

Audit Office of ○○○○○○○○○○

审 计 报 告

Audit Report

○审报[200○] 号 ○AUDIT REPORT [200○] NO.


Project Name: JBIC Loaned ○○○ Project


Loan No.: ○○○○○


Project Entity: ○○ Japanese Yen Loan

Administration Office

会计年度: 200○

Accounting Year: 200○

目 录


一、 审计师意见 ………………………………………………………○

Auditor’s Opinion

二、 财务报表……………………………………………………………○

Financial Statements


Special Account Statement


Statement of Financial Progress


Summary Sheet for Payments for Special Account


Answer to Inquiry on Bank Accounts

三、 国家法规、贷款协议执行情况和内部控制评价意见……………○

Auditor’s Report on Compliance with the Applicable Provisions of

State Laws and Regulations, the Loan Agreement, and on Internal

Control over Financial Reporting




我们审计了你办管理的200○年○○项目(贷款编号:C ○-P ○









我们认为,与费用支出报表相关的凭证票据完整、充分, 可以作为




省(自治区) 财政厅管理账户的资金流程进行了审计。我们认为特别账

户的资金管理妥善, 没有任何不合理的错误转账及延迟情况。







I. Auditor’s Opinion

Auditor ’s Opinion

To: ○○○ Japanese Yen Loan Project Administration Office

We have audited the accompanying Special Account Statement, Statement

of Financial Progress, Summary Sheet for Payments for Special Account

(SOEs) and Answer to Inquiry on Bank Accounts of the ○○○ Project under

Loan Agreement No. C○–P ○○○ for the year 200○. These statements are the

responsibility of your management. Our responsibility is to express an

opinion on the accompanying financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the International Auditing

Standards and the Government Auditing Standards of the People’s Republic

of China. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to

obtain reasonable assurance about whether the above financial statements

are free of material misstatement. An audit includes verifying the SOEs

with accounting records, supporting documentation, and physical

inspection of work done, or goods and services acquired. We believe that

our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, with regard to the SOEs, adequate supporting

documentation has been maintained to support claims to the JBIC for

reimbursements of expenditures incurred; and which expenditures are

eligible for financing under the Loan Agreement.

Furthermore, we have audited the fund flow from Special Account to the

account of the Financial Department of ○○○ Province’s management based

upon the Answer to Inquiry on Bank Accounts and the samples of account

statements provided in a random manner. We have the opinion that

the fund of Special Account has been adequately managed without any

unreasonable mistransfer and delay.

Audit Office of ○○○

○○ ○,200○




Fax: ○○○○-○○○○○○○

二、财务报表 (II. Financial Statements)

(一)特别账户报表(Special Account Statement)


Account Name: ○○省(自治区)政府财政厅(或实际开户人的单位名称) (or Name of Executing Agency)


×××××××× Financial Department of XX Provincial Government 账号: Account No.:


L/A No.: C —P ○○○ C —P○○○

期间:从2007年1月1日-2007年12月31日 Period: From 2007-1-1 to 2007-12-31 货币单位:日元

(二)资金进度表(Statement of Financial Progress)

项目名称: ○○○○项目

Project Name: ○○○○ Project

编制单位: ○○○ 项目执行办公室



注3:“当年度支付金额”与当年度JBIC 的支付额一致。

注4:“累计支付金额”与当年度末JBIC 的累计支付的额一致。

注5:本表内日元金额不包括JBIC 的手续费。

(三)费用支出报表(Summary Sheet for Payments for Special Account)






○○○项目 (L/A No. C○-P ○○○)

○○○ Project (L/A No. C○-P ○○○)

关于第3项的注释 供应方的国籍:供应方注册成立所在国。

关于第8的注释 支付金额:如果不用日元,需同时注明支付供应方用货币金额,以及贷款项下从特别账户中支付的兑换后的日元金额和汇率。

关于第9的注释 支付性质:首付款,分期付款或最终付款等。

关于第10项的注释 采购方式:采取非国际竞争性招标方式采购时,需注明采用原因。

关于第11项的注释 符合贷款条件金额:参考第8项支付金额


授权人签字 Authorized Signature

(四)银行账户查询表 (Answer to Inquiry on Bank Accounts)


Project Name: ○○○○ Project

填写说明:请人才培养、植树造林(重点风沙区环境治理)的项目实施机构回答以下问题。其他项目(只有项目培训部分采用特别账户、SOE 方式,通常不存在省级项目办以外的银行账户的项目)仅回答提问「1. 」即可。

With regard to Higher Education Projects, Afforestation Projects, please fill in answers to the following inquiry. Regarding projects other than the above-mentioned (those adopt S/A and SOE method only for training portion), please fill in answers only to the question of "1.".

