


1.Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in……, we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by a start of some Practical transactions.


2. We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for Electric Appliances.


3. Your name has been recommended to us by the Chinese Consul stationed in your city as large exporters of …… goods produced in ……


4. From ……, we have obtained your name and address and understand that you are experienced importers of …… We have pleasure in offering you …… of which we would appreciate your pushing the sale on your market.


5. We learn from …… that your firm specializes in ……, and would like to establish business relationship with you.


6. Through the courtesy of…… we have learned that you are one of the representative importers of ……


7. Your name and address has been given to us by Messrs. J. Smith &;amp; Co., Inc., in New York, who have informed us that your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan.


9. The…… Bank in your city has been kind enough to inform us that you are one of the leading importers (exporters) of …… and are interested in trading with China in these lines ……


10. We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese ……,which comes within the frame of our business activities.


11. Through your trade delegation that recently paid a visit to this country, we learned that you are well-established importers of …… and are writing to you in the hope of receiving your orders from time to time.


12. We are glad to send you this introductory letter, hoping that it will be the prelude to mutually beneficial relations between us.


13. We have the Pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension.


14. We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm.


15. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation dealing exclusively in Light Industrial Goods.


16. As you may be well aware, we are a state-operated corporation handling such items as …… in both import and export business.



1.Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in……, we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by a start of some Practical transactions.


2. We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for Electric Appliances.


3. Your name has been recommended to us by the Chinese Consul stationed in your city as large exporters of …… goods produced in ……


4. From ……, we have obtained your name and address and understand that you are experienced importers of …… We have pleasure in offering you …… of which we would appreciate your pushing the sale on your market.


5. We learn from …… that your firm specializes in ……, and would like to establish business relationship with you.


6. Through the courtesy of…… we have learned that you are one of the representative importers of ……


7. Your name and address has been given to us by Messrs. J. Smith &;amp; Co., Inc., in New York, who have informed us that your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan.


9. The…… Bank in your city has been kind enough to inform us that you are one of the leading importers (exporters) of …… and are interested in trading with China in these lines ……


10. We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese ……,which comes within the frame of our business activities.


11. Through your trade delegation that recently paid a visit to this country, we learned that you are well-established importers of …… and are writing to you in the hope of receiving your orders from time to time.


12. We are glad to send you this introductory letter, hoping that it will be the prelude to mutually beneficial relations between us.


13. We have the Pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension.


14. We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm.


15. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation dealing exclusively in Light Industrial Goods.


16. As you may be well aware, we are a state-operated corporation handling such items as …… in both import and export business.


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