
测试卷(一) 姓名



5.housewife(复数)6.drop(现在分词) 7.tooth (复数)8.potato(复数) 9.fly(现在分词)10.shave(现在分词)

11.wash(单三)12 child(复数)13day(反义词)

14 peach(复数)(名词)(宾格)17go (单三) 18meet(同音词) 19that(复数) 20Canada(形容词)二.英汉互译(15分)

1.穿上你的鞋子2.脱下你的外套 3.上床睡觉

4.关上水龙头 5在楼房的前面 6.三个盒子 7两杯牛奶 8 三把小刀9快点

10.在椅子的后面 11四个书架半磅咖啡

13一块香皂 14努力工作 15在桥下


1.We 11.There 2.Jam (come) from English. be)there any pencils on the desk?

3Does she (want) any beef? (sing)a song.

(see) any birds in the sky? 14.What else do you want (do)?

5.He (sit) on the grass now. (flower)are lovely.

6.She isn’t (read) books tomorrow.?

(not walk) on the grass.

8.Give 9.This isn’t (I)

(no want) any jam.

四.用适当的介词填空(10分)(along between for of at to at on off)

my daughter. 2.They are waiting the bus. the building.

the radio now. him, please. the TV, Your father is sleeping.

home in the evening. 10.He is sitting 五.改错题(10分)

1.Coming in, please. 2.He is puting on his coat.

3.What is you job? 4.Can you find their?

5There isn’t any pieces of bread. 6.The dog is eatting bones.

7 She likes watch TV very much. 8.The sun is shineing.

9.He usually watches TV at the night.. 10Tom does his homework at the moment.

六、按要求转换句型。(20分) 划线部分提问)

2.This child is very clever. (改成复数句子)

3Give me an orange. (同义句转换)

4.Open the window. (变否定句)

5.It is going to rain. Tomorrow . (改为进行时now)

6.There is some milk in the cup. (变成一般疑问句,并否定回答)



9.Sam likes beef. (变一般疑问句,并否定回答)

10.I have some pears.(变主语为she)


Jack is an American boy. His parents are in China now. They are teachers. They teach English. Jack is 2 years older than me, and he’s tall, too. He has short hair and big eyes. He’s 162cm tall and he’s 50kg. Jack is now in No. 2 School. He’s a good student. His parents work in No.2 School, too. Jack is my good friend. He likes football. We often play football together.

( ) 1. Jack is from . A. England. B. America.

( ) 2. His parents are A. English. B. math.

( ) 3. I’m than Jack. A. older. B. younger.

( . A. student. B. teacher.

( ) 5. Jack’s favourite . A. basketball. B. football.

八、作文:请以“My plan”为题写一篇小短文,描述自己下周要做些什么,不得少于5句话。(10分)

测试卷(一) 姓名



5.housewife(复数)6.drop(现在分词) 7.tooth (复数)8.potato(复数) 9.fly(现在分词)10.shave(现在分词)

11.wash(单三)12 child(复数)13day(反义词)

14 peach(复数)(名词)(宾格)17go (单三) 18meet(同音词) 19that(复数) 20Canada(形容词)二.英汉互译(15分)

1.穿上你的鞋子2.脱下你的外套 3.上床睡觉

4.关上水龙头 5在楼房的前面 6.三个盒子 7两杯牛奶 8 三把小刀9快点

10.在椅子的后面 11四个书架半磅咖啡

13一块香皂 14努力工作 15在桥下


1.We 11.There 2.Jam (come) from English. be)there any pencils on the desk?

3Does she (want) any beef? (sing)a song.

(see) any birds in the sky? 14.What else do you want (do)?

5.He (sit) on the grass now. (flower)are lovely.

6.She isn’t (read) books tomorrow.?

(not walk) on the grass.

8.Give 9.This isn’t (I)

(no want) any jam.

四.用适当的介词填空(10分)(along between for of at to at on off)

my daughter. 2.They are waiting the bus. the building.

the radio now. him, please. the TV, Your father is sleeping.

home in the evening. 10.He is sitting 五.改错题(10分)

1.Coming in, please. 2.He is puting on his coat.

3.What is you job? 4.Can you find their?

5There isn’t any pieces of bread. 6.The dog is eatting bones.

7 She likes watch TV very much. 8.The sun is shineing.

9.He usually watches TV at the night.. 10Tom does his homework at the moment.

六、按要求转换句型。(20分) 划线部分提问)

2.This child is very clever. (改成复数句子)

3Give me an orange. (同义句转换)

4.Open the window. (变否定句)

5.It is going to rain. Tomorrow . (改为进行时now)

6.There is some milk in the cup. (变成一般疑问句,并否定回答)



9.Sam likes beef. (变一般疑问句,并否定回答)

10.I have some pears.(变主语为she)


Jack is an American boy. His parents are in China now. They are teachers. They teach English. Jack is 2 years older than me, and he’s tall, too. He has short hair and big eyes. He’s 162cm tall and he’s 50kg. Jack is now in No. 2 School. He’s a good student. His parents work in No.2 School, too. Jack is my good friend. He likes football. We often play football together.

( ) 1. Jack is from . A. England. B. America.

( ) 2. His parents are A. English. B. math.

( ) 3. I’m than Jack. A. older. B. younger.

( . A. student. B. teacher.

( ) 5. Jack’s favourite . A. basketball. B. football.

八、作文:请以“My plan”为题写一篇小短文,描述自己下周要做些什么,不得少于5句话。(10分)


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