假冒伪劣产品 Fake Commodity

假冒伪劣产品 Fake Commodity

Atpresent, more and more people are concerned about fake commodities, for theycause very serious social problems. Many things can be fake, such as fake foodand drinks, fake clothes, fake iron and steel, and so on. 现在越来越多的人担心假冒伪劣商品,因为它们会引起严重的社会问题。很多东西都有可能是假的,比如,假的食物和饮料,假的衣服,假的钢铁等等。 Fakecommodities are harmful in many ways. For example, fake food and drinks willlead to cancers. Fake steel and iron used to build the houses, our houses willbe no longer a safe place to live in. In addition, producing and buying fakecommodities will cause a great loss to the nation's economy.


Consequently,the people who produce fake commodities must be punished severely, and theirfactories must be closed down. If fake commodities can be banned by law, ourlife will be better.


假冒伪劣产品 Fake Commodity

Atpresent, more and more people are concerned about fake commodities, for theycause very serious social problems. Many things can be fake, such as fake foodand drinks, fake clothes, fake iron and steel, and so on. 现在越来越多的人担心假冒伪劣商品,因为它们会引起严重的社会问题。很多东西都有可能是假的,比如,假的食物和饮料,假的衣服,假的钢铁等等。 Fakecommodities are harmful in many ways. For example, fake food and drinks willlead to cancers. Fake steel and iron used to build the houses, our houses willbe no longer a safe place to live in. In addition, producing and buying fakecommodities will cause a great loss to the nation's economy.


Consequently,the people who produce fake commodities must be punished severely, and theirfactories must be closed down. If fake commodities can be banned by law, ourlife will be better.



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