1. 请说明省(自治区)级项目实施机构在所属省会城市的商业银行开设的(A )外币(日元)账户(用于接收中国银行特别账户的回补金额)和(B )人民币账户(用于向省内各下级项目办拨款)的开户行名称1。

(A ):(日元账户)

(B ):(人民币账户)


1. In which bank the related agency has opened bank account at provincial level for (A) receiving yen loan from S/A account (opened in the headquarter of Bank of China) stipulated in L/A and

(B) transferring fund to the bank account of each E/A with converting yen to RMB. Please fill in the name of the bank concretely.

(A )

(B )

【Others 】

2. 从(A )账户向(B )账户进行转账的时机?





2. When credit transfer is implemented from the above-mentioned (A) account to (B) account?

(1)Since credit transfer to (B) account is implemented on the same day after transferring fund to

(A) account, there is no case that credit transfer would be carried out in next day.

(2)After transferring fund to (A) account, credit transfer is implemented as from the following day.

(3)Basically, credit transfer to (B) account is implemented on the same day after transferring fund to (A) account. However, there is the case that credit transfer would be carried out in the following day if it were late to receive fund.

【Others 】

1 (A )和(B )账户特指在省级开设的银行账户(不包括在中国银行总行开设的特别账户)。 Both of (A) and (B) account should be regarded as the account which is opened at provincial level. As the answer of this inquiry, S/A account opened in Bank of China should not be applicable.

3. 从(A )账户向(B )账户转账时:





3. How much is the amount of fund for transferring from (A)account to (B) account in one


(1)The full amount of fund that was received in (A) account would be transferred to (B) account with converting yen to RMB in one time.

(Received amount = Transferred amount).

(2)The full amount of fund would not always be transferred to (B) account in one time.

(Received amount ≠ Transfer amount).

【Others 】

4. 日贷资金的最终项目办(造林项目=县级项目办、林场等、人才项目=各研修生





4. As for the end user of this cash flow (such as prefecture government and/or forest management

group in case for Afforestation projects, such as university which coordinating trainees for Japan in case for Higher Education projects), how the bank account has been established for receiving fund of this project and paying for the related costs?

(1)Each of the end users (such as city government, prefecture government, forest control group, and university) has had their own bank accounts.

(2)Only one bank account has been established and managed for receiving fund and paying cost for some of end users collectively.

【Others 】

5. 用于支付项目费用的货币是(造林项目=苗木购买费用,项目参加农民的劳务





5. Which currency is used for the payment of project cost (such as purchasing seedlings and

payment for daily allowance to local participants in case of Afforestation Projects, and such as credit transfer for trainees in case of Higher Education Project)?


(2)Japanese yen

【Others 】

6. 哪个机构对最终日贷资金借款人(造林项目=苗木提供商,项目参加农户。人2 主要是说明谁采取什么方式进行保管。





6. Which organization does check evidences (such as receipts ) that were provided by the end

users (such as dealers of seedlings and local participants in case of Afforestation Projects, and such as trainees in case of Higher Education Projects) ?

(1)E/A of provincial level

(2)E/A of municipal and/or prefecture level

【Others 】


(1)省级(B) 银行账户(人民币账户)


(3)省级(A )银行账户(日元)


In addition, by which bank account credit transfer is implemented in exchange for the evidences that are checked based on the procedure that was answered in the above-mentioned ―6.‖ Inquiry?

(1) (B) Account at provincial level (Funds are supposedly converted to RMB in this account).

(2) Each bank account which is owned by the end users

(3) (A) account (Funds should be still kept as Japanese Yen).

【Others 】

7. (省内申请)最终项目办向省级项目办申请日贷资金的方式是:





7. How often and how much the end users do request for disbursement in order to replenish fund

to E/A of provincial level?

(1)Apply the replenishment of fund if the account balance were reached to the certain amount .

(2)Apply the replenishment of fund regularly (e.g. once a month). regardless of the bank balance

(3)Apply the replenishment of fund if it were supposed to make payment for expense every time.

