


fish rice meat sandwich milk

fly try hamburger traditional information


1、what did you have A、to B、for C、at

2、Did she learn foreign languages?

A、some B、any C、are

3、You can’t it A、take----in B、taked-----to C、take-----to

4、She didn’ta television.

A、has B、have C、had

5、It got a panda on it.

A、is B、has C、hare

6、Please bring bach the book in two A、weeks B、weeks’ C、week

7、She is going to cook Chinese

A、now B、ago C、tonight

8. She a television four years ago.

A. have B. didn’t have C. Has

Mr Li now.

A. teach B. taught C is teaching

10.she like hamburgers.

A. didn’t B. don’t c doesn’t

it’s delicious.

A. say B. said C says



( ) 1. Where did she go yesterday? A. She went to Shanghai.

( ) 2. Can he send emails? B. No, I didn’t.

( ) 3. Will she be home at six o’clock? C. Yes, she will.

( ) 4. Did you learn a new English word? D.That’s a good idea.

( ) 5. Let’s send an email. E. No, he can’t.



1、your / card / I / Can / library / have ?

2、I’ve / an / got / email / from / Lingling .

3.like / fish / and / I / chips

4.Chinese /food / miss / I

5.Mum / going / is / to / cook / for / Lingling / Chinese food



fish rice meat sandwich milk

fly try hamburger traditional information


1、what did you have A、to B、for C、at

2、Did she learn foreign languages?

A、some B、any C、are

3、You can’t it A、take----in B、taked-----to C、take-----to

4、She didn’ta television.

A、has B、have C、had

5、It got a panda on it.

A、is B、has C、hare

6、Please bring bach the book in two A、weeks B、weeks’ C、week

7、She is going to cook Chinese

A、now B、ago C、tonight

8. She a television four years ago.

A. have B. didn’t have C. Has

Mr Li now.

A. teach B. taught C is teaching

10.she like hamburgers.

A. didn’t B. don’t c doesn’t

it’s delicious.

A. say B. said C says



( ) 1. Where did she go yesterday? A. She went to Shanghai.

( ) 2. Can he send emails? B. No, I didn’t.

( ) 3. Will she be home at six o’clock? C. Yes, she will.

( ) 4. Did you learn a new English word? D.That’s a good idea.

( ) 5. Let’s send an email. E. No, he can’t.



1、your / card / I / Can / library / have ?

2、I’ve / an / got / email / from / Lingling .

3.like / fish / and / I / chips

4.Chinese /food / miss / I

5.Mum / going / is / to / cook / for / Lingling / Chinese food


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