




Australia is a country in the southern hemisphere(南半球). It lies in most area of Oceanic. Australia is the largest country in the southern part of the Earth, the sixth largest country in the world. land area: 7,692,000 square kilometers, half larger than the whole of Western Europe. Population: 22.5 million (June 2011). The capital of Australia is Canberra. Sydney is the biggest city in the country. The official language in Australia is English.

It is large country with very small population. Most of the country is covered with grassland and desert. There are a lot of wild animals living there, like kangaroos( 袋鼠)and koalas(考拉). 澳大利亚是一个国家在南半球。它坐落在最大的海洋上。澳大利亚是世界上南半球最大的国家,是世界上国土面积第六的国家。土地面积:7692000平方公里,比整个西欧大一半。人口:2250万(2011年6月)。澳大利亚的首都是堪培拉。悉尼是全国最大的城市。澳大利亚的官方语言是英语。


Australian flag is rectangular, long and wide ratio of 2:1. The flag bottom is dark blue, the upper left is the red and white

The rest are seven horns. Australia as a member of the Commonwealth, the Queen of England as head of state in Australia. The upper-left corner of the flag of the British flag, indicating that the traditional relationship between Australia and the United Kingdom. A maximum seven-pointed star symbol of the composition of the Commonwealth of Australia's six states and two federal territories (Northern Territory and the ACT). Five small stars represent the Southern Cross constellation (which is one of the small constellation of the southern sky, the constellation of small, but bright star), shows that the country is in the southern hemisphere. It was selected in 1903 from



Australia is located in the southern hemisphere, only 2-3 hours time difference with China

(including Taiwan and Hong Kong), but the season is exactly the opposite. Figure climate maps of Australia December-February Australia climate

For the summer, March-May for the fall in June-August for the winter, from September to

November for the spring. Australian continent was formed 200 million years ago, has a unique geographical and features Australia across two climate zones, belonging to the tropical climate in the north, a year in April-November is the rainy season, November to second-year in April is the dry season, due to close to the equator, the typhoon period in January-February. South Australia has a temperate climate with four distinct seasons. Inland Australia is uninhabited desert, drought, high temperatures and large temperature difference; opposite in coastal areas, rainfall, humid climate, showed the ocean.

澳大利亚地处南半球,虽然时差与中国(含台湾和香港)只有2-3小时,但是季节却完全相反。12月-2月澳大利亚气候图 澳大利亚气候图


Australia's national emblem on the left is a kangaroo, an emu on the right, the two animals are unique to Australia, the country's flag, national emblem of Australia national emblem of Australia, the nation

A symbol in the middle is a shield, the shield surface six pictorial symbol of the country's six

states. Red St. George's cross (cross a lion, four stars), a symbol of the state of New South Wales, Victoria; South under the crown representative of the cross-shaped constellation; blue criss-cross of Malta on behalf of Queensland; Shrike on behalf of South Australia State; black swan is a symbol of Western Australia; the red lion symbolizes Tasmania. The coat of the top of the

seven-pointed star as a symbol of the Commonwealth countries. Around decorated with Australia's national flower acacia ribbon on the bottom of the English words

澳大利亚国徽左边是一袋鼠,右边是一只鸸鹋,这两种动物均为澳大利亚所特有,是国家的标志,民族的澳大利亚国徽 澳大利亚国徽



Australia is divided into three time zones:

Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) covering Queensland (Queensland), New South Wales (New South Wales), Victoria State (Victoria), Tasmania (Tasmania) and the Australian Capital Territory (Australian Capital Territory). AEST equivalent to Coordinated Universal Time plus 10 hours (UTC +10).

Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) covering western New South Wales, South Australia (South Australia), the town of Broken Hill (Broken Hill) and the Northern Territory (Northern Territory). 9.5 hours ACST equivalent to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC +9.5).

Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) covering Western Australia (Western Australia). AWST equivalent to Coordinated Universal Time plus 8 hours (UTC +8).


澳大利亚东部标准时间(AEST)覆盖昆士兰州(Queensland)、新南威尔士州(New South Wales)、维多利亚州(Victoria)、塔斯马尼亚州(Tasmania)和澳大利亚首都领地(Australian Capital Territory)。 AEST 相当于协调世界时加 10 小时(UTC +10)。

澳大利亚中部标准时间(ACST)覆盖南澳大利亚州(South Australia)、新南威尔士州西部的布罗肯山(Broken Hill)镇以及北领地(Northern Territory)。 ACST 相当于协调世界时加 9.5 小时(UTC +9.5)。

澳大利亚西部标准时间(AWST)覆盖西澳大利亚州(Western Australia)。 AWST 相当于协调世界时加 8 小时(UTC +8)。


Ethnic composition: descendants of immigrants to the UK and other European countries 95.2%, Asian 1.3%, indigenous 1.5%, other 2%.

Religion: 25% of the national no religion, Anglican 21%, Roman Catholic 27%, other Christian denominations accounted for 21%, other religious believers accounted for 6%.

Head of state: is Australia's head of state in the name of the commonwealth heads of state, namely, Britain's king (or queen), the king appointed Australian governor-general acting on his behalf. The king of queen Elizabeth ii.

