
1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.


2. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.



领导就好比船长,首先你要有明确的方向感,你需要知道团队的vision是什么,你要有strong sense去判断团队前进的方向,并且将这个愿景清晰地表达出来,让你的团队看到将来的blueprint;

其次,你要懂得合理分工,尊重每个人的潜能,给所有人明确的job description with key learning points and deadline.很多人都认为领导就是分配任务,其实告诉你的队友做什么固然重要,但更重要的是告诉他们为什么要这样做,而且一定要stress the timeline,外企是强调高效的,一个项目拖拖拉拉和没做没有区别,告诉你的队友在什么时间内需要向你update the progress,需要完成任务,这样你才能保证每个“船员”都在合理的位置上perform;


然后是对每个人给予绩效考核和反馈,make sure if they are on the right track,及时纠正错误的方向,同时指导你的船员,真正的领导是那种能够培养别人也成为领导的人;

最后是危机处理,你的船就要触礁了,作为船长的你如何保持冷静,指挥大家度过困难,如果真的船沉了,你需要对这个事件final responsible,一个真正的领导是不会推卸责任的,你有这个义务去承担最后的风险。 总结来看:目标-分工-激励-反馈-指导-负责 围绕这6点(注意这是有逻辑顺序的,最好不要颠倒顺序)去挖掘,你就可以向HR讲一个生动的关于领导力的故事。

3. Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant information, define key issues and decide on which steps to take to get the desired



4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.


5. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish

an important result.


6. Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.


7. Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.


8. Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.


回答问题的基本原则:situation, task, action and result


1,Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it though completion.请你举一个具体的例子,说明你是如何设定一个目标然后达到它的。

Situation: As a Campus Intern Manager of the Guangzhou Haobo Science Ltd. , which was one of the top 5 Korea LG franchisers in Guangzhou Pacific Computer Town,I had to initiate marketing strategy to exploit the huge potential computer market in the College Town.(October 1, 2004- May 1, 2007)

The demanding goal:In spite of intense competition among the PC companies,I had to make our business be profitable .

Actions I took with a team:

1.Recruited many freshmen as part-timers via distributing leaflets,and set up a PC agent team called“E-mart”involving 85 members;

2.Trained our team members with business sense of PC industry, selling skills and promotion skills, which I obtained from my part-time experience;

3.Cultivated our team culture such as “Five-heart standard service”,including Patience,Caring,Passion,Perseverance and Attention,which were the important characters in sales;

4.Led our team members to promote IT products through oral persuasion,attractive advertising and exquisite leaflets.

Result and learning:We build up the core competence of E-mart and achieved RMB 500,000 in sales per year.Moreover,E-mart became a trust mark in the College Town.I developed the sense of Brand Management as well.

2、Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on

an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希望的结果。

Situation:As a league branch secretary in my sophomore year,I led our league branch to win a title “Red Flag League Branch of Sun Yet-sen University”.What’s more,I was awarded “Excellent Student Leader”selected out of 185

candidates.That was regarded as my most honorable act in

university.(September 1, 2005- September 1, 2006)

Target: to design a feature activity which was regarded as our brand activity. Actions I took:

In charge of our feature activity “Bicycle Trip around the College Town”,I had to deal with the pressure from study,my classmates’ disinterest to join in,and my role as the leader of the whole activity.Planning and operating were really

important.First,in order to organize a performance team and make it operate effectively,I observed everyone in our class and then distributed the appropriate work to him or her.Second,since each member was busy with study,the trip schedule should be reasonable and periodic.All team members cooperated well due to the low frequency and short time of the preparation.Third,I motivated our team members to come up with creative ideas,which would make our Bicycle Trip more attractive.

Result and learning:I emphasized the value of time and motivated our team members to act with team-spirit.Finally,our performance was very successful and our classmates satisfied with the trip.Furthermore,“Bicycle Trip around the College Town”became the brand activity of our class!That was my most honorable thing in university!

