


Section 1:English-Chinese Translation (50points)

Translate the following passage into Chinese .

Old people in Thiengoly say they can remember when there were so many trees that you couldn’tsee the sky. Now, miles of reddish-brown sand surround this village in northwestern Senegal, dotted with occasional bushes and trees. Dried animal dung is scattered everywhere, but hardly any dried grass is.

Overgrazing and climate change are the major causes of the Sahara’sadvance, said Gilles Boetsch, an anthropologist who directs a team of French scientists working with Senegalese researchers in the region.“Thelocal Peul people are herders, often nomadic. But the pressure of the herds on the land has become too great,”Mr. Boetsch said in an interview. “Thevegetation can’tregenerate itself.”

Since 2008, however, Senegal has been fighting back against the encroaching desert. Each year it has planted some two million seedling trees along a 545-kilometer, or 340-mile, ribbon of land that is the country’ssegment of a major pan-African regeneration project, the Great Green Wall.First proposed in 2005, the program links Senegal and 10other Saharan states in an alliance to plant a 15kilometer-wide, 7,100-kilometer-long green belt to fend off the desert. While many countries have still to start on their sections of the barrier, Senegal has taken the lead, with the creation of a National Agency for the Great Green Wall.

“Thissemi-arid region is becoming less and less habitable. We want to make it possible for people to continue to live here,”Col. Pap Sarr, the agency’stechnical director, said in an interview here. Colonel Sarr has forged working alliances between Senegalese researchers and the French team headed by Mr. Boetsch, in fields as varied as soil microbiology, ecology, medicine and anthropology. “InSenegal we hope to experiment with different ways of doing things that will benefit the other countries as they become more active,”the colonel said. Each year since 2008, from May to June, about 400people are employed in eight nurseries, choosing and overseeing germination of seeds and tending the seedlings until they are ready for planting. In August, 1,000people are mobilized to plant out rows of seedlings, about 2million plants, allowing them a full two months of the rainy season to take root before the long, dry season sets in.

After their first dry season, the saplings look dead, brown twigs sticking out of holes in the ground, but 80percent survive. Six years on, trees planted in 2008are up to three meters, or 10feet, tall. So far, 30,000hectares, or about 75,000acres, have been planted, including 4,000hectares this summer.

There are already discernible impacts on the microclimate, said Jean-Luc Peiry, a physical geography professor at the UniversitéBlaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand, France, who has placed 30sensors to record temperatures in some planted parcels.“Preliminaryresults show that clumps of four to eight small trees can have an important impact on temperature,”Professor Peiry said in an interview. “Thetranspiration of the trees creates a microclimate that moderates daily temperature extremes.”“Thetrees also have an important role in slowing the soil erosion caused by the wind, reducing the dust, and acting like a large rough doormat, halting the sand-laden winds from the Sahara,”he added. Wildlife is responding to the changes. “Migratorybirds are reappearing,”Mr. Boetsch said.

The project uses eight groundwater pumping stations built in 1954, before Senegal achieved its independence from France in 1960. The pumps fill giant basins that provide water for animals, tree nurseries and gardens where

fruit and vegetables are grown.

Section 2:Chinese-English Translation (50points)

Translate the following passage into English .








原文标题:Senegal Helps Plant a Great Green Wall to Fend Off Dessert


第一段中“there were so many trees that you couldn’tsee the sky ”直译为“树木多得看不见填空”,汉语中的成语“遮天蔽日”用在此处最为恰当,即“树木多得遮天蔽日”。最后一句“Dried animal dung is scattered everywhere, but hardly any dried grass is ”实际上是省略,即“..... but hardly any dried grass is scattered everywhere ”,翻译为“……但干枯的草却很难到处可见”。

第二段中“the major causes of the Sahara ’s advance ”翻译稍有难度,关键在于单词“advance ”,该词的意思是“前进”,可以译为“撒哈拉沙漠的扩张的原因”。

第三段中“Senegal has been fighting back against the encroaching desert ”稍有难度,单词“encroach ”为“侵犯,侵蚀”,翻译为“不断侵袭的沙漠”。本段最后一句中短语“take the lead ”为“领先,走在前列”。

