




















由于英语的句段之间经常会运用关联词表示衔接和过渡,使文章逻辑更清楚和连贯,因此文章中和选项中表示各种逻辑关系的路标性信号词在选择答案时都是很重要的线索。 在做题时可将这三个层面的线索很好地结合起来。例如,在看到表示并列或递进关系的关联词时,一般表示前后句子的名词或句意具有同指性;而表示转折让步关系的词则往往表示前后句子的名词同指,但句意对立,或褒贬对立或肯否对立;而表示例证关系的词则意味着在举例之前或之后有表述概念或某一观点的句子,往往会有复数名词出现。常见的关联词有下面这些:

(a)并列与递进关系:and, or, also,neither„nor„,either„or„,likewise, similarly,

equally, in the same way, that is to say ,as well as, the same „as, besides,

additionally, furthermore, moreover, in addition to ,what is more

(b)因果关系:because, for, since, as, thus, hence, therefore, so, so„that, consequently,

accordingly, due to, thanks to, as a result, because of, in that, for this reason,

of course

(c)转折让步关系:but, however, yet, on the contrary, by contrast, on the other hand,

unfortunately, while, whereas, unlike, rather than, instead of, it is true that,

of course,although, though, even though, even if, nevertheless, despite, in spite of

(d)时间关系:afterwards, at first, at last, finally, first, firstly, in the first place,

to start with,in the mean time, last, later, next, second, secondly, then, third,

thirdly, to begin with以及一些具体的时间。

5. 根据试题所在的不同位置确定不同的解题策略











(b)通常是结论、概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等的信号词,如therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word等词语,选项中也可









是否有一定的衔接。认真阅读下一段开头几句,看是否与选项的最后一句紧密连接起来。 (f)如果第一段的段尾是空白,要认真阅读,看此处是细节还是主题。通常文章第一段要提出文章的主











Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways 71 Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.

You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report. 72 Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a .

The following methods may work best for you.

●Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.

●Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts. ●Write your notes in your own words.

● 74 .

●Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.

As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time. 75 .

A. Use words, not complete sentences.

B. There are three practical note-taking methods.

C. You must write your notes on separate paper.

D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.

E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.

F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.

G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand

and remember it.


这篇文章整体分为四个段落层次,每个段落均由几个语段构成相对独立的语义单位,各段都围绕“Taking good notes”这样一个中心话题,形成了文章的线性结构。


第一段的第一句“Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways”与下面几句是解释关系,解释关系是指后面的句子对前面的句子解释、引申、例证,使意思更加明了、具体。后三句之间是平列关系,平列关系指句与句之间处于平等并列地位,互不相属,而只是组合在一起共同说明一个问题。平列关系组合的语段,在次序上并不固定,如果局部改变句子的相互位置并不改变整个语段的意思。


三、四句组合为另外一个语段,语段与语段之间是总分关系,总分关系是指前面的句子陈述两个过两个以上的对象,后面的句子紧接着分别对它们加以说明。用这种方式组合的语段能够前呼后应,彼此配合,使语脉清楚,条分缕析,如“Whenever or however you take notes”一句与前两句前呼后应,彼此配合,为前句选“E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes. ”埋伏了一笔,逻辑性很强。






Hollywood movies are regularly filled with sex and violence. They can be exciting films but sometimes

all you want is a little light-hearted entertainment.

Have you heard of Bollywood? All singing, all dancing and unrealistic, it is the perfect alternative to normal Hollywood movies. Bollywood is the Indian film industry, based in Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay. 1 Yet Bollywood is the largest producer of films in the world. This year the Indian Filmgare Awards, Bollywood's Oscars, turn 50 years old.

The typical Bollywood movie usually has the following ingredients: a cup of romance, a tea-spoon of comedy, a dash of international sight-seeing, served with a huge slice of singing and dancing. There will also be one brave hero, one beautiful heroine and one baddie. 2 .

