
第25卷第3期2004年6月纺 织 学 报Journal of T extile Research V ol. 25,N o. 3Jun. ,2004



周秀梅 夏黎明

(浙江大学材料与化学工程学院, 杭州,310027)

摘 要:综述了纤维素酶在牛仔布仿旧、纺织品生物抛光中的应用, 指出目前纤维素酶生物整理中存在的问题及发展前景。关键词:纤维素酶 棉纺织物 生物抛光

中图分类号:TS19516   文献标识码:A   文章编号:025329721(2004) 0320114202

  酶用于纺织行业的历史悠久, 最初是应用于退浆。近年来, 利用纤维素酶在纺织品加工中的应用日益广泛。目前, 国内外纺织行业已将这一生物整理技术广泛应用于工业生产中。

212 纺织品的生物抛光

  为了防止及除去织物表面的毛球, 运用纤维素酶对织物进行生物抛光显得格外必要。

用纤维素酶处理在织物表面改性方面开辟出了新领域。在酶洗过程中, 因纤维素酶分子比水分子要大1, 。所以只

,42葡萄糖苷键受到影, 。织物经纤维素酶处理后, 大大降低了起毛起球的趋势; 而且手感柔软, 悬垂性好; 吸水性也得到了改善。

1 纤维素酶的作用原理




纤维的非结晶区, ,

产生纤维二糖, 最后由β2葡萄糖苷酶作用将其分解成葡萄糖。作为纺织工业用纤维素酶, 它不需要将棉纤维素分解成葡萄糖, 而只要破坏棉纤维束分子间的氢键, 松散棉纤维束的结构, 或者部分降解纤维素分子长链, 即可达到工艺要求。

3 存在的问题和拟采取的措施


  纤维素酶生物整理已成为织物后整理的一种新颖的高科技纺织技术。但是从技术上看, 目前还存在不少问题, 需进一步探讨解决。3. 1 返沾色

2 纤维素酶在纺织品生物整理中的应用


纤维素酶洗过程中从织物表面去除的靛蓝染料, 会再次沉积到服装背面、内袋以及织物白色部分, 给出较浅的蓝色背景。这种现象被称为返沾色。据资料显示, 纤维素酶蛋白的性质是影响靛蓝返沾色的真正原因, 而纤维素酶洗过程中的pH 值只是间接地影响返沾色的程度。

为了有效地减少返沾色, 获得所希望得到的色

泽对比度, 可采取以下措施:1) 为了减轻纤维素酶蛋白在纤维素表面的吸附状态, 可以考虑将纤维素酶的C BD (纤维素酶的结合区域) 和酶的活性核分离, 以达到减少返沾色的目的。2) 因专一的单组分酶比多组分酶系具有较低的返沾色, 故可分离纯化多组分酶。3) 加入一定量的靛蓝染料分散剂, 来减少返沾色程度。如Sandoclear I DS , 具有形成胶束的能力, 能溶解靛蓝染料, 从而促进返沾色的去除。4) 加入靛蓝染料分解酶———漆酶, 再配合特定的介质

  纤维素酶作为一种高效生物催化剂, 因其具有可降解性及对织物能产生可控的整理而广泛应用于纺织行业。其中, 牛仔布的仿旧整理及纺织品的生物抛光是纤维素酶最成功的应用。211 牛仔布的仿旧整理

  蓝色牛仔服在近些年来越来越受到人们的青睐。在20世纪70年代后期及80年代初期, 工业上主要采用浮石洗工艺去除纤维表面的染料, 以达到霜白效果。

采用纤维素酶洗涤不仅能对纤维表层进行可控的“刻蚀”, 使织物产生不均匀的褪色, 而且对织物内部纤维的强力不会过度损伤。纤维素酶的使用一方面有利于保护环境; 另一方面, 处理后的织物手感细腻、柔软、耐用性增强, 因而纤维素酶洗工艺已广泛取代了传统的石磨水洗。