3、Describe a situation where you had seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.请你描述一种情形,在这种情形中你必须去寻找相关的信息,发现关键的问题并且自己决定依照一些步骤来获得期望的结果。

Situation: As a summer intern in marketing department of Guangdong

Development Bank,I assisted our account manager to exploit the POS Machine market. (July 10th, 2006-October 31th, 2006 )

The difficulty and the decision I had to make:At the beginning,it was inefficient for me to do a face-to face persuasion due to a lot of time spent on traffic. I only cultivated 5 clients in the first 10 days.That difficult condition tested me both mentally and physically,and I was forced to make a decision-changed the

face-to-face persuasion to the telephone-marketing,which didn’t take me a lot of time on traffic and also saved the carfare cost.

How I arrived the decision:

However,our account manager questioned my decision at first.In order to prove that my decision was workable,I analyzed the weakness and strengths between face-to-face and tel-marketing.In addition,I persuaded our manager to attempt the new method and he agreed.

1.Listed our target clients:the owners of beauty salon,eyeglasses shop,fashion shop,etc.

2.Collected their phone numbers via their billboard and yellow pages on web;

3.Persuaded the clients to install POS Machine by ringing them up.

Result and learning:My decision was workable and I had cultivated 32 clients successfully.That experience helped me improve my analyzing skills and executive capability.

4、Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.请你举例说明你是怎样通过事实来使他人达成一致的。

Situation: As a project intern in HR department of Motorola China,I was involved in a team to assist our account manager to visit MOTO brand shops in

Guangzhou and do an investigation as well. (October 10th, 2006-December 31th, 2006 )

The target: to know the working efficiency about the mobile phone sellers The different points of views and how I acted:

At the beginning,it was inefficient for us to do a face-to face talk for the reason that the sellers responded so indifferently and busy with their work. We

only finished 12 questionnaires in the first 2 days.That difficult condition tested our team members both mentally and physically,and I was forced to come up with an idea-------changed our role to be consumers,which may attract the sellers and could experience their real services which contributed to our investigation.

How I arrived the decision:

However,other members as well as our account manager questioned my idea at first.In order to prove that my advice was workable,I analyzed the weakness and strengths between face-to-face and tel-marketing.In addition,I persuaded our manager to attempt the new method and he agreed.Besides, I promoted my ideas in our team.

Result and learning:My idea was workable and our team had

finished 126 questionnaires successfully.That experience helped me improve my analyzing skills and executive capability.

5、Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.请你举例说明在完成一项重要的任务时,你是怎样和他人进行有效的合作的。

Situation:Every year when the new semester comes, a ceremonious welcoming party is held in our college. As a league branch secretary in my sophomore year and also the leader of this activity,I was authorized to design a feature show which can describe our daily life in campus.(September 15th,2006)

How I performed :

Design-I cooperated with my colleagues to figure out the climax of the performance, the musical accompaniment and the whole arrangement of process.

Rehearsal-I worked together with those who were in charge of the lighting, music and scenes to create perfect artistic effect.

On stage: I reminded my fellows with gestures and eyes contact. In addition, we coped with an emergency coherently.

Result and learning: Our team was praised highly and I was practiced to drive different people, who have diverging opinions to proceed together to the same goal.

6、Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a

significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.请你举例说明你的一项有创意的建议曾经对一项计划的成功起到重要的作用。

1,At the very first beginning of my Career Development Training Lectures, I was criticized by some of my audients that my lecture was lack of demonstration and interaction.I felt so upset at first and came to realize that there must be something should be done to make my speeches attractive.

2,When I taught the part of “How to success in an interview?”, I invited the audients to play the roles of interviewees and interviewers.After the

performance,I commented on their advantages and disadvantages in their act drolly,only to make the audients burst into laughs and meanwhile easily understood the reason why they failed in interviews.

3,In order to improve demonstration during my lectures,I always showed some interesting pictures which helped the audients understand that confidence,eye-contact,good posture and clear communication were essential in a

successful interview.During these times,more and more students came to my lectures and highly praised me.

Another case:

Situation: I took part in Guangzhou Haobo Science Ltd as a part-time

seller.Traditionally,our customers with different characters were treated in the same way,which was unreasonable in sales.Thereby,we sellers failed in promotion sometimes.(October 1, 2004)

The most creative idea:However,I was longing to explore a new method and was attracted by an idea that I could use 4 figures in《Record of a journey to the west》to represent 4 kinds of customers with different characters.According to

the customers’ behavior I sorted out 4 kinds of customers and also offered the different ways to persuade them to consume ,as follows:

Customers----Character------How to persuade him or her to buy PC

The monkey king------aggressive------Use your mind to reform him or her The pig monk------lively------Use your words to lead him or her

The sha monk------frank-------Use your heart to serve him or her

The tang monk-------wise-------Use your passion to urge him or her

Result and learning: My ideas was recommended in the company and I got the praise from my boss.What ‘s more,I learned how to consider one thing in another different side.

