




3) 此水利专业英语概要整理的内容仅代表我个人的撰写陈述,其中涉及课后习题的答案也仅供大家参考,专业最基本的英语词汇总结出来也是很有限,不代表考试必考部分内容,愿意使用和参考本人整理出来的专业英语概同学在复习过程中发现问题还请及时告诉我以便作及时的修正;



6)建议需要联系我的同学采取发短信、QQ 和微信的方式告知




一、 水利专业英语考试题目类型


2) 句子翻译(汉译英、英译汉)共计5句;

3) 回答问题(用英语回答所问问题,均为任课教师上课所提问题)共计5句;

4) 写作(作文内容范围为课上所学知识)。


Chapter 1 Water Resources P9


(1)resource :资源 (2)ground water:地下水 (3)freshwater :淡水

(4)polar :两极的 (5)glacier :冰川 (6)iceberg :冰山

(7)creek :小溪 (8)pond :池塘 (9)crack :裂隙

(10)hydroelectric :水力发电的


(1)有限的:finite (2)污染:pollution (3)概略地:roughly/summarily

(4)有创造力的:creative (5)咸水:saltwater (6)变量:variant

(7)水源:water supply (8)渗透:penetrate (9)粒子:particle



(1)Converting saltwater to freshwater is generally too expensive to be used for in-(2)Only 3% of the word’s water supply is fresh water and two-thirds of that is salt-(3)and lakes.

(4)Ground water is water that either fills the spaces between soil particles or pene-Chapter 2 Planning for Water Resources Development P15


(1)planning :规划 (2)management :管理

(3)engineering judgment:工程经验判断 (4)most desirable:最适宜的

(5)project plan:工程规划 (6)flood-plain :洪泛平原

(7)feasibility study:可行性研究 (8)specifications :说明书


(1)单个工程:single project (2)区域水管理:regional water management

(3)工程技术:engineering (4)趋势:tendency (5)调和:coordination

(6)流域:basin (7)发展:development (8)效力:effectiveness

(9)原则上:in principle


(1)Planning can be defined as the orderly consideration of a project from the ori-on a course of action.

(2)An overall water-management plan,developed with care and closely coordinat-(3)There is no substitute for “engineering judgment”in the selection of the met-(4)It is the basis for the decision to proceed with (or to abandon)a proposed project and is the most important aspect of the engineering for the project.

Chapter 4 Hydrology P29


(1)lithosphere :岩石圈 (2)hydrosphere :水圈 (3)atmosphere :大气圈

(4)water supply:水源,供水 (5)ground-water hydrology:地下水文学

(6)bedrock :岩床,根底 (7)hydrology :水文学 (8)occurrence :产生

(9)pathway :路,径 (10)rainfall :降雨


(1)干旱:drought (2)污染:contamination (3)推论:deduce

(4)泛滥:flooding (5)蒸发:evaporation (6)冰川:glacier

(7)转移:divert (8)下游的:downstream (9)造成:pose


(1)The cycle of movement of water between atmosphere ,hydrosphere ,lithosphere (2)This information is essential to design and evaluation of natural and man-made channels,bridge openings and dams.

(3)Hydrology is the science that encompasses the occurrence,distribution,move- ment within each phase of the hydrology cycle.

Chapter 5 Water Cycle P36


(1)evaporation :蒸发(2)absorb :吸收,浸入 (3)cycle :循环

(4)droplet :小滴 (5)condensation :凝结,凝聚 (6)water vapor:水汽

(7)precipitation :降雨 (8)hydrologic cycle:水文循环 (9)melt :融化

(10)moist :潮湿的 (11)vegetation :植物,草本 (12)rock layers:岩石层


(1)池塘:pond (2)大气:atmosphere (3)海洋:ocean

(4)水循环:water cycle (5)凝结:condensation (6)水汽:water vapor

(7)减去:subtract (8)小滴:droplet (9)固体:solid

(10)渗透:infiltration (11)液态水:liquid water (12)蓄水库:reservoir


(1)As water goes through its cycle, it can be a solid ice, a liquid water, or a gas (2)Water that runs into rivers flows into ponds, lakes, or oceans where it eva-(3)Water vapor condenses into millions of tiny droplets that form clouds.

(4)As a result of evaporation, condensation and precipitation, water travels from the surface of the earth, goes into the atmosphere, and returns to earth again.

