


摘要: 新托福满分作文范文汇总(30篇),对范文的学习几乎贯穿了我们备战托福写作的全部过程,尤其是对于初期的考生来说,多看一些托福满分作文是非常有帮助的。

新 托福 满分作文范文汇总(70篇)范文一:

Should adults make important decisions for their older teenage children?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15 to 18 year-old) teenage children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.



支持这样的做法的理由:older teenage children还不够成熟(immature),考虑不够周全(inconsiderate),尤其涉及到经济相关的决定时,缺乏独立承担能力(incapable of being independent)。

然而,“如何保证parents或者adult relatives所作的决定就是正确的”也是个问题。

另外,总是把孩子排除在决定权之外,是否会使孩子变得“没能力做出任何决定”?the ability to make sound decision是人生道路上很重要的能力之一。


Parents or other adult relatives should not make decisions on behalf of their older teenage child. Nevertheless, they must take an active part in the decision-making process of their offspring. They can use their knowledge and experience to prevent their teenager from making costly mistakes while allowing him/her to gain confidence and learn from his/her smaller errors so that he/she will be able to make mature decisions of his own in the future.

Teenage children often lack the experience and knowledge to make sound decisions, and here their parents'

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input is valuable and necessary. Finding the right university or the right job after graduating from senior school is an example for this. A teenager has not worked before and never attended a university, and thus his knowledge in both areas is extremely limited. Here the parents should advise their child and ensure that he/she makes the right decision.

In order to be able to make sound decision in the future a young adult must gain confidence, and parents can help by engaging him/her in dialogue and providing him/her with all the necessary information. A child between the ages of 15

and 18 will be able to recognize the best arguments and reasons. Through the parents' guidance he/she will arrive at the correct decision and feel as though it was completely his/her own. Not only will he/she continue to seek the reliable advice of his/her parents, but the self-confidence gained from this experience will make it easier for him/her to make decisions in the future.

While parents should guide or direct their child, sometimes it is helpful to allow him/her to make a mistake. This will teach the child to live with the consequences of a wrong decision and also to ponder future choices more carefully. For example, a child might ignore his/her parents' advice and pick a summer job that sounds very interesting initially, but which he/she comes to loathe almost immediately. This experience will be invaluable when the child grows up and has to find a real job.

新托福 满分作文范文汇总(70篇)范文二:

Are games equally important for adults and children?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they are for children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.








Games are fun. This is true for adults and children alike. However, games also teach a variety of skills and they further every domain of a person's development. This is particularly important during the early stages of life. Through games children learn gross motor and fine motor skills, they practice and develop the ability to use language, and they learn important interpersonal and social skills. Adults can use games to strengthen these areas, but their abilities are already much more advanced, and therefore games are more important for children.

In play a child learns gross motor skills such as walking or jumping, which an adult has already mastered. Pushing a shopping cart, for example, teaches a toddler to balance his/her weight and to use his/her legs to support his/her body. This activity is game and exercise at the same time, but it would be completely unnecessary

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for adults. Similarly, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination are areas in which a child has much more to learn than an adult. Thus playing catch with a baseball has a much greater benefit to the young and inexperienced person.

Language games allow children to practice and strengthen their language skills. Even simple singsong or rhyming games aid in this development. Needless to say, due to their advanced language ability, adults would not get much out of these simple ditties. In comparison, adult language games such as scrabble don't build but fine-tune language ability. Children are not able to compete here because they have not yet amassed enough knowledge.

Elementary interpersonal and social skills ranging from communication to cooperation are also developed in play. Children learn systems of social rules when engaging in simple activities like pick-up football games. For example, they learn how to control themselves and to tolerate their frustrations around others. They also learn how to work in a team. These, of course, are abilities that are extremely important for adults as well, but, once again, children have more to learn.

以上就是有关新托福满分作文范文汇总(70篇)的相关内容介绍,希望以上内容对你的 托福写作 会有一定的帮助,在平时的备考过程中,我们一定要特别注意托福作文字数哦!



