模拟广交会( 完整版)



Seller: Nice to meet you! Welcome to our booth!

Buyer: Nice to meet you ! Would you tell me the main items you export? Seller: Of course! Our company mainly exports porcelain dinner service . This is my business card. (交换名片)Here are some samples . Please , have a look ! Buyer: Thank you ! Any recommendations?

Seller: (拿着碗) Sure ! This is our latest products . It has just come into the market .

Buyer: Hold on ,please . My company concentrates on the European market. People seldom use bowls there . So , can you introduce another ones that really meet my customers?

Seller: Well, our bowls have met with great favor in Europe, but if you really worry about that , you can consider the porcelain dishes , plates, cups or something else.

Buyer: Nice. Let me see it … The plates look original!

Seller: Yes, you’re right. They are very competitive. To conform to the world market , we are always improving our design and patterns . Now we have four series of porcelain plates, respectively painted with blue and white porcelain pattern, flower pattern, landscape pattern and the pattern of court ladies. This is the catalog. It will give you a good idea of the products we handle.(递给顾客产品目录) Buyer: I’m interested in the plate with model number 8030# in the catalogue. Do you have samples?

Seller: Yes, here you are .(记下型号) This design has got a real China flavor . As we know, China is the hometown of porcelain. Chinese porcelain is cherished for its serene color, crystal paste, graceful designs, and ingenious forms . Therefore , it can be regarded as the calling card of Chinese culture.

Buyer: That’s impressive!

Seller: This series of plate has integrated the Chinese painting and ceramic culture. Its surface process is middle-glaze(釉中彩) with diverse China painting patterns.

It is made of bone china(骨瓷), which has many advantages compared with ordinary porcelain . First, the strength and thinner matrix make it lighter. Then, the glazed texture and bright screen make it smooth and delicate. It is naturally milky white and soft . What’s more, bone china porcelain is a kind of “green porcelain”as lead-free products .

Meanwhile , we have a very strict quality controlling system . Besides , all the

products have passed the strict tests of America's food and drug administration. The products are safe and free of side-effects. You can reassure yourself to use it.

Buyer: It sounds great. Well, the plate with model number 80301# and 80304# looks nice. How much are they?

Seller: (递给顾客价格表)This is the price list. The price of 80301 is the same as the 80304’s--US$20 per piece.

Buyer: Oh, that’s too expensive. Can you give me a discount?

Seller: I’m afraid not. This is the bottom price. But if your order is large, I can invite our sales-manager to give you a discount .

By the way, our tableware sets are very famous in the world. Would you like to have a look at the catalogue? You will surely find something interesting.

Buyer: OK.

Seller: (递给顾客另一本产品目录)Here you are. We are sure our products will go down well in your market.

Buyer: Emm… I prefer the blue and white series.

Seller: Oh , I guess you must be very interested in Chinese culture!

Buyer: You got it!

Seller: We have 4-head, 19-head, 28-head, 56-head and 58-head suite of this series. In each suite, the number of bowls, dishes, plates or spoons is different. The materials are different, too, like bone china, durable china, high white porcelain, super-white porcelain, stoneware etc.

Buyer: This 19-head super-white porcelain suite looks nice , and the price is acceptable. But I don’t need so many bowls. May I have coffee cups instead of bowls ?

Seller: Of course! (记下要求) Do you have any other specific requests?

Buyer: Please change the round plates into square ones.

Seller: OK, we’ll meet your requirements.

Buyer: Thank you. I want to know how you pack the porcelain ?

Seller: We have two kinds of packing - the shipping packing and marketing packing.

Buyer: Could you tell me more details ?

Seller: Sure . For the shipping one , we do a collective packing. Firstly, we wrap the porcelains around Sponge papes(海绵纸) . Then we put stacks of porcelain in a carton,which is lined with foam plastics.

Buyer: Sorry , I don’t think the cartons are strong to be shipped.

Seller: Don’t worry ! The whole carton is packed with double straps, each

corner of the carton consolidated with medal angle .You don’t need to concern about it’s sturdiness.

Buyer: OK.I see. And how’s about the marketing packing?

Seller: Marketing packing is used in family package.

Buyer: Family package?

Seller: Yes . It is for a suite of porcelain. At the basic of shipping packing,we put the suite of porcelain in a beautiful carton , which is matched to the suite and features novel design and diversified styles.This kind of article is often bought as a gift , so exquisite and tasteful design of packing is of prime importance .

