
姓名 班级

七年级下册英语阅读2b 填空 Unit 1

______ (1. be) you busy after school? No? Can you _____ (2. speaks) English?

Yes? Then we need you ________ (3.help) with sports for __________(4. speak English) students. Please _______ (5.comes) to the ________ (6.Student) Sports Center. Call Mr. Brown at 293-7742.

(9.be ) you free in July?___________ (10.be) you (11.well) with old people? Can you talk to (13.game) with them? They can tell you (14.story), and you can make

friend). It is interesting and fun. Please at 689-7729 today!

Can you play the piano or the violin? Do you have time on the ________

(17.weekends)? The school ________ (18.need) help ________(19.teach) music. It ________ (20. be not )difficult. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. Unit 2

Hi, I ______(1.be)Tony. I don’t like______ (2.get) up early. In the morning, I get

up at eight. I___________(3.not have) (4.many) time for breakfast, so I usually eat very ______ (5.quick). For lunch, I ______(6.usual) eat hamburgers. After school, (7.sometime) play basketball for half______(8.a) hour. When I get home, I always

______(10. I )homework first. In the evening, I either watch TV ______(11.and )______ (12.play) computer games. At ten thirty, I brush my ______(13.tooth) and then I go to bed.

Mary ______(14.be) my sister. She usually _________ (15.get) up at six thirty.

Then she always _________(16.take )a shower and ________ (17.have) a ______(18.good) breakfast. After that, she ________(19.go) to school at eight thirty. At twelve, she eats ______(20.lot) of fruit and ________ (21.vegetable) for lunch. After lunch, she sometimes ________ (22.play) volleyball. She always______(23.eat) ice-cream after dinner. She ________ (24.know) it______

(25.be not )good for______(26.she), but it _______ (27.taste)______(28.well). In the evening, she _________ (29.do) her homework and usually _________

(30.swim) or has a walk.

Unit 3

How do you get to school? Do you walk or______ (1.ride) a bike? Do you go by

bus or by train? For many ______ (2.student), it is easy_______(3. get) to school. But for the students in one small village in ______(4.Chinese), it is difficult. There________(5.be) a very big river between ______(6.they)school and the village. There is ______(7.not) bridge and the river________(8.run) ______(9.quick) for boats. So ______(10.this) students go on a ropeway________(11.cross) the river to school.

One (12. 11 years old) boy, Liangliang, ________(13.cross) the river

every school day. But he______ (14. be not )afraid. “ I love_______(15. play) with my classmates. And I love my teacher. He ______ (16. like) a father to me.”

______(17. much) of the students and villagers never____ (18.leave) the village.

It is their dream______(19. have) a bridge. Can ________(20.they) dream come true? Unit 4

Dear Dr. Know,

There_______ (1.be) too many rules! At 6:00a.m., my mom_______ (2. say),

“Get up now and make ________ (3.you) bed!”After breakfast, my mom always says,“_______(4. not) leave the dirty______(5. dish) in the kitchen!”After that, I run to school because I can’t______ (6.be) late. At school, we have ______ (7. many) rules----_______(8. not be) noisy, don’t eat in class,...

My dad says______(9. I ) can’t play basketball after school because I

must________(10.do)my homework. I can play only on (11. weekend). After dinner, I can’t______ ( 12. relaxing), ______(13. too).

I must read a book before I can watch TV. But I have______(14. go) to bed

before 10:00. Rules, rules, rules! It’s terrible! What can I do, Dr. Know?

Molly Brown, New York

Dear Molly,

I know how you feel. People always________ (15.tell) us, “Don’t do this!”or

“You can’t do (16.those)!”But think about it, Molly. There are a lot of ______ (17.thing) you can do. You can play basketball on weekends. You can watch TV after you read a book. Parents and schools_________(18. be)sometimes strict, but remember, they make rules _______(19.help) us. We have to follow them.

______ (20. well) luck!

Unit 5

Hello. We ______(1.be) students from Thailand, and we want_______(2.save)

the elephants. The elephant_______(3.be)one of ______ (4.Thailand) ______

(5.symbol). Our first flag______(6.have)a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good luck.

Elephants are smart ______(7.animal). They can play soccer or music. They can

also draw very ______(8.good) .People say that “_____(9.a)elephant never_________(10.forget)". Elephants can walk for a very long time and never get______(11.lose). They can also remember places with food and water. This ______(12.help) them______ (13.live).

But elephants are in great ______ (14.dangerous). People cut down

______(15.much) trees so elephants are____ (16.lose) their homes. People also kill elephants for their ______(17.ivory). Today there_____(18. be )only about 3000 elephants over 100,000 before).We must save the trees and not buy things _____(19.make) of ivory. Remember that March 13th is ______(20. Thailand) Elephant Day. Unit 6

_____ (1. Today) story is about Zhu Hui, a student from Shenzhen.

He’s now _____(2. study) in the United States. He’s _____(3.live)

with______(4.a )American family in New York. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s 9:00 a.m. And Zhu Hui’s family _____(5.be) at home. His mom and aunt _________(6.make) zongzi. His dad and uncle are_________(7.watch) the boat races on TV.

_____(8.be) Zhu Hui also watching the races and __________ (9.eat) zongzi?

Well, it’s 9:00 p.m. in New York, and it’s the night before the festival. But there _____(10. be not) a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so it’s like any other _____(11. night) for Zhu Hui and his host family. The mother is _____(12. read) a story to her young _______ (13.child). The father is watching a soccer game on TV. And what’s Zhu Hui __________ (14.do)? He__________(15.talk) on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen. Zhu Hui _____(16. miss) his family and _____(17.wish) _____(18. have) his _____(19.mom)delicious zongzi. Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family a lot, but there _____(20.be) still “no place like home”.