民族: 英国及其他欧洲国家移民的后裔95.2%,亚洲人1.3%,土著人1.5%,其他2%。 宗教: 25%的国民没有宗教信仰,圣公会教徒占21%,罗马天主教教徒占27%,其他基督教教派占21%,其他宗教信仰者占6%。



澳大利亚全年举办有令人目不暇接的活动,展现这里精彩纷呈的独特文化气息。 您可在澳大利亚国庆日,加入全民庆典。 还可在中国新年期间,体验澳大利亚的多元文化。 亦可在澳新军团日感人的拂晓仪式上,向澳大利亚士兵表示敬意。 也可选择在悉尼同性恋狂欢节(Sydney Mardi Gras)享受通宵派对;亦或参加岛屿十日游(Ten Days on the Island),尽情体验塔斯马尼亚的岛屿文化。 还可在悉尼皇家复活节嘉年华(Sydney Royal Easter Show)参观这里珍贵的家畜和乡村遗迹。 从时装、美食和鲜花节,到喜剧、经典和炎热的夏季圣诞,各式各样的活动可满足所有人的需求。 Australia have a jam-packed events throughout the year, show wonderful unique culture

here. You can be in Australia's National Day, to join the celebration. Also during the

Chinese New Year experience of multicultural Australia. Can also be touching on anzac day dawn ceremony, in honour of the soldiers in Australia. Also can choose in the Sydney gay and lesbian Mardi Gras (Sydney Mardi Gras) enjoy partying all night; Or swim the Island for Ten Days, Ten Days on the Island), enjoy Tasmania Island culture. But also in the Sydney Royal Easter carnival (Sydney Royal its Show) valuable livestock and rural sites to visit here. From section, fashion, food and flowers to comedy, classic, and hot summer Christmas, all kinds of activities to meet the needs of all people.

澳大利亚国庆日是为了纪念阿瑟·菲利普(Arthur Phillip)船长,于 1788 年 1 月 26 日首次在悉尼湾(Sydney Cove)升起英国国旗而设的周年纪念日。 这是一个特定的公共假日,届时全国各地将会举行不同规模的多彩活动。 在悉尼,数以千计的人们聚集到悉尼海港沿岸,观看水上庆典活动。 在城镇和市区有团体早餐、沙滩舞会、篝火晚会和音乐会、游行和庆祝活动、体育赛事、文化和历史展览以及焰火表演。 还将举办公民入籍仪式,欢迎来到这里的新居民。 这是澳大利亚人庆祝其身为澳大利亚国民而深感荣耀的一天!

Australia's National Day is in honor of captain Arthur Phillip (Arthur Phillip), for the first time on January 26, 1788 at furneaux island (Sydney Cove) British flag set for the

anniversary of the day. This is a particular public holidays, all over the country will colorful activities will be held at a different scale. Thousands of people gathered in Sydney

harbour in Sydney, along the coast, watch the water celebration activities. Breakfast in town and city groups, beach ball, bonfire party and concerts, parades and celebration activities, sports, cultural and historical exhibition and a fireworks display. Citizenship ceremony will be held, welcome to new residents here. This is australians celebrate they honored as national Australia day!

悉尼同性恋狂欢节是世界主要的同性恋文化节,二月至三月间举行,为期两周。 这是对自豪感和多样性的一次绚丽而独特的展示! 在大游行期间,数以千计的人们乘着色彩缤纷的游行花车沿着牛津街(Oxford Street)一路穿过悉尼的达令赫斯特(Darlinghurst),沿途游人


游行并不是欢乐的最终章,在官方举办的狂欢节派对上更有数以百计的派对爱好者们载歌载舞直至黎明破晓。 集市日(Fair Day)的开幕,为朋友和家人们奉上闲暇轻松的一天,更提供大型野餐和户外娱乐活动。


Australians love sports especially good at water projects


主要城市(important cities)


• Sydney is the biggest city which locates at the southeast in


• The best times to visit are of spring and autumn, especially around

March to April or October to November. Sydney is blessed with a temperate climate.

• Sydney is famous for Sydney Harbor , Sydney Opera House , Sydney

university and so on. •悉尼是最大的城市,位于澳大利亚东南部。



Canberra (堪培拉)

• Canberra is the capital city of Australia. It is Australia's

largest inland city and the eighth largest Australian city overall. •堪培拉是澳大利亚的首都。它是澳大利亚最大的内陆城市和第八大澳大利亚城市整体。 旅游胜地

The Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁

The Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁) is not just one reef but

actually a series of over 2,000 reefsstretching (延伸)for more than 2,300 kilometres. It is the world’s largest coral (珊瑚

) reef.

since coral reefs are also in shallow water, you can actually see them from above the water! All along the Great Barrier Reef, the color of the coral reef changes as does the color of the water, which varies from a green to a blue color. 大堡礁(大堡礁)不仅仅是一个礁但实际上一个系列










(Australian Fossil Mammal Sites)


(Gondwana Rainforests)


(Kakadu National Park)

昆士兰南部海岸外的芬瑟岛(Fraser Island)

昆士兰的大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)

新南威尔士州海岸外的豪勋爵岛 (Lord Howe Island)

1. 悉尼鱼市的鲜活海鲜

悉尼人有理由为他们的美丽港口所沉醉,他们每个月都要前往贝盟湾公园(Pyrmont Bay Park),逛一逛农产品市场 (Good Living Grower’s Market)。除了那些新鲜的农产品之外,那里还有提供各种美食的摊点,包括一篮子可供你懒散地躺在草坪上品尝的野餐美食。你可以一边吃着美食,一边观赏路过的游行表演,午餐之后你还能在周围的木板道上散步,欣赏港口的美景。当地另一个美食集中地是悉尼的鱼市场,那里是悉尼海鲜美味的发源地。在那

里有堆起如小山般、在太阳照耀下闪闪发光的对虾,有数不尽的各种鱼类、牡蛎、龙虾、蛰虾,以及新鲜甜美的毛蚶。在鱼市场中一些零售商也出售多种多样的海鲜外卖食品,从生鱼片和寿司、烤枪乌贼和烤章鱼,到马来西亚风味的辣味米粉汤面应有尽有。所以你只需要和当地人一样,从鱼市场的商店买上一瓶啤酒或是葡萄酒,在码头上找一张太阳伞下的大桌子, 与当地人挤在一起就餐,然后在接下来的几小时里一边吃着美食,一边看着船儿在海浪中上下起伏,也是不可多得的乐趣。你也可以在鱼市场的悉尼海鲜烹饪学院继续这趟美食之旅,在那里,悉尼的顶级厨师们会教授你如何烹调各类海鲜,你也可以抿上一两口葡萄酒,品尝更多美味的海鲜。在锅碗瓢盆之间,还会遇到一两次罗曼史哦。