2004年 第3期纺织学报15】【1 

ABTS 、12羟基苯并三唑(H OBT ) 或42羟基苯磺酸(PH BS ) 等, 可有效地将靛蓝氧化成无色物质, 实现

减少返沾色的目的。5) 由于纤维素酶结合棉基质的能力, 在靛蓝返沾色中起着主要作用。因此, 可以应用蛋白酶以去除织物上的结合酶蛋白, 从而减少靛蓝染料的吸附位点。但是要注意添加蛋白酶的时间, 建议在复洗处理时加入, 一方面降低了返沾色程度; 另一方面由于蛋白酶对纤维素酶蛋白的水解, 还可消除纤维素酶的活性, 简化了处理工艺。3. 2 重现性酶整理织物效果的重现性与酶处理液pH 有关。酸性纤维素酶处理pH 值的适用范围窄,pH 值变化015就会引起20%~30%的酶活性变化。一般酶处理中, 经常使用醋酸-醋酸钠作为酶处理的pH 缓冲剂, 因为它比较稳定且使用方便。但据有关报道, 在H Ac 2NaAc 缓冲体系下,pH 值的变动会给纤维素酶的活力带来较大的影响。而在R J 26体系,pH 值的变动不会更大地影响纤维素酶的活力。因此选用恰当的pH 缓冲剂是获得良好重现性的一种途径。。

虽然目前的处理工艺中仍然存在一些问题, 但通过对纤维素酶制剂的改进以及服装水洗工艺的优化, 定会逐步解决上述问题。

的经济效益, 符合环境保护的要求。其中多种表面活性剂的复配是一个值得研究的课题。4. 2 新型酶的开发

纺织工业中只需纤维素酶破坏棉纤维束分子间氢键, 松散棉纤维束的结构, 而无需将纤维素降解为葡萄糖。因此, 为了达到仿旧及抛光的目的, 仅选用内切酶含量高的纤维素酶即可。已经证实内切酶含量高的纤维素酶, 会产生更优越的仿旧感。但目前的纺织酶制剂主要来源于微生物, 采用的是一些常见菌种。由这些菌种产生的酶制剂的作用对象具有一定的局限性, 而且多为复合酶, 无法满足一些特殊处理对酶制剂的要求。因此对新酶种的研究、开发已经成为纺织酶应用的一个前沿内容。目前在通过筛选具有某种功能的菌种, 然后利用基因改性生产高性能的酶制剂及通过克隆、转基因获得基因工程菌, 进行新酶种的生产方面已经获得了一些重要的进展, 为生化技术在纺织工业中的应用展示了美好。

, 纤维素酶的应用范围将更加广泛。尽管经酶洗后的服饰产品价格较高, 但由于纤维素酶的生物整理不但能够提高产量、质量, 而且大大的降低了生产成本, 因此市场消费量仍呈高速增长的态势。纤维素酶在纺织中具有较大的发展潜力和广泛的应用前景。

4 工艺优化及酶制剂的发展


  纤维素酶处理织物效果的好坏及工作效率的高低并不完全取决于纤维素酶本身, 因为影响效果的因素诸多, 如工艺条件以及工艺组合等。4. 1 酶的复配

4. 1. 1 多种酶制剂的复配 目前的工艺多采用单

1 宋桂经等. 纤维素酶及其在纺织工业上的应用. 印染助剂,1995

(3) :1~3.

2 M. K. Bhat. Cellulase and Related Enzymes in Biotechnology Journal of

Biotechnology ,2000(18) :355~383.

3 唐志翔译. 纤维素织物的生物打光. 印染译丛,1995(4) :83~85. 4 唐志翔译. 纤维素酶应用的最优化. 印染译丛,1994(5) :60~67. 5 王秀玲译. 现代化的靛蓝劳动布洗涤. 印染译丛,2000(5) :88~


6 R. Cam posa B. Indio Degradation with Purified Laccases from T rametes

Hirsute and Sclerotium R olfsii.Journal of Biotechnology. 2001(89) :131

一的酶进行处理, 实际上酶的复配也是酶应用的重要环节, 须开发2种或2种以上酶的混拼复配产品。通过多种功能酶的复配可以实现多道工艺的一浴处理, 提高加工效率。而且利用多种酶之间的协同效应, 扬长避短, 以期达到仅靠一种酶所无法达到的效果。目前需要解决的是不同酶制剂的相容性及复配酶的稳定性问题。4. 1. 2 单一酶的优化配制 作为纺织应用产品, 酶制剂要求具有良好的贮存稳定性及高的处理效率。为了达到上述要求, 可在酶制剂中加入适当的稳定剂及促进剂。要求所添加助剂与酶具有良好的相容性, 促进剂对纤维素具有适宜的吸附能力, 不影响纤维素酶处理浴的pH 值, 本身价格低, 能够产生较大


7 王 宁等. 靛蓝牛仔服的纤维素酶洗效果的影响因素浅析. 染整

技术,2001(6) :21~24.

