

班级______ 姓名_______


1、Y food in the supermarket.

2、shoes, socks and pants.


5、There are (四十) students in my class.


7、8、our prices.

9、months in a year.

10、I can see the white bird, but I can’t see one.


1、-Does Joe (has) a T-shirt? –Yes, she does.

2、The question is easy. Anybody 3、My clothes (be) blue.

4、Sonia (not have) a green skirt.

5、I don’t have red shirt, so I want

6、How many 7、Do you like (shirt)?

8、We have many books on (sell) . Come and buy your books.

9、The socks are very cheap, I’ll take (they).

10、My friend often 11、Welcome to come to 12、-Let’s . -That sounds 13、Each of us (want) a new pen.

14、How much

15、Fruit and vegetables are (health) food. They are good for (we).

16、Can your brother (watch) TV every night?

17、He likes (play) it every day.


1、These are thirty dollars.

A.T-shirt B. hat C. shorts D. sweater

2、This is a hat.

A. small yellow B. yellow small C. blue big D. yellow big

3、-You look beautiful in red.

- A. Don’t say so. B. You are right. C. Thank you. D. OK.

4、The skirt is too small. I want a one.

A. red B. short C. long D. big

5、-How much are the pants?

- 20 dollars.

A. It has B. It is C. They have D. They are


- Yes, please. I want a skirt.

A. Can I help you? B. What do you want? C. Excuse me.

7、-What do you want? - I want a A. socks B. pants C. apple D. hat

8、I like red but my brother A. likes red, too. B. doesn’t C. does D. doesn’t like

9、- I want that white skirt. –

A. Here are you. B. Here you are. C. Here are they. D. It’s here.

10、My mother often buys things me.

A. for B. to C. at D. in


1、Can I help you?(同义句)

can I do you?

2、How much is the hat? (同义句)

the hat?


he 4、Mary’s pants are 划线提问)

Mary’s pants?

5、He has hamburgers and pears for lunch.(否定句) 6、I often sell school things to the boy. (同义句) 7、划线提问)

8、He does his homework every night.(变一般疑问句)



-Can I _____ _____ _______ ______ your family photo?

-Sure, ______ _______ _______.


The green shorts are ______ ______ _______ _______25 dollars.


We have _______ ________ ________.


We have some nice clothes ____ ______ _______ _______ ________. Come and see ______ ________.


_______ ________, we have skirts ______ _______ _______ _______ ____ only



I like ______ _______ ________ socks? _______ _______ are they?

六、假如你有一家名为Super Clothes Store的服装店,请根据表格的提示写一则广告。10


班级______ 姓名_______


1、Y food in the supermarket.

2、shoes, socks and pants.


5、There are (四十) students in my class.


7、8、our prices.

9、months in a year.

10、I can see the white bird, but I can’t see one.


1、-Does Joe (has) a T-shirt? –Yes, she does.

2、The question is easy. Anybody 3、My clothes (be) blue.

4、Sonia (not have) a green skirt.

5、I don’t have red shirt, so I want

6、How many 7、Do you like (shirt)?

8、We have many books on (sell) . Come and buy your books.

9、The socks are very cheap, I’ll take (they).

10、My friend often 11、Welcome to come to 12、-Let’s . -That sounds 13、Each of us (want) a new pen.

14、How much

15、Fruit and vegetables are (health) food. They are good for (we).

16、Can your brother (watch) TV every night?

17、He likes (play) it every day.


1、These are thirty dollars.

A.T-shirt B. hat C. shorts D. sweater

2、This is a hat.

A. small yellow B. yellow small C. blue big D. yellow big

3、-You look beautiful in red.

- A. Don’t say so. B. You are right. C. Thank you. D. OK.

4、The skirt is too small. I want a one.

A. red B. short C. long D. big

5、-How much are the pants?

- 20 dollars.

A. It has B. It is C. They have D. They are


- Yes, please. I want a skirt.

A. Can I help you? B. What do you want? C. Excuse me.

7、-What do you want? - I want a A. socks B. pants C. apple D. hat

8、I like red but my brother A. likes red, too. B. doesn’t C. does D. doesn’t like

9、- I want that white skirt. –

A. Here are you. B. Here you are. C. Here are they. D. It’s here.

10、My mother often buys things me.

A. for B. to C. at D. in


1、Can I help you?(同义句)

can I do you?

2、How much is the hat? (同义句)

the hat?


he 4、Mary’s pants are 划线提问)

Mary’s pants?

5、He has hamburgers and pears for lunch.(否定句) 6、I often sell school things to the boy. (同义句) 7、划线提问)

8、He does his homework every night.(变一般疑问句)



-Can I _____ _____ _______ ______ your family photo?

-Sure, ______ _______ _______.


The green shorts are ______ ______ _______ _______25 dollars.


We have _______ ________ ________.


We have some nice clothes ____ ______ _______ _______ ________. Come and see ______ ________.


_______ ________, we have skirts ______ _______ _______ _______ ____ only



I like ______ _______ ________ socks? _______ _______ are they?

六、假如你有一家名为Super Clothes Store的服装店,请根据表格的提示写一则广告。10


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