
Recently, an increasing number of people argue about whether qing…should be opened. this project should be done.

when it comes to whether large/large-scaled shopping mall should be opened in the neighbourhood/community, opinions vary from person to person. /I think we should have such one in our life. /it should be done.


1.…., which is compatible /incompatible with the current society.

2. The more/less we focus on it, the more positive/negative effect we can achieve.

3. although we have to admit it has outstanding advantage/disadvantage, we should notice its side-effect.

4. It is for this reason/method that we must encourage/discourage this phenomenon.

Recently, an increasing number of people argue about whether qing…should be opened. this project should be done.

when it comes to whether large/large-scaled shopping mall should be opened in the neighbourhood/community, opinions vary from person to person. /I think we should have such one in our life. /it should be done.


1.…., which is compatible /incompatible with the current society.

2. The more/less we focus on it, the more positive/negative effect we can achieve.

3. although we have to admit it has outstanding advantage/disadvantage, we should notice its side-effect.

4. It is for this reason/method that we must encourage/discourage this phenomenon.


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