Unit 1


请你以“Students Wanted for School Day”为题写一则广告。40词以上。

Students Wanted for School Day

School Day is coming. It is on December 18th. Can you dance? Can you sing? Can you play the piano or violin? Can you tell stories? Then you can join us for School Day! School Day needs your help. Please call Mr. Wang at 222-6060.

二、自我推荐:假设你叫Frank, 你校需要在本周末招聘同学去养老院帮助孤寡老人。请你写一封e-mail 给Miss Brown介绍你的个人情况和爱好,60词。

Dear Miss Brown,

My name is Frank. I am good at talking with old people. I like to listen to stories and I can also tell many interesting stories. I can sing and dance. I am in the school music club. I can help the old people with music. And I have time on the weekend. I really want to join you!



Unit 2

你的妈妈每天都在忙什么呢?请以“My Mother’s Busy Day”为题,介绍一下妈妈一天的活动吧。80词。

My Mother’s Busy Day

My mother is very busy every day.

She gets up at six o’clock and then she takes a quick shower. She eats breakfast at half past six and she goes to work at seven.

She works for eight hours a day. She gets home at six thirty. Then she cooks dinner for me. After dinner, she sometimes watches TV. But usually she helps me with my homework. She goes to bed at about twenty to seven.

My mother is busy. I love her!

Unit 3


Zhang Hong is my friend. Her home is about three kilometers from school. She goes to school by bike. It takes her about ten minutes. But sometimes she walks to school. She likes to walk to school because she thinks it is good for her. It takes her about twenty minutes to walk to school. Her mother works in a store. It is about five kilometers from her home to the store. So she takes the bus to work every day. It takes her about ten minutes. She’s never late for work.

Unit 4

Linda 是你校的新生,不了解校规,请你向她介绍一下。60词左右。

1. 上课不能迟到。

2. 不准在教室吃东西。

3. 不能在课堂上听音乐、玩游戏。

4. 在图书馆必须保持安静。

5. 在校期间必须要穿校服。

Hello, Linda! Welcome to our school. There are many rules in our school. You must remember them.

We can’t arrive late for class. We can’t eat in the classroom but we can eat in the dining hall. We can’t listen to music in class. We can’t play games in class either. We must be quiet in the library. We have to wear uniform at school.

Our school makes rules to help us. We have to follow the rules.

Unit 5


请以”Let ’s Save the Pandas”为题,介绍一下大熊猫。

Let’s Save the Pandas

Panda are very interesting, cute and friendly. They are from China and they are the symbols of China.

Pandas are very smart. They can swim and play soccer. Oh, they can climb trees, too. Some of them can do kung fu very well. But now they are in great danger. People cut down many trees, so they are losing their homes. And some bad people kill pandas for the fur. Now, there are only 1000 pandas in the world.

We must save trees and not buy things made of pandas’ fur. Let’s save the pandas. They are our friends!

Unit 6

现在是晚上八点,Mike 一家都在家,包括他的祖父母、父母、哥哥和妹妹。请你发挥想象,向我们描述一下现在这一家人分别在干什么事情。60词左右。

It’s eight o’clock now. Mike’s family are at home. What are they doing now? Look! Mike is doing his homework. His grandmother is drinking tea in the sofa. His grandmother is playing chess with his friend. Mike’s mot her is watching TV and his father is reading a newspaper. What about his brother---Bob? Oh, he’s playing computer games. Is also Mike’s sister playing computer games? No, look, she is listening to a CD.


1. I can sing English songs. (改为否定句)

I ________ ________ English songs.

2. The girl can play ping-pong well. (改为一般疑问句)

________ the girl ________ ping-pong well?

3. Is he free next Monday evening? (作肯定回答)

________, he ________.

4. Emily can play the guitar, too. (改为同义句)

Emily ________ ________ play the guitar. 对划线部分提问)

________ ________ does Kate like to eat?

6. She can make vegetable salad. (改为一般疑问句)

________ ________ make vegetable salad?

7. Can you and Paul play computer games? (补全肯定答语)

Yes, _________ _________.

8. Lisa can swim and sing. (改为否定句)

Lisa ________ swim ________ sing.

9. David can play the violin, too. (改为同义句)

David ________ ________ play the violin. (对划线部分提问)

________ can the boy ________?

11. The boys can dance well. (改为一般疑问句)

________ the boys ________ well?

12. Do you and Lucy have time on Friday? (补全肯定答语)

Yes, ________ ________.

13. Mr. Smith can play tennis. (改为否定句)

Mr. Smith ________ ________ tennis. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ do you want to play?

15. George often helps me do my homework. (改为同义句)

George often ________ me ________ my homework.


1. Peter plays computer games in the evening. (改为一般疑问句)

________ Peter ________ computer games in the evening?

2. She usually does her homework at school. (用They 替换She 改写句子)

They usually do ________ ________ at school.

3. Kate goes to work on Saturday. (改为否定句)

Kate ________ ________ to work on Saturday.

4. My uncle goes home (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ does your uncle go home? (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ your parents often take a walk? Unit 3

1. Wang Dan takes the No. 5 bus to get to school. (改为否定句)

Wang Dan ________ ________ the No. 5 bus to get to school.

2. His parents drive their car to the library on Sundays. (改为一般疑问句)

_________ his parents _________ their car to the library on Sundays? 对划线部分提问)

________ ________ John usually cross the river? 对划线部分提问)

________ ________ do you need to do your homework every evening?

5. Jack usually goes to work on foot. (改为同义句)

Jack usually ________ ________ work.