8 吴来超译. 牛仔布的纤维素酶整理. 国外纺织技术:化纤、染整、

环境保护分册,1994(6) :22~25.

9 吴永红等. 酶洗激活剂R J 26的应用. 印染助剂,1999(1) :21~23. 10 Hafedh Belghith et al. Biostoning of Denims by Penicillium Occitanis

(P ol6) Cellulases.Journal of Biotechnology ,2001(89) :257~262. 11 周文龙. 酶在纺织中的应用. 北京:中国纺织出版社,2002:20,


antistatic knitting. The curve regression equations am ong the variables are obtained. By the perm it of electricity density per unit area w ork out the conductive fiber ’s theoretical interval is 2. 74cm and the theoretical content is 0. 3056%.In the practice , it can be adjusted according to the use of the products. ……

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Chen Zhenzhou et al (87) The Choice of Yarn Linear Density and the P arametric Control for Sw eater K nitted in F lat K nitting M achine

Discourse the relationship between yarn linear density and flat knitting machine gauge , suggest an experimental formula to choose yarn linear density. According to the characteristics that w oolen sweater is knitted in the flat knitting machine ,the relation of maximum stitch highness to maximum knitting stitch is analyzed and controlling the technical parameter by the method of density measure under stretch is illustrated. ………………………………Sun Feng (89) R esearch on E nzym atic Pretreatment Process of Cotton F abric

By the conventional pretreatment procedure take bleaching after desizing and s ocuring , the enzymatic pretreatment process has little effect. N ow point out a new procedure for enzymatic pretreatment process , take oxidation bleaching first and then enzymatic desizing and scouring , The experiment give efficient results as conventional. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Wan Qingyu et al (91) Produce and T est Analysis of the Anti 2ultraviolet F abrics

Introduce the technical key measures to produce the anti 2ultraviolet fabrics. Discuss the test results in anti 2ultraviolet properties and relative characters of fabrics of living exam ples. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhou Rong et al (94) The Ferrous Complex S alt R eacts with I ndigo in Dyeing Process

Using the com plex salt form ing by ferrous ion with organic acid as reducing agent in cellulose fiber indig o dyeing at room tem perature , determ ine the K ΠS value , deposition of ferrous ions on fiber and reduction potential. Analyze and discuss the factors Fe (OH ) 3, pH , organic acid and dyeing process which in fluence the dyeing result , then get a reas onable dyeing process. ………………………………………………………………………………Wu Jianguo et al (96) R esearch on Cotton F abric Finishing with G lyoxal and H ydrolyzed Starch

Introduce the chem ical mechanism of anti 2crease finishing of gly oxal on cotton. Analyze the type of catalyst and it ’s concentration , as well as curing conditions , which in fluence the tensile strength , crease recovery ability and permeability of cotton fabric. ………………………………Wang Xiaoming (99) The Dyeing of Cotton ΠPolyamide U nion F abric

Introduce the whole process including pre 2treatment , selection of dyes and the auxiliaries used in fluence the dyeing effect , etc. ………Zhou Yan (101) Study on the Fiber and the Processing of B att 2on 2mesh Press Felt

Paper making machines are developed towards the direction of a com plete range and characterized by high speed , wide width and high 2line pressure. Batt 2on 2mesh press felt are dehydrating materials suitable for the newly developed paper making machines. The processing procedures are outlined. The fiber and the processing parameters inv olved in the weaving on Batt 2on 2mesh , needle punching and setting etc are discussed. ………………………Cui Yihua et al (103) Design a Constant T emperature Control Softw are for the Therm al M anikin