7、Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.请你举例说明你怎样对你所在的环境进行一个评估,并且将注意力集中在最重要的事情上以便获得你所期望的结果。

Tough situation:

As a vice president of Microsoft Technology Club in my sophomore year,I was asked by our president to fire out one club member who performed negatively and demonstrate neither integrity nor loyalty. In front of disclosing the

information to other members, I felt terribly uncomfortable for the reason that it may really beat the morale of our team. (May 1, 2006- May 1, 2007)


1,I didn’t disclose the primary information. Without any hesitation, I

communicated with our president and emphasized the bad influence if we did it. Besides, I initiated another solution that we should identified what happened firstly and gave that member one more opportunity to contribute his talent to our club. Finally,our president agreed.

2,On the other hand,I talked with that member and played as an excellent listener,only to find that his oversea education schedule make him be negative and distracted his passion. In order to come to a mutual-win situation,I persuaded him to retreat from our team and he consented.

3,Lastly,I organized a interesting conference and issued the news about the retreat. What’s more,all the team members sang a song for him and made him a sincere wish. He felt so moved that he apologized for his faults.

Mutual-win result:

Effective communication prevented a disaster and the morale of our team remained active.

8、Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.请你举例说明你是怎么样学习一门技术并且将他应用到实际工作中的。

Situation: Germany TÜV Rheinland Corporation provided Instrument Testing Service for clients. As a summer intern in sales department of Germany TÜV

Rheinland Greater China,I assisted our manager to expand the potential market. (July 2nd, 2007-September 1st, 2007)

The difficulty and the actions I had to take: At the very beginning,it was inefficient for me to do a cold-call for the reason that the receptionists were so coldhearted that I failed in getting through him/her to talk to the key person who could make a purchasing decision. That difficult condition tested me both mentally and physically,and I was forced to acquire other skills.

The technical skills: I surfed the internet to search the new solution to succeed in cold-call and lastly found a lot of useful methods. For example, I was taught to speak English to get through the receptionists who dared not to be indifferent in front of a foreign call. Needless to say, it was really workable when I put what I had learnt into practices.

Result: I had cultivated 20 clients successfully.

1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.


2. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.



领导就好比船长,首先你要有明确的方向感,你需要知道团队的vision是什么,你要有strong sense去判断团队前进的方向,并且将这个愿景清晰地表达出来,让你的团队看到将来的blueprint;

其次,你要懂得合理分工,尊重每个人的潜能,给所有人明确的job description with key learning points and deadline.很多人都认为领导就是分配任务,其实告诉你的队友做什么固然重要,但更重要的是告诉他们为什么要这样做,而且一定要stress the timeline,外企是强调高效的,一个项目拖拖拉拉和没做没有区别,告诉你的队友在什么时间内需要向你update the progress,需要完成任务,这样你才能保证每个“船员”都在合理的位置上perform;


然后是对每个人给予绩效考核和反馈,make sure if they are on the right track,及时纠正错误的方向,同时指导你的船员,真正的领导是那种能够培养别人也成为领导的人;

最后是危机处理,你的船就要触礁了,作为船长的你如何保持冷静,指挥大家度过困难,如果真的船沉了,你需要对这个事件final responsible,一个真正的领导是不会推卸责任的,你有这个义务去承担最后的风险。 总结来看:目标-分工-激励-反馈-指导-负责 围绕这6点(注意这是有逻辑顺序的,最好不要颠倒顺序)去挖掘,你就可以向HR讲一个生动的关于领导力的故事。

3. Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant information, define key issues and decide on which steps to take to get the desired



4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.


5. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish

an important result.


6. Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.


7. Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.


8. Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.