第四段最后一句“allowing them a full two months of the rainy season to take root before the long, dry season sets in ”中短语“take root ”为“生根,扎根”,“set in ”为“(不好事物)扎根”。

第五段第一句“.....the saplings look dead, brown twigs sticking out of holes in the ground, but 80percent survive ”翻译稍有难度。本句中含有一个独立主格的结构,根据上下文的语境,本句可以译为“在经历了第一个旱季之后,这些小树苗看上去都枯死了,只剩棕色的枝条从地上的洞中凸出来,但80%的树苗都会存活”。

第六段中“The trees also have an important role in slowing the soil erosion caused by the wind, reducing the dust, and acting like a large rough doormat, halting the sand-laden winds from the Sahara ”翻译难度较大。其中“act like ”与“play an important role ”意思相近,需要把其中之一翻译成其他表达。“acting like a large rough doormat ”翻译为“起到粗糙的地垫作用”,而“play an important role ”可翻译为“在……方面功不可没”。最后的从句是现在分词做结果状语。













第二段第一句“中国高度重视中国高度重视保护和增进人民健康”中的“高度重视”是在笔译中较为常见,它的翻译有三种“attach importance to /pay much attention to /value sth highly ”。第二句“宪法规定,国家发展医疗卫生事业,发展现代医药和传统医药,保护人民健康”中的“宪法规定”有机构翻译为“As the Constitution stipulates ”,大师兄认为翻译成“It has been enshrined in the Constitution that... ”更好,单词enshrine 为“庄严载入”,具有褒义色彩。此外,第一句和第二句存在一定的逻辑关系,第二句可以视为第一句的具体体现,所以两句之间可以加上“For example ”,这样译文就更为自然流畅。

第三段的第一句中比较难处理,本句包含了7个并列的小句,且几个小句翻译都有难度,大师兄的翻译与官方译文句型一样,但在表达上略有不同。比如,“以农村为重点”网络译文为“making rural areas the focus of our work ”。大师兄认为这里需要解释性翻译,即“农村的医疗是中国医疗体系的重点”,翻译为“health service in rural areas being the centerpiece/keypart of its effort ”。

第四段第一句【随着中国工业化、城市化进程和人口老龄化趋势的加快,居民健康面临着传染病和慢性病的双重威胁】大师兄认为可以将前半句作为“独立主格结构”,第二句为作主句,第三句作为“定语从句”。即“With the pace of China's industrialization and urbanization accelerating and the population being increasingly aging, the Chinese people are confronted with the dual threats posed by infectious diseases and chronic diseases, for which there ’s a great demand for health care service among the public ”。


Good health is a prerequisite for promoting all-round development of the person. And it is a common pursuit of human societies to improve people's health and ensure their right to medical care. For China, a large developing country, medical and healthcare is of vital importance to its population of over 1.3billion, and is a major issue concerning its people's well being.

China pays great attention to protecting and improving its people's health. As the Constitution stipulates, "The state develops medical and health services, promotes modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine..., all for the protection of the people's health."

Over the years, China has worked hard to develop its medical and health services with Chinese characteristics in accordance with the policy of "making rural areas the focus of our work, putting disease prevention first, supporting both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, relying on science, technology and education, and mobilizing the whole of society to join the efforts, improving the people's health and serving socialist modernization." Thanks to unremitting efforts that have been made, medical and healthcare systems covering both urban and rural residents have taken shape, the capabilities of disease prevention and control have been enhanced, the coverage of medical insurance has expanded, continuous progress has been made in medical science and technology, and the people's health has been remarkably improved.

With the quickened pace of the country's industrialization and urbanization, as well as its increasingly aging population, the Chinese people are facing the dual health threats of infectious and chronic diseases, and the public needs better medical and health services. In the meantime, problems still exist regarding China's health resources, especially the shortage of high-quality resources and the unbalanced distribution of those resources. China has arduous tasks ahead for reforming and developing its medical and health services.