Sydney have reason for their beautiful port indulge every month to to Pui League Bay Park (Pyrmont Bay Park), stroll around the farm produce market (Good Living Grower's Market). In addition to fresh agricultural products, there to provide a variety of food stalls, including a basket available for you lazy lying on the lawn tasting picnic food. Eating food, while watching the passing parade after lunch, you can take a walk in the surrounding wood trail and enjoy views of the port. Another local cuisine centrally Sydney Fish Market, where the birthplace of delicious seafood in Sydney. Where piled hills, sparkling in the sun shine shrimp, a few endless variety of fish, oysters, lobsters, jellyfish, shrimp, as well as fresh and sweet Clam. In the fish market, some retailers also sell a wide variety of seafood takeout food, everything from sashimi and sushi, grilled calamari and grilled octopus, spicy rice noodle soup to the Malaysian flavor. So you only need the locals to buy a bottle of beer or wine shops from the fish market on the pier to find a large table under a sun umbrella, dining with locals huddled together, and then in the next few hours, eating food, watching the twain up and down in the waves, and also a rare pleasure. Seafood Culinary Institute in Sydney fish market, you can also continue to the purpose of his culinary journey, where Sydney's top chefs will teach you how to cook all kinds of seafood, you can sip on twelve wine taste more delicious seafood . Between the pots and pans, but also encountered once or twice a romance Oh.

2. 墨尔本维多利亚女王市场的精致蘑菇大餐

以精致美食,城市优雅闻名的墨尔本,是全球美食家们追捧的美食圣地。那儿的美食探险,足以满足你那探求美食的好奇心和渴望,并让自己的味觉得到无上享受。现在卷起袖子,按照《Kate McGhie美食手册》去品尝回味,讨论甚至烹调那众多美食吧。Kate McGhie这位独特的美食作家经常和小团队游客一起,前往市场和商店购买食物原料,然后返回自己的工作室,烹调并享用一顿令人印象深刻的美餐。墨尔本的维多利亚女王市场是一个具有19世纪历史风格的露天标志性景点,那里有各种肉类、鱼类、家禽美食,各种烹调器具,以及真正的澳洲艺术品。你可以在周日的下午在那里品尝美酒,或是在凉爽时节,报名前往附近的莫宁顿半岛参加一次采蘑菇之旅。在采集到蘑菇之后,大家将抵达T’Gallant酿酒厂享用午餐和美酒,你已经猜到了,有一道令人垂涎欲滴的蘑菇大餐在等着你。

Fine dining, elegant famous of the city of Melbourne, is sought after by the global gourmet cuisine Holy Land. There gastronomic adventure, enough to meet your curiosity and desire to explore the cuisine and let yourself taste supreme enjoyment. Now roll up their sleeves, in accordance with the the

real Australian artwork. You can be there on Sunday afternoon wine tasting or registration nearby Mornington Peninsula, once mining mushroom trip in the cool season. Mushrooms collected, we will arrive T'Gallant winery lunch and wine, you have guessed, there is a very coveted mushroom dinner waiting for you.

3. 布里斯班河边的牛肉烹饪表演

布里斯班的发电站市场 (Powerhouse Markets)则给该市增添了一种文化的意味。市场座落在布里斯班河边的表演艺术中心内,四周围绕着修剪精细的花圃,市场内的销售桌就像艺术展台, 饰以牡蛎、牛肉、野鸡、鸭胸、茶点和其它琳琅满目的美食。“见见你的美食厨师”就是这著名市场的格言,而这里同时举行的澳洲著名花卉展,经典街头艺人,西班牙吉他手和各种精灵古怪街头表演更是烘托市场的迷人气氛。你也可以前往布里斯班的唐人街,在那里不仅有中国传统的中药、艺术和文化,还有不少超级市场。你或者还可以游历一下布里斯班的精致食品店和酒吧。至于那些渴望在布里斯班品尝一次难忘牛排大餐的人,也可以光顾Cha Cha Char酒吧烤肉店,那里的招牌牛排绝对能让人回味无穷。

The Brisbane power station in the market (Powerhouse Markets) added to the city a cultural implication. The market is located in the Performing Arts Center of the Brisbane river, surrounded by fine manicured flowerbeds market sales desk is like art booth, decorated with oysters, beef, pheasant, duck breast, refreshments and an array of gourmet . The gourmet chef to see you

4. 北领地沙滩夜市的鳄鱼肉

如果你前往北领地地区,你可以光临名迪海滩(Mindil Beach )的特色夜市,在沙滩上尽享野餐风味。在日落暮色渐浓之际,飞舞的蜻蜓彷佛具有魔力一般,而那里的食物也是融合了当地各种饮食文化的精髓,亚洲辛辣美食,希腊传统佳肴,意大利、英国和南美风味的美食应有尽有。在从5月到10月的干旱季节里,夜市在周四和周日准时开幕。你对鳄鱼肉非常着迷?那你就该去爱丽斯泉的“陆上牛排屋”(Overland Steak House),在澳洲内地风情主题的环境中点上一道鳄鱼肉。当然在那里你还能品尝到鸸鹋、袋鼠和品种繁多的牛肉美味。 If you go to the Northern Territory, you can visit the Mindil Beach (Mindil Beach) Features Night Market, enjoy a picnic on the beach flavor. Sunset Twilight is getting stronger, flying dragonfly seems to have magic in general, where the food is fusion of the essence of the local food culture, spicy Asian cuisine, traditional cuisine of Greece, Italy, the United Kingdom and South American flavor Delicacies. In the dry season from May to October, the night market on Thursday and Sunday opening time. You fascinated by the crocodile meat? Then you should go to Alice Springs, the steak house on land

