
Unit 4

1.keep 的常用句型:

(1)使某人/某物保持某种状态: keep sb/sth + adj.

(2)继续做…. keep doing

(3)让某人/某物一直/继续做…. keep sb/sth doing

Exercises :


1. 我们应该每天都保持教室清洁。

We should every day.

2. 他们在雨中继续踢足球。

They football in the rain.

3. 她昨天让我等了她半个小时。

She for her for half an hour yesterday.

4. 这种油是由花生制成的。

This kind of oil peanuts.

5. 这些花是用纸做的。

These flowers paper.

6. 她环顾四周,脸上露出了微笑。

She and there was a smile appeared on her face.

7. 他们来自全国各地。

They all parts of the country.

8. 植物通过吸收阳光和水分来生长。

Plants grow by sunlight and water.

9. 确切地说,她是一个老师,而不是医生。

,she is a teacher not a doctor.

10. 我上周日直到晚上10点才完成作业。

I my homework 10:00p.m. last Sunday.

11. 你应该尽力做好这项工作。

You should do the work well.

12. 昨天学校免费给我们提供了食物。

The school us food for free yesterday.


also too either

1.They began to be interested in football.

2.Mr Smith doesn’.

5.They have pet shops in that small town.

million millions of

6.There are books in the library.

7.There are over six people in this city.

however but because because of

10.He did better and better in English his hard work.

11.She can’t go with us she is ill.

12.Many people feel sick the bad weather.

13.Li Tao’s mother was angry he broke the window.

the number of a number of

visitors to Canton Tower is increasing.

visitors visit Canton Tower every day.

of from

16.The kite is made paper.

17.Bread is made flour.

Unit 4

1.keep 的常用句型:

(1)使某人/某物保持某种状态: keep sb/sth + adj.

(2)继续做…. keep doing

(3)让某人/某物一直/继续做…. keep sb/sth doing

Exercises :


1. 我们应该每天都保持教室清洁。

We should every day.

2. 他们在雨中继续踢足球。

They football in the rain.

3. 她昨天让我等了她半个小时。

She for her for half an hour yesterday.

4. 这种油是由花生制成的。

This kind of oil peanuts.

5. 这些花是用纸做的。

These flowers paper.

6. 她环顾四周,脸上露出了微笑。

She and there was a smile appeared on her face.

7. 他们来自全国各地。

They all parts of the country.

8. 植物通过吸收阳光和水分来生长。

Plants grow by sunlight and water.

9. 确切地说,她是一个老师,而不是医生。

,she is a teacher not a doctor.

10. 我上周日直到晚上10点才完成作业。

I my homework 10:00p.m. last Sunday.

11. 你应该尽力做好这项工作。

You should do the work well.

12. 昨天学校免费给我们提供了食物。

The school us food for free yesterday.


also too either

1.They began to be interested in football.

2.Mr Smith doesn’.

5.They have pet shops in that small town.

million millions of

6.There are books in the library.

7.There are over six people in this city.

however but because because of

10.He did better and better in English his hard work.

11.She can’t go with us she is ill.

12.Many people feel sick the bad weather.

13.Li Tao’s mother was angry he broke the window.

the number of a number of

visitors to Canton Tower is increasing.

visitors visit Canton Tower every day.

of from

16.The kite is made paper.

17.Bread is made flour.


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