only one time.

S1: Can you set the table?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Go back, have next time. Who can come here? Ok, let me try.

Ss: Let me try.

T: You please.

S2: Can I sweep the floor?

T: Can you can you.

S2: Can you sweep the floor?

Ss: No, I can’t.

S2: Can you make the bed?

Ss: Yes, I can.

T: Ok, next, only, ok, who want to come here? O k, you please, that boy.

S3:C an I wash the dishes?

Ss: No, I can’t.

S3: Can you set the table?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Can you sweep the floor?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: Only one time.

S3: Can you empty the trash?

Ss: No, I can’t.

T: 1、2、3、4 cards, you please.

T: Look at it . set the table empty the trash wash the dishes sweep the floor ok, you hold it. S4: Can you sweep the floor?

Ss: Yes, I can.

T: You’re so clever!

S4: Yeah!

T: Ok, three, one two three, three cards. That’s very very very easy, you please. One, only one. Ok and help you.

S5: Can you set the table?

S5: Can you empty the trash?

Ss: No, I cant.

T: You needn’t. only one card. empty the trash Wash the dishes hold it.

T: I do it. Can you empty the trash?

Ss: Yes, you can.

T: Yeah, I’m clever .

5、Do and say

T: Now we have no cards. You go back. Who can do the action and we guess. You ask can you (T do the actions ― play basketball‖)

Ss: Play basketball?

T: Can you do the actions? Come here, ok you please. Ok.

S1 do the actions.

T: Let me try, let me try. Can you sing?

S1: No, I can’t.

S2: Teeth?

S1: Yes, I can.

T: Brush teeth?

S1: Yes.

T: I think you are singing. And .

S3: Let me try.

T: You please.

T: I will sit here, this is my seat.

S3 do the action.

S4: Can you play the football?

S3: Yes, I can.

T: Good, you can do this.

S3: Yeah!

T: And you please.

S5 do the action.

Ss: Let me try.

S6: Can you play basketball?

S5: Yes, I can.

T: Ok, this time we have know I can do you can do but do you know what your mother do ? S7: Let me try.

T: You please.

S7: My mother can play the piano.

T: Piano, wonderful, good.

S8: My mother can cook meals?

T: Cook meals ,ok , you please.

S9: She can do house work.

6、 interview your classmates

T: Ok please look here. Ok, wait a moment. Here , I will ask . Ok you please listen to me . What can you do?

S1: I can I can water the flowers.

T: Water the flowers,1、2、3, Ok here.( T write 8 on the paper)You go on. What can your mother do?

S1: My mother can set the table.

T: Oh, your mother can set the table. Where is it? I can’t find it. Ok, here. (Write 5 on the paper. )Last one what can your father do?

S1: My father can cook meals.

T: Cook meals I will write here , three. (Write 3 on the paper) Do you want to ask? You can ask your best friend in your group. Now ask and write down the answers.

Ss do pair work

T: Use it .(示意学生用话筒)

T: You can stand up and ask your friend .

Who can stand up and ask your friend ?

Ss: Let me try let me try .

T: That boy you please . who’s your friend ? ok , you please

S1: What can you do ?

S2: I can cook meals .

S1: What can your mother do ?

S2: She can sweep the floor .

S1: What can your father do ?

S2: He can make the bed .

T: Good , wonderful , thank you !

Ss: Let me try .

T: Ok, you please .

S3: What can you do ?

S4: I can sweep the floor .

S3: What can your mother do ?

S4: My mother can cook meals .

S3: What can your father do ?

S4: He can water the flowers .

T: Ok , good .

Ss: Let me try .

T: You please .

S5: What’s can you do ?

T: What not what’s , what can you do ?

S5: What can you do ?

S6: I can sweep the floor .

S5: What can your mother do ?

S6: She can wash clothes .

S5: What can your father do ?

S6: He can cook meals .

T: Ok , last group .

Ss: Let me try .

S7: What can you do ?

S8: I can sweep the floor .

S7: What can your mother do ?

S8: She can wash clothes .

S7: What can your father do ?

S8: He can cook meals .

T: Ok , this time , let’s see . ok , can you see ?

Ss: Yes , I can .

T: Can you climb ?

Ss: Yes , I can .

T: Can you rollerblade ?

Ss: Yes , I can .

T: Can you dance ?

Ss: No , I can’t .


T: Ok , this time , let’s sing , ok ? please the first time . ok , just a moment , ok , sorry , please wait . now look have song for you first time listen .

Ss listen .

T: Can you sing ?

Ss: Yes , I can .

T: Let’s sing and do the actions . Ok , climb ride a bike rollerblade . ok .

Song: Can you climb ?

Yes , I can . yes , I can . Can you sing ? Yes , I can . yes , I can . Can you ride a bike ?

Yes , I can .

Can you dance ?

No , I can’t . no , I can’t .

Can you swim ?

Yes , I can . yes , I can .

Can you sing ?

Yes , I can .

Can you rollerblade ?

Yes , I can . yes , I can .

Can you dance ?

No , I can’t . no , I can’t .

Ss: Sing together .

T: Ok , are you happy today ?

Ss: Yes .

T: I’m very happy. Please say hand waving


Ss: Bye .

T: Bye bye .

Ss: Bye bye

T: Bye bye .

Ss: Bye bye

T: Ok ,please stand up , and say good bye to teachers , ok . Ss: Goodbye teachers .


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