6. Jenny usually walks to work. (改为一般疑问句)

________ Jenny usually ________ to work?

7. Do Mark and Tony play soccer after school? (补全否定答语)

No, ________ ________. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ they go to the library? (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ is the village from the bus station?

10. John’s parents usually take the plane to Shanghai. (改为同义句)

John’s parents usually go to Shanghai ________ ________.

Unit 4

1. His father has to take a bus to work. (改为一般疑问句)

_________ his father _________ to take a bus to work?

2. Can I listen to music here? (补全答语)

No, ________ ________.

3. I must finish the work today. (改为一般疑问句)

________ ________ finish the work today?

4. You can’t be late for class. (改为祈使句)

________ ________ late for class. 对划线部分提问)

________ does Dan have to ________?

6. —Can they wear a hat in class? (补全否定答语)

—No, ________ ________.

7. Kate has to run for 30 minutes every morning. (改为否定句)

Kate ________ ________ to run for 30 minutes every morning.

8. I must clean the room today. (改为一般疑问句)

________ you ________ the room today?

9. You can’t talk here. (改为祈使句)

________ ________ here. (对划线部分提问)

________ does Tony have to ________ every Saturday?

11. Can we go out this evening? (补全否定答语)

No, ________ ________.

12. You and Sam have to clean the room today. (改为否定句)

You and Sam ________ ________ to clean the room today.

13. You can’t play basketball here. (改为祈使句)

________ ________ basketball here. (对划线部分提问)

________ does Tina have to ________ after dinner? (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ you play chess?

Unit5根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词 (含缩略形式)。

1. The koala is small. (改为一般疑问句)

________ the koala ________?

2. Mr. Brown is from England. (改为同义句)

Mr. Brown ________ ________ England. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ do your parents like? (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Tina from?

5. John wants to learn to swim (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ John want to learn to swim? (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Paul walk after dinner? (对划线部分提问)

________ are ________ favorite animals? (对划线部分提问)

________ can Tony ________?

9. David likes blue T-shirts very much. (改为同义句)

David likes blue T-shirts ________ ________.

10. Emma comes from Dalian. (改为同义句)

Emma ________ ________ Dalian. Unit 6

1. My grandfather is reading. (改为否定句)

My grandfather ________ ________.

2. The beautiful girl is dancing now. (改为一般疑问句)

________ the beautiful girl ________ now? 对划线部分提问)

________ is John ________ now? 对划线部分提问)

________ ________ your sister eating?

5. Peter runs every morning. (用now 代替every morning改写句子)

Peter ________ ________ now.

6. John is playing the guitar now. (改为一般疑问句)

________ John ________ the guitar now?

7. Are your parents taking a walk now? (补全肯定答语)

Yes, ________ ________.

8. Kate and Amy are doing homework in the classroom. (改为否定句)

Kate and Amy ________ ________ homework in the classroom. (对划线部分提问)

________ is your cousin ________ now?

10. Eric exercises every day. (用now 代替every day改写句子)

Eric ________ ________ now.

11. Peter and Rick are playing the guitar there. (改为一般疑问句)

________ Peter and Rick ________ the guitar there?

12. —Are your parents taking a trip now? (补全否定答语)

—No, ________ ________.

13. Simon is watching a TV show with his cousin. (改为否定句)

Simon ________ ________ a TV show with his cousin. 对划线部分提问)

________ ________ ________ grandma ?

15. Alan runs with his friends after school. (用now 代替after school改写句子)

Alan ________ ________ with his friends now.


姓名: 成绩: 1、跳舞; 舞蹈2、下国际象棋3、说英语4、擅长于„5、故事;小说 6、弹钢琴7、拉小提琴 8、人们9、善于应付„„的10、结交朋友 11、在某方面帮助某人 12、中心

13、(在) 周末 14、教;讲授 15、音乐家

16、起床17、穿上衣服 18、牙齿(复数)

19、洗淋浴 20、通常地 21、四十

22、绝不 23、广播电台 24、„„点钟

25、锻炼 26、最好的 27、过去的 28、四分之一 29、做作业 30、干净的

31、散步 32、或者„或者„ 33、有时

34、品尝;滋味 35、乘地铁 36、骑自行车

37、一百 38、分钟39、千米40、每天 41、开车 42、村庄;村镇

43、在„„和„„之间 44、桥 45、害怕

46、离开 47、梦想 48、成为现实 49、到达 50、听„„ 51、打架;战斗

52、抱歉的53、外面的54、重要的55、穿校服 56、安静的 57、练习 58、清洗餐具 59、铺床 60、脏的 61、厨房 62、可怕的 63、对某人要求严格 64、记住65、遵守规则 66、保持;保留

67、学会 68、熊猫 69、大象 70、长颈鹿 71、动物 72、美丽的73、有点儿 74、澳大利亚 75、南非 76、睡觉 77、友好的 78、忘记;遗忘79、地点80、水81、处于(极大)危险之中

82、超过83、由„„制成的 84、看报纸

85、做汤 86、洗 87、看电影

88、房子 89、喝茶 90、明天

91、超市 92、美国 93、另外的;其他的

94、年轻的 95、儿童(复数) 96、怀念;思念

97、美味的 98、迷路 99、更多(的) 100、工作(可数)

姓名 班级 分数4. talk to ..._________ 5. play the drums _________ 6. play the piano _____________

7. play the violin ________ 8. be good with... ________ 9. make friends_______________