Chapter 6 Principle of Hydrograph-Unit Hydrographs P43


(1)runoff :径流 (2)rainfall :降雨 (3)intensively :强烈地,集中地

(4)peak discharges:洪峰流量 (5)predict :预测 (6)watershed :流域

(7)implicit :暗含的,含蓄的 (8)distribute :分布 (9)consequently :所以

(10)variations :变化,变动


(1)明确说明:specify (2)暴风雨(雪):storm (3)持续的:duration

(4)一致的:uniformly (5)片段:fraction (6)重要性:magnitude

(7)假定:assume (8) 改变:alter (9)瞬间的:instantaneous


(1)Ways to predict flood discharges and discharge hydrographs from rainfall

(2)The ordinates are then added at corresponding times t determine the total hydro-graph.

(3)This is generally not true ;consequently , variations in ordinates for different storms of equal duration can be expected.

Chapter 8 Flood P61


(1)overflow :泛滥,溢出 (2)submerge :淹没 (3)deluge :洪水,暴雨

(4)rainfall :降雨 (5)arid region:干旱地区 (6)absorb water:吸收水分

(7)flash flood:山洪,暴洪 (8)flood plain:洪泛平原

(9)shallow water:浅滩水


(1)流域:river basin (2)防洪堤:levee (3)邻近洪泛平原:adjacent flood plain (4)农业田地:agricultural land (5)严重洪水:severe flood

(6)有毒物:toxic material (7)海生物:maritime life (8)溢流:overflow



(1)When a rainfall does occur ,it can sometimes result in a sudden flood of water filling dry stream beds known as a (2)When heavy rainfall or melting snow causes the river’s depth to increase and adjacent flood plain.


Chapter 1

1、三水:地表水(surface water)、地下水(ground water)、大气水(atmos-pheric vapor)[四水:土壤水(soil moisture);五水:生物水(biowater )];

2、公共用水系统(public water systerms)开采地下水(tap ground water)的方式是打井(operate wells);

3、人们用水的类型(The types of people using water)分为消耗性用水( consumptive use)和非消耗性用水(nonconsumptive use);

4、消耗性用水和非消耗性用水的含义(meaning ):消耗性用水指水不能回到原始状态(Consumptive use means that the water is not returned to nature),非消耗性用水指不管污染与否回到系统中的水(Nonconsumptive use returns water ,polluted or not,to the system);

5、消耗性用水和非消耗性用水举例:consumptive use :drinking water (喝水);nonconsumptive use :creating hydroelectric power (水力发电)、shipping (航运)

6、有关水资源存在的问题主要是通过对比(by comparing)来阐述的。 Chapter 2

1、规划(planning )的三部分或者是一项工程有序研究(orderly consideration of a project )的三步骤:the original statement(初始陈述) 、the evaluation of al-ternatives (方案评价)、the final decision(最终的抉择) ;

2、工程规划(project planning)既需要工程经验(engineering judgment)也需要定量分析(quantitative analysis);

3、地区规划机构的出现(existance of regional planning groups)和地区水规划部门的产生(occurrence of regional water planning)例如中国水利部的长委

(Changjiang Water Resources Commission of Hydrology Ministry)和水利部的黄委(Yellow River Conservancy Commission of Hydrology Ministry), 这些地区规划分支机构的出现是为了考虑到国家不同地区的差异性(to allow for differences between the various regions of the country);

4、在最终规划(the final plan )出现(emerge ) 前,工程规划经历(pass through )的几个阶段(several phases)有普查阶段(reconnaissance study)、初步可行性分析阶段(pre-feasibility study)、可行性研究阶段(feasibility study)、最后阶段(the final phase);

5、工程规划的最后阶段需要提交的成果有工程图纸(construction drawings)和工程的设计说明书(specifications )。

Chapter 4

1、水循环(hydrologic cycle)的含义就是指水在大气圈、水圈、岩石圈和生物圈之间的运动(The cycle of movement of water between atmosphere,

hydrosphere,lithosphere and biosphere is termed the hydrologic cycle);

2、水文学(Hydrology )有两大分支(two broad sub-disciplines)分别是地表水水文学(surface-water hydrology)和地下水水文学(groundwater hydrology) ;

3、地表水水文学应用(examples of applications of surface water hydrology)的例子:洪水和干旱(flooding and droughts);

4、地下水水文学的应用(applications of ground water hydrology):水源、灌溉和环境工程(water supply、irrigation and environmental engineering);

5、水文学家或水利工作者(hydrologist )研究水文循环的方式有测量(measure )和推论演绎(deduce );

Chapter 5

1、水循环中水的状态可能是固态的(冰)、液态的(水)或者是气态的(水蒸汽)(As water goes through its cycle,it can be solid(ice),a liquid (water),or a gas(water vapor).);

2、当对水加热就发生了蒸发(If heat is added to water,it evaporates.)