Buyer: Pretty good . But , I’m not sure whether your quote prices included packing charges or not .

Seller: You’d better talk with our manager . Please wait a minute ! The manager is here!


Seller: Excuse me .Miss Liu, this is our manager,Miss Wu . Miss Wu ,this is Miss Liu !

Manager: Nice to meet you . This is my business card . You can call me ‘Hellen’ .

Buyer: Nice to meet you .(握手,交换名片) I’m Suellen . I could be interested in your plates with model 80301 ,80304 and the 19-head super white porcelain suite . But I want to hear what you say about discounts.

Manager: I think the discount problem can be resolved , but you need to be more precise about numbers.

Buyer: Fair enough. What kind of discount are you offering on 1000 pieces each one ?

Manager: Well , on 1000 pieces for each one of model 80301 and 80304, Suellen,We can offer a discount of 10% . But is the lowest price of 19-head super white porcelain suite , we give you a price of $350 per piece,FOB,China .

Buyer: What’s your CIF price?And I want to know whether packing charges are included in your quote prices.

Manager: We give you a price of $18 per piece of model 80301 and 80304,CIF,China . And a price of $380 per piece,CIF,China of 19-head super white porcelain suite . The both price are including shipping packing , if you prefer marketing packing,you should add extra fare .

Buyer: I' m getting tired of this.I am looking for a large discount, and I

hope that you' re going to offer me one.

Manager: If you want a lower price , then you must make the order a big one . Buyer: Offer me a price of $370 per piece,CIF,China of 19-head suite on 2000 pieces and we can do business . I would like to order 1000 pieces for each one of model 80301 and 80304,which using shipping packing.And 2000 pieces of 19-head super white porcelain suite , which using both shipping and marketing packing.

Manager: If using marketing packing,you should add $5 for per piece.

Buyer: $3 per piece .

Manager: I can' t do that . I' m sorry .

Buyer: What if I promise a future business ?

Manager: We need a guarantee of future business on paper, not just a promise .

Buyer: $3 per piece . I can guarantee another 2000 pieces of 19-head suite in December .

Manager: Fine . This is good .

Buyer: Now, let’s talk about the terms of payment. Do you accept D/A(承兑交单) or D/P(付款交单) ?

Manager: I’m sorry to say that we only accept L/C(信用证Letter of Credit) . Buyer: I see. But as you know, the Western market has been declining recently . Business is not as easy as it used to be . I hope you would allow us to pay by D/A or D/P .

Manager: I understand your situation,. But as you know, the western economy is going down, and the international financial market is not stable. To be on safe side , we can’t make exceptions .

Buyer: It will increase the expense to open the L/C and tie up our funds. Manager: Well, sir ,you know well that Chinese porcelain have enjoy a good reputation in your market and will be selling well . The quick turnover will not only free your cost on L/C, but also benefit a lot .

Buyer: Your words sound good, but we still feel that to pay by L/C is not reasonable . In order to conclude this transaction, we both need to make some concessions(做些让步) .

Manager: In this case, you’d better open the L/C before the 20th of June , since we need time to get the goods ready and book the shipping space . So I suggest to stipulate the time of shipment as within 14 days after the receipt of the L/C . Furthermore , we’d like a confirmed irrevocable L/C payable against documents .

Buyer: OK ! What is the soonest you can deliver ?

Manager: We can deliver that in three consignments over the following three months .

Buyer: I want all the 19-head suite by the end of July .

Manager: Well , Suellen,it will be difficult . But as for the future cooperation , I think we can arrange that .

Buyer: I’m very pleased that we have come to an agreement .

Manager: Yeah . Let’s draft the contract . Tomorrow morning , we’ll sent it to your hotel .

Buyer: All right . See you ,then .


Manager: Good morning , Suellen ! Did you have a good rest last night ? Buyer: Thank you ! I had a sound sleep .

Manager: Here's the contract we've prepared.

Buyer: Helen . Before signing the contract , I think we better go over few final details .

Manager: Sure !

Buyer: The time of shipping the 19-head suite should be more precise.Can you change the time to “before 25th July?

Manager: No problem , if the payment in time .

Buyer: We promise it .And I require another clause in the contract . That’s ‘if the shipment can not be made as stipulated , the contract will become void .’

Manager: That’s fine . We will make it . Shall we sign the contract this afternoon .

Buyer: Of course . Good cooperation !


Manager: Hello.

Banker: Hello. Is there anything I can do for you, sir ?

Manager: Yes, I’d like to send an L/C to my customer .