10. get up ___________ 11. on the weekend________ 12. help (sb) with sth__________

13. get dressed ________ 14. take a shower________ 15. radio station ________________

16. on weekends _______ 17. take a walk________ 18. do (one’s) homework________

19. get to_______________ 20. lots of _______________ 21. either...or ...______________

22. every day________ 23. ride a bike___________ 24. take the subway_____________

25.by bike___________ 26. think of _____________ 27. between...and..._____________

28.come true________ 29. (be) on time________ 30. dining hall______________

31. listen to...________ 32. do the dishes________ 33. go out ____________________

34. kind of________ 35. make (one’s) bed_________ 36. be strict (with sb.)_____________

37. get lost___________ 38.South Africa ________ 39. follow the rules_____________

40.cut down ________ 41. be in (great) danger________ 42.(be) made of _____________

43.make soup________ 44.read a newspaper________ 45. go to the movies_____________

46.eat out ________ 47. drink tea __________ 48. the United States_____________

49.Dragon Boat Festival ________ 50. living room________ 51. have to_____________

姓名 班级 分数

1. 下象棋 ___________ 2. 说英语 _____________ 3. 擅长于······ _____________

4. 跟······说 ___________ 5. 敲鼓 _______________ 6. 弹钢琴 _____________

1. play chess _________ 2. speak English _________ 3. be good at..._________________

7. 拉小提琴___________ 8. 善于应付······的___________ 9. 结交朋友_____________

10. 起床_____________ 11. 在周末_____________ 12. 在某方面帮助某人_____________

13. 穿上衣服___________ 14.洗淋浴_____________ 15. 广播电台_____________

16. 在周末_____________ 17.散步_____________ 18. 做作业_____________

19. 到达_____________ 20. 大量;许多____________21. 要么······要么······_____________

22. 每天_____________ 23. 骑自行车_____________ 24. 乘地铁_____________

25. 骑自行车__________ 26. 认为;想起___________ 27.在······和······之间 _____________

28. 实现_____________ 29. 准时_____________ 30. 餐厅_____________

31. 听······_____________ 32. 清洗餐具_____________ 33. 外出(娱乐)_____________

34. 必须;不得不________ 35. 铺床_____________ 36. 对某人要求严格_____________

37. 遵守规则____________ 38. 稍微;有点儿__________ 39. 南非_____________

40. 迷路_____________ 41. 处于极大的危险之中____________ 42.砍倒____________

43. 由······制成的___________ 44. 看报纸________________ 45. 做汤_____________

46. 去电影院_____________ 47. 出去吃饭_____________ 48. 喝茶_____________

49. 美国_____________ 50.端午节_____________ 51. 客厅_____________

姓名 班级 分数

1. 下象棋 ___________ 2. 说英语 _____________ 3. 擅长于 _____________

5. 跟... 说 ___________ 5. 敲鼓 _______________ 6. 弹钢琴 _____________

8. 拉小提琴___________ 8. 善于应付... 的___________ 9. 结交朋友_____________

11. 起床_____________ 11. 在周末_____________ 12. 在某方面帮助某人_____________

14. 穿上衣服___________ 14.洗淋浴_____________ 15. 广播电台_____________

17. 在周末_____________ 17.散步_____________ 18. 做作业_____________

20. 到达_____________ 20. 大量;许多_____________ 21. 要么... 要么... _____________

23. 每天_____________ 23. 骑自行车_____________ 24. 乘地铁_____________

26. 骑自行车__________ 26. 认为;想起____________ 27.在... 和... 之间 _____________

29. 实现_____________ 29. 准时_____________ 30. 餐厅_____________

32. 听..._____________ 32. 清洗餐具_____________ 33. 外出(娱乐)_____________

35. 必须;不得不________ 35. 铺床_____________ 36. 对某人要求严格_____________

38. 遵守规则____________ 38. 稍微;有点儿__________ 39. 南非_____________

41. 迷路_____________ 41. 处于极大的危险之中____________ 42.砍到____________

44. 由... 制成的___________ 44. 看报纸________________ 45. 做汤_____________

47. 去电影院_____________ 47. 出去吃饭_____________ 48. 喝茶_____________

50. 美国_____________ 50.端午节_____________ 51. 客厅_____________

姓名 班级

七年级下册英语阅读2b 填空 Unit 1

______ (1. be) you busy after school? No? Can you _____ (2. speaks) English?

Yes? Then we need you ________ (3.help) with sports for __________(4. speak English) students. Please _______ (5.comes) to the ________ (6.Student) Sports Center. Call Mr. Brown at 293-7742.

(9.be ) you free in July?___________ (10.be) you (11.well) with old people? Can you talk to (13.game) with them? They can tell you (14.story), and you can make

friend). It is interesting and fun. Please at 689-7729 today!

Can you play the piano or the violin? Do you have time on the ________

(17.weekends)? The school ________ (18.need) help ________(19.teach) music. It ________ (20. be not )difficult. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. Unit 2

Hi, I ______(1.be)Tony. I don’t like______ (2.get) up early. In the morning, I get

up at eight. I___________(3.not have) (4.many) time for breakfast, so I usually eat very ______ (5.quick). For lunch, I ______(6.usual) eat hamburgers. After school, (7.sometime) play basketball for half______(8.a) hour. When I get home, I always

______(10. I )homework first. In the evening, I either watch TV ______(11.and )______ (12.play) computer games. At ten thirty, I brush my ______(13.tooth) and then I go to bed.

Mary ______(14.be) my sister. She usually _________ (15.get) up at six thirty.

