
答疑&复习 英语课程1



英语声调 音调




Rule & Regulation

marathon ['mær əθɔn]

January ['dʒænju əri]



Book the tickets, on the plane, train, bus, subway & taxi

Warming up

A stand (美式英语表示出租车车站)is the US word for a place where taxis wait.

Taxi stand 是美式英语 “出租车车站”的意思。

Taxi rank 是英式英语“出租车车站”的意思。

The Underground 伦敦地铁 is the name for the transport system in London.

If you want to get from Brooklyn to Manhattan, you could take the Subway - 纽约的地铁。 The Tube is the informal name for the Underground in London, 伦敦地铁的通俗称呼。

Metro is the name for many underground train services around the world, but not in NYC. 虽然世界很多城市都使用这个称呼,但是纽约的地铁另有叫法。

The track (路轨) is the actual lines which the train runs on (in British English).

The platform is where you get on and off a train. 汉语里是站台。

The busy travelling time in the morning & evening is called rush hour, 上下班高峰时段。 Train fares (火车票票价) is correct, you can use it to talk about buses or trains.

You pay fees(学费) to a school for private education.

You did not answer this question

A taxi (or cab) 出租车 is driven by a cabby 出租车司机。

business class就是“商务舱”,也称为“公务舱”。商务舱一般指在飞机上或轮船上的一种档次比较高的舱位,其价格相对economy class / tourist class(经济舱)昂贵,相对first class(头等舱)便宜。一般由一些公务人士或商务人士来选择乘坐。

我们在乘坐飞机前,先要check in(进行登机手续办理),拿到boarding pass(登机牌),然后在airport terminal(机场候机楼)的departure lounge(候机室)候机。在登机前,如果还有时间,我们还可以逛逛机场的duty-free shop(免税店)。


[ 2010-08-04 14:54 ]


boarding check 登机牌

plane ticket 飞机票

flight, flying 飞行

bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行

smooth flight 平稳的飞行

ramp 扶梯

altitude, height 高度

air route, air line 航线

extra flight 加班机

charter flight 包机

first class 头等舱

business class 商务舱

economy class, tourist class 经济舱

non-stop flight 连续飞行

climbing, to gain height 爬升

circling 盘旋

forced landing 迫降

connecting flight 衔接航班

speed, velocity 速度

ceiling 上升限度

cruising speed 巡航速度

top speed 最高速度

night service 夜航

airsick 晕机

direct flight, straight flight 直飞

landing 着陆

to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸

to taxi along 滑行

to lose height, to fly low 低空飞行

to take off, take-off 起飞

to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机

to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机

to face the wind 迎风

to fly with the wind 顺风



Take me to the address, please.

No problem, sir.

How long can we get there?

About 30 minutes, but it all depends on the traffic.

How much is it going to cost?

Watch the meter.

Could you put this suitcase into the trunk?

Could you put the luggage in the trunk?

Could you please turn on the air-conditioning?

Could you please turn off the air-conditioning?

Can you remind me to get off at Wall Street?

Is there any subway nearby?


Taxi ——一般是计价表读数的15%到20%。比如,计价表度数为三十,你就一共给他35美刀就行了。或者给他50美刀,让他找15美刀回来即可。

Bus ——美国的公交相当落后。小城市的公交车,就像国内的长途车一般,一两个小时才有一班。大城市好一些,并有地铁相配套,坐公交的人多一些。其一,旅行者或旅游者。最典型的风景线是旧金山的有轨电车。其二,不会或不能开车的人。比如:新移民、老年人、坐轮椅的残障人士。其三,读书期间的大学生。其四,上下班时间的上班族。其五,低收入或无收入的人群。美国三亿人口,两亿汽车。

Better to ask the way than go astray. 问路总比迷路好。



"Traveling by taxi is one of the first experiences that many travellers have upon arrival in a new

city. In fact, the research found that cabs are by far the most popular method of traveling from the airport to their hotel," a spokesman for hotels.com said in a statement.

