
刘强东在上市酒会上的英文演讲 中英文对照演讲稿 ladies and gentlemen, good evening. id rather use english, not mandarin. during the road show, i felt so sorry. when

i opened my mouth, i have to speak chinese, and then my colleagues sidney or haoyu

will translate for me. they are right, but still i believe 20 to 30 percent were lost.

so every time i felt very anxious, i gave a word to myself. sooner or later i will

speak english, so today is a good time. it is really a big day. it is a successful

day. it is an exciting day. and it is also a day full of love. because it is may 22

and in chinese it means i love love. it is the most loved day of the whole year, right? too many people did not applaud. because i knew you can not understand me. it

is not because my english is chinglish, it is because my english is suqian-english. there are two steps to me. one is that i walked from a small village suqian to

beijing which spent years. and i spent another 20 years to walk from beijing to new

york. what is our new target and what is our new goal? i hope in the next 20 years,

in every city and every country in the world, there must be our customers or our

partners. it is like a thanksgiving day. please allow me to represent jd and our team

to thank everyone here. first of all our shareholders, in about eight years ago, when

i first met kathy, founder and ceo of capital today. we met at around 10 oclock in

the evening. after talking she wrote a letter to me, just three letters:

chollima(person with outstanding talents and another hero is haoyu. he said he missed his step at home playing with his kids.

a joke. with his kids means he is a little old. i spent 20 years to walk from beijing

to here, but this guy only spent two weeks from beijing to new york, boston, san

francisco and chicago, just with his walking sticks. he is the hero of our roadshow.

they are heros.

i think resources are limited at anywhere and anytime. for governments, for

countries even for the world, resources are limited. but one thing is unlimited. that

is heros at jd. i mean every colleague is a hero. we are a team. we work together

and we fight together. so, thank you to our team and cheers. 女士们先生们晚上好! 今天我想说英语不说中文,因为在路演的时候,我感到很遗憾,我用中文演讲,我的同




月22号,中文谐音是“我爱爱”。今天是全年最有爱的一天,是不是。 这么多人没鼓掌,没鼓掌的我知道你们都没听懂,不是因为我说的是中式英语,而是因






到kathy徐新,今日资本的创始人ceo,我们晚上10点见面,聊过之后,她写了一 封信给我,上面只有三个字,千里马。她很担心其他的投资人跟我约谈,所以让我明天






richard,我还记得你五年前说的话,我现在知道了,是百倍。我做到了。 今天有三个老同事在现场。张奇是我们的第一个同事,他为京东工作了超过15年的时间,



我们的第二代。在这次ipo 的过程中,我想要特别感谢sidney,他和他的团队做的非常出色,


继续投入工作,许许多多的日日夜夜和周日。在路演之前,我只花了1%的时间在ipo 这件事

上,只要签字就行了,真的,啥都不用我操心,谢谢sidney。他是我们的英雄。 另一个ipo的英雄是皓瑜,他说他在家和孩子玩的时候失足摔断了腿,一耳光玩笑,有


周,从北京到纽约,波士顿,旧金山,芝加哥,他是我们路演的英雄。他们都是英雄。 我认为在任何时候任何地方,资源都是非常有限的。对于政府,国家甚至整个世界来说,



1. ipo abbr. 首次公开募股(initial public offerings) 初次公开发行(initial public offering) 在首次公开募股之前,高盛依赖于它的合作伙伴的股本,并且这些合作伙伴基本上都把


2. i make it.


例:my family was told that, if i made it, i’d probably have severe brain damage.


3. target n. 目标;靶子& vt. 把„„作为目标;规定„„的指标;瞄准某物 例:republicans targeted her as vulnerable in her bid for reelection this year.

共和党人认为她在今年的再次参选中是不堪一击的攻击目标。篇二:中英文对照祝酒词 在国际禁化武视察员及国家代表 招待宴会上的祝酒词

toast at the reception of opcw inspectors and the country representative 尊敬的国际禁化武视察组凯里.基兰组长及各位视察员,尊敬的国家代表,女士们、先生



respected mr. kerry kilan, leader of the opcw inspection team, members of the

team, respected country representative, ladies and gentlemen: good noon!