Then she always _________(16.take )a shower and ________ (17.have) a ______(18.good) breakfast. After that, she ________(19.go) to school at eight thirty. At twelve, she eats ______(20.lot) of fruit and ________ (21.vegetable) for lunch. After lunch, she sometimes ________ (22.play) volleyball. She always______(23.eat) ice-cream after dinner. She ________ (24.know) it______

(25.be not )good for______(26.she), but it _______ (27.taste)______(28.well). In the evening, she _________ (29.do) her homework and usually _________

(30.swim) or has a walk.

Unit 3

How do you get to school? Do you walk or______ (1.ride) a bike? Do you go by

bus or by train? For many ______ (2.student), it is easy_______(3. get) to school. But for the students in one small village in ______(4.Chinese), it is difficult. There________(5.be) a very big river between ______(6.they)school and the village. There is ______(7.not) bridge and the river________(8.run) ______(9.quick) for boats. So ______(10.this) students go on a ropeway________(11.cross) the river to school.

One (12. 11 years old) boy, Liangliang, ________(13.cross) the river

every school day. But he______ (14. be not )afraid. “ I love_______(15. play) with my classmates. And I love my teacher. He ______ (16. like) a father to me.”

______(17. much) of the students and villagers never____ (18.leave) the village.

It is their dream______(19. have) a bridge. Can ________(20.they) dream come true? Unit 4

Dear Dr. Know,

There_______ (1.be) too many rules! At 6:00a.m., my mom_______ (2. say),

“Get up now and make ________ (3.you) bed!”After breakfast, my mom always says,“_______(4. not) leave the dirty______(5. dish) in the kitchen!”After that, I run to school because I can’t______ (6.be) late. At school, we have ______ (7. many) rules----_______(8. not be) noisy, don’t eat in class,...

My dad says______(9. I ) can’t play basketball after school because I

must________(10.do)my homework. I can play only on (11. weekend). After dinner, I can’t______ ( 12. relaxing), ______(13. too).

I must read a book before I can watch TV. But I have______(14. go) to bed

before 10:00. Rules, rules, rules! It’s terrible! What can I do, Dr. Know?

Molly Brown, New York

Dear Molly,

I know how you feel. People always________ (15.tell) us, “Don’t do this!”or

“You can’t do (16.those)!”But think about it, Molly. There are a lot of ______ (17.thing) you can do. You can play basketball on weekends. You can watch TV after you read a book. Parents and schools_________(18. be)sometimes strict, but remember, they make rules _______(19.help) us. We have to follow them.

______ (20. well) luck!

Unit 5

Hello. We ______(1.be) students from Thailand, and we want_______(2.save)

the elephants. The elephant_______(3.be)one of ______ (4.Thailand) ______

(5.symbol). Our first flag______(6.have)a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good luck.

Elephants are smart ______(7.animal). They can play soccer or music. They can

also draw very ______(8.good) .People say that “_____(9.a)elephant never_________(10.forget)". Elephants can walk for a very long time and never get______(11.lose). They can also remember places with food and water. This ______(12.help) them______ (13.live).

But elephants are in great ______ (14.dangerous). People cut down

______(15.much) trees so elephants are____ (16.lose) their homes. People also kill elephants for their ______(17.ivory). Today there_____(18. be )only about 3000 elephants over 100,000 before).We must save the trees and not buy things _____(19.make) of ivory. Remember that March 13th is ______(20. Thailand) Elephant Day. Unit 6

_____ (1. Today) story is about Zhu Hui, a student from Shenzhen.

He’s now _____(2. study) in the United States. He’s _____(3.live)

with______(4.a )American family in New York. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s 9:00 a.m. And Zhu Hui’s family _____(5.be) at home. His mom and aunt _________(6.make) zongzi. His dad and uncle are_________(7.watch) the boat races on TV.

_____(8.be) Zhu Hui also watching the races and __________ (9.eat) zongzi?

Well, it’s 9:00 p.m. in New York, and it’s the night before the festival. But there _____(10. be not) a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so it’s like any other _____(11. night) for Zhu Hui and his host family. The mother is _____(12. read) a story to her young _______ (13.child). The father is watching a soccer game on TV. And what’s Zhu Hui __________ (14.do)? He__________(15.talk) on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen. Zhu Hui _____(16. miss) his family and _____(17.wish) _____(18. have) his _____(19.mom)delicious zongzi. Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family a lot, but there _____(20.be) still “no place like home”.


Unit 1


请你以“Students Wanted for School Day”为题写一则广告。40词以上。

Students Wanted for School Day

School Day is coming. It is on December 18th. Can you dance? Can you sing? Can you play the piano or violin? Can you tell stories? Then you can join us for School Day! School Day needs your help. Please call Mr. Wang at 222-6060.

二、自我推荐:假设你叫Frank, 你校需要在本周末招聘同学去养老院帮助孤寡老人。请你写一封e-mail 给Miss Brown介绍你的个人情况和爱好,60词。

Dear Miss Brown,

My name is Frank. I am good at talking with old people. I like to listen to stories and I can also tell many interesting stories. I can sing and dance. I am in the school music club. I can help the old people with music. And I have time on the weekend. I really want to join you!



Unit 2

你的妈妈每天都在忙什么呢?请以“My Mother’s Busy Day”为题,介绍一下妈妈一天的活动吧。80词。

My Mother’s Busy Day

My mother is very busy every day.

She gets up at six o’clock and then she takes a quick shower. She eats breakfast at half past six and she goes to work at seven.

She works for eight hours a day. She gets home at six thirty. Then she cooks dinner for me. After dinner, she sometimes watches TV. But usually she helps me with my homework. She goes to bed at about twenty to seven.