Good health is a prerequisite for the all-round development of a man. To improve people’shealth and ensure their access to health care is a goal being pursued by all societies. Health care, which has a direct bearing on people’shealth, is a real public concern in China, a large developing country with a population of 1.3billion.

China attaches great importance/paysmuch attention to protecting and improving people’shealth. For example, it has been enshrined in/writteninto the constitution that for the sake of people’shealth, the state has an obligation to develop the health care system and promote modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.

Over the years, China has been working hard to build a health care system with Chinese characteristics, sticking to the principles of “healthservice in rural areas being the centerpiece/keypart of its effort; disease prevention being putting first; traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine being equally emphasized; science, technology and education being the ways by which the system is created; all members of the society being encouraged to contribute to the system; the system being for the health of the public and China’ssocialist modernization ”.After years of relentless efforts, China has basically built a health care system covering both rural and urban residents and has constantly improved its ability to prevent and cure diseases as well as its medical technologies, with medical insurance covering an ever-increasing number of people and people’shealth being markedly improved.

With the pace of China's industrialization and urbanization accelerating and the population being increasingly aging, the Chinese people are confronted with the dual threat posed by infectious diseases and chronic diseases, for which there’sa great demand for health care service among the public. In the meantime, the problems of the lack of medical resources, high-quality ones in particular and the distribution of medical resources being uneven still persist, which means that China has a daunting task of reforming and improving its health care system.



Section 1:English-Chinese Translation (50points)

Translate the following passage into Chinese .

The Republic of Ireland is a sovereign state in Western Europe, occupying about five-sixths of the island of Ireland. The capital and largest city is Dublin, whose metropolitan area is home to around a third of the country’s

4.6million inhabitants. The state shares its only land border with Northern Ireland. It is a unitary, parliamentary republic with an elected president serving as head of state. The head of government is nominated by the lower house of parliament.

Following the Irish War of Independence and the subsequent Anglo-Irish Treaty, Ireland gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1922. Initially a dominion, Ireland received official British recognition of full legislative independence in the Statute of Westminster of 1931. A new constitution was adopted in 1937, by which the name of the state became “Ireland.”In 1949, Ireland was declared a republic under the Republic of Ireland act 1948.

Ireland ranks among the wealthiest countries in the world in terms of GDP per capita. In 1973, Ireland enacted a series of liberal economic policies that resulted in rapid economic growth, coupled with a dramatic rise in inequality. The country achieved considerable prosperity from 1995to 2007. This was halted by an unprecedented financial crisis that began in 2008, in conjunction with the concurrent global economic crash.

In 2011and 2013Ireland was ranked as the seventh-most developed country in the world by the United Nations Human Development Index. It also performs well in several metrics of national performance, including freedom of the press, economic freedom and civil liberties. It pursues a policy of neutrality through non-alignment.

The population of Ireland stood at 4,588,252in 2011, an increase of 8.2percent since 2006. As of 2011, Ireland had the highest birth rate in the European Union (16births per 1,000of population). In 2012, 35.1percent of births were to unmarried women. Annual population growth rates exceeded 2percent during the 2002-2006period, which was attributed to high rates of natural increase and immigration. This rate declined somewhat during the subsequent 2006-2011period, with an average growth rate of 1.6percent.

Ireland ranks fifth in the world in terms of gender equality. In 2011, Ireland was ranked the most charitable country in Europe, and second most charitable in the world. Contraception was controlled in Ireland until 1979, however, the receding influence of the Catholic Church has led to an increasingly secularized society . In 1983, the Eighth Amendment recognized “theright to life of the unborn”,subject to qualifications concerning the “equalright to life”of the mother. The passage of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments guarantees the right to have an abortion performed abroad, and the right to learn about “services”that are illegal in Ireland, but legal abroad. The prohibition on divorce in the 1937Constitution was repealed in 1995under the Fifteenth Amendment. Divorce rates in Ireland are very low compared to European Union averages while the marriage rate in Ireland is slightly above the European Union average.

Capital punishment is constitutionally banned in Ireland, while discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, marital or familial status, religion and race is illegal.

