



Dear Mr. Stuart:

Our Purchase Order No.233

On 15 November we sent you our Purchase Order No.233 for one fax machine Model 789, which you delivered to us on 20 November. I’m afraid I have to complain about the performance of the machine and the attitude of your staff when I reported a defect in the machine.

Defects in the machine

On 24 November the machine failed to print in-coming messages clearly and two days later it did not print them at all. On 29 November it became clearer, but it was not transmitting our faxed. On the next day the machine broke down completely.

Service problems

I telephoned your Service Department on 24th November to report the first defect and was told your service engineers were very busy, but one would visit us as soon as possible. When I telephoned again on 26th

November, the staff member whom I spoke to claimed to know nothing about my previous call and said a service engineer would be sent as soon as possible. Yesterday, when I telephoned your office to report the

further defect, I was told a service engineer would visit us immediately. We waited, but no one came. Therefore, I telephoned again today to report our problems, but I was told that your company accepted no

responsibility for the goods after they had been delivered to a client and therefore there was nothing you could do about the problem. When I asked whom I was speaking to, he just hanged up.

I now wish to emphasize the tremendous trouble we have been put into by the defects of the machine and your company’s failure to do

anything about them. Still more annoying is the attitude of your staff. We now require a full explanation from you and require you to send a service engineer to repair our machine immediately.

Yours sincerely,







Dear Mr. Stuart:

Our Purchase Order No.233

On 15 November we sent you our Purchase Order No.233 for one fax machine Model 789, which you delivered to us on 20 November. I’m afraid I have to complain about the performance of the machine and the attitude of your staff when I reported a defect in the machine.

Defects in the machine

On 24 November the machine failed to print in-coming messages clearly and two days later it did not print them at all. On 29 November it became clearer, but it was not transmitting our faxed. On the next day the machine broke down completely.

Service problems

I telephoned your Service Department on 24th November to report the first defect and was told your service engineers were very busy, but one would visit us as soon as possible. When I telephoned again on 26th

November, the staff member whom I spoke to claimed to know nothing about my previous call and said a service engineer would be sent as soon as possible. Yesterday, when I telephoned your office to report the

further defect, I was told a service engineer would visit us immediately. We waited, but no one came. Therefore, I telephoned again today to report our problems, but I was told that your company accepted no

responsibility for the goods after they had been delivered to a client and therefore there was nothing you could do about the problem. When I asked whom I was speaking to, he just hanged up.

I now wish to emphasize the tremendous trouble we have been put into by the defects of the machine and your company’s failure to do

anything about them. Still more annoying is the attitude of your staff. We now require a full explanation from you and require you to send a service engineer to repair our machine immediately.

Yours sincerely,





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