
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Baotuquan Spring Park. My name is Miao Meng. I am very pleased to serve as your tour guide today.

In order to give you a general impression, let me make a brief introduction of the park. Featured as a gushing spring garden, the park is located in the downtown area of the city, with Mt. Thousand Buddha to the south, Quancheng Square to the east, and Daming Lake to the north. It occupies about 26 acres in land area. There are altogether 34 springs in the park. Of course the main and most beautiful one is the Baotuquan Spring, which you will be watching in a moment. It will take you about 2 hours to make the tour around the park. The park has two main gates, the east gate and the south gate. Today we’ll enter from the south gate. Ok, this way please.

Ladies and gentlemen, here we are in front of the south gate. The south gate of the park is at the middle of Luoyuan Avenue. It was built in 1995. With its unique outline integrating both traditional and local traits, it is claimed to be the number one gate of Chinese gardens. Isn’t it splendid! Shall we go in.

Just in front of us is the most famous spring, Baotuquan. It was called Luoshui in ancient time and got its present name form the Song Dynasty. It has a long history and has been the source of the Luo River. The three major springs gush simultaneously from underground with thundering sound, which are described as fountains constantly pumping water. The pool of the water is 30 meters long and 20 meters wide. The spring water keeps its temperature around 18 degrees centigrade all year round. In cold winter, the steam forms a curtain of thin fog over the surf-ace. With clear deep water in the spring pool on one side and pavilions of color painting and rich ornaments on the other, visitors feel as if they were in a fairyland on earth. Many writers, philosophers and poets left poems and verses in praise of the wonderful scene.

Look, that pavilion on the west side of the pool is called the Billow Observation Pavilion. It was built in the fifth year of Tianshun emperor of the Qing Dynasty (1461). There are stone tables and benches in it so that visitors can enjoy the scene while relaxing. Embedded on the west wall of the pavilion is the writing of billow observation by a calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty. The stone inscription of No.1 Spring was written by Wang Zhonglin, a famous calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty. Baotuquan Spring carved on a monument to the west of the pavilion was left by Hu Zanzong, governor of Shandong during the Qing Dynasty. On the north bank of the east pool at waterside is the renowned Penglai Tea House, which was visited respectively by Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong, who sat here by the window and enjoyed the colorful charms of the springs over a cup of fragrant tea. At the pleasing taste of water from Baotuquan springs, they even threw out the water they brought all the way with them from Beijing on their inspection to the south. It is said that water from springs further reinforces the taste of good tea and that one would not be visiting a real Jinan without drinking the spring water.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Baotuquan Spring Park. My name is Miao Meng. I am very pleased to serve as your tour guide today.

In order to give you a general impression, let me make a brief introduction of the park. Featured as a gushing spring garden, the park is located in the downtown area of the city, with Mt. Thousand Buddha to the south, Quancheng Square to the east, and Daming Lake to the north. It occupies about 26 acres in land area. There are altogether 34 springs in the park. Of course the main and most beautiful one is the Baotuquan Spring, which you will be watching in a moment. It will take you about 2 hours to make the tour around the park. The park has two main gates, the east gate and the south gate. Today we’ll enter from the south gate. Ok, this way please.

Ladies and gentlemen, here we are in front of the south gate. The south gate of the park is at the middle of Luoyuan Avenue. It was built in 1995. With its unique outline integrating both traditional and local traits, it is claimed to be the number one gate of Chinese gardens. Isn’t it splendid! Shall we go in.

Just in front of us is the most famous spring, Baotuquan. It was called Luoshui in ancient time and got its present name form the Song Dynasty. It has a long history and has been the source of the Luo River. The three major springs gush simultaneously from underground with thundering sound, which are described as fountains constantly pumping water. The pool of the water is 30 meters long and 20 meters wide. The spring water keeps its temperature around 18 degrees centigrade all year round. In cold winter, the steam forms a curtain of thin fog over the surf-ace. With clear deep water in the spring pool on one side and pavilions of color painting and rich ornaments on the other, visitors feel as if they were in a fairyland on earth. Many writers, philosophers and poets left poems and verses in praise of the wonderful scene.

Look, that pavilion on the west side of the pool is called the Billow Observation Pavilion. It was built in the fifth year of Tianshun emperor of the Qing Dynasty (1461). There are stone tables and benches in it so that visitors can enjoy the scene while relaxing. Embedded on the west wall of the pavilion is the writing of billow observation by a calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty. The stone inscription of No.1 Spring was written by Wang Zhonglin, a famous calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty. Baotuquan Spring carved on a monument to the west of the pavilion was left by Hu Zanzong, governor of Shandong during the Qing Dynasty. On the north bank of the east pool at waterside is the renowned Penglai Tea House, which was visited respectively by Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong, who sat here by the window and enjoyed the colorful charms of the springs over a cup of fragrant tea. At the pleasing taste of water from Baotuquan springs, they even threw out the water they brought all the way with them from Beijing on their inspection to the south. It is said that water from springs further reinforces the taste of good tea and that one would not be visiting a real Jinan without drinking the spring water.


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