

姓名____________________ 成绩____________________

I. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.(共20分)

1. If you don’t have __________ training every day, you’ll be too fat soon.( physics)

2. This pair of shoes doesn’t fit his __________.( foot)

3. There is a __________ at the end of a letter.( sign)

4. Jon is an __________ ( engine) in this car factory and he does __________( good) in repairing.

5. I __________ a photo of myself and some of my school friends.( close)

6. The old lady is always __________ to her neighbors.( friend)

7. I didn’t pass the English exam yesterday.English is my __________subject of all.( bad)

8. Ken is a model student in our class.He studies hard for his __________.( ambitious)

9. She always goes out with a pair of sun __________in summer.( glass)

II. Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions in the brackets.(共28分)

1. How did you like English idioms?(保持原句意思)

__________did you __________ __________English idioms?

2. The film began two minutes ago.(保持原句意思)

The film __________ __________ __________for two minutes.

3. Father joined the Party in 1998.

Father __________ __________in the Party since 1998.

4. It was 8 p.m. The visitors left the concert hall.(两句并一句)

The visitors __________leave the concert hall __________8 p.m.

5. You needn’t arrive on time when you go to a meeting.(改成肯定句)

You __________ __________arrive on time when you go to a meeting.

6. They were playing tennis on the playground. Peter saw it.(保持原句意思)

Peter __________them __________tennis on the playground.

7. (划线部分提问)

__________ __________ __________were you born?

8. Mr Li used to be a taxi driver.(反意疑问句)

Mr Li used to be a taxi driver, __________ __________?

9. It’s improtant.We should take part in sports.(保持原句意思)

It’s improtant __________us __________take part in sports.

10. The students in our team usually go to the cinema every two weeks.(划线部分提问) __________ __________do the students in your team usually see a film?

11. There is almost no meat on the plate.(保持原句意思)

There is __________ __________meat on the plate.

12. I haven’t seen her since 1997.(保持原句意思)

__________ __________ __________I saw her was in 1997.

III. Choose the best answer.(共40分)

1. The tower is about __________high.

A.forty-five metres B. forty-five-metre C.fourty-five-metre D.forty-five-metres

2. There is only a little __________in the fridge.That’s not enough for breakfast.

A.cakes B.bread C.eggs D.biscuits

3. I didn’t like the cross talk(相声). __________of the actors was funny.

A.Both B.All C.Neither D.Either

4. Her father often gives lectures on how to fight pollution, __________ he?

A.didn’t B.did C.doesn’t D.does

5. This is a very old song, so __________young people know it.

A.few B.little C.a few D.a little

6. The flying saucers __________UFOs.

A.call B.to call C.are called D.are calling

7. Let’s go to Yu garden this afternoon, __________?

A.do you B.don’t you C.will you D.shall we

8. My father delivers the newspapers to people’s houses in __________.

A.all kinds of weathers B.all sorts of weathers C.all kinds of weather D.all sorts of weather

9. The weather there isn’t nice, __________?

A.is there B.is it C.isn’t there D.isn’t it

10. In 1973 two fishermen said that they had seen __________UFO.

A. / B.the C.an D.a

11. A: How many students are there in the computer room?

B: __________.

A.No one B.Nothing C.Nobody D.None

12. She is a teacher of __________.

A.Class First B.the Class One C. Class one D.Class One

13. I’m __________playing golf.

A.keen on B.enjoy C.like D.love

14. Alice lives next door to us. I often hear her __________all night long.

A.sing B.to sing C.singing D.sings

15. Carl __________me to close the windows.

A.not to tell B.doesn’t tell C.didn’t tell D.don’t tell

16. The Science Museum is located __________the centre of the town.

A.with B.beside C.neat D.in

17. Please keep the window __________.

A.open B.to open C.opening D.opened

18. Don’t make the girl __________.

A.to cry B.crying C.cry D.cried

19. He is such a man with the sense of humor,so he often makes us __________.

A.happy B.unhappy C.happily D.unhappily

20. “Don’t stop ,keep __________ !” the P.E teacher said to Johnny.

A.running B.to run C.run D.ran

IV. Fill in the blanks with proper wrods.(共12分)

I have a p__________ in America. She is a girl n__________ Annie. I k__________ her very well, but I have never m__________ her. We often write to e__________ other. We often t__________ about our school life and our h__________ . Her favourite food is chocolate, but m__________ is fruit. She is 15 y__________ old and about 5 f__________ tall.Her a__________ is to be a d__________ because she wants to help sick people.