Hotel.com 网站的一名发言人在声明中说:“打车是很多游客在到达一座新城市后所经历的第一件事。调查还发现,出租车是目前从机场前往酒店最受欢迎的交通方式。”

答疑&复习 英语课程1



英语声调 音调




Rule & Regulation

marathon ['mær əθɔn]

January ['dʒænju əri]



Book the tickets, on the plane, train, bus, subway & taxi

Warming up

A stand (美式英语表示出租车车站)is the US word for a place where taxis wait.

Taxi stand 是美式英语 “出租车车站”的意思。

Taxi rank 是英式英语“出租车车站”的意思。

The Underground 伦敦地铁 is the name for the transport system in London.

If you want to get from Brooklyn to Manhattan, you could take the Subway - 纽约的地铁。 The Tube is the informal name for the Underground in London, 伦敦地铁的通俗称呼。

Metro is the name for many underground train services around the world, but not in NYC. 虽然世界很多城市都使用这个称呼,但是纽约的地铁另有叫法。

The track (路轨) is the actual lines which the train runs on (in British English).

The platform is where you get on and off a train. 汉语里是站台。

The busy travelling time in the morning & evening is called rush hour, 上下班高峰时段。 Train fares (火车票票价) is correct, you can use it to talk about buses or trains.

You pay fees(学费) to a school for private education.

You did not answer this question

A taxi (or cab) 出租车 is driven by a cabby 出租车司机。

business class就是“商务舱”,也称为“公务舱”。商务舱一般指在飞机上或轮船上的一种档次比较高的舱位,其价格相对economy class / tourist class(经济舱)昂贵,相对first class(头等舱)便宜。一般由一些公务人士或商务人士来选择乘坐。

我们在乘坐飞机前,先要check in(进行登机手续办理),拿到boarding pass(登机牌),然后在airport terminal(机场候机楼)的departure lounge(候机室)候机。在登机前,如果还有时间,我们还可以逛逛机场的duty-free shop(免税店)。


[ 2010-08-04 14:54 ]


boarding check 登机牌

plane ticket 飞机票

flight, flying 飞行

bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行

smooth flight 平稳的飞行

ramp 扶梯

altitude, height 高度

air route, air line 航线

extra flight 加班机

charter flight 包机

first class 头等舱

business class 商务舱

economy class, tourist class 经济舱

non-stop flight 连续飞行

climbing, to gain height 爬升

circling 盘旋

forced landing 迫降

connecting flight 衔接航班

speed, velocity 速度

ceiling 上升限度

cruising speed 巡航速度

top speed 最高速度

night service 夜航

airsick 晕机

direct flight, straight flight 直飞

landing 着陆

to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸

to taxi along 滑行

to lose height, to fly low 低空飞行

to take off, take-off 起飞

to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机

to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机

to face the wind 迎风

to fly with the wind 顺风



Take me to the address, please.

No problem, sir.

How long can we get there?

About 30 minutes, but it all depends on the traffic.

How much is it going to cost?

Watch the meter.

Could you put this suitcase into the trunk?

Could you put the luggage in the trunk?

Could you please turn on the air-conditioning?

Could you please turn off the air-conditioning?

Can you remind me to get off at Wall Street?

Is there any subway nearby?


Taxi ——一般是计价表读数的15%到20%。比如,计价表度数为三十,你就一共给他35美刀就行了。或者给他50美刀,让他找15美刀回来即可。

Bus ——美国的公交相当落后。小城市的公交车,就像国内的长途车一般,一两个小时才有一班。大城市好一些,并有地铁相配套,坐公交的人多一些。其一,旅行者或旅游者。最典型的风景线是旧金山的有轨电车。其二,不会或不能开车的人。比如:新移民、老年人、坐轮椅的残障人士。其三,读书期间的大学生。其四,上下班时间的上班族。其五,低收入或无收入的人群。美国三亿人口,两亿汽车。

Better to ask the way than go astray. 问路总比迷路好。



"Traveling by taxi is one of the first experiences that many travellers have upon arrival in a new

city. In fact, the research found that cabs are by far the most popular method of traveling from the airport to their hotel," a spokesman for hotels.com said in a statement.

Hotel.com 网站的一名发言人在声明中说:“打车是很多游客在到达一座新城市后所经历的第一件事。调查还发现,出租车是目前从机场前往酒店最受欢迎的交通方式。”


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