
To whom it may concern,

The woolen scarf I bought by mail order from your company arrived on time the day before yesterday. But when I checked it, I found a hole in the middle. I was astonished because the hole was obvious and I did not think you should neglect this deficiency when you delivered it. I have dialed your service number for several times and it was always busy. Now this problem keeps worrying me. Can you change a new one for me as soon as possible? How shall I send this scarf back to you? Thanks for

your consideration.

I am looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming

Write a letter to complain about an unhappy experience in about 100 words to describe the matter and ask for the mistake to be corrected. Do not s ign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you about a most unhappy experience. Last Tuesday morning, we took a long route bus of your company from Dukou to Lijiang. The bus was scheduled to arrive in Lijiang at 7 o’clock in the evening, but it stopped midway at four p.m. for mechanical problems. The driver and the ticket seller could neither solve the problem by themselves nor

seek help from others.

Where we stopped was nowhere near a village. Up until 8 o’clock, another bus finally carried us to a shabby rural motel. We had to pay for our accommodation. The room was too small and the quilt was so dirty. To our surprise, when we just managed to sleep at around 2 a.m., the driver

came to wake us up—the bus had been fixed!

I suggest that you look into this matter immediately and deal with

it quickly and properly.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Ming [Directions ]: Suppose that you ordered a refrigerator but later found a worrying problem. Write a letter of complaint to describe the matter and require settlement, Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.

Dear Sir,

I am happy that the refrigerator we ordered last week has arrived on time. But it is a great pity that we find there is something wrong with the refrigeration facilities.

After we used it for several days. we found that food stored in the refrigerating compartment turned bad quickly. When we finally decided to take the temperature in it, we were surprised to find it was around 15℃, far from the standard temperture range from 0℃ to 9℃.

This problem has affected our normal life. Would you please let me know whether or not you can send a repairman as soon as possible? I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming

Dear Sir:

With reference to our order No. W98, the 120 computer sets supplies to the above order were delivered the day before yesterday, but we regret that 20 sets were badly damaged.

The packages containing the computer sets appeared to be in good condition and we accepted and signed for them without question. We

unpacked the computer sets with care and can only assume that damage must be due to careless handling at some stage prior to packing.

We shall be glad if you will replace all 20 sets as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we have put the damaged computer sets aside in case you need them to support a claim on your suppliers for compensation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

Dear Mr. Chang:

On September 10, our order for 280 women's cotton sweaters was duly received, but we regret to say that 40 cotton sweaters in white color were seriously soiled.

We had the case investigated immediately, and the result shows the damage was due to improper packing, for which the suppliers are definitely responsible.

Needless to say, we have suffered a great loss from this, as we cannot sell the sweaters in this condition to our customers. We ask you to conduct investigation at your end and reply to us.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you for the mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th Apr.2008 at Tele Mall in Wuhan, P.R. China. Ten days after that, it didn’t ring and send short messages. Then I took it to the seller, but was told that the model had been sold out and I had to wait at least three months for a new one. Later I went to the repairman. He said since it was a new model in China,消息it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts. I was so desperate on hearing that. How can I wait that long? Therefore, I require that you send me a new one of the same model within a month.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Bu Manyi

To whom it may concern,

The woolen scarf I bought by mail order from your company arrived on time the day before yesterday. But when I checked it, I found a hole in the middle. I was astonished because the hole was obvious and I did not think you should neglect this deficiency when you delivered it. I have dialed your service number for several times and it was always busy. Now this problem keeps worrying me. Can you change a new one for me as soon as possible? How shall I send this scarf back to you? Thanks for

your consideration.

I am looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming

Write a letter to complain about an unhappy experience in about 100 words to describe the matter and ask for the mistake to be corrected. Do not s ign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you about a most unhappy experience. Last Tuesday morning, we took a long route bus of your company from Dukou to Lijiang. The bus was scheduled to arrive in Lijiang at 7 o’clock in the evening, but it stopped midway at four p.m. for mechanical problems. The driver and the ticket seller could neither solve the problem by themselves nor

seek help from others.

Where we stopped was nowhere near a village. Up until 8 o’clock, another bus finally carried us to a shabby rural motel. We had to pay for our accommodation. The room was too small and the quilt was so dirty. To our surprise, when we just managed to sleep at around 2 a.m., the driver

came to wake us up—the bus had been fixed!

I suggest that you look into this matter immediately and deal with

it quickly and properly.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Ming [Directions ]: Suppose that you ordered a refrigerator but later found a worrying problem. Write a letter of complaint to describe the matter and require settlement, Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.

Dear Sir,

I am happy that the refrigerator we ordered last week has arrived on time. But it is a great pity that we find there is something wrong with the refrigeration facilities.

After we used it for several days. we found that food stored in the refrigerating compartment turned bad quickly. When we finally decided to take the temperature in it, we were surprised to find it was around 15℃, far from the standard temperture range from 0℃ to 9℃.

This problem has affected our normal life. Would you please let me know whether or not you can send a repairman as soon as possible? I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming

Dear Sir:

With reference to our order No. W98, the 120 computer sets supplies to the above order were delivered the day before yesterday, but we regret that 20 sets were badly damaged.

The packages containing the computer sets appeared to be in good condition and we accepted and signed for them without question. We

unpacked the computer sets with care and can only assume that damage must be due to careless handling at some stage prior to packing.

We shall be glad if you will replace all 20 sets as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we have put the damaged computer sets aside in case you need them to support a claim on your suppliers for compensation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

Dear Mr. Chang:

On September 10, our order for 280 women's cotton sweaters was duly received, but we regret to say that 40 cotton sweaters in white color were seriously soiled.

We had the case investigated immediately, and the result shows the damage was due to improper packing, for which the suppliers are definitely responsible.

Needless to say, we have suffered a great loss from this, as we cannot sell the sweaters in this condition to our customers. We ask you to conduct investigation at your end and reply to us.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you for the mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th Apr.2008 at Tele Mall in Wuhan, P.R. China. Ten days after that, it didn’t ring and send short messages. Then I took it to the seller, but was told that the model had been sold out and I had to wait at least three months for a new one. Later I went to the repairman. He said since it was a new model in China,消息it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts. I was so desperate on hearing that. How can I wait that long? Therefore, I require that you send me a new one of the same model within a month.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Bu Manyi


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