

英 语






Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension (60marks,60minutes)

Section A(每小题2分)

Format I

Directions:There are 4 passages in this part .Each passage is followed by some questions or

unfinished statements .For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C,and

D.You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.(40 marks)

Passage one

Questions 1 to 5 are besed on the following passage:

A quality education is the ultimate liberator. It can free people form poverty,giveing them the power to greatly improve thier lives and take a productive place in society. It can also free communities and countries, allowing them to leap forward into periods ofg wealth and social unity that otherwisewould not be possible. For this reason,the international community has committed itself to getting all the world's children into primary school by 2015, a commitment known as Education for All.

Can Education for All be achieved by 2015? The answer is definitely “yes”, although it is a difficult task. If we now measure the goal in terms of children success fully completing a minimum of five yeas of primary school, instead of just enrolling for classes, which used to be the measuring stick for education, the challenge will become even more difficult. Only 32 countries were formerly believed to be at risk of not achieving education for all on the basis of enrollment rates. The number rises to 88 if completion rates are used as the standard.Still, the goai is achievable with the rigt policies and the right support form the international community. 59 of the 88 countries at risk can reah universal primary completion by 2015 if they bring the efficiency and quality of their education systems into line with standards observed in higher-perforrming systtems.Theg also need significant increasesin external(外部的)financing and technical support. The 29 countries lagging(落后) farthest behind wll not reach the goal without unprecedented(空前的)rates of progress. But this is attainable with creative solutions, including the use of information technologies,flexible and targeted foreign aid, and fewer people living in poverty.

A key lesson of experience about what makes development effective is that a country'to use aid well depends heavily on its policies,institutions and management.Where a country scores well on these standards, foreign assistance can be highly effective.

1.Ti can be inferred from the passage that a quality education has the function of A. helping a country free from foreign rule

B. makeing people become wealthy

C. giving people more power and freedom

D. speeding up the progress of society

A. to get all the children in the world to go to primary school by 2015

B. to let poor children have the same chances to go to school as rich ones

C. to support thoes countries determined to reform their education systems

D. to help the poor countries improve productivity and achieve unity

3.What used to be the standard of measuring a country ' education?

A. The rate of pupils being admitted by high school.

B. The percentage of children enrolling for classses.

C. The rate of schppl children who successfully passed the required courses.

D. The percentage of children who successfully completed primary school.

4.Which of the following will help achieve the goai of Education for All?

A. Setting up more primary schools in poor regions.

B. Establishing higher-performing education systems.

C. Taking advantage of information technoloies.

D. Significantly increasing the national financing.

A. the government's policies and management

B. the country 's wealth and economy

C. people 's awareness of developing education

D. studets 's performance in school exams

Passage Two

Questiongs 6 to 10 are besed on the following passag:

This thanksgiving ,mang families are closer than they've been in years. An increasing number of extended families across the USA are under the same roof living together These arrangements are multigenerational, with adut children, grandchildren or an elderly parent sharing quarters. The reasons are economic and social.

“This is a pattern that will continue,”predicts Neil Howe, a historian and economist.”High rates of multigenerational family living had been a norm until after World War II,when the emphasis shifted to the nuclear family enabled by construction of interstate highways, the rise of suburbs and the affluence(富裕)of young adults. But by the late 1950s, there was a generration gap and almost generation war ,” Howe says. “There was a time in the 1970s when no one wanted to live together. Seniors were moving to Leisure World to get away from the culture of the kide.Couples were divorcing and youngsters wanted to now, many young adults do return home, at least temporaaily .”

Michele Beatty, 54, of Waynesville Ohio, and her husband, Cordon, 56, had an empty nest between the time the youngest of their three sons went to college and the return of their oldest,

Patrick, who left his jod as a graphic designer.

“They said, 'you can come home to your old room and continue to look for employment, '”says Patrick Beatty,28. “I was stuck there. We were all brought up with the cultural expectation that once you leave the nest, you are not supposed to return.. I feel part of the time like a burden,” he says. “I try to contrbute to the house when Ican. I try to stay out of their way as much as possible. It 's home , but not the home I'd be building for myself if I had my way .”

