
To Control the Global Warming

During the late 20 century, global warming became more and more bothering to human beings. Nowadays, it is commonly acknowledged that to maintain permanent peace and development, environmental problems must be solved with highest priority. In my opinion, to control global warming, government should carry out sensible policies and common people also should take their responsibilities. To drive the global warming under control, we still have a long way to go.

Governments are the main force in the combat against global warming. On the issues concerning global warming, the variety of attitudes toward global warming is a greatest obstacle for us to win this combat. So, at first, all the countries must reach an agreement on striking a balance between






environmental problem. Then, some effective policies should be adopted to reduce the emission of the greenhouse gases. Common people's involvements are the key to ease the global warming. One person ability is slight, but if everyone can make a little effort, the achievement will be incredible. What can we do for it? I think first, we can learn something about global warming, to be aware of it and to know our responsibilities to this planet. In addition, we can should not to make greenhouse gases, specifically, to take bus or ride bicycle instead of driving private car.

If we human beings can make joint effort to take care of this planet. I think global warming will certainly be solved in the near future.

中国是一个有着 5000 多年悠久历史的文明古国。长期以来,中国人民以自己的勤劳智 慧创造了灿烂的中华文明,为人类文明进步作出了重大贡献。北京就是一座有 3000多年悠久历史的文明古城,800多年前北京开始建都。

离今晚会场人民大会堂不远的地方,就是举世闻名的故宫。故宫始建于600年前,是世界上现存最大最完整的古代宫殿建筑群。从历史悠久的北京和建筑精美的故宫这些缩影中,人们就能够生动地感受到中华文明源远流长、博大精深的深厚底蕴,感受到中华民族自强不 息、顽强奋进的壮阔历程。

China is an ancient civilization with a history of over 5,000 years. The Chinese people have made major contribution to human progress by creating the splendid Chinese civilization with hard work and ingenuity. The city of Beijing, with its long history of over 3,000 years, stands testimony to that effort. Its establishment as the capital city began over 800 years ago.

A short distance from the Great Hall of the People, where we are meeting right now, is the world-renowned Imperial Palace. First built some 600 years ago, it is the largest and most complete existing architectural complex of ancient royal palace in the world. From the time-honored capital and its majestic palace, people can feel vividly the long standing and profound richness of the Chinese civilization, and the grand course of historical development that the Chinese nation has followed with a dauntless and dashing spirit.

To Control the Global Warming

During the late 20 century, global warming became more and more bothering to human beings. Nowadays, it is commonly acknowledged that to maintain permanent peace and development, environmental problems must be solved with highest priority. In my opinion, to control global warming, government should carry out sensible policies and common people also should take their responsibilities. To drive the global warming under control, we still have a long way to go.

Governments are the main force in the combat against global warming. On the issues concerning global warming, the variety of attitudes toward global warming is a greatest obstacle for us to win this combat. So, at first, all the countries must reach an agreement on striking a balance between






environmental problem. Then, some effective policies should be adopted to reduce the emission of the greenhouse gases. Common people's involvements are the key to ease the global warming. One person ability is slight, but if everyone can make a little effort, the achievement will be incredible. What can we do for it? I think first, we can learn something about global warming, to be aware of it and to know our responsibilities to this planet. In addition, we can should not to make greenhouse gases, specifically, to take bus or ride bicycle instead of driving private car.

If we human beings can make joint effort to take care of this planet. I think global warming will certainly be solved in the near future.

中国是一个有着 5000 多年悠久历史的文明古国。长期以来,中国人民以自己的勤劳智 慧创造了灿烂的中华文明,为人类文明进步作出了重大贡献。北京就是一座有 3000多年悠久历史的文明古城,800多年前北京开始建都。

离今晚会场人民大会堂不远的地方,就是举世闻名的故宫。故宫始建于600年前,是世界上现存最大最完整的古代宫殿建筑群。从历史悠久的北京和建筑精美的故宫这些缩影中,人们就能够生动地感受到中华文明源远流长、博大精深的深厚底蕴,感受到中华民族自强不 息、顽强奋进的壮阔历程。

China is an ancient civilization with a history of over 5,000 years. The Chinese people have made major contribution to human progress by creating the splendid Chinese civilization with hard work and ingenuity. The city of Beijing, with its long history of over 3,000 years, stands testimony to that effort. Its establishment as the capital city began over 800 years ago.

A short distance from the Great Hall of the People, where we are meeting right now, is the world-renowned Imperial Palace. First built some 600 years ago, it is the largest and most complete existing architectural complex of ancient royal palace in the world. From the time-honored capital and its majestic palace, people can feel vividly the long standing and profound richness of the Chinese civilization, and the grand course of historical development that the Chinese nation has followed with a dauntless and dashing spirit.


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