

1、Study on Emission of Glasshouse Gases during Coking Process(合适)

2、Methods for preparing and monitoring of heavy media in coal beneficiation(合适)

3、Experimental mine and laboratory dust explosion research at NIOSH(合适)

4、Bioclogging effects in saturated porous media within one- and two-dimensional flow systems are compared(错误)

(改为 comparison of Bioclogging effects in saturated porous media within one- and two-dimensional flow systems )

18、The Nature of Student Science Project Is Compared with Educational Goals for Science

改为 The Nature of Student Science Projects in Comparison to Educational Goals for Science

6、Electromagnetic Fields Have Harmful Effects on Humans (错误)

(改为 Harmful Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Humans。)

7、A characteristic flotation cleaning index for fine coal is developed(错误) (改为Development of a characteristic flotation cleaning index for fine coal )

8、Development and prospect of classification technology and equipment(合适)

9、Research and Designing of Distance Education based on JEE.(合适)

10、Auditory Perspectives(透视) of Different Types of Music(合适)

12、How to Use Water Resources for Irrigation in Semiarid(半干旱) Land (改为Using Water Resources for Irrigation in Semiarid Land )

13、Water Quality Can Be Protected Through the Successful Integration of Research and Education

(改为 Protecting Water Quality Through the Successful Integration of Research and Education)

14、The Single Community Concept:A Model for Adult Environmental Education (合适)

15、Physics and Art:Conceptual Linkages Can Be Uncovered

(改为 Physics and Art:Uncovering Conceptual Linkages )

16、Yellow Fever’s(黄热病)Effect on Transportation and Commerce(合适)

17、Diamond Is Used for Electronic Devices

(改为 Use of Diamond for Electric Devices)

19、A Qualitative / Quantitative Analysis of the Administrative Management Institute at Cornell University (合适)

20、The Americans With Disability Act and Its Applicability to the Mentally Ⅲ, Human Immune-Deficiency Virus and Acquired(后天的) Immune Deficiency Syndrome(综合症) Populations: A Statistical Analysis

改为The Americans With Disability Act and Its Applicability to the Mentally Ill, HIV and AIDS Populations: A Statistical Analysis


1、专著【M】2、论文集【C】3、期刊(连续出版物)【J】4、学位论文【D】5、报告【R】 6、专利【P】(老师没说) 报告一般不会考;连续出版物(期刊),专著,学位论文,会议论文(论文集)必考

1、T.Neese,J.Dueck.Air core formation in the hydrocylone Journal of Minerals Engineering ,2007,20:348-354文献类型:【J】连续出版物(期刊)

【特点:1.Journal of …是杂志的名字(有的情况)(而且杂志名字很利落)2.连续出版物(期刊)页码不带PP(而会议论文要带pp)3.(杂志名字会缩写)】

2、Finch.J.ADobby,G.S.1990.column Floatation Pergamon Press.Oxford文献类型:


3、Patwardhan.A.1998 Optimization of coal processing plants and economics of advanced fine particle cleaning.M.S Thesis.Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.Carbondale.IL.USA.p.118文献类型:【D】学位论文

【1.有表示,M.S Thesis 硕士论文,Ph.D.Thesis博士论文2.往往有个大学名字 University】

4、Brake.R.Eldridge.G.1996.THe development of new microcel column floation circuit for BHPA ustralia coal’s peak doens coal preparation plant . In. Proceedings of the 13th international Coal Preparation Conference.Lexington KY.USA.April 30-May 2 pp .237-251文献类型:【C】论文集

【1.特点,带有页码pp 2.带有续第几次第几次 13th 3.Conference,会议论文集(报告也会有pp,但是不会出现第几次,带有主办单位的名字)】

5、Honaker ,R.Q,Wang .D.Ho.k.1996 Application of the falcon concentrator for fine coal cleaning .Miner. Eng 9(11).1143-1156文献类型:【J】连续出版物


6、T.Nesse,M.Schneider,J.Dueck,et al. Hydrocyclone operation at the transition point rope/spray discharge Journal of Minerals Engineering.2004.17(5):733-737文献类型:


7、L.Y .Cho.W.Yua.G.J.Wang/et al .Enhancement of hydrocyclone separation performance by climinating the air core Chemical Engineering and Processing 2004.43.1441-1448文献类型:【J】连续出版物

8、Miao XX.Lin W Q .Chen Z Q. Seepage Theory in Mining Rock Mass.Beijing:Science Publishing Honse,2004文献类型:【】专著(有个出版社的名字,且不带页码)(地名:出版社)