A survey of 2 , 226 adults, done by Narris Interactive for the non-porfit Generations United, found that of those in a multigenerational home , 40%reported that jod loss , changes in jod status or unemployment was a reason for the living arrangement.

6.Which of the following arrangements ia multigenerational in the USA ?

A. Nuclear families . B. Extended families.

C. Single parent families. D. Families of seniors.

A. between 1950s and 1970s B .before World War II

C. ever since 1950s D. until late 1970s

A. interstate highwaya make going home easier

B. relatives tend to live close by in the suburbs

C. more people return home for holidays

D. family members now live together

9.What do the underlined words “strike out on their own” in Paragraph 2 most probablymean?

A. Develop a new relationahip with their employers.

B. Get away from the culture of the kide.

C. Start to live an independent life.

D. Build their own houses

10.How does Patrick Beatty feel about living with his parents?

A. Excited B. Helpess C. Regretful D. Satisfied

Passage Three

Questions11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

Researchers at the University of Maryland's School of Nursing found that 55 percent of the 2, 103 female nurses they surveyed were odese(肥胖的), citing job stress and the effect on sleep of long , irregular work hours as the cause.

The study, which measured obesity using estimates of body mass index(体质指数), found that nursing schedules affected not only the health of the nures but the quality of care .

“Health care professionals are often involved in provding advice or care to patients that relates to things that aren't totally under control in their own lives. It's not uniform for health care professionals to eat well or avoid tobacco,” said Dr. David Katz, the director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center.

Keith-Thomas Ayoob , associate professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine , said “Before we were health professionals , we were real people. Just because we became health professionals doesn't mean we stopped being members of regular society with allthe problems that

go along with it . It illustrates that knowledge alone isn's always enough to produce behaiioral changes,” said Ayoob.

The same is true with smoking ,Ayoob said.

“We all konw smoking is bad . It doesn'matter if you're a doctor ora nurse or a plumber. You might assume that your interest in health would be higher if you were a health professional, but a lot of doctors and nures smoke,” said Ayoob.

“Nurses need to understand the importance of taking care of themselves before patients or their families,”Ayoob said.

To combat the high obesity rate among nurses, Kihye Han , the author of the study , proposed more education on good sleep habits, and better strategies for adapting word schedules. She also called for napping at work to relive sleep deprivation(睡眠不足),reduce fatigue and increase engery.

11. One of the causes of the high obesity rate among nurses is A. heavy smoking B. nursing schedules

C. less education D. unhealthy food

12.By saying “It's not uniform for health care professionals to eat well or avoid tobacco”,Dr.David A. health care professionals eat well

B. doctors and nurses usually dont's moke

C. health care professionals wear different uniforms

D. doctors and nueses dont's necessarily have healthy uniforms

13.The underlined words “susceptible to”A. easily influenced by B. closely connected with

C. highly sensitive to D. very doubtfull about

A. nurese need more professional training

B. Nurese need some help to control weight

C. doctors don't have obesity problems

D. doctors aften give useless advice

15.What might be helpfui to solve the problem of high obesity among nures?

A. More sleep B. Tighter schedule

C. Higher income D. More exercise

Passage Four

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

A new study shows an astonishing number of people are using their cellphones on the john(盥洗室)。Form web brows an texting to conference calls and online shopping ,it seems this technology-driven no time for bathroom breaks.

11 mark , an integrated marketing agency, surveyed 1 ,000 American mobile users in October. Seventy-five percent of them admitted they used their phones while on the toilet-leaving no mystery as to what happens behind closed stalls.

And this doesn 't just account for the technology-addicted youth. Forty-seven percent of mobile users from the Silent Generation (born 1946 or berof ), 65 percent of Baby

Boomers(1946-1964) and 80 percent of Gen X-ers(1965-1976) use their cell phones in the bathroom.

But expected , Generation Y has the highest percentage of multitaskers ,using their phones and the john at the same time.

Did the same percentage of Gen Y wash their hands afterward? Ninety-two percent of those surveyed reported they washed their hands after using the restroom (perhaps all those “You must wash your hands befor reurning to work”But unfortunately the same cannot be said for mobile devices--only 14 percent wash their phones after using the bathroom .Maybe this calls for a new-age health intiative , requiring public restaurants to change their signs to “You must wash your hands---and your phone—before retuning to work.”