【Others 】

8. 从(B)或(A )账户向最终项目办支付资金的方法?


(2)从(A )账户兑换成人民币后向(B )账户转账,同时(B )账户按一定的分配比例全额向最终项目办(各大学)账户分别支付

(3)从(B )或(A )账户支付等同于最终项目办的申请额


8. In which way credit transfer is implemented from (B) account to the end users?

(1)Credit transfer is implemented in exchange for evidences of payment for related costs.

(2)At the same time when credit transfer is implemented from (A) account to (B) account, all of transferred amounts to (B) account are also transferred to the bank account of each end user based on the fixed distributional rate.

(3)Based on the request for disbursement from end users, credit transfer is implemented every time.

【Others 】

9. 省内支付时,省级项目办采用何种标准(汇率风险承担)支付人民币3?


(2)按日元金额支付人民币,即按照从(A )向(B )账户兑换时的汇率,以等



9. How does the provincial government make payment for the requested amount in case of

paying by RMB?

(1)Pay for the requested amount by RMB (It means that provincial government would take exchange risk.)

(2)Pay for the requested amount by RMB based on the exchange rate by which credit transfer is implemented from (A) account to (B) account and Japanese yen is converted to RMB. (It means that end users would take exchange risk.)

【Others 】

10. 最终项目办是否存在没有通过确认原始票据就进行资金拨付的情况?





10. Is there any case that the end users implement temporary payment without resting on the

evidences such as payment receipts?

(1)None ( It means that every time payment is implemented in exchange for the evidences.)

(2)Temporary payment by estimate is implemented based on the established rule for trainees or dealers of seedlings etc. and adjustment for payment should be carried out according to the final amount of payment afterwards.

【Others 】

11. 可能因为跨越日期而发生银行滞留余额的账户是:

(1)(B )银行账户,最终项目办银行账户


(3)(A )账户、(B )账户、最终项目办银行账户


11. In which bank account the balance is remained in not less than one day?

(1)Both of (B) account and bank account of end users

(2)Only the bank account of end users

(3) (A) account , (B) account, and bank account of end users 3 在项目贷款协议上,没有明确规定汇率风险由哪一级别的项目实施机构来承担。

According to the L/A of JBIC, there is no provision that stated exchange risk should be taken by E/A or end users.

【Others 】

12. 向JBIC 申请资金用的SOE 表的制表单位是:




12. In which organization does prepare and draw up SOEs by which the replenishment of funds

would be requested ?

(1)Department of Finance in Provincial Government

(2)Project Implementation Unit

【Others 】

13. 如果在一个项目中存在不同的日元贷款支付比例时,是否按类别(Category )

分别制做SOE 表?

(1)没有按照各类别(Category )分别制作

(2)按照各类别(Category )分别制作


13. If there were categories which are different from JBIC loan ratio stipulated in L/A, would SOEs

be drawn up based on the said categories?

(1)SOEs are NOT drawn up for each category.

(2)SOEs are drawn up for each category.

【Others 】

14. 向JBIC 提交SOE 表申请日贷资金的方式是:





14. How often are SOEs drawn up and is there any fixed amount as the starting point for drafting


(1)SOEs are drawn up if the requested amount from end users reached to certain amount.

(2)SOEs are regularly (such as once a month) drawn up regardless of the accumulated level of the requested amount.

(3)There is no rule especially for the frequency and fixed amount as the starting point for drafting SOEs.

【Others 】

15. 采取人民币进行支付的情况下,向JBIC 申请日元回补时所使用的汇率是4多




(3)最近1次从(A )向(B )账户兑换时的汇率 4 没有硬性规定采取何时的汇率,只要是中国银行或国家外汇管理局规定的汇率即可。Although there is no fixed rule for choosing the exchange rate, it should be appropriate to quote from public rate such as the one from Bank of China or Foreign Currency Control Division etc.



15. In case the project costs were paid by RMB, in which exchange rate on SOEs should be chosen

for deciding the amount of request for disbursement to JBIC yen loan?

(1)It is quoted from the rate of one day before the date of request for disbursement.

(2)It is quoted from the rate of the end of the month that is one month before the date of request for disbursement.

(3)It is quoted from the rate that is utilized lately when credit transfer is implemented from (A) account to (B) account and currency conversion is carried out.