Bollywood films are full of ideal things and free of daily worries. 3 The actors change clothes and locations within a single song. But the audience don't mind. To Indian movie lovers, especially the poor, such films are a gateway to heaven and the stars are their gods. The films take them to a magical world away from their everyday troubles. The films tell them the impossible is possible and that true love conquers all. 4 Behind the beautiful scenes, Bollywood still emphasizes traditional family values. In most films, if two lovers want to break an arranged marriage, they can't just run away. They must win over their parents. Bollywood is a decent refreshing replacement for those over-stimulating Hollywood films. 5 They will take you to a brighter, cheerier and more colorful world, where it's still cool to dance around a tree and sing a love song.

A.Bollywood has gradually won its reputation on the world stage.

B.There is never any mention of politics, poverty or war.

C.Most Chinese school kids have probably never seen an Indian film.

D.Bollywood films are mostly comic romances with light-hearted incidental music.

E. Bollywood pays great attention to traditional values.

F.The result is a fun-filled musical.

G.So if you're tired of all that Hollywood actions, check out the following Bollywood



The Internet has opened up a whole new online world for us to meet, chat and go where we’ve never been before.

But just as in face to face communication, there are some rules of behavior that should be followed when on line. 1 Imagine how you’d feel if you were in the other person’s shoes.

For anything you’re about to send: ask yourself, “Would I say this to the person’s face?” If the answer is no, rewrite and reread. 2 .

If someone in the chat room is rude to you, your instinct (本能) is to fire back in the same manner. But try not to do so. 3 If it was caused by a disagreement with another member, try to fix the situation by politely discussing it. Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.

4 Offer advice when asked by newcomers, as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate. When someone makes a mistake, whether it’s a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer, be kind about it. If it’s a small mistake, you may not need to say anything. Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before saying anything. Having good manners yourself doesn’t give you license to correct everyone else. 5 At the same time, if you find you are wrong, be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended.

It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as their age, sex and marital status. Unless you

know the person very well, and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information, don’t ask such questions.

A. It’s natural that there some people who speak rudely or make mistakes online.

B. Repeat the process till you feel sure that you’d feel comfortable saying the words to

the person’s face.

C. Everyone was new to the network once.

D. The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.

E. When you send short messages to a person online, you must say something beautiful to


F. You should either ignore the person, or use your chat software to block their messages.

G. If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake, point it out politely.


Before going outside in the morning, many of us check a window thermometer(温度计)for the temperature. This helps us decide what to wear. 1 . We want our food to be a certain coldness in the refrigerator. We want it a certain hotness in the oven. If we don’t feel well, we use a thermometer to see if we have a fever. We keep our rooms a certain warmth in the winter and a certain coolness in the summer. Not all the thermometers use the same system to measure temperature. We use a system called the Fahrenheit scale. But most other countries use the Centigrade scale.

Both systems use the freezing and boiling points of water as their guide. 2 .

The most common kind of thermometer is made with mercury(水银)inside a clear glass tube. As mercury (or any other liquid) becomes hot, it expands. As it gets colder, it contracts(收缩). That is why on hot days the mercury line is high in the glass tube..

First. Take a clear glass juice bottle that has a cap; fill the bottle with coloured water. Tap a hole in the center of the cap using a hammer and thick nail. Put the cap on the jar. Then stick a plastic straw(吸管) through the nail hole.

4 .

Finally. Place a white card on the outside of the bottle and behind the straw. Now you can see the water lever easily.

5 .

As the temperature goes down, the water will contract, and the lever in the straw will come down. Perhaps you will want to keep a record of the water lever in the straw each morning for a week.

A.We use and depend on thermometers to measure the temperature of many other things in our daily lives.

B.Thermometers measure temperature, by using materials that change in the same way when they are heated or cooled.

C.Now that you know this rule you can make a thermometer of your own that will work.

D.The water will rise in the straw. As the temperature of the air goes up, the water will

expand and rise even higher.