And for many , toilet talking and texting was not a just one-time thing , used only in the most dire(急迫的)circumstancesTwenty-fourpercent of mobile users reported they actually don 't go to the bathroom without tjeir phones.

In a word where you can 't even have a moment of solitude(独处)on the toilet, one is forced to wonder, isn ' t anying sacered anymore?

A. a survey on how people use their mobile phones

B. the different ages and percentages of mobile users

C. whether people wash their hands and phones after using the bathroom

D. how technology-driven world influences bathroom breaks

A. funny B. enjoyable C. ridiculous D. mysterious

18.It can be in forerred from the passage that A. the older people are more addicted to technoligy

B. the younger people are better multitaskers

C. techonlogy has the same influence on different people

D. techonlogy has a destructuve power

19.The underlined words “pay off”A. deserve nothing B. cost much C. influence people D. go unnoticed

20.What is the tone of this passage?

A. ironic B. humorous C. optimistic D. doubtful

Format Ⅱ

Directions:In the following passage ,some sentences have been removed.For questions

21-25,choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the

numbered blanks.There are two extra choices,which do not fit into any of the

gaps.Mark your answers on Answer Sheet.(10 marks)

This year the world’ They forecast dramatic changes unless significant steps are taken to control population growth. Here are some challenges a population of 7 billion must confront.

Water is probably going to be the first real threat that we bump into. Acceess to fresh water becomes incredibly difficult. We’re seeing the impacts of overuse of water resources and that sort

What we’re putting into the atmosphere is going to lead to changes that haven’t been seen in millions of years. As the whole world warms up, a lot of places become very unpleasant to live We have to find less polluting sources of energy and be much more careful in the way that we make use of the remaining non-renewable fuels we’ve got. If we continue to tap the resources to meet the immediate economic demands,the supplies will run out in time. We still can’t imagine that one day we have to run the world from renewable energy resources.

We’ve got some major health problems with the medical services to actually attack the diseases of old age. But the real problem is that the world population is growing fastest in the developing countries. How can we cope with a double of the population when they’re already dirt 前景暗淡)as the experts suggest, or do we have a brighter future?

A. Challenges range from water shortages to rising sea levels.

B. Experts have painted a depressing future for life on Earth.

C. All countries in the world will face the challenge of population ageing.

D. Agriculture, a main consumer of water, may have to change its whole structure.

E. If we hang on to them for a little bit, they’ 11 get more and more valuable in the future. F. The challenge of meeting the food needs of its ever-growing population is enormous. G. There will be much hotter temperatures, summer-time heat stress and rising sea levels.

Section B (每小题1分)

Directions :In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word

for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.

Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Please blacken the

corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet. You may not use any of the

words in the bank more than once. (10 marks)

A good deal of fascinating research has been done about the reading patterns of young people,and it is surprising to discover at what an early age children start expressing preferences for particular kind of books. A recent report,in detail the reading habits of primary-school read. Girls, in general, read more, and more girls than boys preferred reading stories.Boys These tastes continue until the children are teenagers. Apparently girs read more in general,but more fiction in particular. You could say that there are more for girls to read probably moved on to the adult women’s magazines. Teenage boys buy magazines about their hobbies: motorcycles, heavy transport and so on.

higher than the number of men. It seems that the majority of women still want love stories. There has also been some analysis of what men actually read. Apparently only 38 per cent of men read anything, but 50 per cent of what they read is fiction in the form of action-packed stories of space or gunmen.

Part II Integrated Testing (30 marks, 30minutes)

Section A Cloze (每小题 1 分)

Directions :There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices

marked A, B,C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

Then blacken the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet. (20 marks)

It’ “Sorry,what did you say?”

And it’s wonder. Five minutes inside the restaurant is eating in a factory and dining at a live rock concert—a noise level that can cause permanent harm less than ten minutes.

“OK, yes, it’s noisy,” says a waitress, who has to lean in close to hear us ask 43 she can work in this noisy place eight hours each day, “ but I’’t even notice it any more.”

From restaurants to public transport,shopping malls to schoolyards,we all live, work and play 一and some ’hearing.