5. 南澳巴罗莎山谷的农家菜

南澳大利亚州的巴罗莎山谷是澳洲最大的独立葡萄酒生产地区。从欧洲前来的移民在那里扎根已经整整六代人,凭借着自己那强烈的欧洲传统,他们建立起了一个繁盛的葡萄庄园。食物和美酒已经成为了这一地区所不可缺少的一部分,两者甚至已然紧密结合,难分彼此。巴罗莎的农家菜风味来自最早来这儿定居移民的德国传统,不过这儿也有多文化融合的例子,该州希腊、意大利、中国、南斯拉夫和近来的越南移民的融合,也向我们奉上了一份了不起的美食大杂烩。其中有味浓的德国香肠和烤肉,也有鲑鱼,鹿肉、小龙虾和一些口味与众不同的橄榄油。你到处都能展开美酒佳肴之旅--那里甚至还有一趟美酒列车,能将你带往各家酿酒厂,品尝到当地各家葡萄美酒。同样是在这一地区,位于克莱尔山谷的荆棘公园县则向游客们的美酒之旅提供了更多的机会,让游客能在品酒的同时,体验艺术课程,或是在烹饪学校接受天才大厨大卫·海(David Hay)的精心指导。

South Australia's Barossa Valley is one of Australia's largest independent wine-producing region. Immigrants arriving from Europe to take root where already full six generations, by virtue of their strong European tradition, they established a thriving vineyards. Food and wine has become an indispensable part of the region, both even already closely integrated, and difficult to distinguish from each other. Barossa farm food flavor from the earliest to come here to settle the immigrants of German tradition, but there are also examples of how cultural integration, the state of Greece, Italy, China, Yugoslavia and the recent integration of Vietnamese immigrants, but also to offer a the parts great cuisine hodgepodge. Sour German sausages and barbecue salmon, venison, crayfish, and some taste different olive oil. Everywhere you can expand the food and wine tours - there is even a trip to wine train, able to lead you to various wineries, tasting to various local wines. Also in this region, located in the the Clare valley of thorns Park County wine tours to visitors more opportunities to tourists while tasting experience art classes or cooking school to accept big genius kitchen (David Hay), David sea careful guidance.

6. 西澳玛格丽特河的蟹贝佳肴

在西澳大利亚州,玛格丽特河则是当地最主要的葡萄酒产地之一,而那里的赛来雄葡萄酒(semillons)、夏敦埃酒(chardonnays)、红葡萄酒和混合酒都经常卫列澳洲最佳美酒之列。当地人一般行事低调,讲话简洁,而地方景色也是非常宜人。当地最新鲜的佳肴中有令人垂涎欲滴的当地贝类,蓝色美味蟹(blue manna crabs)和荣获殊荣的奶酪。当地很多酿酒厂都设有品酒间,并向游客出售美酒。那些喜爱海鲜,以及希望加入水上运动团队痛快玩上几个小时的人则也可以参加该州组织有序的钓鱼远行。

In Western Australia, Margaret River is one of the main local wines, there Semillon wines (semillons), Chardonnay (chardonnays), red wine and mixed wine are often Methodist columns Australiabest wine column. The locals generally low-key acting, concise speech, but the scenery is very pleasant place. The freshest local cuisine mouth-watering local shellfish, blue the delicious crabs (blue manna crabs) and award-winning cheese. Many local brewery has a tasting room and sell wine to the tourists. Favorite seafood, and want to join the water sports team is happy to play a few hours, you can also participate in the state organized fishing journey.

7. 塔斯曼尼亚的特产大会

在塔斯曼尼亚首府霍巴特市撒拉曼卡广场的周日市场则是宗教文化和农贸集会相结合的产物,但在这里你也能品尝到塔斯曼尼亚这个小海岛上产出的诸多美食。珍宝岛(Treasure Island)则无疑是塔斯曼尼亚州酿酒业的代表。那里酿酒业不仅欣欣向荣,而且质朴的水土更是向当地人,以及澳洲大陆上的民众提供最上乘的鲑鱼和甲壳类美食。这一富饶之地还出产苹果、浆果、李子、油桃、芥末和最负盛名的奶酪。邻近的国王岛(King Island)则是一个美丽的地方,那里没有红绿灯,空气芬芳,而且美食也有着诸多亮点。有美味的奶酪、牛肉、野生火鸡、野鸡,以及从国王岛面包店出炉的美味派。当地人非常友善,很多只是简单问问路的游客,经常被请到附近的农庄之中,喝上一杯茶或是吃上一顿午饭

Salamanca Place in Hobart, Tasmania's capital Sunday Market is the product of the combination of religion and culture, and farmers' rally, but here you can also enjoy gourmet output on the small island of Tasmania. Zhenbaodao (Treasure Island), representatives of the wine industry in Tasmania. Where the wine industry is not only thriving, and the rustic soil and water to the locals, as well as the people on the continent of Australia finest salmon and crustaceans cuisine. This fertile land also produces apples, berries, plums, nectarines, mustard and most prestigious cheese. Adjacent to Kings Island (King Island) is a beautiful place, where there is no traffic light, air fragrance, and the cuisine also has a lot of bright spots. Delicious cheese, beef, wild turkey, pheasant, and from King Island bakery baked delicious camp. The locals are very friendly, many visitors simply ask for directions, and often go to a nearby farm, drink a cup of tea or eat a lunch





Australia is a country in the southern hemisphere(南半球). It lies in most area of Oceanic. Australia is the largest country in the southern part of the Earth, the sixth largest country in the world. land area: 7,692,000 square kilometers, half larger than the whole of Western Europe. Population: 22.5 million (June 2011). The capital of Australia is Canberra. Sydney is the biggest city in the country. The official language in Australia is English.