Introduce the design idea and main function of constant tem perature control s oftware for the manikin. The key are res olved such as signal detection in the detective system , design of dynam ic link library , on 2line control 2of heat , data library and data bind control , data management , etc. Shen Yuhong et al (105) Solution for System I ntegration of H eterogeneous Computing E on and J 2EE

In this paper CORBA specification was discussed in brief. the in which CORBA , J2EE were adopted to im plement a WE B 2based the of CORBA. It can be easy to expand and transplant the system. Ma Weizhe (107) Developing the Control T B on Microchip

A control system of on m icrochip is developed. T ake the stepped precious winding under decreasing m ode as an exam ple analyzed the relevant control and schemes are studied. …………………………………………………………………………Shen Menghong et al (110) A R eal Time MCU Control System of H igh 2speed Auto Thread T rimming P lain Lock Stitch Sewing M achine

Introduce a real time MCU control system of high 2speed auto thread trimm ing plain lock stitch sewing machine , which using 16bits MCU 196MC with high performance PTS interrupt core for the full 2auto controlling of its functions of plain lock stitch , pre 2programmed stitch , fancy stitch , reverse stitch , one 2touch stitch and lifter. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhang Yinhai et al (112)

Comprehensive R eview s

The Application of Cellulase in Bio 2finishing of Cellulosic F abrics

Summaizes the applications of cellulase to the warn look of jean and bio 2polishing of other textiles. P oint out the problems present and the developing future. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhou Xiumei et al (114) N ano M aterial and its Applications in T extile and Other Fields

The relative conceptions of nanometer , characteristics of nanomaterials and their applications in textile and other fields were analyzed. The problems existed and the ways of s olution are pointed out. …………………………………………………………………………………………Guan Yingting et al (116) The R esearch and Development of Structure 2perform ance R elationship of R andom Polyether in H igh 2speeding Finish Oil

The effect of starting 2end structure ,train structure and term inal end structure of copolyether of epoxyethane and epoxypropane (EPO ) on performanee of the copolyeter is reviewed ,which will be of great im portance to instruct m olecular design of EPO ,im prove functionality of EPO and quality of high 2speed spinning finishes and realize the homegrowth of high 2rank finishes. ………………………………………………………………………………Yin Hong et al (119) Development of the A fter Finishing Type Antistatic Agent

The after finishing type antistatic agent treated on the surface of fiber can elim inate the electrostatic charges efficiently. N ow summarize the investigation and development of those auxiliaries. G ive a reference to the application and research w ork of antistatic products of our country. ………Zhang Zhiguo et al (121) A Study on the Advanced T extile M anu facturing B ase on I nform ation

According to the connatation of the advanced textile manu facturing based on in formation propose the concrete parameter points request in four stages. Analyze the present situation and its m isunderstand points of in formation. C ountermeasures and suggestions are raised. …………………………………Lu Aihua (123) The Application and R esearch Direction in Jacqu ard F abric CAD System

A brief introduction to the jacquard fabric CAD system and its developing in recent years. G ive em phasis to discuss the research direction of jacquard fabric CAD system ,as the progressing of new science and technology. ……………………………………………………………………Zhang Senlin et al (126) NAT D ———A N ew ly T echnique of T extiles Aided Design in Web E ra

Analyze the current development and problems existed in technique of CAD ΠCAM of textile design at home and abroad. According the newly technique of web database comes out a brand 2new designing idea ———Net Aided T extiles Design. It brings forward the structure and expectation of NAT D system and indicates that NAT D is the developing direction of textiles design. …………………………………………………………………………………Duan Yafeng et al (129) China ’s Foreign T rade of T extiles and Clothes in the Later 2ATC

The ATC treaty change the basic situation of international textiles and clothes trading maket which set up during the FM A and re 2distribute the market portions. N ow summarize the changes in China ’s foreign trade of textiles and clothes after China join the WT O. P oint out seize the tendency of the market change in the later 2ATC , prom ote the com petence of it ’s products dynam ically , making the m ost of China ’s factor endowments. …………………Liu Yuejun (132) Analyze the Clothes M arket Phenomena and the B rand T actics