姓名____________________ 成绩____________________

I. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.(共20分)

1. If you don’t have __________ training every day, you’ll be too fat soon.( physics)

2. This pair of shoes doesn’t fit his __________.( foot)

3. There is a __________ at the end of a letter.( sign)

4. Jon is an __________ ( engine) in this car factory and he does __________( good) in repairing.

5. I __________ a photo of myself and some of my school friends.( close)

6. The old lady is always __________ to her neighbors.( friend)

7. I didn’t pass the English exam yesterday.English is my __________subject of all.( bad)

8. Ken is a model student in our class.He studies hard for his __________.( ambitious)

9. She always goes out with a pair of sun __________in summer.( glass)

II. Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions in the brackets.(共28分)

1. How did you like English idioms?(保持原句意思)

__________did you __________ __________English idioms?

2. The film began two minutes ago.(保持原句意思)

The film __________ __________ __________for two minutes.

3. Father joined the Party in 1998.

Father __________ __________in the Party since 1998.

4. It was 8 p.m. The visitors left the concert hall.(两句并一句)

The visitors __________leave the concert hall __________8 p.m.

5. You needn’t arrive on time when you go to a meeting.(改成肯定句)

You __________ __________arrive on time when you go to a meeting.

6. They were playing tennis on the playground. Peter saw it.(保持原句意思)

Peter __________them __________tennis on the playground.

7. (划线部分提问)

__________ __________ __________were you born?

8. Mr Li used to be a taxi driver.(反意疑问句)

Mr Li used to be a taxi driver, __________ __________?

9. It’s improtant.We should take part in sports.(保持原句意思)

It’s improtant __________us __________take part in sports.

10. The students in our team usually go to the cinema every two weeks.(划线部分提问) __________ __________do the students in your team usually see a film?

11. There is almost no meat on the plate.(保持原句意思)

There is __________ __________meat on the plate.

12. I haven’t seen her since 1997.(保持原句意思)

__________ __________ __________I saw her was in 1997.

III. Choose the best answer.(共40分)

1. The tower is about __________high.

A.forty-five metres B. forty-five-metre C.fourty-five-metre D.forty-five-metres

2. There is only a little __________in the fridge.That’s not enough for breakfast.

A.cakes B.bread C.eggs D.biscuits

3. I didn’t like the cross talk(相声). __________of the actors was funny.

A.Both B.All C.Neither D.Either

4. Her father often gives lectures on how to fight pollution, __________ he?

A.didn’t B.did C.doesn’t D.does

5. This is a very old song, so __________young people know it.

A.few B.little C.a few D.a little

6. The flying saucers __________UFOs.

A.call B.to call C.are called D.are calling

7. Let’s go to Yu garden this afternoon, __________?

A.do you B.don’t you C.will you D.shall we

8. My father delivers the newspapers to people’s houses in __________.

A.all kinds of weathers B.all sorts of weathers C.all kinds of weather D.all sorts of weather

9. The weather there isn’t nice, __________?

A.is there B.is it C.isn’t there D.isn’t it

10. In 1973 two fishermen said that they had seen __________UFO.

A. / B.the C.an D.a

11. A: How many students are there in the computer room?

B: __________.

A.No one B.Nothing C.Nobody D.None

12. She is a teacher of __________.

A.Class First B.the Class One C. Class one D.Class One

13. I’m __________playing golf.

A.keen on B.enjoy C.like D.love

14. Alice lives next door to us. I often hear her __________all night long.

A.sing B.to sing C.singing D.sings

15. Carl __________me to close the windows.

A.not to tell B.doesn’t tell C.didn’t tell D.don’t tell

16. The Science Museum is located __________the centre of the town.

A.with B.beside C.neat D.in

17. Please keep the window __________.

A.open B.to open C.opening D.opened

18. Don’t make the girl __________.

A.to cry B.crying C.cry D.cried

19. He is such a man with the sense of humor,so he often makes us __________.

A.happy B.unhappy C.happily D.unhappily

20. “Don’t stop ,keep __________ !” the P.E teacher said to Johnny.

A.running B.to run C.run D.ran

IV. Fill in the blanks with proper wrods.(共12分)

I have a p__________ in America. She is a girl n__________ Annie. I k__________ her very well, but I have never m__________ her. We often write to e__________ other. We often t__________ about our school life and our h__________ . Her favourite food is chocolate, but m__________ is fruit. She is 15 y__________ old and about 5 f__________ tall.Her a__________ is to be a d__________ because she wants to help sick people.


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