My mother is busy. I love her!

Unit 3


Zhang Hong is my friend. Her home is about three kilometers from school. She goes to school by bike. It takes her about ten minutes. But sometimes she walks to school. She likes to walk to school because she thinks it is good for her. It takes her about twenty minutes to walk to school. Her mother works in a store. It is about five kilometers from her home to the store. So she takes the bus to work every day. It takes her about ten minutes. She’s never late for work.

Unit 4

Linda 是你校的新生,不了解校规,请你向她介绍一下。60词左右。

1. 上课不能迟到。

2. 不准在教室吃东西。

3. 不能在课堂上听音乐、玩游戏。

4. 在图书馆必须保持安静。

5. 在校期间必须要穿校服。

Hello, Linda! Welcome to our school. There are many rules in our school. You must remember them.

We can’t arrive late for class. We can’t eat in the classroom but we can eat in the dining hall. We can’t listen to music in class. We can’t play games in class either. We must be quiet in the library. We have to wear uniform at school.

Our school makes rules to help us. We have to follow the rules.

Unit 5


请以”Let ’s Save the Pandas”为题,介绍一下大熊猫。

Let’s Save the Pandas

Panda are very interesting, cute and friendly. They are from China and they are the symbols of China.

Pandas are very smart. They can swim and play soccer. Oh, they can climb trees, too. Some of them can do kung fu very well. But now they are in great danger. People cut down many trees, so they are losing their homes. And some bad people kill pandas for the fur. Now, there are only 1000 pandas in the world.

We must save trees and not buy things made of pandas’ fur. Let’s save the pandas. They are our friends!

Unit 6

现在是晚上八点,Mike 一家都在家,包括他的祖父母、父母、哥哥和妹妹。请你发挥想象,向我们描述一下现在这一家人分别在干什么事情。60词左右。

It’s eight o’clock now. Mike’s family are at home. What are they doing now? Look! Mike is doing his homework. His grandmother is drinking tea in the sofa. His grandmother is playing chess with his friend. Mike’s mot her is watching TV and his father is reading a newspaper. What about his brother---Bob? Oh, he’s playing computer games. Is also Mike’s sister playing computer games? No, look, she is listening to a CD.


1. I can sing English songs. (改为否定句)

I ________ ________ English songs.

2. The girl can play ping-pong well. (改为一般疑问句)

________ the girl ________ ping-pong well?

3. Is he free next Monday evening? (作肯定回答)

________, he ________.

4. Emily can play the guitar, too. (改为同义句)

Emily ________ ________ play the guitar. 对划线部分提问)

________ ________ does Kate like to eat?

6. She can make vegetable salad. (改为一般疑问句)

________ ________ make vegetable salad?

7. Can you and Paul play computer games? (补全肯定答语)

Yes, _________ _________.

8. Lisa can swim and sing. (改为否定句)

Lisa ________ swim ________ sing.

9. David can play the violin, too. (改为同义句)

David ________ ________ play the violin. (对划线部分提问)

________ can the boy ________?

11. The boys can dance well. (改为一般疑问句)

________ the boys ________ well?

12. Do you and Lucy have time on Friday? (补全肯定答语)

Yes, ________ ________.

13. Mr. Smith can play tennis. (改为否定句)

Mr. Smith ________ ________ tennis. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ do you want to play?

15. George often helps me do my homework. (改为同义句)

George often ________ me ________ my homework.


1. Peter plays computer games in the evening. (改为一般疑问句)

________ Peter ________ computer games in the evening?

2. She usually does her homework at school. (用They 替换She 改写句子)

They usually do ________ ________ at school.

3. Kate goes to work on Saturday. (改为否定句)

Kate ________ ________ to work on Saturday.

4. My uncle goes home (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ does your uncle go home? (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ your parents often take a walk? Unit 3

1. Wang Dan takes the No. 5 bus to get to school. (改为否定句)

Wang Dan ________ ________ the No. 5 bus to get to school.

2. His parents drive their car to the library on Sundays. (改为一般疑问句)

_________ his parents _________ their car to the library on Sundays? 对划线部分提问)

________ ________ John usually cross the river? 对划线部分提问)

________ ________ do you need to do your homework every evening?

5. Jack usually goes to work on foot. (改为同义句)

Jack usually ________ ________ work.

6. Jenny usually walks to work. (改为一般疑问句)

________ Jenny usually ________ to work?

7. Do Mark and Tony play soccer after school? (补全否定答语)

No, ________ ________. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ they go to the library? (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ is the village from the bus station?

10. John’s parents usually take the plane to Shanghai. (改为同义句)

John’s parents usually go to Shanghai ________ ________.

Unit 4

1. His father has to take a bus to work. (改为一般疑问句)

_________ his father _________ to take a bus to work?

2. Can I listen to music here? (补全答语)

No, ________ ________.

3. I must finish the work today. (改为一般疑问句)

________ ________ finish the work today?

4. You can’t be late for class. (改为祈使句)

________ ________ late for class. 对划线部分提问)

________ does Dan have to ________?

6. —Can they wear a hat in class? (补全否定答语)

—No, ________ ________.

7. Kate has to run for 30 minutes every morning. (改为否定句)

Kate ________ ________ to run for 30 minutes every morning.

8. I must clean the room today. (改为一般疑问句)

________ you ________ the room today?

9. You can’t talk here. (改为祈使句)

________ ________ here. (对划线部分提问)

________ does Tony have to ________ every Saturday?

11. Can we go out this evening? (补全否定答语)

No, ________ ________.