S tudy and analyze five comm on s orts of clothes market phenomena and advancing the efficient ways to market the brand clothes. ……Yu Guorui (134)

第25卷第3期2004年6月纺 织 学 报Journal of T extile Research V ol. 25,N o. 3Jun. ,2004



周秀梅 夏黎明

(浙江大学材料与化学工程学院, 杭州,310027)

摘 要:综述了纤维素酶在牛仔布仿旧、纺织品生物抛光中的应用, 指出目前纤维素酶生物整理中存在的问题及发展前景。关键词:纤维素酶 棉纺织物 生物抛光

中图分类号:TS19516   文献标识码:A   文章编号:025329721(2004) 0320114202

  酶用于纺织行业的历史悠久, 最初是应用于退浆。近年来, 利用纤维素酶在纺织品加工中的应用日益广泛。目前, 国内外纺织行业已将这一生物整理技术广泛应用于工业生产中。

212 纺织品的生物抛光

  为了防止及除去织物表面的毛球, 运用纤维素酶对织物进行生物抛光显得格外必要。

用纤维素酶处理在织物表面改性方面开辟出了新领域。在酶洗过程中, 因纤维素酶分子比水分子要大1, 。所以只

,42葡萄糖苷键受到影, 。织物经纤维素酶处理后, 大大降低了起毛起球的趋势; 而且手感柔软, 悬垂性好; 吸水性也得到了改善。

1 纤维素酶的作用原理




纤维的非结晶区, ,

产生纤维二糖, 最后由β2葡萄糖苷酶作用将其分解成葡萄糖。作为纺织工业用纤维素酶, 它不需要将棉纤维素分解成葡萄糖, 而只要破坏棉纤维束分子间的氢键, 松散棉纤维束的结构, 或者部分降解纤维素分子长链, 即可达到工艺要求。

3 存在的问题和拟采取的措施


  纤维素酶生物整理已成为织物后整理的一种新颖的高科技纺织技术。但是从技术上看, 目前还存在不少问题, 需进一步探讨解决。3. 1 返沾色

2 纤维素酶在纺织品生物整理中的应用


纤维素酶洗过程中从织物表面去除的靛蓝染料, 会再次沉积到服装背面、内袋以及织物白色部分, 给出较浅的蓝色背景。这种现象被称为返沾色。据资料显示, 纤维素酶蛋白的性质是影响靛蓝返沾色的真正原因, 而纤维素酶洗过程中的pH 值只是间接地影响返沾色的程度。

为了有效地减少返沾色, 获得所希望得到的色

泽对比度, 可采取以下措施:1) 为了减轻纤维素酶蛋白在纤维素表面的吸附状态, 可以考虑将纤维素酶的C BD (纤维素酶的结合区域) 和酶的活性核分离, 以达到减少返沾色的目的。2) 因专一的单组分酶比多组分酶系具有较低的返沾色, 故可分离纯化多组分酶。3) 加入一定量的靛蓝染料分散剂, 来减少返沾色程度。如Sandoclear I DS , 具有形成胶束的能力, 能溶解靛蓝染料, 从而促进返沾色的去除。4) 加入靛蓝染料分解酶———漆酶, 再配合特定的介质

  纤维素酶作为一种高效生物催化剂, 因其具有可降解性及对织物能产生可控的整理而广泛应用于纺织行业。其中, 牛仔布的仿旧整理及纺织品的生物抛光是纤维素酶最成功的应用。211 牛仔布的仿旧整理

  蓝色牛仔服在近些年来越来越受到人们的青睐。在20世纪70年代后期及80年代初期, 工业上主要采用浮石洗工艺去除纤维表面的染料, 以达到霜白效果。

采用纤维素酶洗涤不仅能对纤维表层进行可控的“刻蚀”, 使织物产生不均匀的褪色, 而且对织物内部纤维的强力不会过度损伤。纤维素酶的使用一方面有利于保护环境; 另一方面, 处理后的织物手感细腻、柔软、耐用性增强, 因而纤维素酶洗工艺已广泛取代了传统的石磨水洗。

