

第5期        吉林大学社会科学学报        Jilin University Journal S ocial Sciences Edition            Sep. ,2003           N o. 5




(吉林大学文学院, 吉林长春130012)

  摘 要:, 主要有


地方官吏犯罪多涉及到失职渎职罪, , 在管

理上较为严格。, 同样给予处罚。秦律反映出优遇统治阶级的特

点, 对犯罪官吏, , 其物品多为甲盾等兵器, 体现出战国以战为主的时代

特点、御史等主管司法的官吏, 加强了监督、处理官吏犯罪的力度, 在

关键词:战国时期; 秦国; 官吏; 犯罪; 惩罚; 律令

中图分类号:K 231    文献标识码:A    文章编号:025722834(2003) 05200752



  作者简介:武玉环(1950-) , 女, 吉林长春人, 吉林大学文学院教授, 博士生导师。







Criminal and Punishment of Local Officers in Q in in

The B amboo Books of Q in WU YU 2(College o f Jilin , Jilin , 130012, China )

Abstract :F war , Qin C ountry in the period of the Warring States issued a series of rules and laws officials ’crimes , and g ot s ome effects. The crimes committed by local officials in Qin State mainly contained as follows :appointment of inappropriate officials , delinquency and dereliction of duty , crimes on economy and management , and falsification and cheat. The crimes m ost concerned delinquen 2cy and dereliction of duty , which Qin had clear and definite rules on the functions of local officials. The subor 2dinate committed crime , and the superior als o undertake related responsibility , equally giving both punish 2ments. The laws of Qin had characteristic of giving special treatment to ruling class. Criminal O fficials could look for pers on to substitute him or atone for sin with the thing. Qin als o set up the special officials in localities such as T ing wei and Y ushi , who were in charge of m onitor and punishment of local officials. Qin acquired s ome achievements in ruling by law.

K ey w oods :Warring States Period ; Qin State ; officers ; criminal ; punishment ; rules



第5期        吉林大学社会科学学报        Jilin University Journal S ocial Sciences Edition            Sep. ,2003           N o. 5




(吉林大学文学院, 吉林长春130012)

  摘 要:, 主要有


地方官吏犯罪多涉及到失职渎职罪, , 在管

理上较为严格。, 同样给予处罚。秦律反映出优遇统治阶级的特

点, 对犯罪官吏, , 其物品多为甲盾等兵器, 体现出战国以战为主的时代

特点、御史等主管司法的官吏, 加强了监督、处理官吏犯罪的力度, 在

关键词:战国时期; 秦国; 官吏; 犯罪; 惩罚; 律令

中图分类号:K 231    文献标识码:A    文章编号:025722834(2003) 05200752



  作者简介:武玉环(1950-) , 女, 吉林长春人, 吉林大学文学院教授, 博士生导师。







Criminal and Punishment of Local Officers in Q in in

The B amboo Books of Q in WU YU 2(College o f Jilin , Jilin , 130012, China )

Abstract :F war , Qin C ountry in the period of the Warring States issued a series of rules and laws officials ’crimes , and g ot s ome effects. The crimes committed by local officials in Qin State mainly contained as follows :appointment of inappropriate officials , delinquency and dereliction of duty , crimes on economy and management , and falsification and cheat. The crimes m ost concerned delinquen 2cy and dereliction of duty , which Qin had clear and definite rules on the functions of local officials. The subor 2dinate committed crime , and the superior als o undertake related responsibility , equally giving both punish 2ments. The laws of Qin had characteristic of giving special treatment to ruling class. Criminal O fficials could look for pers on to substitute him or atone for sin with the thing. Qin als o set up the special officials in localities such as T ing wei and Y ushi , who were in charge of m onitor and punishment of local officials. Qin acquired s ome achievements in ruling by law.

K ey w oods :Warring States Period ; Qin State ; officers ; criminal ; punishment ; rules



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