E.They label these in different ways. On the Fahrenheit scale water freezes at 32 degrees

and boils at 212 degrees. On the Celsius scale water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at


F.Take wax (you may use an old candle if you have one) and melt some of it right where the straw is struck into the cap to seal把..粘住) them together.

G.People use thermometers which are made by themselves when travelling around the world.


1 One of the best things you can possibly do is to start you own club. It’s great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there’s never anything to do during the school holidays.

The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club. 2 Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless.

Next you need some friends to be in your club with you. 3 All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same thing as you.

4 You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. That’ll keep you busy for ages.

At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the first rule should be no grown-ups or little/big brothers or sisters! The best clubs are always secret!

Now you have just about everything you need, except membership cards. These are very important and again you can speed a lot of time making them. not leave some space for a photo of yourself? That will make the membership card really look like it.

So there you are, get clubbing! Once you get started you’ll think of loads of more interesting things to do!

A. That’s easy.

B. Enjoy your own club!

C. Invite a designer to join you.

D. What are you interest in?

E. Some vacation is just around the corner.

F. Then you need to pick a name for your club.

G. Use a bright thick pen to make a special design.


My mother is a diligent and kind woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher, she works hard. 1 Both my brother and I love her dearly as she loves us.

My mother has been teaching math at a middle school in my hometown. She goes to work early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon. 2 She treats them with patience and teaches them well. For her excellent quality and very good teaching results, she has been elected as a model teacher several times.

3 Every day, when she comes back home from work, she sets about doing housework, sweeping the living room and bedrooms or cleaning the furniture, and putting everything in good order. She seems to be busy all the time. As she has been very busy working every day, she looks older than her age. But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever. Mother never buys expensive dresses for herself, but she often buys some inexpensive but high quality clothes for us. 4 She just eats a plain meal outside when she is too busy to cook herself. She lives a busy yet simple life, without any complaints.

Often she says to us, “work while you work, and play while you play. That is the way to be happy and gay. If you do not work, you will become lazy and be of no use to society”. What a piece of good advice this

is! s advice of hers will always serve as a guide to my behavior. My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.

A. She enjoys listening to classic music.

B. As a mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort.

C. She loves her students and cares for them.

D. She never goes to expensive restaurants to enjoy meals.

E. My mother is hard-working and never wastes money.

F. I never forget it and always bear it in my mind.

G. Can you tell us something about your mother?
























由于英语的句段之间经常会运用关联词表示衔接和过渡,使文章逻辑更清楚和连贯,因此文章中和选项中表示各种逻辑关系的路标性信号词在选择答案时都是很重要的线索。 在做题时可将这三个层面的线索很好地结合起来。例如,在看到表示并列或递进关系的关联词时,一般表示前后句子的名词或句意具有同指性;而表示转折让步关系的词则往往表示前后句子的名词同指,但句意对立,或褒贬对立或肯否对立;而表示例证关系的词则意味着在举例之前或之后有表述概念或某一观点的句子,往往会有复数名词出现。常见的关联词有下面这些:

(a)并列与递进关系:and, or, also,neither„nor„,either„or„,likewise, similarly,

equally, in the same way, that is to say ,as well as, the same „as, besides,

additionally, furthermore, moreover, in addition to ,what is more

(b)因果关系:because, for, since, as, thus, hence, therefore, so, so„that, consequently,

accordingly, due to, thanks to, as a result, because of, in that, for this reason,

of course

(c)转折让步关系:but, however, yet, on the contrary, by contrast, on the other hand,

unfortunately, while, whereas, unlike, rather than, instead of, it is true that,

of course,although, though, even though, even if, nevertheless, despite, in spite of

(d)时间关系:afterwards, at first, at last, finally, first, firstly, in the first place,

to start with,in the mean time, last, later, next, second, secondly, then, third,

thirdly, to begin with以及一些具体的时间。

5. 根据试题所在的不同位置确定不同的解题策略











(b)通常是结论、概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等的信号词,如therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word等词语,选项中也可









是否有一定的衔接。认真阅读下一段开头几句,看是否与选项的最后一句紧密连接起来。 (f)如果第一段的段尾是空白,要认真阅读,看此处是细节还是主题。通常文章第一段要提出文章的主











Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways 71 Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.

