

时量:40分钟 总分:100分(学生个人信息写在试卷左边)

听力部分( 26分)

I、listen and circle. 听音,圈出你所听到的单词或短语。(共10分 )

1. kid land 2. straight light

3. rink mark 4. hawker fewer

5. cover over 6. bookstore more

7. learn film 8. different interested

9. same museum 10. dictionary similar

II、听录音,判断句子的正误。正确的划√,错误的划×。( 共6分 )

( ) 1.He likes running.

( ) 2.Picture Two has fewer flowers than Picture One.

( ) 3. There is a book and three pens in Jim’s desk.

( ) 4.Anne had enough money to buy a picture book.

( )5.Miss Tang wants to buy a jacket.

( )6. I am interested in English. III.Listen and write. 听录音,选择框中的单词补全句子。(共10分)

1. I’m good at____________.

2. Anne went to the skating___________.

3. Have you got __________money?

4. Our earth looks like this form__________.

5. There are_________ shops in Picture Two.

Writing Part笔试部分(74分)


bookstore dirty mark Space Museum 1

You’re good at drawing , Peter.


There are more shops in Picture One.


II. Match.连线(共21分)

watch talked

talk watched

is were

are was

want borrowed

go went

borrow wanted


( ) 1. I don’t like_________.

A. skate B. skates C. skating

( ) 2. What do you ________ doing?

A. liked B. like C. likes

( )3.She tried to _________but she fell over.

A.skating B.skate C.skates

( ) 4.Can I __________at that dictionary

A. looking B. look C. looks

( ) 5.There_______ many lights on the ceiling

A. are B. is C. am

( )6.I will ________the book to you.

A. to sell B. sells C. sell D. selling

( )7.”Please get up!” _________ my mother .

A. said B. say C. saying D. said to

( )8---Let’s go and watch a film, OK?


A. Thank you B. That’s a good idea

C. I like drawing D. Here you are

( )9.---_________it useful enough?----Yes, it is.

A. Did B. Does C. Can D .Is

( )10.There are many houses in_________.

A. picture one B. Picture one

C. picture One D. Picture One


1. Here you are.

( )__________________________________________________

2.Is it useful enough?

( )____________________________________________________

3.Have you got enough money?

( )____________________________________________________

4. Did Peter buy the book in the end?

( )____________________________________________________


Lili and Mary are good friends. And they are good students, too. Lili`s English is better(较好)than Mary`s. But Mary`s Maths is better than Lili`s. They always help each other. Lili has two similar schoolbags. She gives a schoolbag to Mary. Mary has two dresses but their colours are different. Mary gives one to Lili.

1. Who are good friends?


2.Whose Maths is better?


2. Who has two dresses? __________________________________



I、listen and circle. 听音,圈出你所听到的单词或短语。(共10分 ) 1 kid 2 light 3 rink 4 fewer 5 over

6 bookstore 7 film 8 different 9 same 10 dictionary

II、听录音,判断句子的正误。正确的划√,错误的划×。( 共6分 )

1.He likes drawing.

2.Picture Two has fewer flowers than Picture One.

3.There are three books and a pen in Jim’s desk.

4.Anne had enough money to buy a dictionary.

5.Miss Tang wants to buy a jacket.

6. I am interested in English.

III.Listen and write. 听录音,选择框中的单词补全句子。(共10分)

6. I’m good at swimming.

7. Anne went to the skating rink.

8. Have you got enough money?

9. Our earth looks like this form space.

10. There are more shops in Picture Two.


时量:40分钟 总分:100分(学生个人信息写在试卷左边)

听力部分( 26分)

I、listen and circle. 听音,圈出你所听到的单词或短语。(共10分 )

1. kid land 2. straight light

3. rink mark 4. hawker fewer

5. cover over 6. bookstore more

7. learn film 8. different interested

9. same museum 10. dictionary similar

II、听录音,判断句子的正误。正确的划√,错误的划×。( 共6分 )

( ) 1.He likes running.

( ) 2.Picture Two has fewer flowers than Picture One.

( ) 3. There is a book and three pens in Jim’s desk.

( ) 4.Anne had enough money to buy a picture book.

( )5.Miss Tang wants to buy a jacket.

( )6. I am interested in English. III.Listen and write. 听录音,选择框中的单词补全句子。(共10分)

1. I’m good at____________.

2. Anne went to the skating___________.

3. Have you got __________money?

4. Our earth looks like this form__________.

5. There are_________ shops in Picture Two.

Writing Part笔试部分(74分)


bookstore dirty mark Space Museum 1

You’re good at drawing , Peter.


There are more shops in Picture One.


II. Match.连线(共21分)

watch talked

talk watched

is were

are was

want borrowed

go went

borrow wanted


( ) 1. I don’t like_________.

A. skate B. skates C. skating

( ) 2. What do you ________ doing?

A. liked B. like C. likes

( )3.She tried to _________but she fell over.

A.skating B.skate C.skates

( ) 4.Can I __________at that dictionary

A. looking B. look C. looks

( ) 5.There_______ many lights on the ceiling

A. are B. is C. am

( )6.I will ________the book to you.

A. to sell B. sells C. sell D. selling

( )7.”Please get up!” _________ my mother .

A. said B. say C. saying D. said to

( )8---Let’s go and watch a film, OK?


A. Thank you B. That’s a good idea

C. I like drawing D. Here you are

( )9.---_________it useful enough?----Yes, it is.

A. Did B. Does C. Can D .Is

( )10.There are many houses in_________.

A. picture one B. Picture one

C. picture One D. Picture One


1. Here you are.

( )__________________________________________________

2.Is it useful enough?

( )____________________________________________________

3.Have you got enough money?

( )____________________________________________________

4. Did Peter buy the book in the end?

( )____________________________________________________


Lili and Mary are good friends. And they are good students, too. Lili`s English is better(较好)than Mary`s. But Mary`s Maths is better than Lili`s. They always help each other. Lili has two similar schoolbags. She gives a schoolbag to Mary. Mary has two dresses but their colours are different. Mary gives one to Lili.

1. Who are good friends?


2.Whose Maths is better?


2. Who has two dresses? __________________________________



I、listen and circle. 听音,圈出你所听到的单词或短语。(共10分 ) 1 kid 2 light 3 rink 4 fewer 5 over

6 bookstore 7 film 8 different 9 same 10 dictionary

II、听录音,判断句子的正误。正确的划√,错误的划×。( 共6分 )

1.He likes drawing.

2.Picture Two has fewer flowers than Picture One.

3.There are three books and a pen in Jim’s desk.

4.Anne had enough money to buy a dictionary.

5.Miss Tang wants to buy a jacket.

6. I am interested in English.

III.Listen and write. 听录音,选择框中的单词补全句子。(共10分)

6. I’m good at swimming.

7. Anne went to the skating rink.

8. Have you got enough money?

9. Our earth looks like this form space.

10. There are more shops in Picture Two.


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