
The return of pearl


角色:紫薇(李晓娟) 皇上,尔康(张美英) 路人甲 路人乙(邓庭丽) 路人丙(刘正阳) 金锁() 柳青() 柳红()

群众:Huang Shang live on for ten thousand year!Ge Ge live on for a thousand years!

金锁:Miss,look!Isn’t Xiao Yan zi?Is it Xiao Yan zi?Look!Look,is she?is she? 柳青:It’s her.That’s right,it’s Xiao Yan zi!it’s Xiao Yan zi!it is!

齐呼:Xiao Yan zi!Xiao Yan zi!(紫薇:Over here!)Xiao Yan zi!Xiao Yan zi!

柳红:I refuse to believe it’s Xiao Yan zi!it can’t be her,she just looks a lot like Xiao Yan zi!She’s a real prinecess!Let’s not make a scene here anymore. 群众:Huang Shang live on for ten thousand year!Ge Ge live on for a thousand years!

紫薇:Huan Zhu Ge Ge? Huan Zhu Ge Ge?

柳青:Huan Zhu Ge Ge?(问旁边路人甲)What’s Huan Zhu Ge Ge?

路人甲:Don’t you know?The emperor took in a commoner as his adpoted daughter and gave her the title” Huan Zhu Ge Ge,”She’s officially entering the palace today.

柳青:Huan Zhu Ge Ge?

路人乙:I heard that this Huan Zhu Ge Ge is all powerful.The mperor likes her a lot!

路人丙:My uncle works in the palace.I heard that this princess isn’t ordinary,They say she’s an “adopted”daugter,but she’s probably of royal blood.Everyone knows that the emperor likes to go on excursions

everywhere,from the north to south,east to west.

金锁:Miss,she deceived you!She took away you evidence.She has really become a princess!(紫薇摇头,做不敢相信状)

紫薇:She’s not a princess!She’s a fake!

柳青柳红:Zi Wei!金锁:Miss!。。。。。(持续喊)。。。。。

紫薇:Huang Shang!I’m the real princess! Xiao Yan zi!How could you do this to me?There’s the Jade emperoy up in heaven and the king of hell down under!How could do this to me? Huang Shang, Huang Shang,you have been deceived!I’m the real princess!

尔康:There are too many citizens’ around.Heighten security.Watch out for assassins.

紫薇:Xiao Yan zi!Come back and explain everything to me! Huang Shang! Huang Shang!You have been deceived! Huang Shang! Huang Shang!You have been deceived!I’m the real princess! Xiao Yan zi!(尔康一骑白马翩翩而来)Come back here! Xiao Yan zi!

尔康:Guard,capture her!Er Tai,protect the emperor and prinecess.Don’t let anything disturb them.

紫薇:Xiao Yan zi!Come back!

尔康:Arrest her and lock her up in jaill.

紫薇:Xiao Yan zi! Xiao Yan zi!If you’er the princess,then what am I? Xiao Yan zi!Why did you deceive me?

小燕子:I think I heard Zi Wei’s voice.

紫薇:I trusted you so much,how could you deceive me? Xiao Yan zi!Come back here!Explain everything! Xiao Yan zi!

The return of pearl


角色:紫薇(李晓娟) 皇上,尔康(张美英) 路人甲 路人乙(邓庭丽) 路人丙(刘正阳) 金锁() 柳青() 柳红()

群众:Huang Shang live on for ten thousand year!Ge Ge live on for a thousand years!

金锁:Miss,look!Isn’t Xiao Yan zi?Is it Xiao Yan zi?Look!Look,is she?is she? 柳青:It’s her.That’s right,it’s Xiao Yan zi!it’s Xiao Yan zi!it is!

齐呼:Xiao Yan zi!Xiao Yan zi!(紫薇:Over here!)Xiao Yan zi!Xiao Yan zi!

柳红:I refuse to believe it’s Xiao Yan zi!it can’t be her,she just looks a lot like Xiao Yan zi!She’s a real prinecess!Let’s not make a scene here anymore. 群众:Huang Shang live on for ten thousand year!Ge Ge live on for a thousand years!

紫薇:Huan Zhu Ge Ge? Huan Zhu Ge Ge?

柳青:Huan Zhu Ge Ge?(问旁边路人甲)What’s Huan Zhu Ge Ge?

路人甲:Don’t you know?The emperor took in a commoner as his adpoted daughter and gave her the title” Huan Zhu Ge Ge,”She’s officially entering the palace today.

柳青:Huan Zhu Ge Ge?

路人乙:I heard that this Huan Zhu Ge Ge is all powerful.The mperor likes her a lot!

路人丙:My uncle works in the palace.I heard that this princess isn’t ordinary,They say she’s an “adopted”daugter,but she’s probably of royal blood.Everyone knows that the emperor likes to go on excursions

everywhere,from the north to south,east to west.

金锁:Miss,she deceived you!She took away you evidence.She has really become a princess!(紫薇摇头,做不敢相信状)

紫薇:She’s not a princess!She’s a fake!

柳青柳红:Zi Wei!金锁:Miss!。。。。。(持续喊)。。。。。

紫薇:Huang Shang!I’m the real princess! Xiao Yan zi!How could you do this to me?There’s the Jade emperoy up in heaven and the king of hell down under!How could do this to me? Huang Shang, Huang Shang,you have been deceived!I’m the real princess!

尔康:There are too many citizens’ around.Heighten security.Watch out for assassins.

紫薇:Xiao Yan zi!Come back and explain everything to me! Huang Shang! Huang Shang!You have been deceived! Huang Shang! Huang Shang!You have been deceived!I’m the real princess! Xiao Yan zi!(尔康一骑白马翩翩而来)Come back here! Xiao Yan zi!

尔康:Guard,capture her!Er Tai,protect the emperor and prinecess.Don’t let anything disturb them.

紫薇:Xiao Yan zi!Come back!

尔康:Arrest her and lock her up in jaill.

紫薇:Xiao Yan zi! Xiao Yan zi!If you’er the princess,then what am I? Xiao Yan zi!Why did you deceive me?

小燕子:I think I heard Zi Wei’s voice.

紫薇:I trusted you so much,how could you deceive me? Xiao Yan zi!Come back here!Explain everything! Xiao Yan zi!


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