
Unit 9 How was your weekend


1. play +运动 play soccer play tennis play sports

play the + 乐器 play the guitar

play with…和某人\物玩耍

2.have +三餐 have breakfast lunch supper

3. study for… clean the room visit sb stay at home

have a party talk show

4.go to the beach go to the movies go for a walk go to the mountains

5.go shoppingdo some shopping go to the shop 买东西

6.last weekend\over the weekend 上周末 on weekends 每周末

7.on +某日+morningafternoonevening in + morningafternoonevening in+年\月\季节 at +时刻 last (next) month\yearweek

8.what about+nv-ingpren=how about ……呢

9. spend the weekend last week 度过上周的周末

10.it’s time to do sth=it’s time for sth 该做么的时候了

11.look for 寻找.....



表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态, 通常与


yesterday ,last week(month,year)

(1)系动词be 的过去时: am(is) →was, are →were


He was at home yesterday.

否定句:He wasn’t at home yesterday.

疑问句:Was he at home yesterday?

Yes ,he was./No ,he wasn’t.



I go to the movie. →I went to the movie.


I don’t go to school today. →I didn’t go to school. 一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形+其它

Do you have breakfast? →Did you have breakfast?

Yes,I do./No,I don’t. Yes,I did./No,I didn’t.



do →did have →had go →went

see →saw read →read get →got

give →gave sleep →slept eat →ate

write →wrote find_---found

2. what’s the date today? It’s …

3. What was the date yesterday? It was…

4. What’s the weather like today? It’s …?

5. How was your weekend?

6.What did she do ? She did her homework

7.What did he do last weekend ? He played soccer.

8.It’s time to go home= It’s time for home

( )1. Some of us went to the mountains ____ Sunday morning.

A. in B. On C. at

( )2. Boys and girls, it’s time ____ good -bye.

A. to say B. saying C. said

( )3. Last year she didn’t __ __ any letter.

A. wrote B. writes C. write

( )4. It rainy last Sunday, so Jim at home.

A. is, stays B. was, stays C. was, stayed

( )5. you go to the beach last night?—No, I for the English test.

A. Do, study B. Did, studied C. Are, study

( )6. —How was your vacation? —_____.

A. That sounds great B. Fine, thanks C. It was great .

( )7. Bob often bread for breakfast, but this morning he some eggs.

A. has, had B. had, had C. has, has

( )8. Last Wednesday, I _____ at home after dinner.

A. did some reading B. went for a walk C. visited friends

( )9. —Where’s the cake I made this morning?

—We_____ it. Can you make another one for us?

A. will eat B. eat C. ate

( )10. — _____do you like Chinese food? — Very much!

A. What B. How C. How much

( )11. Tony _____ his homework last night .

A. didn’t do B. not do C . didn’t

( )12. I didn’t see _____ in the room.

A. nothing B. anything C. something

( )13. My mother _____ a busy weekend.

A. spent B. had C. has

( )14. The computer _____ Li Ming 2000 yuan .

A. costs B. spent C. cost

( )15. Last weekend, I helped Mary her math.

A. with B. studied C. for

Unit 9 How was your weekend


1. play +运动 play soccer play tennis play sports

play the + 乐器 play the guitar

play with…和某人\物玩耍

2.have +三餐 have breakfast lunch supper

3. study for… clean the room visit sb stay at home

have a party talk show

4.go to the beach go to the movies go for a walk go to the mountains

5.go shoppingdo some shopping go to the shop 买东西

6.last weekend\over the weekend 上周末 on weekends 每周末

7.on +某日+morningafternoonevening in + morningafternoonevening in+年\月\季节 at +时刻 last (next) month\yearweek

8.what about+nv-ingpren=how about ……呢

9. spend the weekend last week 度过上周的周末

10.it’s time to do sth=it’s time for sth 该做么的时候了

11.look for 寻找.....



表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态, 通常与


yesterday ,last week(month,year)

(1)系动词be 的过去时: am(is) →was, are →were


He was at home yesterday.

否定句:He wasn’t at home yesterday.

疑问句:Was he at home yesterday?

Yes ,he was./No ,he wasn’t.



I go to the movie. →I went to the movie.


I don’t go to school today. →I didn’t go to school. 一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形+其它

Do you have breakfast? →Did you have breakfast?

Yes,I do./No,I don’t. Yes,I did./No,I didn’t.



do →did have →had go →went

see →saw read →read get →got

give →gave sleep →slept eat →ate

write →wrote find_---found

2. what’s the date today? It’s …

3. What was the date yesterday? It was…

4. What’s the weather like today? It’s …?

5. How was your weekend?

6.What did she do ? She did her homework

7.What did he do last weekend ? He played soccer.

8.It’s time to go home= It’s time for home

( )1. Some of us went to the mountains ____ Sunday morning.

A. in B. On C. at

( )2. Boys and girls, it’s time ____ good -bye.

A. to say B. saying C. said

( )3. Last year she didn’t __ __ any letter.

A. wrote B. writes C. write

( )4. It rainy last Sunday, so Jim at home.

A. is, stays B. was, stays C. was, stayed

( )5. you go to the beach last night?—No, I for the English test.

A. Do, study B. Did, studied C. Are, study

( )6. —How was your vacation? —_____.

A. That sounds great B. Fine, thanks C. It was great .

( )7. Bob often bread for breakfast, but this morning he some eggs.

A. has, had B. had, had C. has, has

( )8. Last Wednesday, I _____ at home after dinner.

A. did some reading B. went for a walk C. visited friends

( )9. —Where’s the cake I made this morning?

—We_____ it. Can you make another one for us?

A. will eat B. eat C. ate

( )10. — _____do you like Chinese food? — Very much!

A. What B. How C. How much

( )11. Tony _____ his homework last night .

A. didn’t do B. not do C . didn’t

( )12. I didn’t see _____ in the room.

A. nothing B. anything C. something

( )13. My mother _____ a busy weekend.

A. spent B. had C. has

( )14. The computer _____ Li Ming 2000 yuan .

A. costs B. spent C. cost

( )15. Last weekend, I helped Mary her math.

A. with B. studied C. for


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