本次核查工作的圆满完成,离不开你们的努力和各有关方面的高度配合。 today, suzhou municipal government and zhangjiagang municipal government are

holding reception here to convey our thanks to the members of opcw inspection team

for your hard work in the recent 4 days, and also to the country representative and

the leaders of national and provincial organizations of the prohibition of chemical

weapons for your support, help and affirmation towards our work. the successful

conclusion of the inspection is not possible without your efforts and the coordination from all relevant parties. 在刚刚结束的签字仪式上,张家港市政府代表地方政府明确表示要切实履行《公约》规


和江苏省人民政府的领导下,继续做好各项履约工作。 at the signing ceremony a moment ago, zhangjiagang municipal government, on

behalf of local governments, made it clear that we would earnestly fulfill the

obligations prescribed in the cwc and happily receive and cooperate with all

inspections made by opcw. in the future, we will, under the leadership of central

and provincial governments, continue our fulfilment. 现在,我提议:

为此次禁化武核查工作的圆满结束; 为我们的友谊;

为在座各位的事业顺利、身体健康、阖家幸福;干杯! hereby, i would like to propose

a toast

to the successful conclusion of this opcw inspection, to our friendship,

to your good health, happy family and success in work, cheers!篇三:关于健康的英语演讲稿 文章编制 扣扣:一六四一六五


how to stay healthy as we all know, healthy is very important to everybody.but do you really know

how to stay healthy? here are some useful tips. first, we should do exercise if we

have time.for example, we can go to swim in the summer holiday. or we can take a walk

after supper.doing exercise makes us healthy and strong. second, we should take more

vegetables and fruit and less candies. stop eating junk food and drinking beers. last

but not least, we should go to bed early and wake up early. we should have enough

sleep, or we will get sleepy in the day time. if we pay more attention to the tips

above, we will have healthier body. i wish everybody has a strong and healthy body. 我们都知道,健康对每个人来说都很重要。但是你知道该如何保持健康吗? 这里有一些实





和健康的身体。 1篇四:商务英语演讲稿(带旁白) 角色扮演:

场景一:机场接待,车上旅途安排; 场景二:酒店入住;


场景四:邀请晚宴和晚宴点餐。 sb: hello,everyone. today,we are going to show you 4 situational dialogues.here are our teammates:宋丹 武帮杰 周娇娇 廖海晨 and me.

let’s get start with scene one: meeting at the airport. let’s see what will happen

next. i meeting at the airport 武: how nice to see you again ,ms.song.(song 先伸出手示意和两名接待者握手) 周:

nice to meet you ,ms.song.(与song握手) 宋:nice to meet you too.oh,you haven’t met my colleague chen.chen,this is ms.wu

and this is ms.zhou.

廖: how do you do.

武: how do you do, mr.chen? i’ve been looking forward to meeting you! (先伸

手与chen 握手)

周: how do you do,mr.chen.(与chen 握手) 周:did you have a nice journey? 宋:not bad except some turbulence. 武:well,you must be very tired after such a long flight.we have reserved you

two rooms.shall we take you straight to the hotel? 宋和廖:yes,thanks .that would be best. 周:let me help you with your luggage. 廖:oh,they are too heavy for you.i can manage. 周:ok. i will drive our car here.please wait a moment. sb: yes,the man should do the tough work with himself.now let’s move on to the

scene 2, let’s see what they will say in the car and how do they arrange their schedule.

2.在车上,(in the car) arrangements 武:i will call you tomorrow so that we can set up a schedule of appointments.

is that ok? 宋:ok! could you please depict the agenda mainly in advance ? 武:certainly. you stady here for 3 days,one day’s talk ,two day’s weekend.

by the way ,arrange some necessary meals or banquets. 宋:i see.that’s good.

廖:yeah, i see that your chinese are precisian. 周:it’s very kind of you to saying so. now let me take you straight to the hotel.

宋和廖:thank you very much. 周和武:it’s my pleasure. sb: after they have settled in the hotel, they would probably going to do their

business work. let’s move on to scene 3.