3、构成水循环的六个重要过程(There are six important processes that make up the water cycle), 它们分别是蒸发(evaporation )、冷凝(condensation )、降水(precipitation )、地表径流(surface runoff)、下渗(infiltration )、植物蒸腾(transpiration );


1、淡水:freshwater 2、咸水:saltwater 3、河流:river 4、湖泊:lake

5、池塘:pond 6、海洋:ocean 7、小溪:creek 8、冰川:glacier

9、冰山:iceberg 10、水蒸气:water vapor 11、地表水:surface water

12、地下水:ground water 13、岩石:rock 14、水资源:water resources

15、径流:runoff 或river runoff 16、降水:precipitation 17、降雨:rainfall

18、蒸发:evaporation 19、下渗:infiltration 20、水循环:water cycle

21、水源:water supply 22、用水量:water consumption 23、规划:planning

24、流域:watershed/basin 25、可行性研究:feasibility study

26、说明书:specifications 27、水管理:water management

28、水文学:hydrology 29、大气圈:atmosphere 30、水圈:hydrosphere

31、水文循环:hydrologic cycle 32、降雪:snowfall 33、洪水:flooding

34、干旱:drought 35、污染:contamination/pollution 36、水库:reservoir

37、土壤:soil 38、固态:solid 39、液态:liquid 40、气态:gas

41、冷凝:condensation 42、小滴: droplet 43、水流:stream

44、雨水:rainwater 45、气压:air pressure 46、暴雨:storm

47、重要性、广大:magnitude 48、单位线:unit hydrograph

49、泛滥、溢出:overflow 50、洪泛平原:flood plain 51、防洪堤:levee

52、浅水:shallow water 53、排水:drainage 54、污水:sewage

55、飓风:hurricane 56、海啸:tsunami 57、火山:volcano

58、融雪:snow melt 59、地形:terrain 60、地下室:basement

61、干旱地区:arid region 62、沟:gully 63、净雨:net rain/excess rain

64、历时:duration 65、洪峰流量:flood peak discharge 66、滞时:lag time

67、经验法则:rule of thumb 68、无资料的:ungauged 69、纵坐标:ordinate

70、干冰:dry ice 71、环境工程:envrionmental engineering

72、造成问题:pose a problem 73、水利工作者:hydrologist

74、协调:coordination 75、工程经验: engineering judgment





3) 此水利专业英语概要整理的内容仅代表我个人的撰写陈述,其中涉及课后习题的答案也仅供大家参考,专业最基本的英语词汇总结出来也是很有限,不代表考试必考部分内容,愿意使用和参考本人整理出来的专业英语概同学在复习过程中发现问题还请及时告诉我以便作及时的修正;



6)建议需要联系我的同学采取发短信、QQ 和微信的方式告知




一、 水利专业英语考试题目类型


2) 句子翻译(汉译英、英译汉)共计5句;

3) 回答问题(用英语回答所问问题,均为任课教师上课所提问题)共计5句;

4) 写作(作文内容范围为课上所学知识)。


Chapter 1 Water Resources P9


(1)resource :资源 (2)ground water:地下水 (3)freshwater :淡水

(4)polar :两极的 (5)glacier :冰川 (6)iceberg :冰山

(7)creek :小溪 (8)pond :池塘 (9)crack :裂隙

(10)hydroelectric :水力发电的


(1)有限的:finite (2)污染:pollution (3)概略地:roughly/summarily

(4)有创造力的:creative (5)咸水:saltwater (6)变量:variant

(7)水源:water supply (8)渗透:penetrate (9)粒子:particle



(1)Converting saltwater to freshwater is generally too expensive to be used for in-(2)Only 3% of the word’s water supply is fresh water and two-thirds of that is salt-(3)and lakes.

(4)Ground water is water that either fills the spaces between soil particles or pene-Chapter 2 Planning for Water Resources Development P15


(1)planning :规划 (2)management :管理

(3)engineering judgment:工程经验判断 (4)most desirable:最适宜的

(5)project plan:工程规划 (6)flood-plain :洪泛平原

(7)feasibility study:可行性研究 (8)specifications :说明书


(1)单个工程:single project (2)区域水管理:regional water management

(3)工程技术:engineering (4)趋势:tendency (5)调和:coordination

(6)流域:basin (7)发展:development (8)效力:effectiveness

(9)原则上:in principle


(1)Planning can be defined as the orderly consideration of a project from the ori-on a course of action.

(2)An overall water-management plan,developed with care and closely coordinat-(3)There is no substitute for “engineering judgment”in the selection of the met-(4)It is the basis for the decision to proceed with (or to abandon)a proposed project and is the most important aspect of the engineering for the project.