Ireland became the first country in the world to introduce an environmental levy for plastic shopping bags in

2002and a public smoking ban in 2004. Recycling in Ireland is carried out extensively and Ireland has the second highest rate of packaging recycling in the European Union.

Section 2:Chinese-English Translation (50points)

Translate the following passage into English .








第一段中的“It is a unitary, parliamentary republic with an elected president serving as head of state ”这句应该翻译为“中央集权的议会制共和国”,“unitary ”为“中央集权的”,而不是“单一的”。在其后的“the head of government ”应该翻译为“总理”,而非“政府首脑”。爱尔兰的总统和总理的职权是不同的。

第二段中的“Initially a dominion, Ireland received official British recognition of full legislative independence in the Statute of Westminster of 1931”这句应翻译难度比较大。首先要明白“dominion ”的意思以及“Statute of Westminster of 1931”这部法律。“dominion ”的意思是“A dominion is an area of land that is controlled by a ruler ”,自治领是英国殖民地制度下一个特殊的国家体制,这些自治领是自治国家,但是没有立法权。另外“Statute of Westminster of 1931”指的是1931年英国议会通过的“威斯敏斯特条例”。它是关于处理英联邦内部关系的重要法律。它赋予加拿大、澳大利亚、南非、爱尔兰等前英国殖民地以完全的立法权。

第七段中“the receding influence of the Catholic Church ”比较难理解,这里的背景是,罗马天主教一直是爱尔兰的主要宗教,信奉天主教人口达到90%,但由于基督教在爱尔兰的传播,天主教的影响力正逐渐下降。




以人均GDP 计算,爱尔兰位居世界最富裕国家行列。1973年,爱尔兰通过了一系列自由经济政策,这促进了经济的快速增长,同时社会不平等问题加剧。1995年到2007年,该国经济欣欣向荣。但其经济良好态势被2008年爆发的史无前例的金融危机所中断,与此同时全球经济也遭受重挫。










第一段中“新型大国关系”的表达为“the new model of major-country relations ”;“利益共同体”的翻译有两种——“a community of shared interests ”和“a community of common interests ”。第三句“中美之间乃至全球各国之间已是日趋紧密的利益共同体”中“乃至全球”可以翻译为“all countries at large ”。

第二段中“求同存异”、“聚同化异”较为常见,“求同存异”有三种翻译:“seek common ground while putting aside differences ”、“seek common ground while shelving differences ”、“seek common ground while reserving differences ”。“聚同化异”需要一定的解释性翻译,即:积聚或扩大共识,化解分歧,可以译为“expand common ground and dissolve differences ”。


“Noconflict or confrontation”is the prerequisite for the new model of major-country relations between us. According to some study of history, there have been about 15cases of rise of emerging powers. In 11cases, confrontation and war broke out between the emerging and the established powers. However, we now live in a different world. China and the United States and in fact all countries in the world are part of a community of shared interests. Countries are increasingly interconnected. Neither of us will benefit from confrontation. War will get us nowhere. “Noconflict or confrontation”means that we need to follow the trend of globalization, reverse negative projections of China-US relations, address strategic distrust and build confidence in the future of China-US relations.

“Mutualrespect”is a basic principle for this new model. We live in a world of rich diversity. For China and the United States, two major countries different in social system, history and culture yet connected by intertwined interests, mutual respect is all the more important. Only by respecting each other’ssystem and path chosen by their people, as well as each other’score interests and concerns can we seek common ground while reserving differences and, on that basis, expand common ground and dissolve differences so that China and the United States will be able to live together in harmony.

“Win-wincooperation”is the only way to turn the vision into a reality. There is an enormous need and vast potential for bilateral cooperation in all fields. Besides, the world certainly needs China and the United States, two major countries with great influence, to work together and contribute on issues ranging from counter terrorism to cyber security, from nuclear non-proliferation to climate change, and from peace in the Middle East to Africa’sdevelopment. Win-win progress is only possible when both countries are committed to growing cooperation. Moreover, such win-win outcome should not just be beneficial to China and the United States, it should also be beneficial to all countries in the world.




