


1. A. hurry B. husband C. carry D. nut

2. A. hat B. park C. map D. Cathy

3. A. monkey B. goal C. row D. old

4. A. change B. orange C. England D. corner

5. A. team B. please C. keeper D. cheer


1. The Chinese lesson is so ________ . John is sleepy(困了).

2. They wanted to ________their basketball team.

3. ________is dinner? At seven thirty.

4. Where’s my dictionary? I can’t _________it.

5. Suddenly, a player ________ and hurt his leg.

6. What an _________game! It’s so wonderful.

7. There’s a big football _________in Sports Center.

8. Mocky is too _________because he can eat so many fruit.

9. Who is the ________ in your class?

10. To our ________, Class I won. The score was 2:0.


1. _________ carrying the ban? Look, David.

A. Who B. Whose C. Who’s

2. There was a big volleyball game _______our team and the Bell school team.

A. between B. beside C. behind

3. Our team played very ________.

A. good B. wonderful C. well

4. _________ row are you in? Row E.

A. What B. Where C. Which

5. Mocky was _______ because the Bell team got a goal.

A. worry B. worrying C. worried

6. Last Sunday, Ann and I ________ Jim _______ a bookstore.

A. took; to B. take; to C. took; with

7. My sister Helen didn’t like playing basketball, I didn’t like _______.

A. too B. either C. also

8. Lucy is ________ than Lily.

A. young B. younger C. the youngest

9. This is ________ animal story book. I like it very much. What about you? Me _____.

A. an; either B. an; too C. the; too

10. Jack thinks English is _______ of all subjects.

A. interesting B. more interesting C. the most interesting

11. Are they your Mum’s? No, they aren’t. They’re ________.

A. my B. his C. her

12. Mocky was very ________ to see the big cake.

A. excited B. excite C. exciting

13. I would like _______ home, it’s late.

A. going B. to go C. went

14. My birthday’s coming. My mother ________ me a gift.

A. gave B. gives C. will give

15. What did you do last weekend? ___________.

A. Going swimming B. Went swimming C. Will swim

16. I was very _______.

A. puzzling B. puzzles C. puzzled

17. My classmate Helen asked me ______ to her birthday party last Saturday.

A. to come B. coming C. came

18. Who’s the _______ student in your class? Gao Shan is.

A. tallest B. most tallest C. taller

19. There ________ two glasses of orange juice on the table just now.

A. was B. were C. are

20. Liu Tao always ________ in the library.

A. is studying B. studied C. studies


( ) 1. What time do you go to school? A. This one I think.

( ) 2. When is your birthday? B. At seven fifteen.

( ) 3. Where are you going to play? C. I’m in Guangming Primary School.

( ) 4. Which school are you in? D. We are going to play at our Sports Certer.

( ) 5. Which is more expensive, this one or that one? E. Our team will.

( ) 6. Whose team will win the game? F. My birthday is on September 10 th.


( ( ( ’( ( ---- No, it’六.选词填空。

1. This is __________ bag. That is ________, too. (my, mine, me, I)

2. Whose books are these?

__________ are __________. (they, their, theirs)

3. Is this dog _______? No, it’s not ______. (ours, our, you, yours)

4. Are these ______ (red pen, red pens, a red pen) yours?

5. Hide the mask _______ (behind, in front of , in) the door.

6. _______(Who’s, Whose, Who) ruler is this?

7.This spaceship isn’t _____( your, my, mine).

8. It’s afternoon. The sun is high in the sky. The shadow is____(behind, beside, in front of) the tree.

9. Be quiet! Grandpa is____(asleep, awake, hungry).

10. This cup is_____(full, warm, empty). Please add some water.


1. fastest, in, who, runs, your, class _____________________________________

2. he, is, the, boy, class, tallest, your, in __________________________________

3. fatter, Dick, is, Tom, than _______________________________________

4. the, is, one, who, middle, the, in _____________________________________

5. goes, to, out, he, look, for, elephant, the ________________________________ 八、阅读理解。

Mary has four sisters. They are Betty, Holly, Rose and Ann. Mary is the oldest of the five. Betty is thirteen years old. She is two years younger than Mary and one year older than Holly. Rose is nine and Ann is seven.

Mary and Betty study in a middle school. Holly, Rose and Ann study in a primary school. The primary school is near their home. They walk there. The middle school is very far. Mary and Betty go there by bus.

(一) 根据短文内容,判断下(T )误(F ).

( )1. Ann is older than Rose.

( )2. Mary and Betty are middle school students.

( )3. Holly, Rose and Ann often go to school by bus.

( )4. Their home is near the primary school.

(二) 选择最佳答案。

( )1. How old is Mary?

A. Nine B. Twelve C. Thirteen D. Fifteen

( )2. How many girls are there in their family?

A. Two B. Three C. Five D. Six

( )3. Who is the youngest girl of all?

A. Rose B. Ann C. Holly D . Betty

( )4. Who is a middle school student?