Chapter 4 Hydrology P29


(1)lithosphere :岩石圈 (2)hydrosphere :水圈 (3)atmosphere :大气圈

(4)water supply:水源,供水 (5)ground-water hydrology:地下水文学

(6)bedrock :岩床,根底 (7)hydrology :水文学 (8)occurrence :产生

(9)pathway :路,径 (10)rainfall :降雨


(1)干旱:drought (2)污染:contamination (3)推论:deduce

(4)泛滥:flooding (5)蒸发:evaporation (6)冰川:glacier

(7)转移:divert (8)下游的:downstream (9)造成:pose


(1)The cycle of movement of water between atmosphere ,hydrosphere ,lithosphere (2)This information is essential to design and evaluation of natural and man-made channels,bridge openings and dams.

(3)Hydrology is the science that encompasses the occurrence,distribution,move- ment within each phase of the hydrology cycle.

Chapter 5 Water Cycle P36


(1)evaporation :蒸发(2)absorb :吸收,浸入 (3)cycle :循环

(4)droplet :小滴 (5)condensation :凝结,凝聚 (6)water vapor:水汽

(7)precipitation :降雨 (8)hydrologic cycle:水文循环 (9)melt :融化

(10)moist :潮湿的 (11)vegetation :植物,草本 (12)rock layers:岩石层


(1)池塘:pond (2)大气:atmosphere (3)海洋:ocean

(4)水循环:water cycle (5)凝结:condensation (6)水汽:water vapor

(7)减去:subtract (8)小滴:droplet (9)固体:solid

(10)渗透:infiltration (11)液态水:liquid water (12)蓄水库:reservoir


(1)As water goes through its cycle, it can be a solid ice, a liquid water, or a gas (2)Water that runs into rivers flows into ponds, lakes, or oceans where it eva-(3)Water vapor condenses into millions of tiny droplets that form clouds.

(4)As a result of evaporation, condensation and precipitation, water travels from the surface of the earth, goes into the atmosphere, and returns to earth again.

Chapter 6 Principle of Hydrograph-Unit Hydrographs P43


(1)runoff :径流 (2)rainfall :降雨 (3)intensively :强烈地,集中地

(4)peak discharges:洪峰流量 (5)predict :预测 (6)watershed :流域

(7)implicit :暗含的,含蓄的 (8)distribute :分布 (9)consequently :所以

(10)variations :变化,变动


(1)明确说明:specify (2)暴风雨(雪):storm (3)持续的:duration

(4)一致的:uniformly (5)片段:fraction (6)重要性:magnitude

(7)假定:assume (8) 改变:alter (9)瞬间的:instantaneous


(1)Ways to predict flood discharges and discharge hydrographs from rainfall

(2)The ordinates are then added at corresponding times t determine the total hydro-graph.

(3)This is generally not true ;consequently , variations in ordinates for different storms of equal duration can be expected.

Chapter 8 Flood P61


(1)overflow :泛滥,溢出 (2)submerge :淹没 (3)deluge :洪水,暴雨

(4)rainfall :降雨 (5)arid region:干旱地区 (6)absorb water:吸收水分

(7)flash flood:山洪,暴洪 (8)flood plain:洪泛平原

(9)shallow water:浅滩水


(1)流域:river basin (2)防洪堤:levee (3)邻近洪泛平原:adjacent flood plain (4)农业田地:agricultural land (5)严重洪水:severe flood

(6)有毒物:toxic material (7)海生物:maritime life (8)溢流:overflow



(1)When a rainfall does occur ,it can sometimes result in a sudden flood of water filling dry stream beds known as a (2)When heavy rainfall or melting snow causes the river’s depth to increase and adjacent flood plain.


Chapter 1

1、三水:地表水(surface water)、地下水(ground water)、大气水(atmos-pheric vapor)[四水:土壤水(soil moisture);五水:生物水(biowater )];

2、公共用水系统(public water systerms)开采地下水(tap ground water)的方式是打井(operate wells);

3、人们用水的类型(The types of people using water)分为消耗性用水( consumptive use)和非消耗性用水(nonconsumptive use);

4、消耗性用水和非消耗性用水的含义(meaning ):消耗性用水指水不能回到原始状态(Consumptive use means that the water is not returned to nature),非消耗性用水指不管污染与否回到系统中的水(Nonconsumptive use returns water ,polluted or not,to the system);

5、消耗性用水和非消耗性用水举例:consumptive use :drinking water (喝水);nonconsumptive use :creating hydroelectric power (水力发电)、shipping (航运)

