
Students, especially girls, often like to lose weight by eating less or taking different kinds of medicine. Dieting has become an obsession for some people. What is your opinion about this obsession with dieting?


Preventing an Obsession with Dieting

I believe the craving some young women have to copy what is promoted as the ideal figure for a woman is the cause of their obsession with excessive dieting. A great deal of media advertising makes use of young, slim, attractive women and it is understandably natural that some women want to copy what they see as the ideal role model.

Obsessive dieting certainly does happen, as is illustrated by the numerous articles in magazines about people suffering from anorexia. Almost exclusively, this obsession relates to younger women who are constantly bombarded with the supposedly ideal woman as depicted in women's fashion magazines, Most of these fashion models are very slim, some of them excessively so. There is nothing wrong with a sensible controlled diet aimed at losing some excess weight but, when the need to diet becomes an allconsuming passions, that is when the danger occurs. Often, the people who become susceptible to the lure of the "perfect" figure are not aware of what is happening to them. Usually, preventing dieting becoming an obsession will depend on friends and relatives recognising the warning signs. As for preventing the basic cause of this problem, that is a much more complex issue as it involves the standard mores of the society and people being aware of their responsibilities. Education about the dangers of excessive dieting needs to be part of the solution for prevention.

In conclusion, an obsession with dieting can be prevented by friends and relatives of the dieter as well as an education campaign about the dangers of excessive dieting. (261 words)


1.Young women can develop very strong desires to be like their idolized fashion models.


2.The advertising media promotes the idea of slim attractive women as role models. 广告媒体宣传这样的观念,即把苗条、有魅力的女子作为榜样。

3.There are many well publicised examples of women suffering from anorexia. 有很多女性患上厌食症的事例被广泛报道。

4.A sensible diet will help in losing weight but it must not be taken to the extreme. 合理的节食可以帮助人们减肥,但是不能走极端。

5.Friends and family are often the first people to notice the warning signs.



Students, especially girls, often like to lose weight by eating less or taking different kinds of medicine. Dieting has become an obsession for some people. What is your opinion about this obsession with dieting?


Preventing an Obsession with Dieting

I believe the craving some young women have to copy what is promoted as the ideal figure for a woman is the cause of their obsession with excessive dieting. A great deal of media advertising makes use of young, slim, attractive women and it is understandably natural that some women want to copy what they see as the ideal role model.

Obsessive dieting certainly does happen, as is illustrated by the numerous articles in magazines about people suffering from anorexia. Almost exclusively, this obsession relates to younger women who are constantly bombarded with the supposedly ideal woman as depicted in women's fashion magazines, Most of these fashion models are very slim, some of them excessively so. There is nothing wrong with a sensible controlled diet aimed at losing some excess weight but, when the need to diet becomes an allconsuming passions, that is when the danger occurs. Often, the people who become susceptible to the lure of the "perfect" figure are not aware of what is happening to them. Usually, preventing dieting becoming an obsession will depend on friends and relatives recognising the warning signs. As for preventing the basic cause of this problem, that is a much more complex issue as it involves the standard mores of the society and people being aware of their responsibilities. Education about the dangers of excessive dieting needs to be part of the solution for prevention.

In conclusion, an obsession with dieting can be prevented by friends and relatives of the dieter as well as an education campaign about the dangers of excessive dieting. (261 words)


1.Young women can develop very strong desires to be like their idolized fashion models.


2.The advertising media promotes the idea of slim attractive women as role models. 广告媒体宣传这样的观念,即把苗条、有魅力的女子作为榜样。

3.There are many well publicised examples of women suffering from anorexia. 有很多女性患上厌食症的事例被广泛报道。

4.A sensible diet will help in losing weight but it must not be taken to the extreme. 合理的节食可以帮助人们减肥,但是不能走极端。

5.Friends and family are often the first people to notice the warning signs.




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