

( )1.A.speak B.say C.tiger

( )2. A.hard B.work C.fast

( )3. A.good B.Iazy C.class

( )4. A.his B.I C. her

( )5. A.work B.giraffe C.panda

( )A.leg B.arm C.feet

( )A.ask B.with C.read

( )A.good B.naughty C.any

( )A.China B.Art C.Science

( )A.Iazy B.shall C.clever


1.they(宾格)______________ 2.bad(反义词)______________

3.work(第三人称单数)______________ 4.try(第三人称单数)______________



1.is His good work(.)

2.at I’m English good very(.)

3.Jack in Is class lazy(?)

4.He Art work doesn’t at hard(.)

5.you They’re to to speak going(.)


( )1.Lingling is an very good girl.

A B C _________

( )2.She run fast in PE.

A B C _________

( )3.I will work real hard.

A B C _________

( )4. 4.How many peachs are there?

A B C __________

( )5.I am good on PE.

A B C _________

( )lets draw a panda.

A B C __________

( )Here are her foot.

A B C __________

( )I have many friends at China.

A B C __________

( )He’s a clever boy,to

A B C __________

( )He is good in PE.

A B C ___________


( )1.What shall we____________?

A. draw B.to draw C.drawing

( )2.—Are there any ____________here?

—Yes,there are.

A.boy B.student C.monkeys

( )3.I’ve got _____________friends here.

A.much B.any C.more

( )4.What _____________it say?

A.is B.does C.do

( )5.She________________at Chinese.

A.trys hard B.tries hard C tries hardly ( )6.Tomorrow is ______________Day.

A. Parent’ s B. Parent C.Parents’ ( )7.He’ s happy_________________your work.

A.with B.to C.of

( )8.___________________work is good.

A.He B.Her C.We


( )1.A.speak B.say C.tiger

( )2. A.hard B.work C.fast

( )3. A.good B.Iazy C.class

( )4. A.his B.I C. her

( )5. A.work B.giraffe C.panda

( )A.leg B.arm C.feet

( )A.ask B.with C.read

( )A.good B.naughty C.any

( )A.China B.Art C.Science

( )A.Iazy B.shall C.clever


1.they(宾格)______________ 2.bad(反义词)______________

3.work(第三人称单数)______________ 4.try(第三人称单数)______________



1.is His good work(.)

2.at I’m English good very(.)

3.Jack in Is class lazy(?)

4.He Art work doesn’t at hard(.)

5.you They’re to to speak going(.)


( )1.Lingling is an very good girl.

A B C _________

( )2.She run fast in PE.

A B C _________

( )3.I will work real hard.

A B C _________

( )4. 4.How many peachs are there?

A B C __________

( )5.I am good on PE.

A B C _________

( )lets draw a panda.

A B C __________

( )Here are her foot.

A B C __________

( )I have many friends at China.

A B C __________

( )He’s a clever boy,to

A B C __________

( )He is good in PE.

A B C ___________


( )1.What shall we____________?

A. draw B.to draw C.drawing

( )2.—Are there any ____________here?

—Yes,there are.

A.boy B.student C.monkeys

( )3.I’ve got _____________friends here.

A.much B.any C.more

( )4.What _____________it say?

A.is B.does C.do

( )5.She________________at Chinese.

A.trys hard B.tries hard C tries hardly ( )6.Tomorrow is ______________Day.

A. Parent’ s B. Parent C.Parents’ ( )7.He’ s happy_________________your work.

A.with B.to C.of

( )8.___________________work is good.

A.He B.Her C.We


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