(4)It is quoted from the rate of the day when end users make payment by RMB.

【Others 】





(具体问题略) 3 如果未发现问题,则表述为“我们未发现你单位存在违反国家法规、贷款协议问题和内部控

III. Auditor’s Report on Compliance with the Applicable Provisions of State Laws and Regulations, the Loan Agreement, and on Internal Control over Financial Reporting Auditor’s Report on Compliance with the Applicable Provisions of State Laws and Regulations, the Loan Agreement, and on Internal Control over Financial Reporting

We have audited the accompanying Special Account Statement, Statement of Financial Progress, Summary Sheet for Payments for Special Account (SOEs) and Answer to Inquiry on Bank Accounts of the ○○○ Project for the year 200○ in accordance with the International Auditing Standards and the Government Auditing Standards of the People’s Republic of China. We have expressed Auditor’s Opinion on the above financial statements.

As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements of your office are free of material misstatements, we performed tests of your office’s compliance with applicable provisions of state laws and regulations, the loan agreement and internal control over financial reporting. We have found non-compliance with state laws and regulations, the loan agreement and weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting in the following areas.

(The details are omitted here.)

附件2. 审计报告编制注意事项


1. 本格式审计师意见是假定无保留意见时的说明(其他意见请参照日本国际协力银行【ODA 贷款的SOE 方式】说明填写)。

2. 所有金额数值需要用千字符分隔。

3. 日元没有小数点以后的数字,不要记载小数点以后的数值(取整1日元)。

4. 纵向排列的数值其各数值数字要对齐。

5. 确认纵、横数字合计的一致。

6. 确认各表间的数值对应的合理性、一致性。


8. 每数值组的合计以“小计”、各小计的数值合计以“总计”表示、不同级别的合计数值按照一定体系进行排列组合。

9. 财务报表“(三)费用支出报表”只需要提供当年向JBIC 提出的SOE 申请表复印件即可。

10. 本审计报告是以一类项目(借款人=财政部门)为例进行说明的,如果是一类以外项目,请按照实际情况填写开户人等相关内容。

11. 特别账户报表和资金进度表内所填写数字仅作为演示说明使用。


Audit Office of ○○○○○○○○○○

审 计 报 告

Audit Report

○审报[200○] 号 ○AUDIT REPORT [200○] NO.


Project Name: JBIC Loaned ○○○ Project


Loan No.: ○○○○○


Project Entity: ○○ Japanese Yen Loan

Administration Office

会计年度: 200○

Accounting Year: 200○

目 录


一、 审计师意见 ………………………………………………………○

Auditor’s Opinion

二、 财务报表……………………………………………………………○

Financial Statements


Special Account Statement


Statement of Financial Progress


Summary Sheet for Payments for Special Account


Answer to Inquiry on Bank Accounts

三、 国家法规、贷款协议执行情况和内部控制评价意见……………○

Auditor’s Report on Compliance with the Applicable Provisions of

State Laws and Regulations, the Loan Agreement, and on Internal

Control over Financial Reporting




我们审计了你办管理的200○年○○项目(贷款编号:C ○-P ○









我们认为,与费用支出报表相关的凭证票据完整、充分, 可以作为




省(自治区) 财政厅管理账户的资金流程进行了审计。我们认为特别账

户的资金管理妥善, 没有任何不合理的错误转账及延迟情况。







I. Auditor’s Opinion

Auditor ’s Opinion

To: ○○○ Japanese Yen Loan Project Administration Office

We have audited the accompanying Special Account Statement, Statement

of Financial Progress, Summary Sheet for Payments for Special Account

(SOEs) and Answer to Inquiry on Bank Accounts of the ○○○ Project under

Loan Agreement No. C○–P ○○○ for the year 200○. These statements are the

responsibility of your management. Our responsibility is to express an

opinion on the accompanying financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the International Auditing

Standards and the Government Auditing Standards of the People’s Republic

of China. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to

obtain reasonable assurance about whether the above financial statements

are free of material misstatement. An audit includes verifying the SOEs

with accounting records, supporting documentation, and physical

inspection of work done, or goods and services acquired. We believe that

our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, with regard to the SOEs, adequate supporting

documentation has been maintained to support claims to the JBIC for

reimbursements of expenditures incurred; and which expenditures are

eligible for financing under the Loan Agreement.