2004年 第3期纺织学报15】【1 

ABTS 、12羟基苯并三唑(H OBT ) 或42羟基苯磺酸(PH BS ) 等, 可有效地将靛蓝氧化成无色物质, 实现

减少返沾色的目的。5) 由于纤维素酶结合棉基质的能力, 在靛蓝返沾色中起着主要作用。因此, 可以应用蛋白酶以去除织物上的结合酶蛋白, 从而减少靛蓝染料的吸附位点。但是要注意添加蛋白酶的时间, 建议在复洗处理时加入, 一方面降低了返沾色程度; 另一方面由于蛋白酶对纤维素酶蛋白的水解, 还可消除纤维素酶的活性, 简化了处理工艺。3. 2 重现性酶整理织物效果的重现性与酶处理液pH 有关。酸性纤维素酶处理pH 值的适用范围窄,pH 值变化015就会引起20%~30%的酶活性变化。一般酶处理中, 经常使用醋酸-醋酸钠作为酶处理的pH 缓冲剂, 因为它比较稳定且使用方便。但据有关报道, 在H Ac 2NaAc 缓冲体系下,pH 值的变动会给纤维素酶的活力带来较大的影响。而在R J 26体系,pH 值的变动不会更大地影响纤维素酶的活力。因此选用恰当的pH 缓冲剂是获得良好重现性的一种途径。。

虽然目前的处理工艺中仍然存在一些问题, 但通过对纤维素酶制剂的改进以及服装水洗工艺的优化, 定会逐步解决上述问题。

的经济效益, 符合环境保护的要求。其中多种表面活性剂的复配是一个值得研究的课题。4. 2 新型酶的开发

纺织工业中只需纤维素酶破坏棉纤维束分子间氢键, 松散棉纤维束的结构, 而无需将纤维素降解为葡萄糖。因此, 为了达到仿旧及抛光的目的, 仅选用内切酶含量高的纤维素酶即可。已经证实内切酶含量高的纤维素酶, 会产生更优越的仿旧感。但目前的纺织酶制剂主要来源于微生物, 采用的是一些常见菌种。由这些菌种产生的酶制剂的作用对象具有一定的局限性, 而且多为复合酶, 无法满足一些特殊处理对酶制剂的要求。因此对新酶种的研究、开发已经成为纺织酶应用的一个前沿内容。目前在通过筛选具有某种功能的菌种, 然后利用基因改性生产高性能的酶制剂及通过克隆、转基因获得基因工程菌, 进行新酶种的生产方面已经获得了一些重要的进展, 为生化技术在纺织工业中的应用展示了美好。

, 纤维素酶的应用范围将更加广泛。尽管经酶洗后的服饰产品价格较高, 但由于纤维素酶的生物整理不但能够提高产量、质量, 而且大大的降低了生产成本, 因此市场消费量仍呈高速增长的态势。纤维素酶在纺织中具有较大的发展潜力和广泛的应用前景。

4 工艺优化及酶制剂的发展


  纤维素酶处理织物效果的好坏及工作效率的高低并不完全取决于纤维素酶本身, 因为影响效果的因素诸多, 如工艺条件以及工艺组合等。4. 1 酶的复配

4. 1. 1 多种酶制剂的复配 目前的工艺多采用单

1 宋桂经等. 纤维素酶及其在纺织工业上的应用. 印染助剂,1995

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2 M. K. Bhat. Cellulase and Related Enzymes in Biotechnology Journal of

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3 唐志翔译. 纤维素织物的生物打光. 印染译丛,1995(4) :83~85. 4 唐志翔译. 纤维素酶应用的最优化. 印染译丛,1994(5) :60~67. 5 王秀玲译. 现代化的靛蓝劳动布洗涤. 印染译丛,2000(5) :88~


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一的酶进行处理, 实际上酶的复配也是酶应用的重要环节, 须开发2种或2种以上酶的混拼复配产品。通过多种功能酶的复配可以实现多道工艺的一浴处理, 提高加工效率。而且利用多种酶之间的协同效应, 扬长避短, 以期达到仅靠一种酶所无法达到的效果。目前需要解决的是不同酶制剂的相容性及复配酶的稳定性问题。4. 1. 2 单一酶的优化配制 作为纺织应用产品, 酶制剂要求具有良好的贮存稳定性及高的处理效率。为了达到上述要求, 可在酶制剂中加入适当的稳定剂及促进剂。要求所添加助剂与酶具有良好的相容性, 促进剂对纤维素具有适宜的吸附能力, 不影响纤维素酶处理浴的pH 值, 本身价格低, 能够产生较大


7 王 宁等. 靛蓝牛仔服的纤维素酶洗效果的影响因素浅析. 染整

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8 吴来超译. 牛仔布的纤维素酶整理. 国外纺织技术:化纤、染整、

环境保护分册,1994(6) :22~25.

