
Public Transportation or Private Cars

Good morning ,ladies and gentlemen.The topic of my speech today is “Public Transportation or Private Cars”.

With the rapid development of science and technology,the living standard of people has reached an ever higher level.Nowadays,more and more people own private cars.Ladies and gentlemen,when you go somewhere,do you prefer to choose public transportation,such as buses ,subways,etc, or would rather drive your private cars?Well,perhaps most people appreciate the latter.Personally,public transportation is superior to private cars.

Certainly,no one can deny the fact that there are so many advantages to drive private cars.We don’t need to wait for a long time for a bus and worry that we may be late for school or work in the peak times;we can go anywhere without worrying the crowded traffic;we can enjoy the comforts in the private cars without much noise.However,I want to say the disadvantages of private cars far outweigh the advantages.Besides,we can’t ignore the benefits that public transportation brings us.Firstly,it ’s beneficial to eliminate the problem of parking space.As we all know,owning to the increase of private cars,the issue of parking space is terribly serious.Secondly,it ’s effective to save

resources.It ’s time for us to save resources,or we’ll regret sooner or later.Last but not least,it ’s efficient to relieve air pollution.Once,the earth was an ideal place to live in.The sky was blue ;the air was clean and fresh.Unfortunately,the earth is not the same as before.It’s suffering from severe pollution.

Ladies and gentlemen,have you ever noticed that our streets are becoming more and more crowded?Have you ever realized that many resources are not inexhaustible?Have you ever realized that our environment is deteriorating?I believe most are aware of these problems.So let’s take action from now on.When you are not in a hurry for something ,please take a bus instead of driving your own car;when you are going to travel,please endeavor to choose public transportation rather than private cars;when you are tired of the bad atmosphere because of public transportation,please bear in mind you are sacrificing the temporary comforts for a good environment.

We can ’t live without air.We also have only one common home –the earth.If each one of us can make a contribution to it,we will make our home a greener place to live in ,not only for ourselves,but for many generations.

Ladies and gentlemen,many a little makes a miracle,so let’s stop the excessive use of private cars and choose public

transportation.Let ’s do it now; don’t wait.Let ’s do it person to person.

Thank you for your listening.

Public Transportation or Private Cars

Good morning ,ladies and gentlemen.The topic of my speech today is “Public Transportation or Private Cars”.

With the rapid development of science and technology,the living standard of people has reached an ever higher level.Nowadays,more and more people own private cars.Ladies and gentlemen,when you go somewhere,do you prefer to choose public transportation,such as buses ,subways,etc, or would rather drive your private cars?Well,perhaps most people appreciate the latter.Personally,public transportation is superior to private cars.

Certainly,no one can deny the fact that there are so many advantages to drive private cars.We don’t need to wait for a long time for a bus and worry that we may be late for school or work in the peak times;we can go anywhere without worrying the crowded traffic;we can enjoy the comforts in the private cars without much noise.However,I want to say the disadvantages of private cars far outweigh the advantages.Besides,we can’t ignore the benefits that public transportation brings us.Firstly,it ’s beneficial to eliminate the problem of parking space.As we all know,owning to the increase of private cars,the issue of parking space is terribly serious.Secondly,it ’s effective to save

resources.It ’s time for us to save resources,or we’ll regret sooner or later.Last but not least,it ’s efficient to relieve air pollution.Once,the earth was an ideal place to live in.The sky was blue ;the air was clean and fresh.Unfortunately,the earth is not the same as before.It’s suffering from severe pollution.

Ladies and gentlemen,have you ever noticed that our streets are becoming more and more crowded?Have you ever realized that many resources are not inexhaustible?Have you ever realized that our environment is deteriorating?I believe most are aware of these problems.So let’s take action from now on.When you are not in a hurry for something ,please take a bus instead of driving your own car;when you are going to travel,please endeavor to choose public transportation rather than private cars;when you are tired of the bad atmosphere because of public transportation,please bear in mind you are sacrificing the temporary comforts for a good environment.

We can ’t live without air.We also have only one common home –the earth.If each one of us can make a contribution to it,we will make our home a greener place to live in ,not only for ourselves,but for many generations.

Ladies and gentlemen,many a little makes a miracle,so let’s stop the excessive use of private cars and choose public

transportation.Let ’s do it now; don’t wait.Let ’s do it person to person.

Thank you for your listening.


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