36. A.speech B.scream C.noise D. talk

37. A.that B. it C.those D them

38. doubtful B. regular C.exceptional D. n>mmon

39. A. no B. any C. a D.so

40. A.as B. like C. beyond D.between

41. A.already B. always C.at once D. at times

42. A.on B. for C. in D. from

43. A. how B. that C. whether D. who

44. A.related B. alert C. used D.prone

45. A.replaced B. reserved C.modified D. surrounded

46. A. Thus B. And C.But D. Otherwise

47. A. prepared B. touched C. concerned D.obliged

48. A. all B.altogether C.at least D. as well

49. A.level B.suspicion C.point D. alarm

50. A. obtain B. measure C.discover D. control

51. A. Where B. When C. What D.Which

52. A. expected B.safe C.required D.proper

53. A. further B. little C.other D. another

54. A. If B. Until C. Though D. Unless

55. A. hardly B. simply C. carefully D. unconsciously




Section B Short Answer Questions(每小题 2 分)

Directions : In this part there is a short passage followed by five questions or incomplete

statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the

statements with no more than 10 words. Please write your answers on Answer

Sheet. (10 marks )

Lifestyle is the way a person lives;it includes work , leisure time, hobbies, other interests, and personal philosophy. One person’s lifestyle may be dominated by work with few social activities. Another’s may involve hobbies, recreational activities or personal philosophy.

There is little doubt that lifestyles are changing and that these changes will have an impact on the way business operates in the years ahead. Several cases are causing lifestyle changes in some developed countries.

First, there is more leisure time than ever before. The workweek is now less than forty hours, as compared with seventy hours a century ago. Some experts believe it will be twenty-five hours or less in a few decades. Several firms have adopted four-dav workweeks with more hours per day.Others have cur down on the number of working hours each week. Reduced work schedules mean increased leisure time.

Second, families have fewer children than before—and young couples are postponing childbirth instend of having children early in the marriage.This trend has forced many businesses to modify their competitive strategies.Gerber Products Company used to advertise “babies are our business一our only business”.Now Gerber products include infant and toddler clothing, stuffed animals and accessories such as bottles, baby powder and so on..

Third, people are better educated and more prosperous now than they were earlier. These advantages brine with them the freedom to question current lifestyles and examine new ones.Inquiries of this nature have sometimes led to personal lifestyle changes. Today’s youth, for example ,are not only better educated but more independent and individualistic (我行我素的) than past generations.

The business world is only beginning to realize how people’s lifestyles can influence their behavior as employees, consumers and members of society.

56. How many hours did people work a century ago according to the passage?

57. Why have some businesses dealing with baby items changed their promotion strategies?

58. Why are the people in some developed countries more critical about their lifestyles?

59. What does the writer say about today’s young people?

60. Why is it important for the business world to realize the changes in people’s lifestyles?

Part III Translation (30 marks, 30 minutes)(每小题3 分)

Section A From chinese to English

Directions : Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the

brackets. Please write your translation on Answer Sheet. (15 marks)

61. 网络完全替代报纸 是不可能的).

(过去认为不可能的事)has now become a reality.


64.1 can’t afford to rent a house like that, 更不用说买了).


Section B Front English to Chinese

Directions: translate into English the underlined sentences in the following passage. Write your

translation on Answer Sheet. (15 marks)

Have you ever been bitten? Of course you have. You are surrounded by creatures that might, or do, bite. Even as you rest your head on your pillow, bedbugs are probably nibbling (啃) away at you.They live happily inside most pillows.

Take a walk outside and you are a target for “man’s best friend. ” bites are terrible. A vicious attack on a young There, you run the risk of bites from rattlesnakes,scorpions,and blood-sucking ticks.Not to mention bears, wolves, and mountain lions. Even as they are becoming a threatened species,mountain lions are a growing threat in southern California as man continues to reduce their hunting areas by building housing tract after housing tract。 black widow spider and the brown recluse spider make themselves comfortable in quiet areas of your closets or garage. One bite from either of them can make you very sick;occasionally, people ones. They squash them or run from them at first sight,not realizing that most spiders are actually beneficial to man.

If you’re concerned about bites, don’t forget about rabid animal bites. Any warm-blooded animal can get infected with rabies (狂犬病).Although humans in the US rarely get attacked by rabid animals,the disease is painful and dangerous.