It is large country with very small population. Most of the country is covered with grassland and desert. There are a lot of wild animals living there, like kangaroos( 袋鼠)and koalas(考拉). 澳大利亚是一个国家在南半球。它坐落在最大的海洋上。澳大利亚是世界上南半球最大的国家,是世界上国土面积第六的国家。土地面积:7692000平方公里,比整个西欧大一半。人口:2250万(2011年6月)。澳大利亚的首都是堪培拉。悉尼是全国最大的城市。澳大利亚的官方语言是英语。


Australian flag is rectangular, long and wide ratio of 2:1. The flag bottom is dark blue, the upper left is the red and white

The rest are seven horns. Australia as a member of the Commonwealth, the Queen of England as head of state in Australia. The upper-left corner of the flag of the British flag, indicating that the traditional relationship between Australia and the United Kingdom. A maximum seven-pointed star symbol of the composition of the Commonwealth of Australia's six states and two federal territories (Northern Territory and the ACT). Five small stars represent the Southern Cross constellation (which is one of the small constellation of the southern sky, the constellation of small, but bright star), shows that the country is in the southern hemisphere. It was selected in 1903 from



Australia is located in the southern hemisphere, only 2-3 hours time difference with China

(including Taiwan and Hong Kong), but the season is exactly the opposite. Figure climate maps of Australia December-February Australia climate

For the summer, March-May for the fall in June-August for the winter, from September to

November for the spring. Australian continent was formed 200 million years ago, has a unique geographical and features Australia across two climate zones, belonging to the tropical climate in the north, a year in April-November is the rainy season, November to second-year in April is the dry season, due to close to the equator, the typhoon period in January-February. South Australia has a temperate climate with four distinct seasons. Inland Australia is uninhabited desert, drought, high temperatures and large temperature difference; opposite in coastal areas, rainfall, humid climate, showed the ocean.

澳大利亚地处南半球,虽然时差与中国(含台湾和香港)只有2-3小时,但是季节却完全相反。12月-2月澳大利亚气候图 澳大利亚气候图


Australia's national emblem on the left is a kangaroo, an emu on the right, the two animals are unique to Australia, the country's flag, national emblem of Australia national emblem of Australia, the nation

A symbol in the middle is a shield, the shield surface six pictorial symbol of the country's six

states. Red St. George's cross (cross a lion, four stars), a symbol of the state of New South Wales, Victoria; South under the crown representative of the cross-shaped constellation; blue criss-cross of Malta on behalf of Queensland; Shrike on behalf of South Australia State; black swan is a symbol of Western Australia; the red lion symbolizes Tasmania. The coat of the top of the

seven-pointed star as a symbol of the Commonwealth countries. Around decorated with Australia's national flower acacia ribbon on the bottom of the English words

澳大利亚国徽左边是一袋鼠,右边是一只鸸鹋,这两种动物均为澳大利亚所特有,是国家的标志,民族的澳大利亚国徽 澳大利亚国徽



Australia is divided into three time zones:

Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) covering Queensland (Queensland), New South Wales (New South Wales), Victoria State (Victoria), Tasmania (Tasmania) and the Australian Capital Territory (Australian Capital Territory). AEST equivalent to Coordinated Universal Time plus 10 hours (UTC +10).

Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) covering western New South Wales, South Australia (South Australia), the town of Broken Hill (Broken Hill) and the Northern Territory (Northern Territory). 9.5 hours ACST equivalent to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC +9.5).

Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) covering Western Australia (Western Australia). AWST equivalent to Coordinated Universal Time plus 8 hours (UTC +8).


澳大利亚东部标准时间(AEST)覆盖昆士兰州(Queensland)、新南威尔士州(New South Wales)、维多利亚州(Victoria)、塔斯马尼亚州(Tasmania)和澳大利亚首都领地(Australian Capital Territory)。 AEST 相当于协调世界时加 10 小时(UTC +10)。

澳大利亚中部标准时间(ACST)覆盖南澳大利亚州(South Australia)、新南威尔士州西部的布罗肯山(Broken Hill)镇以及北领地(Northern Territory)。 ACST 相当于协调世界时加 9.5 小时(UTC +9.5)。

澳大利亚西部标准时间(AWST)覆盖西澳大利亚州(Western Australia)。 AWST 相当于协调世界时加 8 小时(UTC +8)。


Ethnic composition: descendants of immigrants to the UK and other European countries 95.2%, Asian 1.3%, indigenous 1.5%, other 2%.

Religion: 25% of the national no religion, Anglican 21%, Roman Catholic 27%, other Christian denominations accounted for 21%, other religious believers accounted for 6%.

Head of state: is Australia's head of state in the name of the commonwealth heads of state, namely, Britain's king (or queen), the king appointed Australian governor-general acting on his behalf. The king of queen Elizabeth ii.