9、Liu W Q.Miao XX.Gas flow visualization in a gob area with J-type ventilation Proceedings of the 8th international Symposium on Fluid Control.Measurement and Visualization ChengDu.2005文献类型:【C】论文集(第八次)





5、*论文集:带页码pp ;第几次会议:13th ;会议词汇:conference C


(show, research, utilize, employ, base on, carry out, use, study, analyze, ) 摘要的四个要素:(中:) 目的 (英:)purposes


(中:) 结果 (英:)

(中:) 结论 (英:) conclusions 。

评分说明:每空1分。 (4分)

1 the effect of Abstract: Abstract: ○

rainfall on coal gangue heap explosion, the physical explosion mechanism action between coal gangue heap and water was 2the thermodynamics principle, the ○

chemical explosion mechanism of coal gangue heap was 3The explosion possibility and types under different conditions were ○

researched, and a simulation explosion experiment was to study the

4The results that it is main effect of rainfall on coal gangue heap. ○

5It is main chemical explosion when the chemical explosion when sprinkling. ○

temperature is under 1 200 K and main physical explosion when t he temperature is

6Rainfall has a great effect on the explosion of coal over 1 200 K wit h heavy rain. ○

gangue heap and it is necessary to prevent explosion during rainy season.

1句话属于 目的(或purpose) ,第○2句话属于 方法(或methods) , 第○

3句话属于 方法(或methods) ,第○4句话属于 结果(或results) , 第○

5句话属于 结果(或results) ,第○6句话属于 结论(或conclusion) 。 第○



1 Results-结果:Table 11 shows the number of years to complete a doctoral program for both U.S. and international students at a major research university. As can be seen, international students on average complete doctoral programs in less time than U.S. students in all divisions. The difference in years to completion ranges from a relatively low 0.3 years in physical sciences/engineering and humanities/ arts to a high of 2.8 years in individual departmental programs.

2 Discussion—讨论:The consistent difference in time to degree is not fully

understood at present. However, one key factor may be motivation. Many international students have considerable external pressures, including sponsorship/scholarship restrictions, family obligations, and employer demands, which could influence the length of time it takes to earn a doctorate.

3 Methods-方法:Male red-winged blackbirds were recorded and observed. Analog tape-recordings of vocalizations were completed and territorial behaviors were monitored for each subject during three separate 30 minute observation periods. Females were observed in each subject's territory during recording. Individual territories and perching positions were mapped for each subject.

4 Results-结果:From the 41 responses received, only 5 were form schools whose students only completed team projects. 32 responses were from school whose students completed only individual projects. This is reflected in the high frequency of disagree and strongly disagree responses to question 28(see Table1).

5 Methods-方法:A copy of the questionnaire can be seen in Fig. 1. The questions were designed to match each of the eight goals and five methods for science as defined in this study. The questions were then examined by several professional educators in the field of science. The viewers' comments were used to develop questions for each goal. The experts' opinions were in agreement that the final version of the questionnaire was worded appropriately and that the content of the questions matched these goals for science education.

6 Discussion—讨论:Science projects were rated overwhelmingly and consistently positive on each of the eight educational goals for science. In the minds of the teachers, science projects are an effective way to address the new educational goals. The rating frequencies show that teachers think science projects are especially effective in incorporating hands-on/minds-on science.

7 Results-结果:The analysis shows 52 % of the graduates used their exhibits at events in their county (Fig. 4)。 Many graduates (64 % ) collected water samples in their county, 56 % established a water sample collection point in their county for transport to a water testing lab, and 48 % demonstrated sample collection.

8 Discussion—讨论:The plants produce viable shoot sections, which are capable of growth and may serve as vegetative propagules (繁殖体)。 Development of new tissues is a clear sign of healthy, growing shoot sections and indicates that the sections could go on to produce mature plants if left undisturbed. Under our growth conditions, 80% of shoot sections could have matured into seed-producing plants.

1、 Table 11 shows 结果【indicate、suggest、show;fig.1 table.1】

2、 Male red-winged 方法【谓语动词多为被动语态。V:record、observe】

3、 From the 41reponses received, only 5 结果

4、 Experiments have been carried out in 方法

5、 The coarse coal fractions in the preparation 引言【参考文献,研究目的,多用里边的背景】 6、 F.Concha.A.BarrientionsL.······Flow26,1583-1607 参考文献



3.讨论 5. 致谢



1.专利说明书(patent specification) inventive/invention/invent

2.招标文件(bidding documents) 投标文件(tender documents)


3.合同(contract)、协议书(agreement) seller/buyer/ /claim (表宣称)

4.开幕词(opening speech/opening address) I feel very much honored to…

5.闭幕词(closing speech/closing address) have+过去分词 meet again

6.申请信(application letter) application/I wish to…

7.产品说明书(product instruction) product/operation/operating


8.Operation Manual(introduction) 操作指南

1. WARNING:Do not remove the cover (or back);there are no user serviceable parts inside. Refer serving to qualified service personal. Use only the recommended accession.