6、有关水资源存在的问题主要是通过对比(by comparing)来阐述的。 Chapter 2

1、规划(planning )的三部分或者是一项工程有序研究(orderly consideration of a project )的三步骤:the original statement(初始陈述) 、the evaluation of al-ternatives (方案评价)、the final decision(最终的抉择) ;

2、工程规划(project planning)既需要工程经验(engineering judgment)也需要定量分析(quantitative analysis);

3、地区规划机构的出现(existance of regional planning groups)和地区水规划部门的产生(occurrence of regional water planning)例如中国水利部的长委

(Changjiang Water Resources Commission of Hydrology Ministry)和水利部的黄委(Yellow River Conservancy Commission of Hydrology Ministry), 这些地区规划分支机构的出现是为了考虑到国家不同地区的差异性(to allow for differences between the various regions of the country);

4、在最终规划(the final plan )出现(emerge ) 前,工程规划经历(pass through )的几个阶段(several phases)有普查阶段(reconnaissance study)、初步可行性分析阶段(pre-feasibility study)、可行性研究阶段(feasibility study)、最后阶段(the final phase);

5、工程规划的最后阶段需要提交的成果有工程图纸(construction drawings)和工程的设计说明书(specifications )。

Chapter 4

1、水循环(hydrologic cycle)的含义就是指水在大气圈、水圈、岩石圈和生物圈之间的运动(The cycle of movement of water between atmosphere,

hydrosphere,lithosphere and biosphere is termed the hydrologic cycle);

2、水文学(Hydrology )有两大分支(two broad sub-disciplines)分别是地表水水文学(surface-water hydrology)和地下水水文学(groundwater hydrology) ;

3、地表水水文学应用(examples of applications of surface water hydrology)的例子:洪水和干旱(flooding and droughts);

4、地下水水文学的应用(applications of ground water hydrology):水源、灌溉和环境工程(water supply、irrigation and environmental engineering);

5、水文学家或水利工作者(hydrologist )研究水文循环的方式有测量(measure )和推论演绎(deduce );

Chapter 5

1、水循环中水的状态可能是固态的(冰)、液态的(水)或者是气态的(水蒸汽)(As water goes through its cycle,it can be solid(ice),a liquid (water),or a gas(water vapor).);

2、当对水加热就发生了蒸发(If heat is added to water,it evaporates.)

3、构成水循环的六个重要过程(There are six important processes that make up the water cycle), 它们分别是蒸发(evaporation )、冷凝(condensation )、降水(precipitation )、地表径流(surface runoff)、下渗(infiltration )、植物蒸腾(transpiration );


1、淡水:freshwater 2、咸水:saltwater 3、河流:river 4、湖泊:lake

5、池塘:pond 6、海洋:ocean 7、小溪:creek 8、冰川:glacier

9、冰山:iceberg 10、水蒸气:water vapor 11、地表水:surface water

12、地下水:ground water 13、岩石:rock 14、水资源:water resources

15、径流:runoff 或river runoff 16、降水:precipitation 17、降雨:rainfall

18、蒸发:evaporation 19、下渗:infiltration 20、水循环:water cycle

21、水源:water supply 22、用水量:water consumption 23、规划:planning

24、流域:watershed/basin 25、可行性研究:feasibility study

26、说明书:specifications 27、水管理:water management

28、水文学:hydrology 29、大气圈:atmosphere 30、水圈:hydrosphere

31、水文循环:hydrologic cycle 32、降雪:snowfall 33、洪水:flooding

34、干旱:drought 35、污染:contamination/pollution 36、水库:reservoir

37、土壤:soil 38、固态:solid 39、液态:liquid 40、气态:gas

41、冷凝:condensation 42、小滴: droplet 43、水流:stream

44、雨水:rainwater 45、气压:air pressure 46、暴雨:storm

47、重要性、广大:magnitude 48、单位线:unit hydrograph

49、泛滥、溢出:overflow 50、洪泛平原:flood plain 51、防洪堤:levee

52、浅水:shallow water 53、排水:drainage 54、污水:sewage

55、飓风:hurricane 56、海啸:tsunami 57、火山:volcano

58、融雪:snow melt 59、地形:terrain 60、地下室:basement

61、干旱地区:arid region 62、沟:gully 63、净雨:net rain/excess rain

64、历时:duration 65、洪峰流量:flood peak discharge 66、滞时:lag time

67、经验法则:rule of thumb 68、无资料的:ungauged 69、纵坐标:ordinate

70、干冰:dry ice 71、环境工程:envrionmental engineering

72、造成问题:pose a problem 73、水利工作者:hydrologist

74、协调:coordination 75、工程经验: engineering judgment


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