回答问题的基本原则:situation, task, action and result


1,Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it though completion.请你举一个具体的例子,说明你是如何设定一个目标然后达到它的。

Situation: As a Campus Intern Manager of the Guangzhou Haobo Science Ltd. , which was one of the top 5 Korea LG franchisers in Guangzhou Pacific Computer Town,I had to initiate marketing strategy to exploit the huge potential computer market in the College Town.(October 1, 2004- May 1, 2007)

The demanding goal:In spite of intense competition among the PC companies,I had to make our business be profitable .

Actions I took with a team:

1.Recruited many freshmen as part-timers via distributing leaflets,and set up a PC agent team called“E-mart”involving 85 members;

2.Trained our team members with business sense of PC industry, selling skills and promotion skills, which I obtained from my part-time experience;

3.Cultivated our team culture such as “Five-heart standard service”,including Patience,Caring,Passion,Perseverance and Attention,which were the important characters in sales;

4.Led our team members to promote IT products through oral persuasion,attractive advertising and exquisite leaflets.

Result and learning:We build up the core competence of E-mart and achieved RMB 500,000 in sales per year.Moreover,E-mart became a trust mark in the College Town.I developed the sense of Brand Management as well.

2、Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on

an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希望的结果。

Situation:As a league branch secretary in my sophomore year,I led our league branch to win a title “Red Flag League Branch of Sun Yet-sen University”.What’s more,I was awarded “Excellent Student Leader”selected out of 185

candidates.That was regarded as my most honorable act in

university.(September 1, 2005- September 1, 2006)

Target: to design a feature activity which was regarded as our brand activity. Actions I took:

In charge of our feature activity “Bicycle Trip around the College Town”,I had to deal with the pressure from study,my classmates’ disinterest to join in,and my role as the leader of the whole activity.Planning and operating were really

important.First,in order to organize a performance team and make it operate effectively,I observed everyone in our class and then distributed the appropriate work to him or her.Second,since each member was busy with study,the trip schedule should be reasonable and periodic.All team members cooperated well due to the low frequency and short time of the preparation.Third,I motivated our team members to come up with creative ideas,which would make our Bicycle Trip more attractive.

Result and learning:I emphasized the value of time and motivated our team members to act with team-spirit.Finally,our performance was very successful and our classmates satisfied with the trip.Furthermore,“Bicycle Trip around the College Town”became the brand activity of our class!That was my most honorable thing in university!

3、Describe a situation where you had seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.请你描述一种情形,在这种情形中你必须去寻找相关的信息,发现关键的问题并且自己决定依照一些步骤来获得期望的结果。

Situation: As a summer intern in marketing department of Guangdong

Development Bank,I assisted our account manager to exploit the POS Machine market. (July 10th, 2006-October 31th, 2006 )

The difficulty and the decision I had to make:At the beginning,it was inefficient for me to do a face-to face persuasion due to a lot of time spent on traffic. I only cultivated 5 clients in the first 10 days.That difficult condition tested me both mentally and physically,and I was forced to make a decision-changed the

face-to-face persuasion to the telephone-marketing,which didn’t take me a lot of time on traffic and also saved the carfare cost.

How I arrived the decision:

However,our account manager questioned my decision at first.In order to prove that my decision was workable,I analyzed the weakness and strengths between face-to-face and tel-marketing.In addition,I persuaded our manager to attempt the new method and he agreed.

1.Listed our target clients:the owners of beauty salon,eyeglasses shop,fashion shop,etc.

2.Collected their phone numbers via their billboard and yellow pages on web;

3.Persuaded the clients to install POS Machine by ringing them up.

Result and learning:My decision was workable and I had cultivated 32 clients successfully.That experience helped me improve my analyzing skills and executive capability.

4、Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.请你举例说明你是怎样通过事实来使他人达成一致的。

Situation: As a project intern in HR department of Motorola China,I was involved in a team to assist our account manager to visit MOTO brand shops in

Guangzhou and do an investigation as well. (October 10th, 2006-December 31th, 2006 )

The target: to know the working efficiency about the mobile phone sellers The different points of views and how I acted:

At the beginning,it was inefficient for us to do a face-to face talk for the reason that the sellers responded so indifferently and busy with their work. We

only finished 12 questionnaires in the first 2 days.That difficult condition tested our team members both mentally and physically,and I was forced to come up with an idea-------changed our role to be consumers,which may attract the sellers and could experience their real services which contributed to our investigation.