6. 【产品说明书product instructions】 The invention will be described in greater detail with reference to accompany ,the drawings in which like elements bear like reference numerals ,and where’s : FIG illustrates a conventional plasma spray process. 【专利说明书Patent Specification】 The bids ,accompanied by a bid security of not less than 29 of the bid sum duly signed and scaled by the guarantors must be in the tender box on the 2nd floor of the zambia national tender board offices at red cross house 【招标文件invite to tender/bid】 Ladies and gentleman: It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the third IOSCO technical committee conference.this conference has already established itself as a key event in which the most influential players in the securities markets and regulators from developed and emerging markets can come together to exchange insights and to influence each other agendas. 【开幕词Opening speech】 I wish to pursue a master degree in your Electrical Engineering. My designed date of entry is spring,1990. Please send me necessary application forms at your early convenience. If possible, I also wish to obtain a graduate assistantship so that I may support myself and obtain more practical experience. 【申请信 letter of application】 All disputes urising from the execution of this agreeing shall be 【合同contract 】





*引言{有参考文献(参考文献只出现在引言和参考文献中);且出现目的句:Thus,the main objective of this investigation was to}:introduction

*研究方法(1、有被动语态has been carried out in 2、明显词汇be recorded 、be observed):methods






四、判断文献类型(20分 8-9)





4、*论文集:带页码pp ;第几次会议:13th ;会议词汇:conference C


1、Study on Emission of Glasshouse Gases during Coking Process(合适)

2、Methods for preparing and monitoring of heavy media in coal beneficiation(合适)

3、Experimental mine and laboratory dust explosion research at NIOSH(合适)

4、Bioclogging effects in saturated porous media within one- and two-dimensional flow systems are compared(错误)

(改为 comparison of Bioclogging effects in saturated porous media within one- and two-dimensional flow systems )

18、The Nature of Student Science Project Is Compared with Educational Goals for Science

改为 The Nature of Student Science Projects in Comparison to Educational Goals for Science

6、Electromagnetic Fields Have Harmful Effects on Humans (错误)

(改为 Harmful Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Humans。)

7、A characteristic flotation cleaning index for fine coal is developed(错误) (改为Development of a characteristic flotation cleaning index for fine coal )

8、Development and prospect of classification technology and equipment(合适)

9、Research and Designing of Distance Education based on JEE.(合适)

10、Auditory Perspectives(透视) of Different Types of Music(合适)

12、How to Use Water Resources for Irrigation in Semiarid(半干旱) Land (改为Using Water Resources for Irrigation in Semiarid Land )

13、Water Quality Can Be Protected Through the Successful Integration of Research and Education

(改为 Protecting Water Quality Through the Successful Integration of Research and Education)

14、The Single Community Concept:A Model for Adult Environmental Education (合适)

15、Physics and Art:Conceptual Linkages Can Be Uncovered

(改为 Physics and Art:Uncovering Conceptual Linkages )

16、Yellow Fever’s(黄热病)Effect on Transportation and Commerce(合适)

17、Diamond Is Used for Electronic Devices

(改为 Use of Diamond for Electric Devices)

19、A Qualitative / Quantitative Analysis of the Administrative Management Institute at Cornell University (合适)

20、The Americans With Disability Act and Its Applicability to the Mentally Ⅲ, Human Immune-Deficiency Virus and Acquired(后天的) Immune Deficiency Syndrome(综合症) Populations: A Statistical Analysis

改为The Americans With Disability Act and Its Applicability to the Mentally Ill, HIV and AIDS Populations: A Statistical Analysis


1、专著【M】2、论文集【C】3、期刊(连续出版物)【J】4、学位论文【D】5、报告【R】 6、专利【P】(老师没说) 报告一般不会考;连续出版物(期刊),专著,学位论文,会议论文(论文集)必考

1、T.Neese,J.Dueck.Air core formation in the hydrocylone Journal of Minerals Engineering ,2007,20:348-354文献类型:【J】连续出版物(期刊)