9 吴永红等. 酶洗激活剂R J 26的应用. 印染助剂,1999(1) :21~23. 10 Hafedh Belghith et al. Biostoning of Denims by Penicillium Occitanis

(P ol6) Cellulases.Journal of Biotechnology ,2001(89) :257~262. 11 周文龙. 酶在纺织中的应用. 北京:中国纺织出版社,2002:20,


antistatic knitting. The curve regression equations am ong the variables are obtained. By the perm it of electricity density per unit area w ork out the conductive fiber ’s theoretical interval is 2. 74cm and the theoretical content is 0. 3056%.In the practice , it can be adjusted according to the use of the products. ……

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Chen Zhenzhou et al (87) The Choice of Yarn Linear Density and the P arametric Control for Sw eater K nitted in F lat K nitting M achine

Discourse the relationship between yarn linear density and flat knitting machine gauge , suggest an experimental formula to choose yarn linear density. According to the characteristics that w oolen sweater is knitted in the flat knitting machine ,the relation of maximum stitch highness to maximum knitting stitch is analyzed and controlling the technical parameter by the method of density measure under stretch is illustrated. ………………………………Sun Feng (89) R esearch on E nzym atic Pretreatment Process of Cotton F abric

By the conventional pretreatment procedure take bleaching after desizing and s ocuring , the enzymatic pretreatment process has little effect. N ow point out a new procedure for enzymatic pretreatment process , take oxidation bleaching first and then enzymatic desizing and scouring , The experiment give efficient results as conventional. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Wan Qingyu et al (91) Produce and T est Analysis of the Anti 2ultraviolet F abrics

Introduce the technical key measures to produce the anti 2ultraviolet fabrics. Discuss the test results in anti 2ultraviolet properties and relative characters of fabrics of living exam ples. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhou Rong et al (94) The Ferrous Complex S alt R eacts with I ndigo in Dyeing Process

Using the com plex salt form ing by ferrous ion with organic acid as reducing agent in cellulose fiber indig o dyeing at room tem perature , determ ine the K ΠS value , deposition of ferrous ions on fiber and reduction potential. Analyze and discuss the factors Fe (OH ) 3, pH , organic acid and dyeing process which in fluence the dyeing result , then get a reas onable dyeing process. ………………………………………………………………………………Wu Jianguo et al (96) R esearch on Cotton F abric Finishing with G lyoxal and H ydrolyzed Starch

Introduce the chem ical mechanism of anti 2crease finishing of gly oxal on cotton. Analyze the type of catalyst and it ’s concentration , as well as curing conditions , which in fluence the tensile strength , crease recovery ability and permeability of cotton fabric. ………………………………Wang Xiaoming (99) The Dyeing of Cotton ΠPolyamide U nion F abric

Introduce the whole process including pre 2treatment , selection of dyes and the auxiliaries used in fluence the dyeing effect , etc. ………Zhou Yan (101) Study on the Fiber and the Processing of B att 2on 2mesh Press Felt

Paper making machines are developed towards the direction of a com plete range and characterized by high speed , wide width and high 2line pressure. Batt 2on 2mesh press felt are dehydrating materials suitable for the newly developed paper making machines. The processing procedures are outlined. The fiber and the processing parameters inv olved in the weaving on Batt 2on 2mesh , needle punching and setting etc are discussed. ………………………Cui Yihua et al (103) Design a Constant T emperature Control Softw are for the Therm al M anikin