How I arrived the decision:

However,other members as well as our account manager questioned my idea at first.In order to prove that my advice was workable,I analyzed the weakness and strengths between face-to-face and tel-marketing.In addition,I persuaded our manager to attempt the new method and he agreed.Besides, I promoted my ideas in our team.

Result and learning:My idea was workable and our team had

finished 126 questionnaires successfully.That experience helped me improve my analyzing skills and executive capability.

5、Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.请你举例说明在完成一项重要的任务时,你是怎样和他人进行有效的合作的。

Situation:Every year when the new semester comes, a ceremonious welcoming party is held in our college. As a league branch secretary in my sophomore year and also the leader of this activity,I was authorized to design a feature show which can describe our daily life in campus.(September 15th,2006)

How I performed :

Design-I cooperated with my colleagues to figure out the climax of the performance, the musical accompaniment and the whole arrangement of process.

Rehearsal-I worked together with those who were in charge of the lighting, music and scenes to create perfect artistic effect.

On stage: I reminded my fellows with gestures and eyes contact. In addition, we coped with an emergency coherently.

Result and learning: Our team was praised highly and I was practiced to drive different people, who have diverging opinions to proceed together to the same goal.

6、Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a

significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.请你举例说明你的一项有创意的建议曾经对一项计划的成功起到重要的作用。

1,At the very first beginning of my Career Development Training Lectures, I was criticized by some of my audients that my lecture was lack of demonstration and interaction.I felt so upset at first and came to realize that there must be something should be done to make my speeches attractive.

2,When I taught the part of “How to success in an interview?”, I invited the audients to play the roles of interviewees and interviewers.After the

performance,I commented on their advantages and disadvantages in their act drolly,only to make the audients burst into laughs and meanwhile easily understood the reason why they failed in interviews.

3,In order to improve demonstration during my lectures,I always showed some interesting pictures which helped the audients understand that confidence,eye-contact,good posture and clear communication were essential in a

successful interview.During these times,more and more students came to my lectures and highly praised me.

Another case:

Situation: I took part in Guangzhou Haobo Science Ltd as a part-time

seller.Traditionally,our customers with different characters were treated in the same way,which was unreasonable in sales.Thereby,we sellers failed in promotion sometimes.(October 1, 2004)

The most creative idea:However,I was longing to explore a new method and was attracted by an idea that I could use 4 figures in《Record of a journey to the west》to represent 4 kinds of customers with different characters.According to

the customers’ behavior I sorted out 4 kinds of customers and also offered the different ways to persuade them to consume ,as follows:

Customers----Character------How to persuade him or her to buy PC

The monkey king------aggressive------Use your mind to reform him or her The pig monk------lively------Use your words to lead him or her

The sha monk------frank-------Use your heart to serve him or her

The tang monk-------wise-------Use your passion to urge him or her

Result and learning: My ideas was recommended in the company and I got the praise from my boss.What ‘s more,I learned how to consider one thing in another different side.

7、Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.请你举例说明你怎样对你所在的环境进行一个评估,并且将注意力集中在最重要的事情上以便获得你所期望的结果。

Tough situation:

As a vice president of Microsoft Technology Club in my sophomore year,I was asked by our president to fire out one club member who performed negatively and demonstrate neither integrity nor loyalty. In front of disclosing the

information to other members, I felt terribly uncomfortable for the reason that it may really beat the morale of our team. (May 1, 2006- May 1, 2007)


1,I didn’t disclose the primary information. Without any hesitation, I

communicated with our president and emphasized the bad influence if we did it. Besides, I initiated another solution that we should identified what happened firstly and gave that member one more opportunity to contribute his talent to our club. Finally,our president agreed.

2,On the other hand,I talked with that member and played as an excellent listener,only to find that his oversea education schedule make him be negative and distracted his passion. In order to come to a mutual-win situation,I persuaded him to retreat from our team and he consented.

3,Lastly,I organized a interesting conference and issued the news about the retreat. What’s more,all the team members sang a song for him and made him a sincere wish. He felt so moved that he apologized for his faults.

Mutual-win result:

Effective communication prevented a disaster and the morale of our team remained active.