民族: 英国及其他欧洲国家移民的后裔95.2%,亚洲人1.3%,土著人1.5%,其他2%。 宗教: 25%的国民没有宗教信仰,圣公会教徒占21%,罗马天主教教徒占27%,其他基督教教派占21%,其他宗教信仰者占6%。



澳大利亚全年举办有令人目不暇接的活动,展现这里精彩纷呈的独特文化气息。 您可在澳大利亚国庆日,加入全民庆典。 还可在中国新年期间,体验澳大利亚的多元文化。 亦可在澳新军团日感人的拂晓仪式上,向澳大利亚士兵表示敬意。 也可选择在悉尼同性恋狂欢节(Sydney Mardi Gras)享受通宵派对;亦或参加岛屿十日游(Ten Days on the Island),尽情体验塔斯马尼亚的岛屿文化。 还可在悉尼皇家复活节嘉年华(Sydney Royal Easter Show)参观这里珍贵的家畜和乡村遗迹。 从时装、美食和鲜花节,到喜剧、经典和炎热的夏季圣诞,各式各样的活动可满足所有人的需求。 Australia have a jam-packed events throughout the year, show wonderful unique culture

here. You can be in Australia's National Day, to join the celebration. Also during the

Chinese New Year experience of multicultural Australia. Can also be touching on anzac day dawn ceremony, in honour of the soldiers in Australia. Also can choose in the Sydney gay and lesbian Mardi Gras (Sydney Mardi Gras) enjoy partying all night; Or swim the Island for Ten Days, Ten Days on the Island), enjoy Tasmania Island culture. But also in the Sydney Royal Easter carnival (Sydney Royal its Show) valuable livestock and rural sites to visit here. From section, fashion, food and flowers to comedy, classic, and hot summer Christmas, all kinds of activities to meet the needs of all people.

澳大利亚国庆日是为了纪念阿瑟·菲利普(Arthur Phillip)船长,于 1788 年 1 月 26 日首次在悉尼湾(Sydney Cove)升起英国国旗而设的周年纪念日。 这是一个特定的公共假日,届时全国各地将会举行不同规模的多彩活动。 在悉尼,数以千计的人们聚集到悉尼海港沿岸,观看水上庆典活动。 在城镇和市区有团体早餐、沙滩舞会、篝火晚会和音乐会、游行和庆祝活动、体育赛事、文化和历史展览以及焰火表演。 还将举办公民入籍仪式,欢迎来到这里的新居民。 这是澳大利亚人庆祝其身为澳大利亚国民而深感荣耀的一天!

Australia's National Day is in honor of captain Arthur Phillip (Arthur Phillip), for the first time on January 26, 1788 at furneaux island (Sydney Cove) British flag set for the

anniversary of the day. This is a particular public holidays, all over the country will colorful activities will be held at a different scale. Thousands of people gathered in Sydney

harbour in Sydney, along the coast, watch the water celebration activities. Breakfast in town and city groups, beach ball, bonfire party and concerts, parades and celebration activities, sports, cultural and historical exhibition and a fireworks display. Citizenship ceremony will be held, welcome to new residents here. This is australians celebrate they honored as national Australia day!

悉尼同性恋狂欢节是世界主要的同性恋文化节,二月至三月间举行,为期两周。 这是对自豪感和多样性的一次绚丽而独特的展示! 在大游行期间,数以千计的人们乘着色彩缤纷的游行花车沿着牛津街(Oxford Street)一路穿过悉尼的达令赫斯特(Darlinghurst),沿途游人


游行并不是欢乐的最终章,在官方举办的狂欢节派对上更有数以百计的派对爱好者们载歌载舞直至黎明破晓。 集市日(Fair Day)的开幕,为朋友和家人们奉上闲暇轻松的一天,更提供大型野餐和户外娱乐活动。


Australians love sports especially good at water projects


主要城市(important cities)


• Sydney is the biggest city which locates at the southeast in


• The best times to visit are of spring and autumn, especially around

March to April or October to November. Sydney is blessed with a temperate climate.

• Sydney is famous for Sydney Harbor , Sydney Opera House , Sydney

university and so on. •悉尼是最大的城市,位于澳大利亚东南部。



Canberra (堪培拉)

• Canberra is the capital city of Australia. It is Australia's

largest inland city and the eighth largest Australian city overall. •堪培拉是澳大利亚的首都。它是澳大利亚最大的内陆城市和第八大澳大利亚城市整体。 旅游胜地

The Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁

The Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁) is not just one reef but

actually a series of over 2,000 reefsstretching (延伸)for more than 2,300 kilometres. It is the world’s largest coral (珊瑚

) reef.

since coral reefs are also in shallow water, you can actually see them from above the water! All along the Great Barrier Reef, the color of the coral reef changes as does the color of the water, which varies from a green to a blue color. 大堡礁(大堡礁)不仅仅是一个礁但实际上一个系列










(Australian Fossil Mammal Sites)


(Gondwana Rainforests)


(Kakadu National Park)

昆士兰南部海岸外的芬瑟岛(Fraser Island)

昆士兰的大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)

新南威尔士州海岸外的豪勋爵岛 (Lord Howe Island)

1. 悉尼鱼市的鲜活海鲜

悉尼人有理由为他们的美丽港口所沉醉,他们每个月都要前往贝盟湾公园(Pyrmont Bay Park),逛一逛农产品市场 (Good Living Grower’s Market)。除了那些新鲜的农产品之外,那里还有提供各种美食的摊点,包括一篮子可供你懒散地躺在草坪上品尝的野餐美食。你可以一边吃着美食,一边观赏路过的游行表演,午餐之后你还能在周围的木板道上散步,欣赏港口的美景。当地另一个美食集中地是悉尼的鱼市场,那里是悉尼海鲜美味的发源地。在那

里有堆起如小山般、在太阳照耀下闪闪发光的对虾,有数不尽的各种鱼类、牡蛎、龙虾、蛰虾,以及新鲜甜美的毛蚶。在鱼市场中一些零售商也出售多种多样的海鲜外卖食品,从生鱼片和寿司、烤枪乌贼和烤章鱼,到马来西亚风味的辣味米粉汤面应有尽有。所以你只需要和当地人一样,从鱼市场的商店买上一瓶啤酒或是葡萄酒,在码头上找一张太阳伞下的大桌子, 与当地人挤在一起就餐,然后在接下来的几小时里一边吃着美食,一边看着船儿在海浪中上下起伏,也是不可多得的乐趣。你也可以在鱼市场的悉尼海鲜烹饪学院继续这趟美食之旅,在那里,悉尼的顶级厨师们会教授你如何烹调各类海鲜,你也可以抿上一两口葡萄酒,品尝更多美味的海鲜。在锅碗瓢盆之间,还会遇到一两次罗曼史哦。