3. at the meeting room is everybody here?

周:we’re still missing a few guys. 武:since alomst everyone is here ,let’s begin the meeting.we can fill in others

as they arrive.

周、宋和廖:all right!

武:good afternoon, everyone. let’s call the meenting to the order. we will discuss

the issue of the potential market of our new project. first of all, let me outline

the three issues we are going to cover this afternooon: first, ms.zhou will report

on the market positioning of our new product ; second, we will discuss the publicity

and promotional campaigns to be launched next month; third, mr.chen will report on

the possibility of developing a website to sell our products. now........ (各位上午好,首先,我来概括一下今天下午将要探讨的三个问题:一,报告我们公司新



宋:excuse me ,ms.wu.

武:ok. what do you have for us ,ms,song.? 宋:i think that mr.chen’s report is crucial to broadening your market ,so we

should hear what mr.chen has to say now. 周:i agree with you there. are you ready , mr.chen? (我认为销售部门要更积极一些。凭借物美价廉,你们过去曾是市场的领头羊。但是现在


宋:this is due to the world wide depression. the general trend of trade has

been low during this period. as a result, orders from abroad have diminished and lots

of goods have lain idle in warehouses. (这是因为世界经济不景气。这段时间 贸易总趋势一直在下降。因此来自海外的订单已

经减 少,许多货物闲置在仓库。) (恐怕我不能同意你的看法。据我所知,在过去一年里mk公司的销售收入都有所增长。

制造商更为积极。他们对消费者有显著的影响。) 武:we may have a negotiation with the cients and show them our sample. 宋:that sounds good. it seems to be the first solution to the problem. 周:let us end here. we are running a bit short on time. let’s break off for

a cup of tea.

4. enjoy chinese food in a restaurant 周:this is your seat ms.song and mr.chen. take your seat please. 宋和廖:thank you,ms zhou,and ms.wu. 廖:i’m really a bit nervous now.i konw nothing about your table manners.it would

be in bad taste for a guest to make blunders. 宋:yeah.we have the same feeling. 武:don;t worry,ms.song and mr.chen.as for table manners ,there is only one rule

you must observe. that is to make yourselves at home. 宋:no wonder people say the chinese are hospitable.now ,i have seen it with my

own eyes.

周:ms.song and mr.chen,which do you prefer,brandly,maotai or wine? 宋:brandly and maotai are too strong for me .just a glass of dry wed

wine.ok ?mr.chen.

廖:it’s up to you.

武:but juigui spirits doesn’t go to the head.would you like to try it? 宋:well,i wil try a little.


周:would you like to use chopsticks or knife and fork? 廖:i think i will try chopsticks and see if i can manange. 宋:i also want to have try to use chopsticks. 武:let me show you.look, at first place both sticks between the thumb and the

fore finger. then , keep one still and move the other, so as to make them work like

pincers. 宋和廖:let me try ..... well, how is that? 武:fine, you are learning fast. 周和武:well,to your health and success in business.cheers. 宋和廖:and to yours. cheers. sb: that’s all.thank you.篇五:中英文演讲比赛 中南林业科技大学

旅游学院(华天旅游酒店管理学院) 中英文演讲比赛

书 主办:旅游学院(华天旅游酒店管理学院) 分团委学生会 学习部 活动目的:



旅游学院学习部特举办此次活动。 活动时间:

暂定为:初赛:2013年3月17日 决赛:2013年3月24日 活动主题:了解旅游英语和酒店英语文化,规划未来。 参赛对象:旅游学院全体在校学



2、参赛选手准备好1分钟自我介绍以及演讲稿(五分钟)。 决赛比赛流程:(分中英文组) 一、1、introduction:1分钟的自我介绍










二、著名旅游景点视频欣赏和酒店文化展览 具体内容: 播放一些风景名胜的旅游宣传视频(英文版最好),学习优秀导游员的从



店文化。 活动经费:

海报、kt板、荣誉证书和邀请函的打印制作、奖品(外联) 会场布置(彩带、气球、

鲜花、宣传画等)、 茶水等。


刘强东在上市酒会上的英文演讲 中英文对照演讲稿 ladies and gentlemen, good evening. id rather use english, not mandarin. during the road show, i felt so sorry. when

i opened my mouth, i have to speak chinese, and then my colleagues sidney or haoyu

will translate for me. they are right, but still i believe 20 to 30 percent were lost.

so every time i felt very anxious, i gave a word to myself. sooner or later i will

speak english, so today is a good time. it is really a big day. it is a successful

day. it is an exciting day. and it is also a day full of love. because it is may 22

and in chinese it means i love love. it is the most loved day of the whole year, right? too many people did not applaud. because i knew you can not understand me. it

is not because my english is chinglish, it is because my english is suqian-english. there are two steps to me. one is that i walked from a small village suqian to

beijing which spent years. and i spent another 20 years to walk from beijing to new

york. what is our new target and what is our new goal? i hope in the next 20 years,

in every city and every country in the world, there must be our customers or our

partners. it is like a thanksgiving day. please allow me to represent jd and our team

to thank everyone here. first of all our shareholders, in about eight years ago, when

i first met kathy, founder and ceo of capital today. we met at around 10 oclock in

the evening. after talking she wrote a letter to me, just three letters:

chollima(person with outstanding talents and another hero is haoyu. he said he missed his step at home playing with his kids.

a joke. with his kids means he is a little old. i spent 20 years to walk from beijing

to here, but this guy only spent two weeks from beijing to new york, boston, san

francisco and chicago, just with his walking sticks. he is the hero of our roadshow.

they are heros.

i think resources are limited at anywhere and anytime. for governments, for

countries even for the world, resources are limited. but one thing is unlimited. that

is heros at jd. i mean every colleague is a hero. we are a team. we work together

and we fight together. so, thank you to our team and cheers. 女士们先生们晚上好! 今天我想说英语不说中文,因为在路演的时候,我感到很遗憾,我用中文演讲,我的同




月22号,中文谐音是“我爱爱”。今天是全年最有爱的一天,是不是。 这么多人没鼓掌,没鼓掌的我知道你们都没听懂,不是因为我说的是中式英语,而是因






到kathy徐新,今日资本的创始人ceo,我们晚上10点见面,聊过之后,她写了一 封信给我,上面只有三个字,千里马。她很担心其他的投资人跟我约谈,所以让我明天






richard,我还记得你五年前说的话,我现在知道了,是百倍。我做到了。 今天有三个老同事在现场。张奇是我们的第一个同事,他为京东工作了超过15年的时间,



我们的第二代。在这次ipo 的过程中,我想要特别感谢sidney,他和他的团队做的非常出色,


继续投入工作,许许多多的日日夜夜和周日。在路演之前,我只花了1%的时间在ipo 这件事

上,只要签字就行了,真的,啥都不用我操心,谢谢sidney。他是我们的英雄。 另一个ipo的英雄是皓瑜,他说他在家和孩子玩的时候失足摔断了腿,一耳光玩笑,有


周,从北京到纽约,波士顿,旧金山,芝加哥,他是我们路演的英雄。他们都是英雄。 我认为在任何时候任何地方,资源都是非常有限的。对于政府,国家甚至整个世界来说,



1. ipo abbr. 首次公开募股(initial public offerings) 初次公开发行(initial public offering) 在首次公开募股之前,高盛依赖于它的合作伙伴的股本,并且这些合作伙伴基本上都把


2. i make it.


例:my family was told that, if i made it, i’d probably have severe brain damage.


3. target n. 目标;靶子& vt. 把„„作为目标;规定„„的指标;瞄准某物 例:republicans targeted her as vulnerable in her bid for reelection this year.

共和党人认为她在今年的再次参选中是不堪一击的攻击目标。篇二:中英文对照祝酒词 在国际禁化武视察员及国家代表 招待宴会上的祝酒词

toast at the reception of opcw inspectors and the country representative 尊敬的国际禁化武视察组凯里.基兰组长及各位视察员,尊敬的国家代表,女士们、先生



respected mr. kerry kilan, leader of the opcw inspection team, members of the

team, respected country representative, ladies and gentlemen: good noon!