8、Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.请你举例说明你是怎么样学习一门技术并且将他应用到实际工作中的。

Situation: Germany TÜV Rheinland Corporation provided Instrument Testing Service for clients. As a summer intern in sales department of Germany TÜV

Rheinland Greater China,I assisted our manager to expand the potential market. (July 2nd, 2007-September 1st, 2007)

The difficulty and the actions I had to take: At the very beginning,it was inefficient for me to do a cold-call for the reason that the receptionists were so coldhearted that I failed in getting through him/her to talk to the key person who could make a purchasing decision. That difficult condition tested me both mentally and physically,and I was forced to acquire other skills.

The technical skills: I surfed the internet to search the new solution to succeed in cold-call and lastly found a lot of useful methods. For example, I was taught to speak English to get through the receptionists who dared not to be indifferent in front of a foreign call. Needless to say, it was really workable when I put what I had learnt into practices.

Result: I had cultivated 20 clients successfully.


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  • 宝洁(P&G)公司招聘相关问题
  • 宝洁的校园招聘程序及条件 宝洁公司良好的薪金制度和巨大的发展空间,让"宝洁"成为大学生心目中向往的公司.而同时宝洁公司完善的选拔制度也得到商界人士的首肯.如何进入宝洁这样的机构,让我们来熟悉它的招聘流程. 一.宝洁的校园招聘程序 1. 前期的广告宣传. 2. 邀请大学生参加其校园 ...

  • 深入分析典型企业的校园招聘流程--宝洁与联合利华公司对比分析
  • 金光集团 题目: 深入分析典型企业的校园招聘流程(宝洁与联合利 华的对比分析) 姓 名: 院 校: 专 业: 人力资源管理 邮 箱: 2013 年 3 月 25 日 目录 1公司简介........................................................... ...

  • 宝洁八大问回答
  • 宝洁八大问 第一,请你举1个具体的例子,说明你是如何设定1个目标然后达到它. 企业需要一个目标明确向上的人才,知道自己要做什么,从大处说,能规划自己的人生,从小处说,能规划自己或者团队的工作并完成它. 第二,请举例说明你在1项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希望的结果. ...

  • 宝洁的校园招聘程序
  • 3.5 宝洁校园招聘的程序 宝洁公司的校园招聘程序大致如下: 1.前期的广告宣传 按教育部规定,为保证高校的教学秩序,每年11月20日以后才允许企业到高校 开招聘会.宝洁为了提早获得优秀的应届毕业生,从2002年开始,通过网上宣传. 张贴海报.派遣招聘和讲座宣传单.开设校园讲座等多种方法来进行招聘宣 ...

  • 宝洁招聘:宝洁的招聘流程及面试题
  •   宝洁公司良好的薪金制度和巨大的发展空间,让“宝洁”成为大学生心目中向往的公司。而同时宝洁公司完善的选拔制度也得到商界人士的首肯。如何进入宝洁这样的机构,让我们来熟悉它的招聘流程。  宝洁的校园招聘程序  1.前期的广告宣传。  2.邀请大学生参加其校园招聘介绍会。  3.网上申请。  从2002 ...

  • 宝洁二面的经历
  • 发信人: owenchen (怀念清华&朋友),    之前已经写过一篇应聘的文章,不过那时候刚刚参加完一面,这次把二面的经历也补上,希望能对即将参加宝洁招聘的xdjm们一点帮助。  这次还是按着宝洁一惯的做法,在一家五星级的酒店进行,一共有三位面试官,一位it副总监,一位品牌经理,一位pp ...

  • 宝洁的招聘流程及面试题
  • 宝洁的招聘流程及面试题 宝洁公司良好的薪金制度和巨大的发展空间,让"宝洁"成为大学生心目中向往的公司.而同时宝洁公司完善的选拔制度也得到商界人士的首肯.如何进入宝洁这样的机构,让我们来熟悉它的招聘流程. 宝洁的校园招聘程序 1.前期的广告宣传. 2.邀请大学生参加其校园招聘介绍会 ...

  • 挑战宝洁:从申请到Offer的艰难求职路
  •   我拿到了宝洁的offer  ■南京大学 firelijian  一、网上申请:  宝洁这次的网上申请一共是两部分,第一部分是6页左右的一般性问题,填好了之后会发来另外一张表,上面有65题。  我是把65道题打印下来逐条分析后再填的,现在想起来“网申”真的很重要,而且也很残酷。不过听宝洁的招聘人员 ...