机器人会取代人类吗 大部分美国人持乐观态度

机器人会取代人类吗 大部分美国人持乐观态度


Most Americans think robots will take jobs - but not theirs 机器人会取代人类吗——大部分美国人持乐观态度

From self-driving cars to robots performing surgical procedures to computers that can out-think humans, machines are muscling into the American workforce in a big way. Most people are aware that changes are coming to the way work is performed and even who or what performs it. Yet, many are in denial that this change will have any impact on them.


According to a new Pew Research Center survey, 65 percent of people expect that over the next 50 years, robots and computers will "probably" or "definitely" start doing much of the work currently done by humans.

根据一个Pew 研究中心的最新的调查显示,百分之六十五的人预计在未来的五十年,机器人和计算机“可能”或者“一定会”开始做人类现在大部分由人类完成的工作。

But when Pew asked people if their own jobs were at risk of computerization, most were confident that their job was safe. In fact, 80 percent of respondents were sure of their job security, with younger workers ages 18 to 29 being the most confident.

但是当Pew 问人们计算机化是否会对他们的工作稳定性带来隐患时,大多数人还是很自信的认为他们的工作是安全的。实际上,百分之八十的调查对象十分确定他们工作地位的安全性,其中十八岁至二十九岁的年轻工人最有自信。

A plethora of research points to the fact that machines and computers will eventually move into many of the jobs humans are performing today. Pew referenced a 2013 study by researchers at Oxford University that found that as many as 47 percent of jobs in this country are at risk of being taken over by computers.

大批的研究指出了这样一个事实:械和计算机终将进入大部分在今天由人类执行的工作。Pew 参考了牛津大学的研究人员在2013年的一些研究结果,发现这个国家多达百分之四十七的工作有被计算机取代的的风险。

The Pew survey found that individuals under 50 and those with relatively high household incomes and levels of education, along with people who work in government, nonprofits, or education, are more skeptical of the likelihood of machines taking over the workforce. Employees in the corporate or small

business world are more likely to believe that machines will eventually do most the work.


Yet only 11 percent of the 2,001 American adults polled believed that their job would "probably not" or "definitely not" exist in its current form 50 years from now.


The survey found that, rather than fretting about robots and computers, people tended to be more concerned with being displaced by lower-paid workers, shrinking in their industry or poor management by their employer.


So does the future of the American workforce look bright or bleak?


A 2014 Pew study of technology experts predicted that advances in robotics and computers will permeate a number of areas of life, "with potentially profound implications for both workers and society as a whole."

技术专家于2014年完成的一项Pew 研究预测表明,机器人技术和计算机的发展将渗透入生活中大多数的领域。

Let’s just hope that Pew researchers don’t lose their jobs to computers anytime soon.


机器人会取代人类吗 大部分美国人持乐观态度


Most Americans think robots will take jobs - but not theirs 机器人会取代人类吗——大部分美国人持乐观态度

From self-driving cars to robots performing surgical procedures to computers that can out-think humans, machines are muscling into the American workforce in a big way. Most people are aware that changes are coming to the way work is performed and even who or what performs it. Yet, many are in denial that this change will have any impact on them.


According to a new Pew Research Center survey, 65 percent of people expect that over the next 50 years, robots and computers will "probably" or "definitely" start doing much of the work currently done by humans.

根据一个Pew 研究中心的最新的调查显示,百分之六十五的人预计在未来的五十年,机器人和计算机“可能”或者“一定会”开始做人类现在大部分由人类完成的工作。

But when Pew asked people if their own jobs were at risk of computerization, most were confident that their job was safe. In fact, 80 percent of respondents were sure of their job security, with younger workers ages 18 to 29 being the most confident.

但是当Pew 问人们计算机化是否会对他们的工作稳定性带来隐患时,大多数人还是很自信的认为他们的工作是安全的。实际上,百分之八十的调查对象十分确定他们工作地位的安全性,其中十八岁至二十九岁的年轻工人最有自信。

A plethora of research points to the fact that machines and computers will eventually move into many of the jobs humans are performing today. Pew referenced a 2013 study by researchers at Oxford University that found that as many as 47 percent of jobs in this country are at risk of being taken over by computers.

大批的研究指出了这样一个事实:械和计算机终将进入大部分在今天由人类执行的工作。Pew 参考了牛津大学的研究人员在2013年的一些研究结果,发现这个国家多达百分之四十七的工作有被计算机取代的的风险。

The Pew survey found that individuals under 50 and those with relatively high household incomes and levels of education, along with people who work in government, nonprofits, or education, are more skeptical of the likelihood of machines taking over the workforce. Employees in the corporate or small

business world are more likely to believe that machines will eventually do most the work.


Yet only 11 percent of the 2,001 American adults polled believed that their job would "probably not" or "definitely not" exist in its current form 50 years from now.


The survey found that, rather than fretting about robots and computers, people tended to be more concerned with being displaced by lower-paid workers, shrinking in their industry or poor management by their employer.


So does the future of the American workforce look bright or bleak?


A 2014 Pew study of technology experts predicted that advances in robotics and computers will permeate a number of areas of life, "with potentially profound implications for both workers and society as a whole."

技术专家于2014年完成的一项Pew 研究预测表明,机器人技术和计算机的发展将渗透入生活中大多数的领域。

Let’s just hope that Pew researchers don’t lose their jobs to computers anytime soon.



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