【特点:1.Journal of …是杂志的名字(有的情况)(而且杂志名字很利落)2.连续出版物(期刊)页码不带PP(而会议论文要带pp)3.(杂志名字会缩写)】

2、Finch.J.ADobby,G.S.1990.column Floatation Pergamon Press.Oxford文献类型:


3、Patwardhan.A.1998 Optimization of coal processing plants and economics of advanced fine particle cleaning.M.S Thesis.Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.Carbondale.IL.USA.p.118文献类型:【D】学位论文

【1.有表示,M.S Thesis 硕士论文,Ph.D.Thesis博士论文2.往往有个大学名字 University】

4、Brake.R.Eldridge.G.1996.THe development of new microcel column floation circuit for BHPA ustralia coal’s peak doens coal preparation plant . In. Proceedings of the 13th international Coal Preparation Conference.Lexington KY.USA.April 30-May 2 pp .237-251文献类型:【C】论文集

【1.特点,带有页码pp 2.带有续第几次第几次 13th 3.Conference,会议论文集(报告也会有pp,但是不会出现第几次,带有主办单位的名字)】

5、Honaker ,R.Q,Wang .D.Ho.k.1996 Application of the falcon concentrator for fine coal cleaning .Miner. Eng 9(11).1143-1156文献类型:【J】连续出版物


6、T.Nesse,M.Schneider,J.Dueck,et al. Hydrocyclone operation at the transition point rope/spray discharge Journal of Minerals Engineering.2004.17(5):733-737文献类型:


7、L.Y .Cho.W.Yua.G.J.Wang/et al .Enhancement of hydrocyclone separation performance by climinating the air core Chemical Engineering and Processing 2004.43.1441-1448文献类型:【J】连续出版物

8、Miao XX.Lin W Q .Chen Z Q. Seepage Theory in Mining Rock Mass.Beijing:Science Publishing Honse,2004文献类型:【】专著(有个出版社的名字,且不带页码)(地名:出版社)

9、Liu W Q.Miao XX.Gas flow visualization in a gob area with J-type ventilation Proceedings of the 8th international Symposium on Fluid Control.Measurement and Visualization ChengDu.2005文献类型:【C】论文集(第八次)





5、*论文集:带页码pp ;第几次会议:13th ;会议词汇:conference C


(show, research, utilize, employ, base on, carry out, use, study, analyze, ) 摘要的四个要素:(中:) 目的 (英:)purposes


(中:) 结果 (英:)

(中:) 结论 (英:) conclusions 。

评分说明:每空1分。 (4分)

1 the effect of Abstract: Abstract: ○

rainfall on coal gangue heap explosion, the physical explosion mechanism action between coal gangue heap and water was 2the thermodynamics principle, the ○

chemical explosion mechanism of coal gangue heap was 3The explosion possibility and types under different conditions were ○

researched, and a simulation explosion experiment was to study the

4The results that it is main effect of rainfall on coal gangue heap. ○

5It is main chemical explosion when the chemical explosion when sprinkling. ○

temperature is under 1 200 K and main physical explosion when t he temperature is

6Rainfall has a great effect on the explosion of coal over 1 200 K wit h heavy rain. ○

gangue heap and it is necessary to prevent explosion during rainy season.

1句话属于 目的(或purpose) ,第○2句话属于 方法(或methods) , 第○

3句话属于 方法(或methods) ,第○4句话属于 结果(或results) , 第○

5句话属于 结果(或results) ,第○6句话属于 结论(或conclusion) 。 第○



1 Results-结果:Table 11 shows the number of years to complete a doctoral program for both U.S. and international students at a major research university. As can be seen, international students on average complete doctoral programs in less time than U.S. students in all divisions. The difference in years to completion ranges from a relatively low 0.3 years in physical sciences/engineering and humanities/ arts to a high of 2.8 years in individual departmental programs.

2 Discussion—讨论:The consistent difference in time to degree is not fully

understood at present. However, one key factor may be motivation. Many international students have considerable external pressures, including sponsorship/scholarship restrictions, family obligations, and employer demands, which could influence the length of time it takes to earn a doctorate.

3 Methods-方法:Male red-winged blackbirds were recorded and observed. Analog tape-recordings of vocalizations were completed and territorial behaviors were monitored for each subject during three separate 30 minute observation periods. Females were observed in each subject's territory during recording. Individual territories and perching positions were mapped for each subject.

4 Results-结果:From the 41 responses received, only 5 were form schools whose students only completed team projects. 32 responses were from school whose students completed only individual projects. This is reflected in the high frequency of disagree and strongly disagree responses to question 28(see Table1).