You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report. 72 Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a .

The following methods may work best for you.

●Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.

●Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts. ●Write your notes in your own words.

● 74 .

●Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.

As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time. 75 .

A. Use words, not complete sentences.

B. There are three practical note-taking methods.

C. You must write your notes on separate paper.

D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.

E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.

F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.

G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand

and remember it.


这篇文章整体分为四个段落层次,每个段落均由几个语段构成相对独立的语义单位,各段都围绕“Taking good notes”这样一个中心话题,形成了文章的线性结构。


第一段的第一句“Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways”与下面几句是解释关系,解释关系是指后面的句子对前面的句子解释、引申、例证,使意思更加明了、具体。后三句之间是平列关系,平列关系指句与句之间处于平等并列地位,互不相属,而只是组合在一起共同说明一个问题。平列关系组合的语段,在次序上并不固定,如果局部改变句子的相互位置并不改变整个语段的意思。


三、四句组合为另外一个语段,语段与语段之间是总分关系,总分关系是指前面的句子陈述两个过两个以上的对象,后面的句子紧接着分别对它们加以说明。用这种方式组合的语段能够前呼后应,彼此配合,使语脉清楚,条分缕析,如“Whenever or however you take notes”一句与前两句前呼后应,彼此配合,为前句选“E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes. ”埋伏了一笔,逻辑性很强。






Hollywood movies are regularly filled with sex and violence. They can be exciting films but sometimes

all you want is a little light-hearted entertainment.

Have you heard of Bollywood? All singing, all dancing and unrealistic, it is the perfect alternative to normal Hollywood movies. Bollywood is the Indian film industry, based in Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay. 1 Yet Bollywood is the largest producer of films in the world. This year the Indian Filmgare Awards, Bollywood's Oscars, turn 50 years old.

The typical Bollywood movie usually has the following ingredients: a cup of romance, a tea-spoon of comedy, a dash of international sight-seeing, served with a huge slice of singing and dancing. There will also be one brave hero, one beautiful heroine and one baddie. 2 .

Bollywood films are full of ideal things and free of daily worries. 3 The actors change clothes and locations within a single song. But the audience don't mind. To Indian movie lovers, especially the poor, such films are a gateway to heaven and the stars are their gods. The films take them to a magical world away from their everyday troubles. The films tell them the impossible is possible and that true love conquers all. 4 Behind the beautiful scenes, Bollywood still emphasizes traditional family values. In most films, if two lovers want to break an arranged marriage, they can't just run away. They must win over their parents. Bollywood is a decent refreshing replacement for those over-stimulating Hollywood films. 5 They will take you to a brighter, cheerier and more colorful world, where it's still cool to dance around a tree and sing a love song.

A.Bollywood has gradually won its reputation on the world stage.

B.There is never any mention of politics, poverty or war.

C.Most Chinese school kids have probably never seen an Indian film.

D.Bollywood films are mostly comic romances with light-hearted incidental music.

E. Bollywood pays great attention to traditional values.

F.The result is a fun-filled musical.

G.So if you're tired of all that Hollywood actions, check out the following Bollywood



The Internet has opened up a whole new online world for us to meet, chat and go where we’ve never been before.

But just as in face to face communication, there are some rules of behavior that should be followed when on line. 1 Imagine how you’d feel if you were in the other person’s shoes.

For anything you’re about to send: ask yourself, “Would I say this to the person’s face?” If the answer is no, rewrite and reread. 2 .

If someone in the chat room is rude to you, your instinct (本能) is to fire back in the same manner. But try not to do so. 3 If it was caused by a disagreement with another member, try to fix the situation by politely discussing it. Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.

4 Offer advice when asked by newcomers, as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate. When someone makes a mistake, whether it’s a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer, be kind about it. If it’s a small mistake, you may not need to say anything. Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before saying anything. Having good manners yourself doesn’t give you license to correct everyone else. 5 At the same time, if you find you are wrong, be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended.