Banker: Well, you need to finish the credit applications .

Manager: And it’s an irrevocable letter of credit .

Banker: So it can’t be changed unless all parties agree to amend. And Documents to be presented within 15 days after shipment date but within the validity of the credit .(单据于装运日期后15天内提示银行,但必须在信用证的有效期内)

Manager: OK . Then when do we finish the negotiation ?

Manager: We can deliver that in three consignments over the following three months .

Buyer: I want all the 19-head suite by the end of July .

Manager: Well , Suellen,it will be difficult . But as for the future cooperation , I think we can arrange that .

Buyer: I’m very pleased that we have come to an agreement .

Manager: Yeah . Let’s draft the contract . Tomorrow morning , we’ll sent it to your hotel .

Buyer: All right . See you ,then .


Manager: Good morning , Suellen ! Did you have a good rest last night ? Buyer: Thank you ! I had a sound sleep .

Manager: Here's the contract we've prepared.

Buyer: Helen . Before signing the contract , I think we better go over few final details .

Manager: Sure !

Buyer: The time of shipping the 19-head suite should be more precise.Can you change the time to “before 25th July?

Manager: No problem , if the payment in time .

Buyer: We promise it .And I require another clause in the contract . That’s ‘if the shipment can not be made as stipulated , the contract will become void .’

Manager: That’s fine . We will make it . Shall we sign the contract this afternoon .

Buyer: Of course . Good cooperation !


Manager: Hello.

Banker: Hello. Is there anything I can do for you, sir ?

Manager: Yes, I’d like to send an L/C to my customer .

Banker: Well, you need to finish the credit applications .

Manager: And it’s an irrevocable letter of credit .

Banker: So it can’t be changed unless all parties agree to amend. And Documents to be presented within 15 days after shipment date but within the validity of the credit .(单据于装运日期后15天内提示银行,但必须在信用证的有效期内)

Manager: OK . Then when do we finish the negotiation ?

Banker: This credit remains force for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the date of shipment.(本信用证为装运期后15天在中国议付有效)This credit is available with The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Shanghai by negotiation against beneficiary’s drafts drawn under this L/C at sight basis(本信用证在上海汇丰银行议付,随附受益人即期汇票)


Staff: This is SHENZHEN safety international freight co., LTD ,can I help you ? Seller: Yes, I am a member of XX company , I’d like to book shipping space and charter a ship .

Staff: It’s my pleasure to serve for your company .

Seller: We want to transport 4000 pieces of porcelain dinner-ware . Since the goods are needed urgently , we would like to send them by sea.

Staff: OK,Our freight charges all depends on the goods , We usually calculate based on sice , weight , or value . And sometimes risk .

Seller: That’s OK ! According to the contract and the l/c detailed description , we will made out full set of shipment documents for the goods .(给他们看合同和信用证)

Staff: Well, we will make a bill of lading according to your company as soon as possible .

Seller: And I will cable you the details of our goods .

Staff: You shipped the goods to DAMMAM PORT, SAUDI ARABIA On August 26th.

Seller: Thanks! I’m looking forward to receiving notice of shipment as early as possible .

Staff: I will get in touch with my manufacturer . We will keep you informed .



Seller: Nice to meet you! Welcome to our booth!

Buyer: Nice to meet you ! Would you tell me the main items you export? Seller: Of course! Our company mainly exports porcelain dinner service . This is my business card. (交换名片)Here are some samples . Please , have a look ! Buyer: Thank you ! Any recommendations?

Seller: (拿着碗) Sure ! This is our latest products . It has just come into the market .

Buyer: Hold on ,please . My company concentrates on the European market. People seldom use bowls there . So , can you introduce another ones that really meet my customers?

Seller: Well, our bowls have met with great favor in Europe, but if you really worry about that , you can consider the porcelain dishes , plates, cups or something else.

Buyer: Nice. Let me see it … The plates look original!

Seller: Yes, you’re right. They are very competitive. To conform to the world market , we are always improving our design and patterns . Now we have four series of porcelain plates, respectively painted with blue and white porcelain pattern, flower pattern, landscape pattern and the pattern of court ladies. This is the catalog. It will give you a good idea of the products we handle.(递给顾客产品目录) Buyer: I’m interested in the plate with model number 8030# in the catalogue. Do you have samples?

Seller: Yes, here you are .(记下型号) This design has got a real China flavor . As we know, China is the hometown of porcelain. Chinese porcelain is cherished for its serene color, crystal paste, graceful designs, and ingenious forms . Therefore , it can be regarded as the calling card of Chinese culture.