Furthermore, we have audited the fund flow from Special Account to the

account of the Financial Department of ○○○ Province’s management based

upon the Answer to Inquiry on Bank Accounts and the samples of account

statements provided in a random manner. We have the opinion that

the fund of Special Account has been adequately managed without any

unreasonable mistransfer and delay.

Audit Office of ○○○

○○ ○,200○




Fax: ○○○○-○○○○○○○

二、财务报表 (II. Financial Statements)

(一)特别账户报表(Special Account Statement)


Account Name: ○○省(自治区)政府财政厅(或实际开户人的单位名称) (or Name of Executing Agency)


×××××××× Financial Department of XX Provincial Government 账号: Account No.:


L/A No.: C —P ○○○ C —P○○○

期间:从2007年1月1日-2007年12月31日 Period: From 2007-1-1 to 2007-12-31 货币单位:日元

(二)资金进度表(Statement of Financial Progress)

项目名称: ○○○○项目

Project Name: ○○○○ Project

编制单位: ○○○ 项目执行办公室



注3:“当年度支付金额”与当年度JBIC 的支付额一致。

注4:“累计支付金额”与当年度末JBIC 的累计支付的额一致。

注5:本表内日元金额不包括JBIC 的手续费。

(三)费用支出报表(Summary Sheet for Payments for Special Account)






○○○项目 (L/A No. C○-P ○○○)

○○○ Project (L/A No. C○-P ○○○)

关于第3项的注释 供应方的国籍:供应方注册成立所在国。

关于第8的注释 支付金额:如果不用日元,需同时注明支付供应方用货币金额,以及贷款项下从特别账户中支付的兑换后的日元金额和汇率。

关于第9的注释 支付性质:首付款,分期付款或最终付款等。

关于第10项的注释 采购方式:采取非国际竞争性招标方式采购时,需注明采用原因。

关于第11项的注释 符合贷款条件金额:参考第8项支付金额


授权人签字 Authorized Signature

(四)银行账户查询表 (Answer to Inquiry on Bank Accounts)


Project Name: ○○○○ Project

填写说明:请人才培养、植树造林(重点风沙区环境治理)的项目实施机构回答以下问题。其他项目(只有项目培训部分采用特别账户、SOE 方式,通常不存在省级项目办以外的银行账户的项目)仅回答提问「1. 」即可。

With regard to Higher Education Projects, Afforestation Projects, please fill in answers to the following inquiry. Regarding projects other than the above-mentioned (those adopt S/A and SOE method only for training portion), please fill in answers only to the question of "1.".

1. 请说明省(自治区)级项目实施机构在所属省会城市的商业银行开设的(A )外币(日元)账户(用于接收中国银行特别账户的回补金额)和(B )人民币账户(用于向省内各下级项目办拨款)的开户行名称1。

(A ):(日元账户)

(B ):(人民币账户)


1. In which bank the related agency has opened bank account at provincial level for (A) receiving yen loan from S/A account (opened in the headquarter of Bank of China) stipulated in L/A and

(B) transferring fund to the bank account of each E/A with converting yen to RMB. Please fill in the name of the bank concretely.

(A )

(B )

【Others 】

2. 从(A )账户向(B )账户进行转账的时机?





2. When credit transfer is implemented from the above-mentioned (A) account to (B) account?

(1)Since credit transfer to (B) account is implemented on the same day after transferring fund to

(A) account, there is no case that credit transfer would be carried out in next day.

(2)After transferring fund to (A) account, credit transfer is implemented as from the following day.

(3)Basically, credit transfer to (B) account is implemented on the same day after transferring fund to (A) account. However, there is the case that credit transfer would be carried out in the following day if it were late to receive fund.

【Others 】

1 (A )和(B )账户特指在省级开设的银行账户(不包括在中国银行总行开设的特别账户)。 Both of (A) and (B) account should be regarded as the account which is opened at provincial level. As the answer of this inquiry, S/A account opened in Bank of China should not be applicable.

3. 从(A )账户向(B )账户转账时:





3. How much is the amount of fund for transferring from (A)account to (B) account in one


(1)The full amount of fund that was received in (A) account would be transferred to (B) account with converting yen to RMB in one time.

(Received amount = Transferred amount).

(2)The full amount of fund would not always be transferred to (B) account in one time.

(Received amount ≠ Transfer amount).

