

Listen and read

Zoe: What shall we do on Sunday,


Jack: I could do with some fresh air.

Couldn ’t we go somewhere outside


Zoe: Like where? Don’t forget we’ve got

the dress rehearsal on Sunday

evening. They can’t do without us.

We ’ve both got large parts.

Jack: I know, but the rehearsal’s not until

six. What about going up into the Pentland Hills? I think they do coach trips there from the city centre. Perhaps we could do a bit of climbing. Lan: I don’t know. I’m not very keen on climbing.

Jack: Well, we don’t have to go climbing. Why don’t we go for a long walk? Kelly: Yes, that’s not a bad idea.

Lan: Walking ’s not really my thing, either.

Zoe: Oh, come on! We could take a picnic with us.

Jack: That ’s a good idea! What about it, Lan?

Lan: No way! I’m going to catch up on some sleep.

Jack: Oh, all right. How about asking Sarah?

Zoe: No, her parents are taking her out for the day.

Jack: OK, well, let’s find out about the coach times.

Grammar focus:

Ask for suggestions: What shall we do? Where shall we go?

Making suggestions: Couldn’t we go somewhere outside Edinburgh?

What/How about going up into the Pentland


We could do a bit of climbing.

Why don’t we go for a long walk?

Let’s find out about the coach t


Agreeing: That’s not a bad idea! That’s a good idea!

Disagreeing: I don’t know. I’m not very keen on climbing.

Walking’s not really my thing, either.

No way!


一 教学目标:

1. New words and expressions:

do with, do a bit of climbing, keen on climbing, go climbing

No way, catch up on some sleep, find out


What shall we do? Where shall we go?


Couldn’t we do sth?

What/How about doing sth ?

We could /should do sth.Why don’t we do sth?

Let’s do sth..


That’s not a bad idea! That’s a good idea!

I don’t know. I’m not very keen on climbing.

Walking’s not really my thing, either.

No way!

2. 能力目标:Ask for information and offer help

3. 情感目标:通过建议句型来培养学生与他人有礼貌地进行沟通,合理提出自己的想法,并了解外国文化与中国文化的差异。引导学生通过实际参与合作在交流中增加了解、增加友

谊,规范自己的行为,提高他们的观察能力和判断能力,激发他们对学习英语的兴趣和热情,在接近生活常态的交际中能乐于模仿,敢于开口,从而学会与他人的合作及关爱他人的精神。 ,二 难点 :表达建议句型

三 课型 :听说课

四 教学过程:

Step1. Leading –in

导入:Sunday is coming. Ask

1. What shall you do on Sunday?

2. Where shall you go?

3. Who shall you with?


Step2. Pre-task

呈现本课的教学目标(1 2),提醒学生注意新出现的句子短语。

Step3. Listening practice

1. Listen and answer the questions(第一遍后):

What are they talking about?

2. Listen and repeat:


Step4. Groupwork

1. Practice the conversation



2. Make a new dialogue


3. Practice the new dialogue(勇于开口的能力)

Step5. Summery



Step6. Homework

My mother’s birthday is coming. What shall I buy for her? Give me some advice and make a new dialogue. (关爱他人,尊重别人的喜好)


Listen and read

Zoe: What shall we do on Sunday,


Jack: I could do with some fresh air.

Couldn ’t we go somewhere outside


Zoe: Like where? Don’t forget we’ve got

the dress rehearsal on Sunday

evening. They can’t do without us.

We ’ve both got large parts.

Jack: I know, but the rehearsal’s not until

six. What about going up into the Pentland Hills? I think they do coach trips there from the city centre. Perhaps we could do a bit of climbing. Lan: I don’t know. I’m not very keen on climbing.

Jack: Well, we don’t have to go climbing. Why don’t we go for a long walk? Kelly: Yes, that’s not a bad idea.

Lan: Walking ’s not really my thing, either.

Zoe: Oh, come on! We could take a picnic with us.

Jack: That ’s a good idea! What about it, Lan?

Lan: No way! I’m going to catch up on some sleep.

Jack: Oh, all right. How about asking Sarah?

Zoe: No, her parents are taking her out for the day.

Jack: OK, well, let’s find out about the coach times.

Grammar focus:

Ask for suggestions: What shall we do? Where shall we go?

Making suggestions: Couldn’t we go somewhere outside Edinburgh?

What/How about going up into the Pentland


We could do a bit of climbing.

Why don’t we go for a long walk?

Let’s find out about the coach t


Agreeing: That’s not a bad idea! That’s a good idea!

Disagreeing: I don’t know. I’m not very keen on climbing.

Walking’s not really my thing, either.

No way!


一 教学目标:

1. New words and expressions:

do with, do a bit of climbing, keen on climbing, go climbing

No way, catch up on some sleep, find out


What shall we do? Where shall we go?


Couldn’t we do sth?

What/How about doing sth ?

We could /should do sth.Why don’t we do sth?

Let’s do sth..


That’s not a bad idea! That’s a good idea!

I don’t know. I’m not very keen on climbing.

Walking’s not really my thing, either.

No way!

2. 能力目标:Ask for information and offer help

3. 情感目标:通过建议句型来培养学生与他人有礼貌地进行沟通,合理提出自己的想法,并了解外国文化与中国文化的差异。引导学生通过实际参与合作在交流中增加了解、增加友

谊,规范自己的行为,提高他们的观察能力和判断能力,激发他们对学习英语的兴趣和热情,在接近生活常态的交际中能乐于模仿,敢于开口,从而学会与他人的合作及关爱他人的精神。 ,二 难点 :表达建议句型

三 课型 :听说课

四 教学过程:

Step1. Leading –in

导入:Sunday is coming. Ask

1. What shall you do on Sunday?

2. Where shall you go?

3. Who shall you with?


Step2. Pre-task

呈现本课的教学目标(1 2),提醒学生注意新出现的句子短语。

Step3. Listening practice

1. Listen and answer the questions(第一遍后):

What are they talking about?

2. Listen and repeat:


Step4. Groupwork

1. Practice the conversation



2. Make a new dialogue


3. Practice the new dialogue(勇于开口的能力)

Step5. Summery



Step6. Homework

My mother’s birthday is coming. What shall I buy for her? Give me some advice and make a new dialogue. (关爱他人,尊重别人的喜好)


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