12. You and Sam have to clean the room today. (改为否定句)

You and Sam ________ ________ to clean the room today.

13. You can’t play basketball here. (改为祈使句)

________ ________ basketball here. (对划线部分提问)

________ does Tina have to ________ after dinner? (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ you play chess?

Unit5根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词 (含缩略形式)。

1. The koala is small. (改为一般疑问句)

________ the koala ________?

2. Mr. Brown is from England. (改为同义句)

Mr. Brown ________ ________ England. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ do your parents like? (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Tina from?

5. John wants to learn to swim (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ John want to learn to swim? (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Paul walk after dinner? (对划线部分提问)

________ are ________ favorite animals? (对划线部分提问)

________ can Tony ________?

9. David likes blue T-shirts very much. (改为同义句)

David likes blue T-shirts ________ ________.

10. Emma comes from Dalian. (改为同义句)

Emma ________ ________ Dalian. Unit 6

1. My grandfather is reading. (改为否定句)

My grandfather ________ ________.

2. The beautiful girl is dancing now. (改为一般疑问句)

________ the beautiful girl ________ now? 对划线部分提问)

________ is John ________ now? 对划线部分提问)

________ ________ your sister eating?

5. Peter runs every morning. (用now 代替every morning改写句子)

Peter ________ ________ now.

6. John is playing the guitar now. (改为一般疑问句)

________ John ________ the guitar now?

7. Are your parents taking a walk now? (补全肯定答语)

Yes, ________ ________.

8. Kate and Amy are doing homework in the classroom. (改为否定句)

Kate and Amy ________ ________ homework in the classroom. (对划线部分提问)

________ is your cousin ________ now?

10. Eric exercises every day. (用now 代替every day改写句子)

Eric ________ ________ now.

11. Peter and Rick are playing the guitar there. (改为一般疑问句)

________ Peter and Rick ________ the guitar there?

12. —Are your parents taking a trip now? (补全否定答语)

—No, ________ ________.

13. Simon is watching a TV show with his cousin. (改为否定句)

Simon ________ ________ a TV show with his cousin. 对划线部分提问)

________ ________ ________ grandma ?

15. Alan runs with his friends after school. (用now 代替after school改写句子)

Alan ________ ________ with his friends now.


姓名: 成绩: 1、跳舞; 舞蹈2、下国际象棋3、说英语4、擅长于„5、故事;小说 6、弹钢琴7、拉小提琴 8、人们9、善于应付„„的10、结交朋友 11、在某方面帮助某人 12、中心

13、(在) 周末 14、教;讲授 15、音乐家

16、起床17、穿上衣服 18、牙齿(复数)

19、洗淋浴 20、通常地 21、四十

22、绝不 23、广播电台 24、„„点钟

25、锻炼 26、最好的 27、过去的 28、四分之一 29、做作业 30、干净的

31、散步 32、或者„或者„ 33、有时

34、品尝;滋味 35、乘地铁 36、骑自行车

37、一百 38、分钟39、千米40、每天 41、开车 42、村庄;村镇

43、在„„和„„之间 44、桥 45、害怕

46、离开 47、梦想 48、成为现实 49、到达 50、听„„ 51、打架;战斗

52、抱歉的53、外面的54、重要的55、穿校服 56、安静的 57、练习 58、清洗餐具 59、铺床 60、脏的 61、厨房 62、可怕的 63、对某人要求严格 64、记住65、遵守规则 66、保持;保留

67、学会 68、熊猫 69、大象 70、长颈鹿 71、动物 72、美丽的73、有点儿 74、澳大利亚 75、南非 76、睡觉 77、友好的 78、忘记;遗忘79、地点80、水81、处于(极大)危险之中

82、超过83、由„„制成的 84、看报纸

85、做汤 86、洗 87、看电影

88、房子 89、喝茶 90、明天

91、超市 92、美国 93、另外的;其他的

94、年轻的 95、儿童(复数) 96、怀念;思念

97、美味的 98、迷路 99、更多(的) 100、工作(可数)

姓名 班级 分数4. talk to ..._________ 5. play the drums _________ 6. play the piano _____________

7. play the violin ________ 8. be good with... ________ 9. make friends_______________

10. get up ___________ 11. on the weekend________ 12. help (sb) with sth__________

13. get dressed ________ 14. take a shower________ 15. radio station ________________

16. on weekends _______ 17. take a walk________ 18. do (one’s) homework________

19. get to_______________ 20. lots of _______________ 21. either...or ...______________

22. every day________ 23. ride a bike___________ 24. take the subway_____________

25.by bike___________ 26. think of _____________ 27. between...and..._____________

28.come true________ 29. (be) on time________ 30. dining hall______________

31. listen to...________ 32. do the dishes________ 33. go out ____________________

34. kind of________ 35. make (one’s) bed_________ 36. be strict (with sb.)_____________

37. get lost___________ 38.South Africa ________ 39. follow the rules_____________

40.cut down ________ 41. be in (great) danger________ 42.(be) made of _____________

43.make soup________ 44.read a newspaper________ 45. go to the movies_____________

46.eat out ________ 47. drink tea __________ 48. the United States_____________

49.Dragon Boat Festival ________ 50. living room________ 51. have to_____________

姓名 班级 分数

1. 下象棋 ___________ 2. 说英语 _____________ 3. 擅长于······ _____________

4. 跟······说 ___________ 5. 敲鼓 _______________ 6. 弹钢琴 _____________

1. play chess _________ 2. speak English _________ 3. be good at..._________________