【Others 】

4. 日贷资金的最终项目办(造林项目=县级项目办、林场等、人才项目=各研修生





4. As for the end user of this cash flow (such as prefecture government and/or forest management

group in case for Afforestation projects, such as university which coordinating trainees for Japan in case for Higher Education projects), how the bank account has been established for receiving fund of this project and paying for the related costs?

(1)Each of the end users (such as city government, prefecture government, forest control group, and university) has had their own bank accounts.

(2)Only one bank account has been established and managed for receiving fund and paying cost for some of end users collectively.

【Others 】

5. 用于支付项目费用的货币是(造林项目=苗木购买费用,项目参加农民的劳务





5. Which currency is used for the payment of project cost (such as purchasing seedlings and

payment for daily allowance to local participants in case of Afforestation Projects, and such as credit transfer for trainees in case of Higher Education Project)?


(2)Japanese yen

【Others 】

6. 哪个机构对最终日贷资金借款人(造林项目=苗木提供商,项目参加农户。人2 主要是说明谁采取什么方式进行保管。





6. Which organization does check evidences (such as receipts ) that were provided by the end

users (such as dealers of seedlings and local participants in case of Afforestation Projects, and such as trainees in case of Higher Education Projects) ?

(1)E/A of provincial level

(2)E/A of municipal and/or prefecture level

【Others 】


(1)省级(B) 银行账户(人民币账户)


(3)省级(A )银行账户(日元)


In addition, by which bank account credit transfer is implemented in exchange for the evidences that are checked based on the procedure that was answered in the above-mentioned ―6.‖ Inquiry?

(1) (B) Account at provincial level (Funds are supposedly converted to RMB in this account).

(2) Each bank account which is owned by the end users

(3) (A) account (Funds should be still kept as Japanese Yen).

【Others 】

7. (省内申请)最终项目办向省级项目办申请日贷资金的方式是:





7. How often and how much the end users do request for disbursement in order to replenish fund

to E/A of provincial level?

(1)Apply the replenishment of fund if the account balance were reached to the certain amount .

(2)Apply the replenishment of fund regularly (e.g. once a month). regardless of the bank balance

(3)Apply the replenishment of fund if it were supposed to make payment for expense every time.

【Others 】

8. 从(B)或(A )账户向最终项目办支付资金的方法?


(2)从(A )账户兑换成人民币后向(B )账户转账,同时(B )账户按一定的分配比例全额向最终项目办(各大学)账户分别支付

(3)从(B )或(A )账户支付等同于最终项目办的申请额


8. In which way credit transfer is implemented from (B) account to the end users?

(1)Credit transfer is implemented in exchange for evidences of payment for related costs.

(2)At the same time when credit transfer is implemented from (A) account to (B) account, all of transferred amounts to (B) account are also transferred to the bank account of each end user based on the fixed distributional rate.

(3)Based on the request for disbursement from end users, credit transfer is implemented every time.

【Others 】

9. 省内支付时,省级项目办采用何种标准(汇率风险承担)支付人民币3?


(2)按日元金额支付人民币,即按照从(A )向(B )账户兑换时的汇率,以等



9. How does the provincial government make payment for the requested amount in case of

paying by RMB?

(1)Pay for the requested amount by RMB (It means that provincial government would take exchange risk.)

(2)Pay for the requested amount by RMB based on the exchange rate by which credit transfer is implemented from (A) account to (B) account and Japanese yen is converted to RMB. (It means that end users would take exchange risk.)

【Others 】

10. 最终项目办是否存在没有通过确认原始票据就进行资金拨付的情况?





10. Is there any case that the end users implement temporary payment without resting on the

evidences such as payment receipts?

(1)None ( It means that every time payment is implemented in exchange for the evidences.)

(2)Temporary payment by estimate is implemented based on the established rule for trainees or dealers of seedlings etc. and adjustment for payment should be carried out according to the final amount of payment afterwards.

【Others 】

11. 可能因为跨越日期而发生银行滞留余额的账户是:

(1)(B )银行账户,最终项目办银行账户


(3)(A )账户、(B )账户、最终项目办银行账户


11. In which bank account the balance is remained in not less than one day?

(1)Both of (B) account and bank account of end users

(2)Only the bank account of end users

(3) (A) account , (B) account, and bank account of end users 3 在项目贷款协议上,没有明确规定汇率风险由哪一级别的项目实施机构来承担。

According to the L/A of JBIC, there is no provision that stated exchange risk should be taken by E/A or end users.

