
i have a favorite teacher.

her name is miss lee.

she is so wonderful to me.

she has a sweet personality.

she's very patient and kind.

she never gets angry or yells.

she encourages me.

she compliments my efforts.

she makes me feel special all the time.

her class is interesting.

we do many different things.

we never feel tired or bored.

she's charming and bright.

she's an expert for sure.

she answers every question we ask.

she demands a lot.

she gives lots of homework.

but we always work hard to please her.

the little things make her great.

her smile warms my heart.

her *** praise is music to my ears.

she's a good listener.

she's very understanding.

she's fair to everyone.

she brightens up my day.

i'll never forget her.

i'll remember her forever.

i have a favorite teacher.

her name is miss lee.

she is so wonderful to me.

she has a sweet personality.

she's very patient and kind.

she never gets angry or yells.

she encourages me.

she compliments my efforts.

she makes me feel special all the time.

her class is interesting.

we do many different things.

we never feel tired or bored.

she's charming and bright.

she's an expert for sure.

she answers every question we ask.

she demands a lot.

she gives lots of homework.

but we always work hard to please her.

the little things make her great.

her smile warms my heart.

her *** praise is music to my ears.

she's a good listener.

she's very understanding.

she's fair to everyone.

she brightens up my day.

i'll never forget her.

i'll remember her forever.


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