Section 1:English-Chinese Translation (50points)

Translate the following passage into Chinese .

Old people in Thiengoly say they can remember when there were so many trees that you couldn’tsee the sky. Now, miles of reddish-brown sand surround this village in northwestern Senegal, dotted with occasional bushes and trees. Dried animal dung is scattered everywhere, but hardly any dried grass is.

Overgrazing and climate change are the major causes of the Sahara’sadvance, said Gilles Boetsch, an anthropologist who directs a team of French scientists working with Senegalese researchers in the region.“Thelocal Peul people are herders, often nomadic. But the pressure of the herds on the land has become too great,”Mr. Boetsch said in an interview. “Thevegetation can’tregenerate itself.”

Since 2008, however, Senegal has been fighting back against the encroaching desert. Each year it has planted some two million seedling trees along a 545-kilometer, or 340-mile, ribbon of land that is the country’ssegment of a major pan-African regeneration project, the Great Green Wall.First proposed in 2005, the program links Senegal and 10other Saharan states in an alliance to plant a 15kilometer-wide, 7,100-kilometer-long green belt to fend off the desert. While many countries have still to start on their sections of the barrier, Senegal has taken the lead, with the creation of a National Agency for the Great Green Wall.

“Thissemi-arid region is becoming less and less habitable. We want to make it possible for people to continue to live here,”Col. Pap Sarr, the agency’stechnical director, said in an interview here. Colonel Sarr has forged working alliances between Senegalese researchers and the French team headed by Mr. Boetsch, in fields as varied as soil microbiology, ecology, medicine and anthropology. “InSenegal we hope to experiment with different ways of doing things that will benefit the other countries as they become more active,”the colonel said. Each year since 2008, from May to June, about 400people are employed in eight nurseries, choosing and overseeing germination of seeds and tending the seedlings until they are ready for planting. In August, 1,000people are mobilized to plant out rows of seedlings, about 2million plants, allowing them a full two months of the rainy season to take root before the long, dry season sets in.

After their first dry season, the saplings look dead, brown twigs sticking out of holes in the ground, but 80percent survive. Six years on, trees planted in 2008are up to three meters, or 10feet, tall. So far, 30,000hectares, or about 75,000acres, have been planted, including 4,000hectares this summer.

There are already discernible impacts on the microclimate, said Jean-Luc Peiry, a physical geography professor at the UniversitéBlaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand, France, who has placed 30sensors to record temperatures in some planted parcels.“Preliminaryresults show that clumps of four to eight small trees can have an important impact on temperature,”Professor Peiry said in an interview. “Thetranspiration of the trees creates a microclimate that moderates daily temperature extremes.”“Thetrees also have an important role in slowing the soil erosion caused by the wind, reducing the dust, and acting like a large rough doormat, halting the sand-laden winds from the Sahara,”he added. Wildlife is responding to the changes. “Migratorybirds are reappearing,”Mr. Boetsch said.

The project uses eight groundwater pumping stations built in 1954, before Senegal achieved its independence from France in 1960. The pumps fill giant basins that provide water for animals, tree nurseries and gardens where

fruit and vegetables are grown.

Section 2:Chinese-English Translation (50points)

Translate the following passage into English .








原文标题:Senegal Helps Plant a Great Green Wall to Fend Off Dessert


第一段中“there were so many trees that you couldn’tsee the sky ”直译为“树木多得看不见填空”,汉语中的成语“遮天蔽日”用在此处最为恰当,即“树木多得遮天蔽日”。最后一句“Dried animal dung is scattered everywhere, but hardly any dried grass is ”实际上是省略,即“..... but hardly any dried grass is scattered everywhere ”,翻译为“……但干枯的草却很难到处可见”。

第二段中“the major causes of the Sahara ’s advance ”翻译稍有难度,关键在于单词“advance ”,该词的意思是“前进”,可以译为“撒哈拉沙漠的扩张的原因”。

第三段中“Senegal has been fighting back against the encroaching desert ”稍有难度,单词“encroach ”为“侵犯,侵蚀”,翻译为“不断侵袭的沙漠”。本段最后一句中短语“take the lead ”为“领先,走在前列”。