Buyer: That’s impressive!

Seller: This series of plate has integrated the Chinese painting and ceramic culture. Its surface process is middle-glaze(釉中彩) with diverse China painting patterns.

It is made of bone china(骨瓷), which has many advantages compared with ordinary porcelain . First, the strength and thinner matrix make it lighter. Then, the glazed texture and bright screen make it smooth and delicate. It is naturally milky white and soft . What’s more, bone china porcelain is a kind of “green porcelain”as lead-free products .

Meanwhile , we have a very strict quality controlling system . Besides , all the

products have passed the strict tests of America's food and drug administration. The products are safe and free of side-effects. You can reassure yourself to use it.

Buyer: It sounds great. Well, the plate with model number 80301# and 80304# looks nice. How much are they?

Seller: (递给顾客价格表)This is the price list. The price of 80301 is the same as the 80304’s--US$20 per piece.

Buyer: Oh, that’s too expensive. Can you give me a discount?

Seller: I’m afraid not. This is the bottom price. But if your order is large, I can invite our sales-manager to give you a discount .

By the way, our tableware sets are very famous in the world. Would you like to have a look at the catalogue? You will surely find something interesting.

Buyer: OK.

Seller: (递给顾客另一本产品目录)Here you are. We are sure our products will go down well in your market.

Buyer: Emm… I prefer the blue and white series.

Seller: Oh , I guess you must be very interested in Chinese culture!

Buyer: You got it!

Seller: We have 4-head, 19-head, 28-head, 56-head and 58-head suite of this series. In each suite, the number of bowls, dishes, plates or spoons is different. The materials are different, too, like bone china, durable china, high white porcelain, super-white porcelain, stoneware etc.

Buyer: This 19-head super-white porcelain suite looks nice , and the price is acceptable. But I don’t need so many bowls. May I have coffee cups instead of bowls ?

Seller: Of course! (记下要求) Do you have any other specific requests?

Buyer: Please change the round plates into square ones.

Seller: OK, we’ll meet your requirements.

Buyer: Thank you. I want to know how you pack the porcelain ?

Seller: We have two kinds of packing - the shipping packing and marketing packing.

Buyer: Could you tell me more details ?

Seller: Sure . For the shipping one , we do a collective packing. Firstly, we wrap the porcelains around Sponge papes(海绵纸) . Then we put stacks of porcelain in a carton,which is lined with foam plastics.

Buyer: Sorry , I don’t think the cartons are strong to be shipped.

Seller: Don’t worry ! The whole carton is packed with double straps, each

corner of the carton consolidated with medal angle .You don’t need to concern about it’s sturdiness.

Buyer: OK.I see. And how’s about the marketing packing?

Seller: Marketing packing is used in family package.

Buyer: Family package?

Seller: Yes . It is for a suite of porcelain. At the basic of shipping packing,we put the suite of porcelain in a beautiful carton , which is matched to the suite and features novel design and diversified styles.This kind of article is often bought as a gift , so exquisite and tasteful design of packing is of prime importance .

Buyer: Pretty good . But , I’m not sure whether your quote prices included packing charges or not .

Seller: You’d better talk with our manager . Please wait a minute ! The manager is here!


Seller: Excuse me .Miss Liu, this is our manager,Miss Wu . Miss Wu ,this is Miss Liu !

Manager: Nice to meet you . This is my business card . You can call me ‘Hellen’ .

Buyer: Nice to meet you .(握手,交换名片) I’m Suellen . I could be interested in your plates with model 80301 ,80304 and the 19-head super white porcelain suite . But I want to hear what you say about discounts.

Manager: I think the discount problem can be resolved , but you need to be more precise about numbers.

Buyer: Fair enough. What kind of discount are you offering on 1000 pieces each one ?

Manager: Well , on 1000 pieces for each one of model 80301 and 80304, Suellen,We can offer a discount of 10% . But is the lowest price of 19-head super white porcelain suite , we give you a price of $350 per piece,FOB,China .

Buyer: What’s your CIF price?And I want to know whether packing charges are included in your quote prices.

Manager: We give you a price of $18 per piece of model 80301 and 80304,CIF,China . And a price of $380 per piece,CIF,China of 19-head super white porcelain suite . The both price are including shipping packing , if you prefer marketing packing,you should add extra fare .

Buyer: I' m getting tired of this.I am looking for a large discount, and I

hope that you' re going to offer me one.