Sydney have reason for their beautiful port indulge every month to to Pui League Bay Park (Pyrmont Bay Park), stroll around the farm produce market (Good Living Grower's Market). In addition to fresh agricultural products, there to provide a variety of food stalls, including a basket available for you lazy lying on the lawn tasting picnic food. Eating food, while watching the passing parade after lunch, you can take a walk in the surrounding wood trail and enjoy views of the port. Another local cuisine centrally Sydney Fish Market, where the birthplace of delicious seafood in Sydney. Where piled hills, sparkling in the sun shine shrimp, a few endless variety of fish, oysters, lobsters, jellyfish, shrimp, as well as fresh and sweet Clam. In the fish market, some retailers also sell a wide variety of seafood takeout food, everything from sashimi and sushi, grilled calamari and grilled octopus, spicy rice noodle soup to the Malaysian flavor. So you only need the locals to buy a bottle of beer or wine shops from the fish market on the pier to find a large table under a sun umbrella, dining with locals huddled together, and then in the next few hours, eating food, watching the twain up and down in the waves, and also a rare pleasure. Seafood Culinary Institute in Sydney fish market, you can also continue to the purpose of his culinary journey, where Sydney's top chefs will teach you how to cook all kinds of seafood, you can sip on twelve wine taste more delicious seafood . Between the pots and pans, but also encountered once or twice a romance Oh.

2. 墨尔本维多利亚女王市场的精致蘑菇大餐

以精致美食,城市优雅闻名的墨尔本,是全球美食家们追捧的美食圣地。那儿的美食探险,足以满足你那探求美食的好奇心和渴望,并让自己的味觉得到无上享受。现在卷起袖子,按照《Kate McGhie美食手册》去品尝回味,讨论甚至烹调那众多美食吧。Kate McGhie这位独特的美食作家经常和小团队游客一起,前往市场和商店购买食物原料,然后返回自己的工作室,烹调并享用一顿令人印象深刻的美餐。墨尔本的维多利亚女王市场是一个具有19世纪历史风格的露天标志性景点,那里有各种肉类、鱼类、家禽美食,各种烹调器具,以及真正的澳洲艺术品。你可以在周日的下午在那里品尝美酒,或是在凉爽时节,报名前往附近的莫宁顿半岛参加一次采蘑菇之旅。在采集到蘑菇之后,大家将抵达T’Gallant酿酒厂享用午餐和美酒,你已经猜到了,有一道令人垂涎欲滴的蘑菇大餐在等着你。

Fine dining, elegant famous of the city of Melbourne, is sought after by the global gourmet cuisine Holy Land. There gastronomic adventure, enough to meet your curiosity and desire to explore the cuisine and let yourself taste supreme enjoyment. Now roll up their sleeves, in accordance with the the

real Australian artwork. You can be there on Sunday afternoon wine tasting or registration nearby Mornington Peninsula, once mining mushroom trip in the cool season. Mushrooms collected, we will arrive T'Gallant winery lunch and wine, you have guessed, there is a very coveted mushroom dinner waiting for you.

3. 布里斯班河边的牛肉烹饪表演

布里斯班的发电站市场 (Powerhouse Markets)则给该市增添了一种文化的意味。市场座落在布里斯班河边的表演艺术中心内,四周围绕着修剪精细的花圃,市场内的销售桌就像艺术展台, 饰以牡蛎、牛肉、野鸡、鸭胸、茶点和其它琳琅满目的美食。“见见你的美食厨师”就是这著名市场的格言,而这里同时举行的澳洲著名花卉展,经典街头艺人,西班牙吉他手和各种精灵古怪街头表演更是烘托市场的迷人气氛。你也可以前往布里斯班的唐人街,在那里不仅有中国传统的中药、艺术和文化,还有不少超级市场。你或者还可以游历一下布里斯班的精致食品店和酒吧。至于那些渴望在布里斯班品尝一次难忘牛排大餐的人,也可以光顾Cha Cha Char酒吧烤肉店,那里的招牌牛排绝对能让人回味无穷。

The Brisbane power station in the market (Powerhouse Markets) added to the city a cultural implication. The market is located in the Performing Arts Center of the Brisbane river, surrounded by fine manicured flowerbeds market sales desk is like art booth, decorated with oysters, beef, pheasant, duck breast, refreshments and an array of gourmet . The gourmet chef to see you

4. 北领地沙滩夜市的鳄鱼肉

如果你前往北领地地区,你可以光临名迪海滩(Mindil Beach )的特色夜市,在沙滩上尽享野餐风味。在日落暮色渐浓之际,飞舞的蜻蜓彷佛具有魔力一般,而那里的食物也是融合了当地各种饮食文化的精髓,亚洲辛辣美食,希腊传统佳肴,意大利、英国和南美风味的美食应有尽有。在从5月到10月的干旱季节里,夜市在周四和周日准时开幕。你对鳄鱼肉非常着迷?那你就该去爱丽斯泉的“陆上牛排屋”(Overland Steak House),在澳洲内地风情主题的环境中点上一道鳄鱼肉。当然在那里你还能品尝到鸸鹋、袋鼠和品种繁多的牛肉美味。 If you go to the Northern Territory, you can visit the Mindil Beach (Mindil Beach) Features Night Market, enjoy a picnic on the beach flavor. Sunset Twilight is getting stronger, flying dragonfly seems to have magic in general, where the food is fusion of the essence of the local food culture, spicy Asian cuisine, traditional cuisine of Greece, Italy, the United Kingdom and South American flavor Delicacies. In the dry season from May to October, the night market on Thursday and Sunday opening time. You fascinated by the crocodile meat? Then you should go to Alice Springs, the steak house on land