5 Methods-方法:A copy of the questionnaire can be seen in Fig. 1. The questions were designed to match each of the eight goals and five methods for science as defined in this study. The questions were then examined by several professional educators in the field of science. The viewers' comments were used to develop questions for each goal. The experts' opinions were in agreement that the final version of the questionnaire was worded appropriately and that the content of the questions matched these goals for science education.

6 Discussion—讨论:Science projects were rated overwhelmingly and consistently positive on each of the eight educational goals for science. In the minds of the teachers, science projects are an effective way to address the new educational goals. The rating frequencies show that teachers think science projects are especially effective in incorporating hands-on/minds-on science.

7 Results-结果:The analysis shows 52 % of the graduates used their exhibits at events in their county (Fig. 4)。 Many graduates (64 % ) collected water samples in their county, 56 % established a water sample collection point in their county for transport to a water testing lab, and 48 % demonstrated sample collection.

8 Discussion—讨论:The plants produce viable shoot sections, which are capable of growth and may serve as vegetative propagules (繁殖体)。 Development of new tissues is a clear sign of healthy, growing shoot sections and indicates that the sections could go on to produce mature plants if left undisturbed. Under our growth conditions, 80% of shoot sections could have matured into seed-producing plants.

1、 Table 11 shows 结果【indicate、suggest、show;fig.1 table.1】

2、 Male red-winged 方法【谓语动词多为被动语态。V:record、observe】

3、 From the 41reponses received, only 5 结果

4、 Experiments have been carried out in 方法

5、 The coarse coal fractions in the preparation 引言【参考文献,研究目的,多用里边的背景】 6、 F.Concha.A.BarrientionsL.······Flow26,1583-1607 参考文献



3.讨论 5. 致谢



1.专利说明书(patent specification) inventive/invention/invent

2.招标文件(bidding documents) 投标文件(tender documents)


3.合同(contract)、协议书(agreement) seller/buyer/ /claim (表宣称)

4.开幕词(opening speech/opening address) I feel very much honored to…

5.闭幕词(closing speech/closing address) have+过去分词 meet again

6.申请信(application letter) application/I wish to…

7.产品说明书(product instruction) product/operation/operating


8.Operation Manual(introduction) 操作指南

1. WARNING:Do not remove the cover (or back);there are no user serviceable parts inside. Refer serving to qualified service personal. Use only the recommended accession.





6. 【产品说明书product instructions】 The invention will be described in greater detail with reference to accompany ,the drawings in which like elements bear like reference numerals ,and where’s : FIG illustrates a conventional plasma spray process. 【专利说明书Patent Specification】 The bids ,accompanied by a bid security of not less than 29 of the bid sum duly signed and scaled by the guarantors must be in the tender box on the 2nd floor of the zambia national tender board offices at red cross house 【招标文件invite to tender/bid】 Ladies and gentleman: It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the third IOSCO technical committee conference.this conference has already established itself as a key event in which the most influential players in the securities markets and regulators from developed and emerging markets can come together to exchange insights and to influence each other agendas. 【开幕词Opening speech】 I wish to pursue a master degree in your Electrical Engineering. My designed date of entry is spring,1990. Please send me necessary application forms at your early convenience. If possible, I also wish to obtain a graduate assistantship so that I may support myself and obtain more practical experience. 【申请信 letter of application】 All disputes urising from the execution of this agreeing shall be 【合同contract 】





*引言{有参考文献(参考文献只出现在引言和参考文献中);且出现目的句:Thus,the main objective of this investigation was to}:introduction

*研究方法(1、有被动语态has been carried out in 2、明显词汇be recorded 、be observed):methods






四、判断文献类型(20分 8-9)





4、*论文集:带页码pp ;第几次会议:13th ;会议词汇:conference C


  • 化工考研信息
  • 本文由sdbaowenya贡献 ppt文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳.建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看. 考研信息介绍: 考研信息介绍: 仅供大家参考! 仅供大家参考! 2010年全国研招考试初试成绩基本要求 年全国研招考试初试成绩基本要求: 年全国研招考试初试成绩基本要求 2010年全 ...

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  • 英语动漫新媒体创业大有可为 没有不好创业的行业
  • 2016-01-21 09:51 来源:人民日报海外版 http://tech.gmw.cn/2016-01/21/content_18593169.htm 加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚省UBC大学博士.正枫国际教育科技集团创始人.爱思普科技开发有限公司董事长.正和国际旅行有限公司董事长.中央创业&quo ...