
A List of Souces for

Free E-books

O'Reilly online

Computer books and manuals

The Network Book

Some #bookwarez.efnet.irc links

Some #bookwarez.efnet.irc fiction

Pimpas online books (Indonesia)

Security, privacy and cryptography

My own misc online reading material

Computer books

Linux documentation

FreeBSD documentation

Sun documentation

SGI documentation

IBM Online Redbooks

Digital UNIX documentation File system Hierarchy Standard

UNIX stuff

Programmers reading

Programming Pearls 2nd edition

C stuff

Perl stuff

Java stuff

Lisp stuff

Ada stuff

Database reading

SQL stuff

Visual Basic stuff

Handbook of Applied Cryptography

X Window System

GTK and Gnome stuff

QT and KDE stuff

Corba stuff

TCP/IP info

Misc programmers reading

Some useful tech articles

Considering Hacking Constructive

Eric's Random Writings

IBM's History

Electronic Publishing

Digital processing

The Hardware Book

Network iQ Router Reference Manual

Cisco Product Documentation

Novell developers’ appnotes

Icons for your desktop

Hackers' Hall of Fame at Discovery Online

Symbols and signs and ideograms and stuff

Misc reading material

Dante’s Inferno

Books and texts

Literature stuff

Octavo books

Project Gutenberg - books and texts

Project Runeberg - Scandinavian in books and texts

The Elements of Style

Bigtext - illustrated books and manuals for DOS Breeze - a complete text system for Windows

Language links

Grimm’s' fairy tales

Winnie the Pooh

Seven Wonders of the World

Medieval history

Misc history

Stonehenge’s Legends

In Parentheses historical papers

Bulfinchs Mythology

The Dead Sea Scrolls

Qumran historical site

Index of cults

Heretical speculation

The esoteric Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani

Runes and Norse stuff

Extinction level events

Stephen Hawkings Universe

The constellations

Falling into a black hole

Gravity is a push

Online audio books


NewMedia Classics

Online Books Archive

Internet Public Library


PalmPilot E-Text Ring

Virtual Free Books

All About Ebooks

A List of Souces for

Free E-books

O'Reilly online

Computer books and manuals

The Network Book

Some #bookwarez.efnet.irc links

Some #bookwarez.efnet.irc fiction

Pimpas online books (Indonesia)

Security, privacy and cryptography

My own misc online reading material

Computer books

Linux documentation

FreeBSD documentation

Sun documentation

SGI documentation

IBM Online Redbooks

Digital UNIX documentation File system Hierarchy Standard

UNIX stuff

Programmers reading

Programming Pearls 2nd edition

C stuff

Perl stuff

Java stuff

Lisp stuff

Ada stuff

Database reading

SQL stuff

Visual Basic stuff

Handbook of Applied Cryptography

X Window System

GTK and Gnome stuff

QT and KDE stuff

Corba stuff

TCP/IP info

Misc programmers reading

Some useful tech articles

Considering Hacking Constructive

Eric's Random Writings

IBM's History

Electronic Publishing

Digital processing

The Hardware Book

Network iQ Router Reference Manual

Cisco Product Documentation

Novell developers’ appnotes

Icons for your desktop

Hackers' Hall of Fame at Discovery Online

Symbols and signs and ideograms and stuff

Misc reading material

Dante’s Inferno

Books and texts

Literature stuff

Octavo books

Project Gutenberg - books and texts

Project Runeberg - Scandinavian in books and texts

The Elements of Style

Bigtext - illustrated books and manuals for DOS Breeze - a complete text system for Windows

Language links

Grimm’s' fairy tales

Winnie the Pooh

Seven Wonders of the World

Medieval history

Misc history

Stonehenge’s Legends

In Parentheses historical papers

Bulfinchs Mythology

The Dead Sea Scrolls

Qumran historical site

Index of cults

Heretical speculation

The esoteric Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani

Runes and Norse stuff

Extinction level events

Stephen Hawkings Universe

The constellations

Falling into a black hole

Gravity is a push

Online audio books


NewMedia Classics

Online Books Archive

Internet Public Library


PalmPilot E-Text Ring

Virtual Free Books

All About Ebooks


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