Introduce the design idea and main function of constant tem perature control s oftware for the manikin. The key are res olved such as signal detection in the detective system , design of dynam ic link library , on 2line control 2of heat , data library and data bind control , data management , etc. Shen Yuhong et al (105) Solution for System I ntegration of H eterogeneous Computing E on and J 2EE

In this paper CORBA specification was discussed in brief. the in which CORBA , J2EE were adopted to im plement a WE B 2based the of CORBA. It can be easy to expand and transplant the system. Ma Weizhe (107) Developing the Control T B on Microchip

A control system of on m icrochip is developed. T ake the stepped precious winding under decreasing m ode as an exam ple analyzed the relevant control and schemes are studied. …………………………………………………………………………Shen Menghong et al (110) A R eal Time MCU Control System of H igh 2speed Auto Thread T rimming P lain Lock Stitch Sewing M achine

Introduce a real time MCU control system of high 2speed auto thread trimm ing plain lock stitch sewing machine , which using 16bits MCU 196MC with high performance PTS interrupt core for the full 2auto controlling of its functions of plain lock stitch , pre 2programmed stitch , fancy stitch , reverse stitch , one 2touch stitch and lifter. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhang Yinhai et al (112)

Comprehensive R eview s

The Application of Cellulase in Bio 2finishing of Cellulosic F abrics

Summaizes the applications of cellulase to the warn look of jean and bio 2polishing of other textiles. P oint out the problems present and the developing future. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhou Xiumei et al (114) N ano M aterial and its Applications in T extile and Other Fields

The relative conceptions of nanometer , characteristics of nanomaterials and their applications in textile and other fields were analyzed. The problems existed and the ways of s olution are pointed out. …………………………………………………………………………………………Guan Yingting et al (116) The R esearch and Development of Structure 2perform ance R elationship of R andom Polyether in H igh 2speeding Finish Oil

The effect of starting 2end structure ,train structure and term inal end structure of copolyether of epoxyethane and epoxypropane (EPO ) on performanee of the copolyeter is reviewed ,which will be of great im portance to instruct m olecular design of EPO ,im prove functionality of EPO and quality of high 2speed spinning finishes and realize the homegrowth of high 2rank finishes. ………………………………………………………………………………Yin Hong et al (119) Development of the A fter Finishing Type Antistatic Agent

The after finishing type antistatic agent treated on the surface of fiber can elim inate the electrostatic charges efficiently. N ow summarize the investigation and development of those auxiliaries. G ive a reference to the application and research w ork of antistatic products of our country. ………Zhang Zhiguo et al (121) A Study on the Advanced T extile M anu facturing B ase on I nform ation

According to the connatation of the advanced textile manu facturing based on in formation propose the concrete parameter points request in four stages. Analyze the present situation and its m isunderstand points of in formation. C ountermeasures and suggestions are raised. …………………………………Lu Aihua (123) The Application and R esearch Direction in Jacqu ard F abric CAD System

A brief introduction to the jacquard fabric CAD system and its developing in recent years. G ive em phasis to discuss the research direction of jacquard fabric CAD system ,as the progressing of new science and technology. ……………………………………………………………………Zhang Senlin et al (126) NAT D ———A N ew ly T echnique of T extiles Aided Design in Web E ra

Analyze the current development and problems existed in technique of CAD ΠCAM of textile design at home and abroad. According the newly technique of web database comes out a brand 2new designing idea ———Net Aided T extiles Design. It brings forward the structure and expectation of NAT D system and indicates that NAT D is the developing direction of textiles design. …………………………………………………………………………………Duan Yafeng et al (129) China ’s Foreign T rade of T extiles and Clothes in the Later 2ATC

The ATC treaty change the basic situation of international textiles and clothes trading maket which set up during the FM A and re 2distribute the market portions. N ow summarize the changes in China ’s foreign trade of textiles and clothes after China join the WT O. P oint out seize the tendency of the market change in the later 2ATC , prom ote the com petence of it ’s products dynam ically , making the m ost of China ’s factor endowments. …………………Liu Yuejun (132) Analyze the Clothes M arket Phenomena and the B rand T actics

S tudy and analyze five comm on s orts of clothes market phenomena and advancing the efficient ways to market the brand clothes. ……Yu Guorui (134)


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