
The International College of Xiamen University

12 SQA HND 专业名称(英文)

Report title

Unit Name: Economic Issues: An Introduction

Unit Code: F7J8 34

Name: Surname, Firstname (in English/Pingyin)

Student ID No.: [**************]77

Supervisor : Yang Shuai

Submission Date:

Word account:

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1 How the issues affect business(es) .................... 错误!未定义书签。

2 An assessment of the implications . .................... 错误!未定义书签。

3 Conclusions . .......................................................................................... 2

References . .................................................................................................. 3

Appendices . ................................................................................................. 4

Appendix I: ........................................................................................... 4

1 Introductio

It also causes significant export deficit. During 2004, New Zealand’s imports grew

faster than exports compared with the year 2003.

As a result, New Zealand’s merchandise trade deficit increased from $0.9 billion

until $5.4 billion (Statistics New Zealand, 2004).

2 标题

It also causes significant export deficit. During 2004, New Zealand’s imports grew

faster than exports compared with the year 2003.

As a result, New Zealand’s merchandise trade deficit increased from $0.9 billion

until $5.4 billion (Statistics New Zealand, 2004).

3 Conclusions

It also causes significant export deficit. During 2004, New Zealand’s imports grew

faster than exports compared with the year 2003.

As a result, New Zealand’s merchandise trade deficit increased from $0.9 billion

until $5.4 billion (Statistics New Zealand, 2004).


An, F 2006, ‘Specialisation, Agglomeration and Profitability Upgrading – the

Integration and Evolution Mechanisms of Industrial Clusters and the

E nlightenments’, Ruankexueyanjiu (Means Soft Sciences Research) . Retrieved

September 25, 2007, from . [Translated

from Chinese]

Aspers, P 1999, ‘the Economic Sociology of Alfred Marshall: An Overview’,

American Journal of Economics and Sociology, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 652-669.

Audretsch, D & Feldman, M 1996, Innovative clusters and the industry life cycle,

Review of Industrial Organization, vol. 11, pp. 253-275.

Bergman E & Feser, E 1999, Industrial and Regional Clusters: Concepts and

Comparative Applications, Regional Research Institute, WVU.

Buckley P, Clegg, J & Tang, H 2006, ‘Cultural Awareness in Knowledge Transfer to

China – The Role of Guanxi and Mianzi’, Journal of World Business, vol. 41, pp.


Chen, J (ed.) 2005, Industrial Clustering and Its Complexity, Shanghai University of

Finance & Economics Press, Shanghai. [Translated from Chinese]

Chen, L 2006, ‘Research on Innovation Mechanisms of Industrial Clusters’,

Industrial Clusters in China. Retrieved October, 23, 2007, from . [Translated from Chinese]

Chen, L 2007a, ‘Evolution of Industrial Clusters Competitive Power Theories’,

Academy of Social Science, Tianjin. [Translated from Chinese]

Chen, L 2007b, ‘A Summary of International and Domestic Researches on New

Environment of Cluster Technological Innovation’, Industrial Clusters in China,

October. Retrieved October 22, 20007, from .

[Translated from Chinese]


Appendix I:

HND Global Trade and Business

Group Award – Graded Unit 2


Student Name :___________________________________________

The information below id entifies the items that must be submitted to meet

assessment criteria for GU2

Please ensure that this is checklist is submitted with assessment and with a ‘tick’

in each box

Stage 2 : Developing

∙ Stage 2 : Developing

∙ Cover Page

∙ Explanation of how issue affects business and access, collate & analyse

info from sources

∙ Assessment of implications of effect for the business

∙ Statement of conclusion

∙ Content Page

∙ Summary

∙ References

∙ Appendices Signed : _______________________________ Date Submitted:__________

Received by:___________________________ Date Received:___________

The International College of Xiamen University

12 SQA HND 专业名称(英文)

Report title

Unit Name: Economic Issues: An Introduction

Unit Code: F7J8 34

Name: Surname, Firstname (in English/Pingyin)

Student ID No.: [**************]77

Supervisor : Yang Shuai

Submission Date:

Word account:

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1 How the issues affect business(es) .................... 错误!未定义书签。

2 An assessment of the implications . .................... 错误!未定义书签。

3 Conclusions . .......................................................................................... 2

References . .................................................................................................. 3

Appendices . ................................................................................................. 4

Appendix I: ........................................................................................... 4

1 Introductio

It also causes significant export deficit. During 2004, New Zealand’s imports grew

faster than exports compared with the year 2003.

As a result, New Zealand’s merchandise trade deficit increased from $0.9 billion

until $5.4 billion (Statistics New Zealand, 2004).

2 标题

It also causes significant export deficit. During 2004, New Zealand’s imports grew

faster than exports compared with the year 2003.

As a result, New Zealand’s merchandise trade deficit increased from $0.9 billion

until $5.4 billion (Statistics New Zealand, 2004).

3 Conclusions

It also causes significant export deficit. During 2004, New Zealand’s imports grew

faster than exports compared with the year 2003.

As a result, New Zealand’s merchandise trade deficit increased from $0.9 billion

until $5.4 billion (Statistics New Zealand, 2004).


An, F 2006, ‘Specialisation, Agglomeration and Profitability Upgrading – the

Integration and Evolution Mechanisms of Industrial Clusters and the

E nlightenments’, Ruankexueyanjiu (Means Soft Sciences Research) . Retrieved

September 25, 2007, from . [Translated

from Chinese]

Aspers, P 1999, ‘the Economic Sociology of Alfred Marshall: An Overview’,

American Journal of Economics and Sociology, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 652-669.

Audretsch, D & Feldman, M 1996, Innovative clusters and the industry life cycle,

Review of Industrial Organization, vol. 11, pp. 253-275.

Bergman E & Feser, E 1999, Industrial and Regional Clusters: Concepts and

Comparative Applications, Regional Research Institute, WVU.

Buckley P, Clegg, J & Tang, H 2006, ‘Cultural Awareness in Knowledge Transfer to

China – The Role of Guanxi and Mianzi’, Journal of World Business, vol. 41, pp.


Chen, J (ed.) 2005, Industrial Clustering and Its Complexity, Shanghai University of

Finance & Economics Press, Shanghai. [Translated from Chinese]

Chen, L 2006, ‘Research on Innovation Mechanisms of Industrial Clusters’,

Industrial Clusters in China. Retrieved October, 23, 2007, from . [Translated from Chinese]

Chen, L 2007a, ‘Evolution of Industrial Clusters Competitive Power Theories’,

Academy of Social Science, Tianjin. [Translated from Chinese]

Chen, L 2007b, ‘A Summary of International and Domestic Researches on New

Environment of Cluster Technological Innovation’, Industrial Clusters in China,

October. Retrieved October 22, 20007, from .

[Translated from Chinese]


Appendix I:

HND Global Trade and Business

Group Award – Graded Unit 2


Student Name :___________________________________________

The information below id entifies the items that must be submitted to meet

assessment criteria for GU2

Please ensure that this is checklist is submitted with assessment and with a ‘tick’

in each box

Stage 2 : Developing

∙ Stage 2 : Developing

∙ Cover Page

∙ Explanation of how issue affects business and access, collate & analyse

info from sources

∙ Assessment of implications of effect for the business

∙ Statement of conclusion

∙ Content Page

∙ Summary

∙ References

∙ Appendices Signed : _______________________________ Date Submitted:__________

Received by:___________________________ Date Received:___________


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