5. 南澳巴罗莎山谷的农家菜

南澳大利亚州的巴罗莎山谷是澳洲最大的独立葡萄酒生产地区。从欧洲前来的移民在那里扎根已经整整六代人,凭借着自己那强烈的欧洲传统,他们建立起了一个繁盛的葡萄庄园。食物和美酒已经成为了这一地区所不可缺少的一部分,两者甚至已然紧密结合,难分彼此。巴罗莎的农家菜风味来自最早来这儿定居移民的德国传统,不过这儿也有多文化融合的例子,该州希腊、意大利、中国、南斯拉夫和近来的越南移民的融合,也向我们奉上了一份了不起的美食大杂烩。其中有味浓的德国香肠和烤肉,也有鲑鱼,鹿肉、小龙虾和一些口味与众不同的橄榄油。你到处都能展开美酒佳肴之旅--那里甚至还有一趟美酒列车,能将你带往各家酿酒厂,品尝到当地各家葡萄美酒。同样是在这一地区,位于克莱尔山谷的荆棘公园县则向游客们的美酒之旅提供了更多的机会,让游客能在品酒的同时,体验艺术课程,或是在烹饪学校接受天才大厨大卫·海(David Hay)的精心指导。

South Australia's Barossa Valley is one of Australia's largest independent wine-producing region. Immigrants arriving from Europe to take root where already full six generations, by virtue of their strong European tradition, they established a thriving vineyards. Food and wine has become an indispensable part of the region, both even already closely integrated, and difficult to distinguish from each other. Barossa farm food flavor from the earliest to come here to settle the immigrants of German tradition, but there are also examples of how cultural integration, the state of Greece, Italy, China, Yugoslavia and the recent integration of Vietnamese immigrants, but also to offer a the parts great cuisine hodgepodge. Sour German sausages and barbecue salmon, venison, crayfish, and some taste different olive oil. Everywhere you can expand the food and wine tours - there is even a trip to wine train, able to lead you to various wineries, tasting to various local wines. Also in this region, located in the the Clare valley of thorns Park County wine tours to visitors more opportunities to tourists while tasting experience art classes or cooking school to accept big genius kitchen (David Hay), David sea careful guidance.

6. 西澳玛格丽特河的蟹贝佳肴

在西澳大利亚州,玛格丽特河则是当地最主要的葡萄酒产地之一,而那里的赛来雄葡萄酒(semillons)、夏敦埃酒(chardonnays)、红葡萄酒和混合酒都经常卫列澳洲最佳美酒之列。当地人一般行事低调,讲话简洁,而地方景色也是非常宜人。当地最新鲜的佳肴中有令人垂涎欲滴的当地贝类,蓝色美味蟹(blue manna crabs)和荣获殊荣的奶酪。当地很多酿酒厂都设有品酒间,并向游客出售美酒。那些喜爱海鲜,以及希望加入水上运动团队痛快玩上几个小时的人则也可以参加该州组织有序的钓鱼远行。

In Western Australia, Margaret River is one of the main local wines, there Semillon wines (semillons), Chardonnay (chardonnays), red wine and mixed wine are often Methodist columns Australiabest wine column. The locals generally low-key acting, concise speech, but the scenery is very pleasant place. The freshest local cuisine mouth-watering local shellfish, blue the delicious crabs (blue manna crabs) and award-winning cheese. Many local brewery has a tasting room and sell wine to the tourists. Favorite seafood, and want to join the water sports team is happy to play a few hours, you can also participate in the state organized fishing journey.

7. 塔斯曼尼亚的特产大会

在塔斯曼尼亚首府霍巴特市撒拉曼卡广场的周日市场则是宗教文化和农贸集会相结合的产物,但在这里你也能品尝到塔斯曼尼亚这个小海岛上产出的诸多美食。珍宝岛(Treasure Island)则无疑是塔斯曼尼亚州酿酒业的代表。那里酿酒业不仅欣欣向荣,而且质朴的水土更是向当地人,以及澳洲大陆上的民众提供最上乘的鲑鱼和甲壳类美食。这一富饶之地还出产苹果、浆果、李子、油桃、芥末和最负盛名的奶酪。邻近的国王岛(King Island)则是一个美丽的地方,那里没有红绿灯,空气芬芳,而且美食也有着诸多亮点。有美味的奶酪、牛肉、野生火鸡、野鸡,以及从国王岛面包店出炉的美味派。当地人非常友善,很多只是简单问问路的游客,经常被请到附近的农庄之中,喝上一杯茶或是吃上一顿午饭

Salamanca Place in Hobart, Tasmania's capital Sunday Market is the product of the combination of religion and culture, and farmers' rally, but here you can also enjoy gourmet output on the small island of Tasmania. Zhenbaodao (Treasure Island), representatives of the wine industry in Tasmania. Where the wine industry is not only thriving, and the rustic soil and water to the locals, as well as the people on the continent of Australia finest salmon and crustaceans cuisine. This fertile land also produces apples, berries, plums, nectarines, mustard and most prestigious cheese. Adjacent to Kings Island (King Island) is a beautiful place, where there is no traffic light, air fragrance, and the cuisine also has a lot of bright spots. Delicious cheese, beef, wild turkey, pheasant, and from King Island bakery baked delicious camp. The locals are very friendly, many visitors simply ask for directions, and often go to a nearby farm, drink a cup of tea or eat a lunch


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