摘要: 新托福满分作文范文汇总(30篇),对范文的学习几乎贯穿了我们备战托福写作的全部过程,尤其是对于初期的考生来说,多看一些托福满分作文是非常有帮助的。

新 托福 满分作文范文汇总(70篇)范文一:

Should adults make important decisions for their older teenage children?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15 to 18 year-old) teenage children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.



支持这样的做法的理由:older teenage children还不够成熟(immature),考虑不够周全(inconsiderate),尤其涉及到经济相关的决定时,缺乏独立承担能力(incapable of being independent)。

然而,“如何保证parents或者adult relatives所作的决定就是正确的”也是个问题。

另外,总是把孩子排除在决定权之外,是否会使孩子变得“没能力做出任何决定”?the ability to make sound decision是人生道路上很重要的能力之一。


Parents or other adult relatives should not make decisions on behalf of their older teenage child. Nevertheless, they must take an active part in the decision-making process of their offspring. They can use their knowledge and experience to prevent their teenager from making costly mistakes while allowing him/her to gain confidence and learn from his/her smaller errors so that he/she will be able to make mature decisions of his own in the future.

Teenage children often lack the experience and knowledge to make sound decisions, and here their parents'

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TOEFL .iBT 高分作文 完美重排版 Edited by Lost Lawyer

input is valuable and necessary. Finding the right university or the right job after graduating from senior school is an example for this. A teenager has not worked before and never attended a university, and thus his knowledge in both areas is extremely limited. Here the parents should advise their child and ensure that he/she makes the right decision.

In order to be able to make sound decision in the future a young adult must gain confidence, and parents can help by engaging him/her in dialogue and providing him/her with all the necessary information. A child between the ages of 15

and 18 will be able to recognize the best arguments and reasons. Through the parents' guidance he/she will arrive at the correct decision and feel as though it was completely his/her own. Not only will he/she continue to seek the reliable advice of his/her parents, but the self-confidence gained from this experience will make it easier for him/her to make decisions in the future.

While parents should guide or direct their child, sometimes it is helpful to allow him/her to make a mistake. This will teach the child to live with the consequences of a wrong decision and also to ponder future choices more carefully. For example, a child might ignore his/her parents' advice and pick a summer job that sounds very interesting initially, but which he/she comes to loathe almost immediately. This experience will be invaluable when the child grows up and has to find a real job.

新托福 满分作文范文汇总(70篇)范文二:

Are games equally important for adults and children?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they are for children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.








Games are fun. This is true for adults and children alike. However, games also teach a variety of skills and they further every domain of a person's development. This is particularly important during the early stages of life. Through games children learn gross motor and fine motor skills, they practice and develop the ability to use language, and they learn important interpersonal and social skills. Adults can use games to strengthen these areas, but their abilities are already much more advanced, and therefore games are more important for children.

In play a child learns gross motor skills such as walking or jumping, which an adult has already mastered. Pushing a shopping cart, for example, teaches a toddler to balance his/her weight and to use his/her legs to support his/her body. This activity is game and exercise at the same time, but it would be completely unnecessary

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for adults. Similarly, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination are areas in which a child has much more to learn than an adult. Thus playing catch with a baseball has a much greater benefit to the young and inexperienced person.

Language games allow children to practice and strengthen their language skills. Even simple singsong or rhyming games aid in this development. Needless to say, due to their advanced language ability, adults would not get much out of these simple ditties. In comparison, adult language games such as scrabble don't build but fine-tune language ability. Children are not able to compete here because they have not yet amassed enough knowledge.

Elementary interpersonal and social skills ranging from communication to cooperation are also developed in play. Children learn systems of social rules when engaging in simple activities like pick-up football games. For example, they learn how to control themselves and to tolerate their frustrations around others. They also learn how to work in a team. These, of course, are abilities that are extremely important for adults as well, but, once again, children have more to learn.

以上就是有关新托福满分作文范文汇总(70篇)的相关内容介绍,希望以上内容对你的 托福写作 会有一定的帮助,在平时的备考过程中,我们一定要特别注意托福作文字数哦!


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