【Others 】

12. 向JBIC 申请资金用的SOE 表的制表单位是:




12. In which organization does prepare and draw up SOEs by which the replenishment of funds

would be requested ?

(1)Department of Finance in Provincial Government

(2)Project Implementation Unit

【Others 】

13. 如果在一个项目中存在不同的日元贷款支付比例时,是否按类别(Category )

分别制做SOE 表?

(1)没有按照各类别(Category )分别制作

(2)按照各类别(Category )分别制作


13. If there were categories which are different from JBIC loan ratio stipulated in L/A, would SOEs

be drawn up based on the said categories?

(1)SOEs are NOT drawn up for each category.

(2)SOEs are drawn up for each category.

【Others 】

14. 向JBIC 提交SOE 表申请日贷资金的方式是:





14. How often are SOEs drawn up and is there any fixed amount as the starting point for drafting


(1)SOEs are drawn up if the requested amount from end users reached to certain amount.

(2)SOEs are regularly (such as once a month) drawn up regardless of the accumulated level of the requested amount.

(3)There is no rule especially for the frequency and fixed amount as the starting point for drafting SOEs.

【Others 】

15. 采取人民币进行支付的情况下,向JBIC 申请日元回补时所使用的汇率是4多




(3)最近1次从(A )向(B )账户兑换时的汇率 4 没有硬性规定采取何时的汇率,只要是中国银行或国家外汇管理局规定的汇率即可。Although there is no fixed rule for choosing the exchange rate, it should be appropriate to quote from public rate such as the one from Bank of China or Foreign Currency Control Division etc.



15. In case the project costs were paid by RMB, in which exchange rate on SOEs should be chosen

for deciding the amount of request for disbursement to JBIC yen loan?

(1)It is quoted from the rate of one day before the date of request for disbursement.

(2)It is quoted from the rate of the end of the month that is one month before the date of request for disbursement.

(3)It is quoted from the rate that is utilized lately when credit transfer is implemented from (A) account to (B) account and currency conversion is carried out.

(4)It is quoted from the rate of the day when end users make payment by RMB.

【Others 】





(具体问题略) 3 如果未发现问题,则表述为“我们未发现你单位存在违反国家法规、贷款协议问题和内部控

III. Auditor’s Report on Compliance with the Applicable Provisions of State Laws and Regulations, the Loan Agreement, and on Internal Control over Financial Reporting Auditor’s Report on Compliance with the Applicable Provisions of State Laws and Regulations, the Loan Agreement, and on Internal Control over Financial Reporting

We have audited the accompanying Special Account Statement, Statement of Financial Progress, Summary Sheet for Payments for Special Account (SOEs) and Answer to Inquiry on Bank Accounts of the ○○○ Project for the year 200○ in accordance with the International Auditing Standards and the Government Auditing Standards of the People’s Republic of China. We have expressed Auditor’s Opinion on the above financial statements.

As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements of your office are free of material misstatements, we performed tests of your office’s compliance with applicable provisions of state laws and regulations, the loan agreement and internal control over financial reporting. We have found non-compliance with state laws and regulations, the loan agreement and weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting in the following areas.

(The details are omitted here.)

附件2. 审计报告编制注意事项


1. 本格式审计师意见是假定无保留意见时的说明(其他意见请参照日本国际协力银行【ODA 贷款的SOE 方式】说明填写)。

2. 所有金额数值需要用千字符分隔。

3. 日元没有小数点以后的数字,不要记载小数点以后的数值(取整1日元)。

4. 纵向排列的数值其各数值数字要对齐。

5. 确认纵、横数字合计的一致。

6. 确认各表间的数值对应的合理性、一致性。


8. 每数值组的合计以“小计”、各小计的数值合计以“总计”表示、不同级别的合计数值按照一定体系进行排列组合。

9. 财务报表“(三)费用支出报表”只需要提供当年向JBIC 提出的SOE 申请表复印件即可。

10. 本审计报告是以一类项目(借款人=财政部门)为例进行说明的,如果是一类以外项目,请按照实际情况填写开户人等相关内容。

11. 特别账户报表和资金进度表内所填写数字仅作为演示说明使用。


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