Manager: If you want a lower price , then you must make the order a big one . Buyer: Offer me a price of $370 per piece,CIF,China of 19-head suite on 2000 pieces and we can do business . I would like to order 1000 pieces for each one of model 80301 and 80304,which using shipping packing.And 2000 pieces of 19-head super white porcelain suite , which using both shipping and marketing packing.

Manager: If using marketing packing,you should add $5 for per piece.

Buyer: $3 per piece .

Manager: I can' t do that . I' m sorry .

Buyer: What if I promise a future business ?

Manager: We need a guarantee of future business on paper, not just a promise .

Buyer: $3 per piece . I can guarantee another 2000 pieces of 19-head suite in December .

Manager: Fine . This is good .

Buyer: Now, let’s talk about the terms of payment. Do you accept D/A(承兑交单) or D/P(付款交单) ?

Manager: I’m sorry to say that we only accept L/C(信用证Letter of Credit) . Buyer: I see. But as you know, the Western market has been declining recently . Business is not as easy as it used to be . I hope you would allow us to pay by D/A or D/P .

Manager: I understand your situation,. But as you know, the western economy is going down, and the international financial market is not stable. To be on safe side , we can’t make exceptions .

Buyer: It will increase the expense to open the L/C and tie up our funds. Manager: Well, sir ,you know well that Chinese porcelain have enjoy a good reputation in your market and will be selling well . The quick turnover will not only free your cost on L/C, but also benefit a lot .

Buyer: Your words sound good, but we still feel that to pay by L/C is not reasonable . In order to conclude this transaction, we both need to make some concessions(做些让步) .

Manager: In this case, you’d better open the L/C before the 20th of June , since we need time to get the goods ready and book the shipping space . So I suggest to stipulate the time of shipment as within 14 days after the receipt of the L/C . Furthermore , we’d like a confirmed irrevocable L/C payable against documents .

Buyer: OK ! What is the soonest you can deliver ?

Manager: We can deliver that in three consignments over the following three months .

Buyer: I want all the 19-head suite by the end of July .

Manager: Well , Suellen,it will be difficult . But as for the future cooperation , I think we can arrange that .

Buyer: I’m very pleased that we have come to an agreement .

Manager: Yeah . Let’s draft the contract . Tomorrow morning , we’ll sent it to your hotel .

Buyer: All right . See you ,then .


Manager: Good morning , Suellen ! Did you have a good rest last night ? Buyer: Thank you ! I had a sound sleep .

Manager: Here's the contract we've prepared.

Buyer: Helen . Before signing the contract , I think we better go over few final details .

Manager: Sure !

Buyer: The time of shipping the 19-head suite should be more precise.Can you change the time to “before 25th July?

Manager: No problem , if the payment in time .

Buyer: We promise it .And I require another clause in the contract . That’s ‘if the shipment can not be made as stipulated , the contract will become void .’

Manager: That’s fine . We will make it . Shall we sign the contract this afternoon .

Buyer: Of course . Good cooperation !


Manager: Hello.

Banker: Hello. Is there anything I can do for you, sir ?

Manager: Yes, I’d like to send an L/C to my customer .

Banker: Well, you need to finish the credit applications .

Manager: And it’s an irrevocable letter of credit .

Banker: So it can’t be changed unless all parties agree to amend. And Documents to be presented within 15 days after shipment date but within the validity of the credit .(单据于装运日期后15天内提示银行,但必须在信用证的有效期内)

Manager: OK . Then when do we finish the negotiation ?

Manager: We can deliver that in three consignments over the following three months .

Buyer: I want all the 19-head suite by the end of July .

Manager: Well , Suellen,it will be difficult . But as for the future cooperation , I think we can arrange that .

Buyer: I’m very pleased that we have come to an agreement .

Manager: Yeah . Let’s draft the contract . Tomorrow morning , we’ll sent it to your hotel .

Buyer: All right . See you ,then .


Manager: Good morning , Suellen ! Did you have a good rest last night ? Buyer: Thank you ! I had a sound sleep .

Manager: Here's the contract we've prepared.

Buyer: Helen . Before signing the contract , I think we better go over few final details .

Manager: Sure !

Buyer: The time of shipping the 19-head suite should be more precise.Can you change the time to “before 25th July?

Manager: No problem , if the payment in time .

Buyer: We promise it .And I require another clause in the contract . That’s ‘if the shipment can not be made as stipulated , the contract will become void .’

