

Summary of Job Function:


1. 负责生产部设备、工装、模具及工具的监控与管理,确保设备与人员的安全; Be responsible for equipment /tooling/fixture management. Ensure the safety of equipment and employee.

2. 完善设备、工装、模具及工具的验收、使用、维修保养流程并监督实施; Improve the equipment/tooling/fixture qualification/using/maintenance procedure.

3. 完善备品备件的采购与跟踪机制,并监督执行; Monitor the spare parts purchasing and management procedure.

4. 负责生产部设备相关文件的管控; Be responsible for the equipment document management.

5. 负责生产部设备的改进,参与设备、工装等开发; Be responsible for the equipment improvement & development.

6. 与国外同事,参与设备、备件等的国产化,降低成本;

Work with global team to localize the equipment/spare parts, reduce the cost.

7. 控制维修、保养的成本;

Control the maintenance /repairing cost

8. 统计分析设备的故障率、使用率等指标,并制定达成目标的行动计划;

Conduct the statistic analysis for the equipment downtime, and efficiency. Define the action plan to meet the target.

Specific Responsibilities:


1. 负责生产部设备、工装、模具及工具的监控与管理,确保设备与人员的安全; Be responsible for equipment /tooling/fixture management. Ensure the safety of equipment and employee.

2. 完善设备、工装、模具及工具的验收、使用、维修保养流程并监督实施; Improve the equipment/tooling/fixture qualification/using/maintenance procedure. 3. 完善备品备件的采购与跟踪机制,并监督执行;

Monitor the spare parts purchasing and management procedure.

4. 负责生产部设备相关文件的管控;

Be responsible for the equipment document management.

5. 负责生产部设备的改进,参与设备、工装等开发;

Be responsible for the equipment improvement & development.

6. 与国外同事,参与设备、备件等的国产化,降低成本;

Work with global team to localize the equipment/spare parts, reduce the cost.

7. 控制维修、保养的成本;

Control the maintenance /repairing cost

8. 统计分析设备的故障率、使用率等指标,并制定达成目标的行动计划; Conduct the statistic analysis for the equipment downtime, and efficiency. Define the action plan to meet the target.

Know-How Requirements:


1. Bachelor degree or above, majored in mechanics or electronics or industry engineering. 本科学历(或以上) ,机械或者电子相关专业或者工业工程

2. Be familiar with repairing tools.


3. More than 3 years experience in equipment maintenance position. 3年以上的设备维护经验

3. Must be familiar with computer operation and have a good command of OA


4. Good communication and interpersonal skills


5. Excellent oral and written English is preferred.



Summary of Job Function:


1. 负责生产部设备、工装、模具及工具的监控与管理,确保设备与人员的安全; Be responsible for equipment /tooling/fixture management. Ensure the safety of equipment and employee.

2. 完善设备、工装、模具及工具的验收、使用、维修保养流程并监督实施; Improve the equipment/tooling/fixture qualification/using/maintenance procedure.

3. 完善备品备件的采购与跟踪机制,并监督执行; Monitor the spare parts purchasing and management procedure.

4. 负责生产部设备相关文件的管控; Be responsible for the equipment document management.

5. 负责生产部设备的改进,参与设备、工装等开发; Be responsible for the equipment improvement & development.

6. 与国外同事,参与设备、备件等的国产化,降低成本;

Work with global team to localize the equipment/spare parts, reduce the cost.

7. 控制维修、保养的成本;

Control the maintenance /repairing cost

8. 统计分析设备的故障率、使用率等指标,并制定达成目标的行动计划;

Conduct the statistic analysis for the equipment downtime, and efficiency. Define the action plan to meet the target.

Specific Responsibilities:


1. 负责生产部设备、工装、模具及工具的监控与管理,确保设备与人员的安全; Be responsible for equipment /tooling/fixture management. Ensure the safety of equipment and employee.

2. 完善设备、工装、模具及工具的验收、使用、维修保养流程并监督实施; Improve the equipment/tooling/fixture qualification/using/maintenance procedure. 3. 完善备品备件的采购与跟踪机制,并监督执行;

Monitor the spare parts purchasing and management procedure.

4. 负责生产部设备相关文件的管控;

Be responsible for the equipment document management.

5. 负责生产部设备的改进,参与设备、工装等开发;

Be responsible for the equipment improvement & development.

6. 与国外同事,参与设备、备件等的国产化,降低成本;

Work with global team to localize the equipment/spare parts, reduce the cost.

7. 控制维修、保养的成本;

Control the maintenance /repairing cost

8. 统计分析设备的故障率、使用率等指标,并制定达成目标的行动计划; Conduct the statistic analysis for the equipment downtime, and efficiency. Define the action plan to meet the target.

Know-How Requirements:


1. Bachelor degree or above, majored in mechanics or electronics or industry engineering. 本科学历(或以上) ,机械或者电子相关专业或者工业工程

2. Be familiar with repairing tools.


3. More than 3 years experience in equipment maintenance position. 3年以上的设备维护经验

3. Must be familiar with computer operation and have a good command of OA


4. Good communication and interpersonal skills


5. Excellent oral and written English is preferred.



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