第四段最后一句“allowing them a full two months of the rainy season to take root before the long, dry season sets in ”中短语“take root ”为“生根,扎根”,“set in ”为“(不好事物)扎根”。

第五段第一句“.....the saplings look dead, brown twigs sticking out of holes in the ground, but 80percent survive ”翻译稍有难度。本句中含有一个独立主格的结构,根据上下文的语境,本句可以译为“在经历了第一个旱季之后,这些小树苗看上去都枯死了,只剩棕色的枝条从地上的洞中凸出来,但80%的树苗都会存活”。

第六段中“The trees also have an important role in slowing the soil erosion caused by the wind, reducing the dust, and acting like a large rough doormat, halting the sand-laden winds from the Sahara ”翻译难度较大。其中“act like ”与“play an important role ”意思相近,需要把其中之一翻译成其他表达。“acting like a large rough doormat ”翻译为“起到粗糙的地垫作用”,而“play an important role ”可翻译为“在……方面功不可没”。最后的从句是现在分词做结果状语。













第二段第一句“中国高度重视中国高度重视保护和增进人民健康”中的“高度重视”是在笔译中较为常见,它的翻译有三种“attach importance to /pay much attention to /value sth highly ”。第二句“宪法规定,国家发展医疗卫生事业,发展现代医药和传统医药,保护人民健康”中的“宪法规定”有机构翻译为“As the Constitution stipulates ”,大师兄认为翻译成“It has been enshrined in the Constitution that... ”更好,单词enshrine 为“庄严载入”,具有褒义色彩。此外,第一句和第二句存在一定的逻辑关系,第二句可以视为第一句的具体体现,所以两句之间可以加上“For example ”,这样译文就更为自然流畅。

第三段的第一句中比较难处理,本句包含了7个并列的小句,且几个小句翻译都有难度,大师兄的翻译与官方译文句型一样,但在表达上略有不同。比如,“以农村为重点”网络译文为“making rural areas the focus of our work ”。大师兄认为这里需要解释性翻译,即“农村的医疗是中国医疗体系的重点”,翻译为“health service in rural areas being the centerpiece/keypart of its effort ”。

第四段第一句【随着中国工业化、城市化进程和人口老龄化趋势的加快,居民健康面临着传染病和慢性病的双重威胁】大师兄认为可以将前半句作为“独立主格结构”,第二句为作主句,第三句作为“定语从句”。即“With the pace of China's industrialization and urbanization accelerating and the population being increasingly aging, the Chinese people are confronted with the dual threats posed by infectious diseases and chronic diseases, for which there ’s a great demand for health care service among the public ”。


Good health is a prerequisite for promoting all-round development of the person. And it is a common pursuit of human societies to improve people's health and ensure their right to medical care. For China, a large developing country, medical and healthcare is of vital importance to its population of over 1.3billion, and is a major issue concerning its people's well being.

China pays great attention to protecting and improving its people's health. As the Constitution stipulates, "The state develops medical and health services, promotes modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine..., all for the protection of the people's health."

Over the years, China has worked hard to develop its medical and health services with Chinese characteristics in accordance with the policy of "making rural areas the focus of our work, putting disease prevention first, supporting both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, relying on science, technology and education, and mobilizing the whole of society to join the efforts, improving the people's health and serving socialist modernization." Thanks to unremitting efforts that have been made, medical and healthcare systems covering both urban and rural residents have taken shape, the capabilities of disease prevention and control have been enhanced, the coverage of medical insurance has expanded, continuous progress has been made in medical science and technology, and the people's health has been remarkably improved.

With the quickened pace of the country's industrialization and urbanization, as well as its increasingly aging population, the Chinese people are facing the dual health threats of infectious and chronic diseases, and the public needs better medical and health services. In the meantime, problems still exist regarding China's health resources, especially the shortage of high-quality resources and the unbalanced distribution of those resources. China has arduous tasks ahead for reforming and developing its medical and health services.


