

This is an episode from the novel Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio. His father died while Wang Zifu was very young. His mother gave her whole heart to bringing Zifu up. ASfter he was grown, the mother decided which girl was to marry her son. But before the marriaqge took place, the chosen girl died.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, Zifu's cousin, Wu Sheng, invited him for an excursion. Wu had to return home early to attend to something else. Zifu stayed and whiled away the time alone. Suddenly, Zifu spotted in the crowd a girl with bright eyes. The girl was carrying a twig of plum blossoms and was walking delicsately slowly. Zifu could not help but glue his sight on the girl. When the girl saw what was happening, she left her twig of blossoms on the ground and walked away smiling.

Zifu picked up the flower and returned home. He put the flower under his pillow. He missed the girl so much so that he would not eat or drink. Zifu soon became so weak that he was not able to support himself. When Wu Sheng learned of this he came to ask about the reason. Zifu told the truth to his cousin. To comfort Zifu, Wu Sheng lied, saying that the girl was one of Zifu's cousins living in the mountains some 15kilometers to the southwest. He promised that they would go and look for her after Zifu got well. After hearing Wu's words, Zifu felt so happy that he soon fully recovered. Since he was lying, Wu Sheng was reluctant to see Zifu again and made himself scarce.

Wu Sheng made excuses every time Zifu asked him to help him go look for the plum blossom girl. Zifu could description of Wu Feng. In the mountains, he found a called Ying Ning. Zifu stay ed in Ying Ning's home for a few days before taking her home to marry her. After marriage, Zifu and Ying Ning olved each other very much and they lived a happy life. One day Ying Ning told Zifu that she had been the daughter of a foximmortal. she was brother up to be a human by a ghost mother. Zifu was not at all put off by this news.



This is an episode from the novel Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio. His father died while Wang Zifu was very young. His mother gave her whole heart to bringing Zifu up. ASfter he was grown, the mother decided which girl was to marry her son. But before the marriaqge took place, the chosen girl died.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, Zifu's cousin, Wu Sheng, invited him for an excursion. Wu had to return home early to attend to something else. Zifu stayed and whiled away the time alone. Suddenly, Zifu spotted in the crowd a girl with bright eyes. The girl was carrying a twig of plum blossoms and was walking delicsately slowly. Zifu could not help but glue his sight on the girl. When the girl saw what was happening, she left her twig of blossoms on the ground and walked away smiling.

Zifu picked up the flower and returned home. He put the flower under his pillow. He missed the girl so much so that he would not eat or drink. Zifu soon became so weak that he was not able to support himself. When Wu Sheng learned of this he came to ask about the reason. Zifu told the truth to his cousin. To comfort Zifu, Wu Sheng lied, saying that the girl was one of Zifu's cousins living in the mountains some 15kilometers to the southwest. He promised that they would go and look for her after Zifu got well. After hearing Wu's words, Zifu felt so happy that he soon fully recovered. Since he was lying, Wu Sheng was reluctant to see Zifu again and made himself scarce.

Wu Sheng made excuses every time Zifu asked him to help him go look for the plum blossom girl. Zifu could description of Wu Feng. In the mountains, he found a called Ying Ning. Zifu stay ed in Ying Ning's home for a few days before taking her home to marry her. After marriage, Zifu and Ying Ning olved each other very much and they lived a happy life. One day Ying Ning told Zifu that she had been the daughter of a foximmortal. she was brother up to be a human by a ghost mother. Zifu was not at all put off by this news.



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