本次核查工作的圆满完成,离不开你们的努力和各有关方面的高度配合。 today, suzhou municipal government and zhangjiagang municipal government are

holding reception here to convey our thanks to the members of opcw inspection team

for your hard work in the recent 4 days, and also to the country representative and

the leaders of national and provincial organizations of the prohibition of chemical

weapons for your support, help and affirmation towards our work. the successful

conclusion of the inspection is not possible without your efforts and the coordination from all relevant parties. 在刚刚结束的签字仪式上,张家港市政府代表地方政府明确表示要切实履行《公约》规


和江苏省人民政府的领导下,继续做好各项履约工作。 at the signing ceremony a moment ago, zhangjiagang municipal government, on

behalf of local governments, made it clear that we would earnestly fulfill the

obligations prescribed in the cwc and happily receive and cooperate with all

inspections made by opcw. in the future, we will, under the leadership of central

and provincial governments, continue our fulfilment. 现在,我提议:

为此次禁化武核查工作的圆满结束; 为我们的友谊;

为在座各位的事业顺利、身体健康、阖家幸福;干杯! hereby, i would like to propose

a toast

to the successful conclusion of this opcw inspection, to our friendship,

to your good health, happy family and success in work, cheers!篇三:关于健康的英语演讲稿 文章编制 扣扣:一六四一六五


how to stay healthy as we all know, healthy is very important to everybody.but do you really know

how to stay healthy? here are some useful tips. first, we should do exercise if we

have time.for example, we can go to swim in the summer holiday. or we can take a walk

after supper.doing exercise makes us healthy and strong. second, we should take more

vegetables and fruit and less candies. stop eating junk food and drinking beers. last

but not least, we should go to bed early and wake up early. we should have enough

sleep, or we will get sleepy in the day time. if we pay more attention to the tips

above, we will have healthier body. i wish everybody has a strong and healthy body. 我们都知道,健康对每个人来说都很重要。但是你知道该如何保持健康吗? 这里有一些实





和健康的身体。 1篇四:商务英语演讲稿(带旁白) 角色扮演:

场景一:机场接待,车上旅途安排; 场景二:酒店入住;


场景四:邀请晚宴和晚宴点餐。 sb: hello,everyone. today,we are going to show you 4 situational dialogues.here are our teammates:宋丹 武帮杰 周娇娇 廖海晨 and me.

let’s get start with scene one: meeting at the airport. let’s see what will happen

next. i meeting at the airport 武: how nice to see you again ,ms.song.(song 先伸出手示意和两名接待者握手) 周:

nice to meet you ,ms.song.(与song握手) 宋:nice to meet you too.oh,you haven’t met my colleague chen.chen,this is ms.wu

and this is ms.zhou.

廖: how do you do.

武: how do you do, mr.chen? i’ve been looking forward to meeting you! (先伸

手与chen 握手)

周: how do you do,mr.chen.(与chen 握手) 周:did you have a nice journey? 宋:not bad except some turbulence. 武:well,you must be very tired after such a long flight.we have reserved you

two rooms.shall we take you straight to the hotel? 宋和廖:yes,thanks .that would be best. 周:let me help you with your luggage. 廖:oh,they are too heavy for you.i can manage. 周:ok. i will drive our car here.please wait a moment. sb: yes,the man should do the tough work with himself.now let’s move on to the

scene 2, let’s see what they will say in the car and how do they arrange their schedule.

2.在车上,(in the car) arrangements 武:i will call you tomorrow so that we can set up a schedule of appointments.

is that ok? 宋:ok! could you please depict the agenda mainly in advance ? 武:certainly. you stady here for 3 days,one day’s talk ,two day’s weekend.

by the way ,arrange some necessary meals or banquets. 宋:i see.that’s good.

廖:yeah, i see that your chinese are precisian. 周:it’s very kind of you to saying so. now let me take you straight to the hotel.

宋和廖:thank you very much. 周和武:it’s my pleasure. sb: after they have settled in the hotel, they would probably going to do their

business work. let’s move on to scene 3.