Part IV Writing (30 marks, 30 minutes)

Directions : For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic

Traditional Schools or Online Schools. You should write about 120 words

following the Chinese outline given below.





英 语






Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension (60marks,60minutes)

Section A(每小题2分)

Format I

Directions:There are 4 passages in this part .Each passage is followed by some questions or

unfinished statements .For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C,and

D.You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.(40 marks)

Passage one

Questions 1 to 5 are besed on the following passage:

A quality education is the ultimate liberator. It can free people form poverty,giveing them the power to greatly improve thier lives and take a productive place in society. It can also free communities and countries, allowing them to leap forward into periods ofg wealth and social unity that otherwisewould not be possible. For this reason,the international community has committed itself to getting all the world's children into primary school by 2015, a commitment known as Education for All.

Can Education for All be achieved by 2015? The answer is definitely “yes”, although it is a difficult task. If we now measure the goal in terms of children success fully completing a minimum of five yeas of primary school, instead of just enrolling for classes, which used to be the measuring stick for education, the challenge will become even more difficult. Only 32 countries were formerly believed to be at risk of not achieving education for all on the basis of enrollment rates. The number rises to 88 if completion rates are used as the standard.Still, the goai is achievable with the rigt policies and the right support form the international community. 59 of the 88 countries at risk can reah universal primary completion by 2015 if they bring the efficiency and quality of their education systems into line with standards observed in higher-perforrming systtems.Theg also need significant increasesin external(外部的)financing and technical support. The 29 countries lagging(落后) farthest behind wll not reach the goal without unprecedented(空前的)rates of progress. But this is attainable with creative solutions, including the use of information technologies,flexible and targeted foreign aid, and fewer people living in poverty.

A key lesson of experience about what makes development effective is that a country'to use aid well depends heavily on its policies,institutions and management.Where a country scores well on these standards, foreign assistance can be highly effective.

1.Ti can be inferred from the passage that a quality education has the function of A. helping a country free from foreign rule

B. makeing people become wealthy

C. giving people more power and freedom

D. speeding up the progress of society

A. to get all the children in the world to go to primary school by 2015

B. to let poor children have the same chances to go to school as rich ones

C. to support thoes countries determined to reform their education systems

D. to help the poor countries improve productivity and achieve unity

3.What used to be the standard of measuring a country ' education?

A. The rate of pupils being admitted by high school.

B. The percentage of children enrolling for classses.

C. The rate of schppl children who successfully passed the required courses.

D. The percentage of children who successfully completed primary school.

4.Which of the following will help achieve the goai of Education for All?

A. Setting up more primary schools in poor regions.

B. Establishing higher-performing education systems.

C. Taking advantage of information technoloies.

D. Significantly increasing the national financing.

A. the government's policies and management

B. the country 's wealth and economy

C. people 's awareness of developing education

D. studets 's performance in school exams

Passage Two

Questiongs 6 to 10 are besed on the following passag:

This thanksgiving ,mang families are closer than they've been in years. An increasing number of extended families across the USA are under the same roof living together These arrangements are multigenerational, with adut children, grandchildren or an elderly parent sharing quarters. The reasons are economic and social.

“This is a pattern that will continue,”predicts Neil Howe, a historian and economist.”High rates of multigenerational family living had been a norm until after World War II,when the emphasis shifted to the nuclear family enabled by construction of interstate highways, the rise of suburbs and the affluence(富裕)of young adults. But by the late 1950s, there was a generration gap and almost generation war ,” Howe says. “There was a time in the 1970s when no one wanted to live together. Seniors were moving to Leisure World to get away from the culture of the kide.Couples were divorcing and youngsters wanted to now, many young adults do return home, at least temporaaily .”

Michele Beatty, 54, of Waynesville Ohio, and her husband, Cordon, 56, had an empty nest between the time the youngest of their three sons went to college and the return of their oldest,

Patrick, who left his jod as a graphic designer.