Good health is a prerequisite for the all-round development of a man. To improve people’shealth and ensure their access to health care is a goal being pursued by all societies. Health care, which has a direct bearing on people’shealth, is a real public concern in China, a large developing country with a population of 1.3billion.

China attaches great importance/paysmuch attention to protecting and improving people’shealth. For example, it has been enshrined in/writteninto the constitution that for the sake of people’shealth, the state has an obligation to develop the health care system and promote modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.

Over the years, China has been working hard to build a health care system with Chinese characteristics, sticking to the principles of “healthservice in rural areas being the centerpiece/keypart of its effort; disease prevention being putting first; traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine being equally emphasized; science, technology and education being the ways by which the system is created; all members of the society being encouraged to contribute to the system; the system being for the health of the public and China’ssocialist modernization ”.After years of relentless efforts, China has basically built a health care system covering both rural and urban residents and has constantly improved its ability to prevent and cure diseases as well as its medical technologies, with medical insurance covering an ever-increasing number of people and people’shealth being markedly improved.

With the pace of China's industrialization and urbanization accelerating and the population being increasingly aging, the Chinese people are confronted with the dual threat posed by infectious diseases and chronic diseases, for which there’sa great demand for health care service among the public. In the meantime, the problems of the lack of medical resources, high-quality ones in particular and the distribution of medical resources being uneven still persist, which means that China has a daunting task of reforming and improving its health care system.



Section 1:English-Chinese Translation (50points)

Translate the following passage into Chinese .

The Republic of Ireland is a sovereign state in Western Europe, occupying about five-sixths of the island of Ireland. The capital and largest city is Dublin, whose metropolitan area is home to around a third of the country’s

4.6million inhabitants. The state shares its only land border with Northern Ireland. It is a unitary, parliamentary republic with an elected president serving as head of state. The head of government is nominated by the lower house of parliament.

Following the Irish War of Independence and the subsequent Anglo-Irish Treaty, Ireland gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1922. Initially a dominion, Ireland received official British recognition of full legislative independence in the Statute of Westminster of 1931. A new constitution was adopted in 1937, by which the name of the state became “Ireland.”In 1949, Ireland was declared a republic under the Republic of Ireland act 1948.

Ireland ranks among the wealthiest countries in the world in terms of GDP per capita. In 1973, Ireland enacted a series of liberal economic policies that resulted in rapid economic growth, coupled with a dramatic rise in inequality. The country achieved considerable prosperity from 1995to 2007. This was halted by an unprecedented financial crisis that began in 2008, in conjunction with the concurrent global economic crash.

In 2011and 2013Ireland was ranked as the seventh-most developed country in the world by the United Nations Human Development Index. It also performs well in several metrics of national performance, including freedom of the press, economic freedom and civil liberties. It pursues a policy of neutrality through non-alignment.

The population of Ireland stood at 4,588,252in 2011, an increase of 8.2percent since 2006. As of 2011, Ireland had the highest birth rate in the European Union (16births per 1,000of population). In 2012, 35.1percent of births were to unmarried women. Annual population growth rates exceeded 2percent during the 2002-2006period, which was attributed to high rates of natural increase and immigration. This rate declined somewhat during the subsequent 2006-2011period, with an average growth rate of 1.6percent.

Ireland ranks fifth in the world in terms of gender equality. In 2011, Ireland was ranked the most charitable country in Europe, and second most charitable in the world. Contraception was controlled in Ireland until 1979, however, the receding influence of the Catholic Church has led to an increasingly secularized society . In 1983, the Eighth Amendment recognized “theright to life of the unborn”,subject to qualifications concerning the “equalright to life”of the mother. The passage of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments guarantees the right to have an abortion performed abroad, and the right to learn about “services”that are illegal in Ireland, but legal abroad. The prohibition on divorce in the 1937Constitution was repealed in 1995under the Fifteenth Amendment. Divorce rates in Ireland are very low compared to European Union averages while the marriage rate in Ireland is slightly above the European Union average.

Capital punishment is constitutionally banned in Ireland, while discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, marital or familial status, religion and race is illegal.