3. at the meeting room is everybody here?

周:we’re still missing a few guys. 武:since alomst everyone is here ,let’s begin the meeting.we can fill in others

as they arrive.

周、宋和廖:all right!

武:good afternoon, everyone. let’s call the meenting to the order. we will discuss

the issue of the potential market of our new project. first of all, let me outline

the three issues we are going to cover this afternooon: first, ms.zhou will report

on the market positioning of our new product ; second, we will discuss the publicity

and promotional campaigns to be launched next month; third, mr.chen will report on

the possibility of developing a website to sell our products. now........ (各位上午好,首先,我来概括一下今天下午将要探讨的三个问题:一,报告我们公司新



宋:excuse me ,ms.wu.

武:ok. what do you have for us ,ms,song.? 宋:i think that mr.chen’s report is crucial to broadening your market ,so we

should hear what mr.chen has to say now. 周:i agree with you there. are you ready , mr.chen? (我认为销售部门要更积极一些。凭借物美价廉,你们过去曾是市场的领头羊。但是现在


宋:this is due to the world wide depression. the general trend of trade has

been low during this period. as a result, orders from abroad have diminished and lots

of goods have lain idle in warehouses. (这是因为世界经济不景气。这段时间 贸易总趋势一直在下降。因此来自海外的订单已

经减 少,许多货物闲置在仓库。) (恐怕我不能同意你的看法。据我所知,在过去一年里mk公司的销售收入都有所增长。

制造商更为积极。他们对消费者有显著的影响。) 武:we may have a negotiation with the cients and show them our sample. 宋:that sounds good. it seems to be the first solution to the problem. 周:let us end here. we are running a bit short on time. let’s break off for

a cup of tea.

4. enjoy chinese food in a restaurant 周:this is your seat ms.song and mr.chen. take your seat please. 宋和廖:thank you,ms zhou,and ms.wu. 廖:i’m really a bit nervous now.i konw nothing about your table manners.it would

be in bad taste for a guest to make blunders. 宋:yeah.we have the same feeling. 武:don;t worry,ms.song and mr.chen.as for table manners ,there is only one rule

you must observe. that is to make yourselves at home. 宋:no wonder people say the chinese are hospitable.now ,i have seen it with my

own eyes.

周:ms.song and mr.chen,which do you prefer,brandly,maotai or wine? 宋:brandly and maotai are too strong for me .just a glass of dry wed

wine.ok ?mr.chen.

廖:it’s up to you.

武:but juigui spirits doesn’t go to the head.would you like to try it? 宋:well,i wil try a little.


周:would you like to use chopsticks or knife and fork? 廖:i think i will try chopsticks and see if i can manange. 宋:i also want to have try to use chopsticks. 武:let me show you.look, at first place both sticks between the thumb and the

fore finger. then , keep one still and move the other, so as to make them work like

pincers. 宋和廖:let me try ..... well, how is that? 武:fine, you are learning fast. 周和武:well,to your health and success in business.cheers. 宋和廖:and to yours. cheers. sb: that’s all.thank you.篇五:中英文演讲比赛 中南林业科技大学

旅游学院(华天旅游酒店管理学院) 中英文演讲比赛

书 主办:旅游学院(华天旅游酒店管理学院) 分团委学生会 学习部 活动目的:



旅游学院学习部特举办此次活动。 活动时间:

暂定为:初赛:2013年3月17日 决赛:2013年3月24日 活动主题:了解旅游英语和酒店英语文化,规划未来。 参赛对象:旅游学院全体在校学



2、参赛选手准备好1分钟自我介绍以及演讲稿(五分钟)。 决赛比赛流程:(分中英文组) 一、1、introduction:1分钟的自我介绍










二、著名旅游景点视频欣赏和酒店文化展览 具体内容: 播放一些风景名胜的旅游宣传视频(英文版最好),学习优秀导游员的从



店文化。 活动经费:

海报、kt板、荣誉证书和邀请函的打印制作、奖品(外联) 会场布置(彩带、气球、

鲜花、宣传画等)、 茶水等。



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