7. 拉小提琴___________ 8. 善于应付······的___________ 9. 结交朋友_____________

10. 起床_____________ 11. 在周末_____________ 12. 在某方面帮助某人_____________

13. 穿上衣服___________ 14.洗淋浴_____________ 15. 广播电台_____________

16. 在周末_____________ 17.散步_____________ 18. 做作业_____________

19. 到达_____________ 20. 大量;许多____________21. 要么······要么······_____________

22. 每天_____________ 23. 骑自行车_____________ 24. 乘地铁_____________

25. 骑自行车__________ 26. 认为;想起___________ 27.在······和······之间 _____________

28. 实现_____________ 29. 准时_____________ 30. 餐厅_____________

31. 听······_____________ 32. 清洗餐具_____________ 33. 外出(娱乐)_____________

34. 必须;不得不________ 35. 铺床_____________ 36. 对某人要求严格_____________

37. 遵守规则____________ 38. 稍微;有点儿__________ 39. 南非_____________

40. 迷路_____________ 41. 处于极大的危险之中____________ 42.砍倒____________

43. 由······制成的___________ 44. 看报纸________________ 45. 做汤_____________

46. 去电影院_____________ 47. 出去吃饭_____________ 48. 喝茶_____________

49. 美国_____________ 50.端午节_____________ 51. 客厅_____________

姓名 班级 分数

1. 下象棋 ___________ 2. 说英语 _____________ 3. 擅长于 _____________

5. 跟... 说 ___________ 5. 敲鼓 _______________ 6. 弹钢琴 _____________

8. 拉小提琴___________ 8. 善于应付... 的___________ 9. 结交朋友_____________

11. 起床_____________ 11. 在周末_____________ 12. 在某方面帮助某人_____________

14. 穿上衣服___________ 14.洗淋浴_____________ 15. 广播电台_____________

17. 在周末_____________ 17.散步_____________ 18. 做作业_____________

20. 到达_____________ 20. 大量;许多_____________ 21. 要么... 要么... _____________

23. 每天_____________ 23. 骑自行车_____________ 24. 乘地铁_____________

26. 骑自行车__________ 26. 认为;想起____________ 27.在... 和... 之间 _____________

29. 实现_____________ 29. 准时_____________ 30. 餐厅_____________

32. 听..._____________ 32. 清洗餐具_____________ 33. 外出(娱乐)_____________

35. 必须;不得不________ 35. 铺床_____________ 36. 对某人要求严格_____________

38. 遵守规则____________ 38. 稍微;有点儿__________ 39. 南非_____________

41. 迷路_____________ 41. 处于极大的危险之中____________ 42.砍到____________

44. 由... 制成的___________ 44. 看报纸________________ 45. 做汤_____________

47. 去电影院_____________ 47. 出去吃饭_____________ 48. 喝茶_____________

50. 美国_____________ 50.端午节_____________ 51. 客厅_____________


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  • 剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一.中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行.人们常用剪纸美化居家环境.特别是在春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛.剪纸最常用的颜色是红 ...

  • 探究英语水平幅度与听唱英文歌曲之间的关系
  • 探究英语水平幅度与听唱英文歌曲之间的关系 首先要考虑怎样学好英语 想学好英语,首先要培养对英语的兴趣."兴趣是最好的老师",兴趣是学习英语的最大动力,有了兴趣,学习就会事半功倍.我们都有这样的经验:喜欢的事,就容易坚持下去:不喜欢的事,很难坚持下去的.而兴趣不是与生俱来的,需要培 ...

  • 浅析如何提高非英语专业大学生的听力水平
  • 浅析如何提高非英语专业大学生的听力水平 摘 要:听.说.读.写是英语学习的基本技能.其中,听力是一个重要方面.鉴于很多非英语专业大学生的听力较弱,如何提高他们的听力水平成为一项艰巨的任务.笔者通过查找相关书籍,并在书中听力方面理论的指导下设计出调查问卷.通过调查,笔者发现了非英语专业大学生听力过程中 ...

  • 大学英语学习计划书表
  • 大学英语学习计划书表 第一篇 大学四年时间宝贵,如果能够从大一开始就好好利用,每年的英语学习都上一个台阶,即便是非英语专业的学生在毕业后也能够具备较高的英语水平.下面为读者提供的是大学四年英语学习目标,因为每个读者的基础不同,在具体内容上无法量化,读者可以在这个表格的基础上加以调整,作为自己四年大学 ...

  • 2013年12月英语六级新题型解题技巧
  • 英语六级阅读理解文章题材及解题技 一.大纲要求: 对主体细节推理以及态度题有所把握,对阅读速度的要求:每分钟70个单词. 二.六级文章本身的特点: 1.结构: 1) 文科文章常有的一些结构 A .现象解释型(文章一开始给出一个现象然后对现象进行解释,一般都会在第一段的末句是一个问句,段末是问号.就是 ...

  • 英语专业经验
  • 英语专业课冲刺120分 (笔者2010年基础英语取得99分.翻译与写作取得126分) 基础英语 一.基础英语真题试题分析(卷面满分为150分) Ⅰ Choose one word or phrase to fill in the blank so that the sentence makes se ...

  • 英文写作(英汉表达差异)
  • 英汉表达差异-英语写作中的拦路虎 有位专家曾做过这样一个实验:他找了两位二十岁左右西班牙小伙子和中国小伙子,让他们在同一时间内用英语写同一篇作文,结果,西班牙小伙子潇潇洒洒地写了五百多字,意思表达基本明了,但拼写语法错误不胜枚举,改动处不多:而中国小伙子只拘谨地写了不到三百字,拼写错误不多,但语法改 ...