It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as their age, sex and marital status. Unless you

know the person very well, and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information, don’t ask such questions.

A. It’s natural that there some people who speak rudely or make mistakes online.

B. Repeat the process till you feel sure that you’d feel comfortable saying the words to

the person’s face.

C. Everyone was new to the network once.

D. The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.

E. When you send short messages to a person online, you must say something beautiful to


F. You should either ignore the person, or use your chat software to block their messages.

G. If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake, point it out politely.


Before going outside in the morning, many of us check a window thermometer(温度计)for the temperature. This helps us decide what to wear. 1 . We want our food to be a certain coldness in the refrigerator. We want it a certain hotness in the oven. If we don’t feel well, we use a thermometer to see if we have a fever. We keep our rooms a certain warmth in the winter and a certain coolness in the summer. Not all the thermometers use the same system to measure temperature. We use a system called the Fahrenheit scale. But most other countries use the Centigrade scale.

Both systems use the freezing and boiling points of water as their guide. 2 .

The most common kind of thermometer is made with mercury(水银)inside a clear glass tube. As mercury (or any other liquid) becomes hot, it expands. As it gets colder, it contracts(收缩). That is why on hot days the mercury line is high in the glass tube..

First. Take a clear glass juice bottle that has a cap; fill the bottle with coloured water. Tap a hole in the center of the cap using a hammer and thick nail. Put the cap on the jar. Then stick a plastic straw(吸管) through the nail hole.

4 .

Finally. Place a white card on the outside of the bottle and behind the straw. Now you can see the water lever easily.

5 .

As the temperature goes down, the water will contract, and the lever in the straw will come down. Perhaps you will want to keep a record of the water lever in the straw each morning for a week.

A.We use and depend on thermometers to measure the temperature of many other things in our daily lives.

B.Thermometers measure temperature, by using materials that change in the same way when they are heated or cooled.

C.Now that you know this rule you can make a thermometer of your own that will work.

D.The water will rise in the straw. As the temperature of the air goes up, the water will

expand and rise even higher.

E.They label these in different ways. On the Fahrenheit scale water freezes at 32 degrees

and boils at 212 degrees. On the Celsius scale water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at


F.Take wax (you may use an old candle if you have one) and melt some of it right where the straw is struck into the cap to seal把..粘住) them together.

G.People use thermometers which are made by themselves when travelling around the world.


1 One of the best things you can possibly do is to start you own club. It’s great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there’s never anything to do during the school holidays.

The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club. 2 Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless.

Next you need some friends to be in your club with you. 3 All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same thing as you.

4 You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. That’ll keep you busy for ages.

At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the first rule should be no grown-ups or little/big brothers or sisters! The best clubs are always secret!

Now you have just about everything you need, except membership cards. These are very important and again you can speed a lot of time making them. not leave some space for a photo of yourself? That will make the membership card really look like it.

So there you are, get clubbing! Once you get started you’ll think of loads of more interesting things to do!

A. That’s easy.

B. Enjoy your own club!

C. Invite a designer to join you.

D. What are you interest in?

E. Some vacation is just around the corner.

F. Then you need to pick a name for your club.

G. Use a bright thick pen to make a special design.


My mother is a diligent and kind woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher, she works hard. 1 Both my brother and I love her dearly as she loves us.

My mother has been teaching math at a middle school in my hometown. She goes to work early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon. 2 She treats them with patience and teaches them well. For her excellent quality and very good teaching results, she has been elected as a model teacher several times.

3 Every day, when she comes back home from work, she sets about doing housework, sweeping the living room and bedrooms or cleaning the furniture, and putting everything in good order. She seems to be busy all the time. As she has been very busy working every day, she looks older than her age. But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever. Mother never buys expensive dresses for herself, but she often buys some inexpensive but high quality clothes for us. 4 She just eats a plain meal outside when she is too busy to cook herself. She lives a busy yet simple life, without any complaints.