“They said, 'you can come home to your old room and continue to look for employment, '”says Patrick Beatty,28. “I was stuck there. We were all brought up with the cultural expectation that once you leave the nest, you are not supposed to return.. I feel part of the time like a burden,” he says. “I try to contrbute to the house when Ican. I try to stay out of their way as much as possible. It 's home , but not the home I'd be building for myself if I had my way .”

A survey of 2 , 226 adults, done by Narris Interactive for the non-porfit Generations United, found that of those in a multigenerational home , 40%reported that jod loss , changes in jod status or unemployment was a reason for the living arrangement.

6.Which of the following arrangements ia multigenerational in the USA ?

A. Nuclear families . B. Extended families.

C. Single parent families. D. Families of seniors.

A. between 1950s and 1970s B .before World War II

C. ever since 1950s D. until late 1970s

A. interstate highwaya make going home easier

B. relatives tend to live close by in the suburbs

C. more people return home for holidays

D. family members now live together

9.What do the underlined words “strike out on their own” in Paragraph 2 most probablymean?

A. Develop a new relationahip with their employers.

B. Get away from the culture of the kide.

C. Start to live an independent life.

D. Build their own houses

10.How does Patrick Beatty feel about living with his parents?

A. Excited B. Helpess C. Regretful D. Satisfied

Passage Three

Questions11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

Researchers at the University of Maryland's School of Nursing found that 55 percent of the 2, 103 female nurses they surveyed were odese(肥胖的), citing job stress and the effect on sleep of long , irregular work hours as the cause.

The study, which measured obesity using estimates of body mass index(体质指数), found that nursing schedules affected not only the health of the nures but the quality of care .

“Health care professionals are often involved in provding advice or care to patients that relates to things that aren't totally under control in their own lives. It's not uniform for health care professionals to eat well or avoid tobacco,” said Dr. David Katz, the director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center.

Keith-Thomas Ayoob , associate professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine , said “Before we were health professionals , we were real people. Just because we became health professionals doesn't mean we stopped being members of regular society with allthe problems that

go along with it . It illustrates that knowledge alone isn's always enough to produce behaiioral changes,” said Ayoob.

The same is true with smoking ,Ayoob said.

“We all konw smoking is bad . It doesn'matter if you're a doctor ora nurse or a plumber. You might assume that your interest in health would be higher if you were a health professional, but a lot of doctors and nures smoke,” said Ayoob.

“Nurses need to understand the importance of taking care of themselves before patients or their families,”Ayoob said.

To combat the high obesity rate among nurses, Kihye Han , the author of the study , proposed more education on good sleep habits, and better strategies for adapting word schedules. She also called for napping at work to relive sleep deprivation(睡眠不足),reduce fatigue and increase engery.

11. One of the causes of the high obesity rate among nurses is A. heavy smoking B. nursing schedules

C. less education D. unhealthy food

12.By saying “It's not uniform for health care professionals to eat well or avoid tobacco”,Dr.David A. health care professionals eat well

B. doctors and nurses usually dont's moke

C. health care professionals wear different uniforms

D. doctors and nueses dont's necessarily have healthy uniforms

13.The underlined words “susceptible to”A. easily influenced by B. closely connected with

C. highly sensitive to D. very doubtfull about

A. nurese need more professional training

B. Nurese need some help to control weight

C. doctors don't have obesity problems

D. doctors aften give useless advice

15.What might be helpfui to solve the problem of high obesity among nures?

A. More sleep B. Tighter schedule

C. Higher income D. More exercise

Passage Four

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

A new study shows an astonishing number of people are using their cellphones on the john(盥洗室)。Form web brows an texting to conference calls and online shopping ,it seems this technology-driven no time for bathroom breaks.

11 mark , an integrated marketing agency, surveyed 1 ,000 American mobile users in October. Seventy-five percent of them admitted they used their phones while on the toilet-leaving no mystery as to what happens behind closed stalls.

And this doesn 't just account for the technology-addicted youth. Forty-seven percent of mobile users from the Silent Generation (born 1946 or berof ), 65 percent of Baby

Boomers(1946-1964) and 80 percent of Gen X-ers(1965-1976) use their cell phones in the bathroom.

But expected , Generation Y has the highest percentage of multitaskers ,using their phones and the john at the same time.