Ireland became the first country in the world to introduce an environmental levy for plastic shopping bags in

2002and a public smoking ban in 2004. Recycling in Ireland is carried out extensively and Ireland has the second highest rate of packaging recycling in the European Union.

Section 2:Chinese-English Translation (50points)

Translate the following passage into English .








第一段中的“It is a unitary, parliamentary republic with an elected president serving as head of state ”这句应该翻译为“中央集权的议会制共和国”,“unitary ”为“中央集权的”,而不是“单一的”。在其后的“the head of government ”应该翻译为“总理”,而非“政府首脑”。爱尔兰的总统和总理的职权是不同的。

第二段中的“Initially a dominion, Ireland received official British recognition of full legislative independence in the Statute of Westminster of 1931”这句应翻译难度比较大。首先要明白“dominion ”的意思以及“Statute of Westminster of 1931”这部法律。“dominion ”的意思是“A dominion is an area of land that is controlled by a ruler ”,自治领是英国殖民地制度下一个特殊的国家体制,这些自治领是自治国家,但是没有立法权。另外“Statute of Westminster of 1931”指的是1931年英国议会通过的“威斯敏斯特条例”。它是关于处理英联邦内部关系的重要法律。它赋予加拿大、澳大利亚、南非、爱尔兰等前英国殖民地以完全的立法权。

第七段中“the receding influence of the Catholic Church ”比较难理解,这里的背景是,罗马天主教一直是爱尔兰的主要宗教,信奉天主教人口达到90%,但由于基督教在爱尔兰的传播,天主教的影响力正逐渐下降。




以人均GDP 计算,爱尔兰位居世界最富裕国家行列。1973年,爱尔兰通过了一系列自由经济政策,这促进了经济的快速增长,同时社会不平等问题加剧。1995年到2007年,该国经济欣欣向荣。但其经济良好态势被2008年爆发的史无前例的金融危机所中断,与此同时全球经济也遭受重挫。










第一段中“新型大国关系”的表达为“the new model of major-country relations ”;“利益共同体”的翻译有两种——“a community of shared interests ”和“a community of common interests ”。第三句“中美之间乃至全球各国之间已是日趋紧密的利益共同体”中“乃至全球”可以翻译为“all countries at large ”。

第二段中“求同存异”、“聚同化异”较为常见,“求同存异”有三种翻译:“seek common ground while putting aside differences ”、“seek common ground while shelving differences ”、“seek common ground while reserving differences ”。“聚同化异”需要一定的解释性翻译,即:积聚或扩大共识,化解分歧,可以译为“expand common ground and dissolve differences ”。


“Noconflict or confrontation”is the prerequisite for the new model of major-country relations between us. According to some study of history, there have been about 15cases of rise of emerging powers. In 11cases, confrontation and war broke out between the emerging and the established powers. However, we now live in a different world. China and the United States and in fact all countries in the world are part of a community of shared interests. Countries are increasingly interconnected. Neither of us will benefit from confrontation. War will get us nowhere. “Noconflict or confrontation”means that we need to follow the trend of globalization, reverse negative projections of China-US relations, address strategic distrust and build confidence in the future of China-US relations.

“Mutualrespect”is a basic principle for this new model. We live in a world of rich diversity. For China and the United States, two major countries different in social system, history and culture yet connected by intertwined interests, mutual respect is all the more important. Only by respecting each other’ssystem and path chosen by their people, as well as each other’score interests and concerns can we seek common ground while reserving differences and, on that basis, expand common ground and dissolve differences so that China and the United States will be able to live together in harmony.

“Win-wincooperation”is the only way to turn the vision into a reality. There is an enormous need and vast potential for bilateral cooperation in all fields. Besides, the world certainly needs China and the United States, two major countries with great influence, to work together and contribute on issues ranging from counter terrorism to cyber security, from nuclear non-proliferation to climate change, and from peace in the Middle East to Africa’sdevelopment. Win-win progress is only possible when both countries are committed to growing cooperation. Moreover, such win-win outcome should not just be beneficial to China and the United States, it should also be beneficial to all countries in the world.



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