Often she says to us, “work while you work, and play while you play. That is the way to be happy and gay. If you do not work, you will become lazy and be of no use to society”. What a piece of good advice this

is! s advice of hers will always serve as a guide to my behavior. My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.

A. She enjoys listening to classic music.

B. As a mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort.

C. She loves her students and cares for them.

D. She never goes to expensive restaurants to enjoy meals.

E. My mother is hard-working and never wastes money.

F. I never forget it and always bear it in my mind.

G. Can you tell us something about your mother?





  • 高考改革问卷调查
  • 安徽省高考英语改革调查问卷 安徽省外文学会 安徽大学外语学院 调查问卷说明:受安徽省外文学会委托,安徽大学外语学院就安徽省高考英语改 革的相关问题进行此次问卷调查.本问卷旨在了解我省大学.初高中和小学教师 以及学生和家长对我省高考英语改革的意见和建议,我们将对您提供的信息进行 保密.问卷采取无记名形 ...

  • 英语高考社会化利弊谈
  • 摘 要: 当今,英语教育不再是教育界学者的"领地",而已成为社会普遍关注的焦点.英语教育的每一次改革,都会引发舆论狂潮.2013年末,教育部出台了新的英语高考改革方案,拟实行英语高考社会化.本文主要对英语高考社会化的利弊作简要分析和归纳,以期引起更多人关注英语教育,关注英语教学改 ...

  • 河北:英语退出高考"是不可能的假设"
  • 保定一中学生们在上英语课 网易教育频道综合讯 "河北中高考(微博)改革方案落地:英语将正式退出".24日晚间,这条关于高考英语改革的消息被网友在微信朋友圈疯狂转发. 对此,保定市教育考试院回应河北省未下发相关文件,此消息为"虚假消息".但"英语是否退 ...

  • 高考改革后英语应该怎么复习 | 高考改革精英家教网
  • 高考改革后英语应该怎么复习 发布时间:2016-11-19 研讨会上,武汉市教科院副院长朱长华,华中师范大学外国语学院院长.博士生导师廖美珍教授,"表音密码"中.美两国专利技术发明人.能动英语首席设计师李如云博士,长期从事高考研究的华师大教育硕士校外导师龚源来先生,原国家外国专家 ...

  • 英语高考改革之我见
  • 学术展台 英语高考改革之我见 李 霞 摘 要:众所周知,语数英三门学科一直以来都是中学阶段的重点学科.然而,自从13年北京出台的新高考方案中涉及到降低英语科目的分数以来,取消英语高考的建议就开始被各大省提出来并得到了全社会广泛的关注,在教育界也引起了广泛关注.本文拟对英语高考改革的背景.影响及其传达 ...

  • 高考取消英语
  • 高考不宜取消英语 <国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要>(以下简称<纲要>)提出探索招生和考试相对分离的改革思路,探索实行社会化考试的方式,部分科目可以尝试一年多考.由于英语的社会化考试较多,相对比较成熟,而且社会对英语高考的负面评价较多.所以,<纲要>关于考试改革 ...

  • 2010-2015全国作文带答案+书法训练版
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  • 高考英语错题本:彻底解决进行时问题
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  • 高考英语改革
  • 高考英语改革: 改革:16年开始,高考英语实行等级制考试,满分100. 成绩计入高考总分 (A等100分, B等85分, C 等70分),学生可以多次报考,最终以最好成绩为准. 高考英语改革的政策变化:" 1. 英语退出统一高考"不等于"高考不考英语". 只是 ...

  • 高考白皮书:高考英语测试的发展历程
  • 回顾我国高考[微博]英语测试的历史发展轨迹,我们不难看出,我国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语学科的测试内容.题型的设置和阅卷方法的改革,大体上经历了以下四个阶段: 第一阶段:自1952年全国实施高等学校招生统一考试起,至1965年,即"文革"前夕止.此时我国的高考英语测试主要有3种 ...