

unit 1

1. _______ active girl 2. He found ______ hard to catch the first bus.

3.The two words are spelled differently, but _______________ the same. (发音)

4.We can see no __________ on his face. (表情)

5.________ money we make, the poor we feel we are. (much)

6. 害怕发言 /

7. 复习课本的好方法

8.If you like math, I will find a teacher for you ___________________ (一起练习)

9. 查阅它们 10. 与……对话

11.The teacher asked us to remember who ______________ America. (发现)

12. 朗读课文 13. 为什么不做某事?

14. 做…. 怎么样?

15.Can people from different countries live as_______________ (同伴) ?

16. 明智地利用时间 17. 通过重说它们

18.the, succeeded, scientist, try, many, by, times.

unit 2

1. His help is _______ best present I’ve got.

2. 考虑他自己 3.He ___________money ______the wallet.(偷)

3. (两者中)一个….. 另一个 鲁迅写的小说

4. Let your eyes rest for a while______________.(代替)

5. 告诫某人不做某事 6. 钦佩某人

7.__________ several pounds (增加) 8. 招待客人

9. 最终成为 10.It was very cold and she ______ her scarf over her head. (系)

11.The old man __________________for two years. (死)

12.Jim ________________ a big cake on the table last night. (摆放)

13.She _________ down without saying anything. (躺)

14.on the __________ Sunday of May (二)

15.movie; a ; is; what; it; exciting !

16.play; he; on; a ;often; me; trick .

unit 3

1. 向左转 2. 在右边 3. 我旁边的女孩

4.Do you have postcards? I want to buy ______for my daughter. A. it B. one C. that

5. 最便利的方式之一

6.Do you know by __________ the radio was invented? (谁)

7.The children spent three hours __________ through the zoo. (walk)

8. 冲向操场 9. 加油、来吧、 10. 直到…才….

11.Our teacher told us that the light _____________ faster than the sound. (travel)

12.come back home a little ___________ (早)

13.My brother says he _____________ Beijing many times. (visit)

14. work _____________ (正常地) 15.ask the way ________________ (礼貌)

16.buy some ____________ (邮票) 17.the ____________idea of the text (中心的)

18. is; how; concert; the; wonder .

19.forward;home; he; to; looking; go; is

unit 4

1. 一只蚂蚁 2. 亲自 3. 你过去喜欢踢足球吗?

4.___________is hard to say that. 5.have an ___________ (面试)

6. 很少,不常 7. 建议某人做某事 advise

8. 考试不及格 9. 为…. 骄傲

10. 尽管 11.Her face ________ red when she talked in public. (变)

12.She _______________ more than 10 books since 1990. (写)

13. 过去是商人

14.a (great ) number of _________________ the number of _____________

15. English ______________ (examine ) 16. the ____________ of the machine (introduce)

17.People are easily _________________ by advertisements. (influence)

18.today;she;how;look;beautiful !

19.in;answer;Bob; of; questions;class; afraid;is .


unit 1

1. _______ active girl 2. He found ______ hard to catch the first bus.

3.The two words are spelled differently, but _______________ the same. (发音)

4.We can see no __________ on his face. (表情)

5.________ money we make, the poor we feel we are. (much)

6. 害怕发言 /

7. 复习课本的好方法

8.If you like math, I will find a teacher for you ___________________ (一起练习)

9. 查阅它们 10. 与……对话

11.The teacher asked us to remember who ______________ America. (发现)

12. 朗读课文 13. 为什么不做某事?

14. 做…. 怎么样?

15.Can people from different countries live as_______________ (同伴) ?

16. 明智地利用时间 17. 通过重说它们

18.the, succeeded, scientist, try, many, by, times.

unit 2

1. His help is _______ best present I’ve got.

2. 考虑他自己 3.He ___________money ______the wallet.(偷)

3. (两者中)一个….. 另一个 鲁迅写的小说

4. Let your eyes rest for a while______________.(代替)

5. 告诫某人不做某事 6. 钦佩某人

7.__________ several pounds (增加) 8. 招待客人

9. 最终成为 10.It was very cold and she ______ her scarf over her head. (系)

11.The old man __________________for two years. (死)

12.Jim ________________ a big cake on the table last night. (摆放)

13.She _________ down without saying anything. (躺)

14.on the __________ Sunday of May (二)

15.movie; a ; is; what; it; exciting !

16.play; he; on; a ;often; me; trick .

unit 3

1. 向左转 2. 在右边 3. 我旁边的女孩

4.Do you have postcards? I want to buy ______for my daughter. A. it B. one C. that

5. 最便利的方式之一

6.Do you know by __________ the radio was invented? (谁)

7.The children spent three hours __________ through the zoo. (walk)

8. 冲向操场 9. 加油、来吧、 10. 直到…才….

11.Our teacher told us that the light _____________ faster than the sound. (travel)

12.come back home a little ___________ (早)

13.My brother says he _____________ Beijing many times. (visit)

14. work _____________ (正常地) 15.ask the way ________________ (礼貌)

16.buy some ____________ (邮票) 17.the ____________idea of the text (中心的)

18. is; how; concert; the; wonder .

19.forward;home; he; to; looking; go; is

unit 4

1. 一只蚂蚁 2. 亲自 3. 你过去喜欢踢足球吗?

4.___________is hard to say that. 5.have an ___________ (面试)

6. 很少,不常 7. 建议某人做某事 advise

8. 考试不及格 9. 为…. 骄傲

10. 尽管 11.Her face ________ red when she talked in public. (变)

12.She _______________ more than 10 books since 1990. (写)

13. 过去是商人

14.a (great ) number of _________________ the number of _____________

15. English ______________ (examine ) 16. the ____________ of the machine (introduce)

17.People are easily _________________ by advertisements. (influence)

18.today;she;how;look;beautiful !

19.in;answer;Bob; of; questions;class; afraid;is .


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