A. Betty B. Holly C. Rose D. Ann



1. A. hurry B. husband C. carry D. nut

2. A. hat B. park C. map D. Cathy

3. A. monkey B. goal C. row D. old

4. A. change B. orange C. England D. corner

5. A. team B. please C. keeper D. cheer


1. The Chinese lesson is so ________ . John is sleepy(困了).

2. They wanted to ________their basketball team.

3. ________is dinner? At seven thirty.

4. Where’s my dictionary? I can’t _________it.

5. Suddenly, a player ________ and hurt his leg.

6. What an _________game! It’s so wonderful.

7. There’s a big football _________in Sports Center.

8. Mocky is too _________because he can eat so many fruit.

9. Who is the ________ in your class?

10. To our ________, Class I won. The score was 2:0.


1. _________ carrying the ban? Look, David.

A. Who B. Whose C. Who’s

2. There was a big volleyball game _______our team and the Bell school team.

A. between B. beside C. behind

3. Our team played very ________.

A. good B. wonderful C. well

4. _________ row are you in? Row E.

A. What B. Where C. Which

5. Mocky was _______ because the Bell team got a goal.

A. worry B. worrying C. worried

6. Last Sunday, Ann and I ________ Jim _______ a bookstore.

A. took; to B. take; to C. took; with

7. My sister Helen didn’t like playing basketball, I didn’t like _______.

A. too B. either C. also

8. Lucy is ________ than Lily.

A. young B. younger C. the youngest

9. This is ________ animal story book. I like it very much. What about you? Me _____.

A. an; either B. an; too C. the; too

10. Jack thinks English is _______ of all subjects.

A. interesting B. more interesting C. the most interesting

11. Are they your Mum’s? No, they aren’t. They’re ________.

A. my B. his C. her

12. Mocky was very ________ to see the big cake.

A. excited B. excite C. exciting

13. I would like _______ home, it’s late.

A. going B. to go C. went

14. My birthday’s coming. My mother ________ me a gift.

A. gave B. gives C. will give

15. What did you do last weekend? ___________.

A. Going swimming B. Went swimming C. Will swim

16. I was very _______.

A. puzzling B. puzzles C. puzzled

17. My classmate Helen asked me ______ to her birthday party last Saturday.

A. to come B. coming C. came

18. Who’s the _______ student in your class? Gao Shan is.

A. tallest B. most tallest C. taller

19. There ________ two glasses of orange juice on the table just now.

A. was B. were C. are

20. Liu Tao always ________ in the library.

A. is studying B. studied C. studies


( ) 1. What time do you go to school? A. This one I think.

( ) 2. When is your birthday? B. At seven fifteen.

( ) 3. Where are you going to play? C. I’m in Guangming Primary School.

( ) 4. Which school are you in? D. We are going to play at our Sports Certer.

( ) 5. Which is more expensive, this one or that one? E. Our team will.

( ) 6. Whose team will win the game? F. My birthday is on September 10 th.


( ( ( ’( ( ---- No, it’六.选词填空。

1. This is __________ bag. That is ________, too. (my, mine, me, I)

2. Whose books are these?

__________ are __________. (they, their, theirs)

3. Is this dog _______? No, it’s not ______. (ours, our, you, yours)

4. Are these ______ (red pen, red pens, a red pen) yours?

5. Hide the mask _______ (behind, in front of , in) the door.

6. _______(Who’s, Whose, Who) ruler is this?

7.This spaceship isn’t _____( your, my, mine).

8. It’s afternoon. The sun is high in the sky. The shadow is____(behind, beside, in front of) the tree.

9. Be quiet! Grandpa is____(asleep, awake, hungry).

10. This cup is_____(full, warm, empty). Please add some water.


1. fastest, in, who, runs, your, class _____________________________________

2. he, is, the, boy, class, tallest, your, in __________________________________

3. fatter, Dick, is, Tom, than _______________________________________

4. the, is, one, who, middle, the, in _____________________________________

5. goes, to, out, he, look, for, elephant, the ________________________________ 八、阅读理解。

Mary has four sisters. They are Betty, Holly, Rose and Ann. Mary is the oldest of the five. Betty is thirteen years old. She is two years younger than Mary and one year older than Holly. Rose is nine and Ann is seven.

Mary and Betty study in a middle school. Holly, Rose and Ann study in a primary school. The primary school is near their home. They walk there. The middle school is very far. Mary and Betty go there by bus.

(一) 根据短文内容,判断下(T )误(F ).

( )1. Ann is older than Rose.

( )2. Mary and Betty are middle school students.

( )3. Holly, Rose and Ann often go to school by bus.

( )4. Their home is near the primary school.

(二) 选择最佳答案。

( )1. How old is Mary?

A. Nine B. Twelve C. Thirteen D. Fifteen

( )2. How many girls are there in their family?

A. Two B. Three C. Five D. Six

( )3. Who is the youngest girl of all?

A. Rose B. Ann C. Holly D . Betty

( )4. Who is a middle school student?

A. Betty B. Holly C. Rose D. Ann


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