Manager: That’s fine . We will make it . Shall we sign the contract this afternoon .

Buyer: Of course . Good cooperation !


Manager: Hello.

Banker: Hello. Is there anything I can do for you, sir ?

Manager: Yes, I’d like to send an L/C to my customer .

Banker: Well, you need to finish the credit applications .

Manager: And it’s an irrevocable letter of credit .

Banker: So it can’t be changed unless all parties agree to amend. And Documents to be presented within 15 days after shipment date but within the validity of the credit .(单据于装运日期后15天内提示银行,但必须在信用证的有效期内)

Manager: OK . Then when do we finish the negotiation ?

Banker: This credit remains force for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the date of shipment.(本信用证为装运期后15天在中国议付有效)This credit is available with The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Shanghai by negotiation against beneficiary’s drafts drawn under this L/C at sight basis(本信用证在上海汇丰银行议付,随附受益人即期汇票)


Staff: This is SHENZHEN safety international freight co., LTD ,can I help you ? Seller: Yes, I am a member of XX company , I’d like to book shipping space and charter a ship .

Staff: It’s my pleasure to serve for your company .

Seller: We want to transport 4000 pieces of porcelain dinner-ware . Since the goods are needed urgently , we would like to send them by sea.

Staff: OK,Our freight charges all depends on the goods , We usually calculate based on sice , weight , or value . And sometimes risk .

Seller: That’s OK ! According to the contract and the l/c detailed description , we will made out full set of shipment documents for the goods .(给他们看合同和信用证)

Staff: Well, we will make a bill of lading according to your company as soon as possible .

Seller: And I will cable you the details of our goods .

Staff: You shipped the goods to DAMMAM PORT, SAUDI ARABIA On August 26th.

Seller: Thanks! I’m looking forward to receiving notice of shipment as early as possible .

Staff: I will get in touch with my manufacturer . We will keep you informed .


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  • --东方锦绣家园住宅销售策略调整及促销方案 一.广告推广 形象指示牌广告 方式:设立楼盘周边路口的形象牌及售楼处指示牌. 目的:1.形成以本楼盘为中心向周边区域发散的广告宣传效果: 2.为促销作准备,对前来看房的客户起到亲切和大气的作用:3.形象指示牌的比立柱广告的造价低廉. 地点:新华路一块,圣林 ...

  • 微电影策划案
  • <知青新城>节点同步方案 红色部分是我们将微电影节配每个节点所 设计的活动环节 对于此项目需要的视频宣传有以下几个: 1. 整体项目融资推介片:偏重规模及项目优势. 2. 政府工作报告片:偏政重府职能部门的配合工作及未来愿景. 3. 项目销售宣传片:偏重建成后的实体展现(可以到已建成的项 ...

  • 智能电风扇控制器设计报告完整版
  • 智能电风扇控制器设计 <单片机课程设计>设计报告 设计题目 智能电风扇控制器设计 目 录 序言 一. 设计任务----------------..------2 二. 小直流电机调速控制系统的总体方案设计-------.-.2 T6.,2.1.系统硬件总体结构-------------- ...

  • 阅读答案[完整版]
  • 2012 八九班 何家奇 中考阅读答案 母亲的心 15.(3分)(1)母亲翻找螃蟹 (2)母亲发现螃蟹 (3)母亲放下螃蟹 16.(3分)久病初愈的"我"想吃螃蟹:物质条件很差又偏远的山村买不到螃蟹:母亲爱子心切. 17.(3分)表现了母亲既想满足孩子吃螃蟹的愿望,又不忍心捉走母 ...

  • 楼盘推广建议书
  •    尊敬的×房地产公司领导:    《锋尚周刊》是深莞两地同时发行,以财经、名牌、生活、地产四大板块资讯为主体,正度八开64页全彩色铜版纸印刷的时尚先锋媒体,现已发行达12万份,是白领精英置业安居,投资阅读的畅销读物。分众传媒是中国商务楼宇电梯间液晶电视联播网的开拓者和领导者在深莞已有600多栋大 ...

  • 单片机课程设计电阻测量(完整版)
  • 课程设计报告 课程名称:单片机课程设计 设计题目:院 系: 通信与控制工程系 专 业: 通信工程 班 级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 起止日期: 指导教师: 教研室主任: 摘 要 本设计电阻测量是利用A/D转换原理,将被测模拟量转换成数字量, 并用数字方式显示测量结果的电子测量仪表.通常测量电阻都采用大 ...