Did the same percentage of Gen Y wash their hands afterward? Ninety-two percent of those surveyed reported they washed their hands after using the restroom (perhaps all those “You must wash your hands befor reurning to work”But unfortunately the same cannot be said for mobile devices--only 14 percent wash their phones after using the bathroom .Maybe this calls for a new-age health intiative , requiring public restaurants to change their signs to “You must wash your hands---and your phone—before retuning to work.”

And for many , toilet talking and texting was not a just one-time thing , used only in the most dire(急迫的)circumstancesTwenty-fourpercent of mobile users reported they actually don 't go to the bathroom without tjeir phones.

In a word where you can 't even have a moment of solitude(独处)on the toilet, one is forced to wonder, isn ' t anying sacered anymore?

A. a survey on how people use their mobile phones

B. the different ages and percentages of mobile users

C. whether people wash their hands and phones after using the bathroom

D. how technology-driven world influences bathroom breaks

A. funny B. enjoyable C. ridiculous D. mysterious

18.It can be in forerred from the passage that A. the older people are more addicted to technoligy

B. the younger people are better multitaskers

C. techonlogy has the same influence on different people

D. techonlogy has a destructuve power

19.The underlined words “pay off”A. deserve nothing B. cost much C. influence people D. go unnoticed

20.What is the tone of this passage?

A. ironic B. humorous C. optimistic D. doubtful

Format Ⅱ

Directions:In the following passage ,some sentences have been removed.For questions

21-25,choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the

numbered blanks.There are two extra choices,which do not fit into any of the

gaps.Mark your answers on Answer Sheet.(10 marks)

This year the world’ They forecast dramatic changes unless significant steps are taken to control population growth. Here are some challenges a population of 7 billion must confront.

Water is probably going to be the first real threat that we bump into. Acceess to fresh water becomes incredibly difficult. We’re seeing the impacts of overuse of water resources and that sort

What we’re putting into the atmosphere is going to lead to changes that haven’t been seen in millions of years. As the whole world warms up, a lot of places become very unpleasant to live We have to find less polluting sources of energy and be much more careful in the way that we make use of the remaining non-renewable fuels we’ve got. If we continue to tap the resources to meet the immediate economic demands,the supplies will run out in time. We still can’t imagine that one day we have to run the world from renewable energy resources.

We’ve got some major health problems with the medical services to actually attack the diseases of old age. But the real problem is that the world population is growing fastest in the developing countries. How can we cope with a double of the population when they’re already dirt 前景暗淡)as the experts suggest, or do we have a brighter future?

A. Challenges range from water shortages to rising sea levels.

B. Experts have painted a depressing future for life on Earth.

C. All countries in the world will face the challenge of population ageing.

D. Agriculture, a main consumer of water, may have to change its whole structure.

E. If we hang on to them for a little bit, they’ 11 get more and more valuable in the future. F. The challenge of meeting the food needs of its ever-growing population is enormous. G. There will be much hotter temperatures, summer-time heat stress and rising sea levels.

Section B (每小题1分)

Directions :In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word

for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.

Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Please blacken the

corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet. You may not use any of the

words in the bank more than once. (10 marks)

A good deal of fascinating research has been done about the reading patterns of young people,and it is surprising to discover at what an early age children start expressing preferences for particular kind of books. A recent report,in detail the reading habits of primary-school read. Girls, in general, read more, and more girls than boys preferred reading stories.Boys These tastes continue until the children are teenagers. Apparently girs read more in general,but more fiction in particular. You could say that there are more for girls to read probably moved on to the adult women’s magazines. Teenage boys buy magazines about their hobbies: motorcycles, heavy transport and so on.

higher than the number of men. It seems that the majority of women still want love stories. There has also been some analysis of what men actually read. Apparently only 38 per cent of men read anything, but 50 per cent of what they read is fiction in the form of action-packed stories of space or gunmen.

Part II Integrated Testing (30 marks, 30minutes)

Section A Cloze (每小题 1 分)

Directions :There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices

marked A, B,C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

Then blacken the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet. (20 marks)

It’ “Sorry,what did you say?”

And it’s wonder. Five minutes inside the restaurant is eating in a factory and dining at a live rock concert—a noise level that can cause permanent harm less than ten minutes.

“OK, yes, it’s noisy,” says a waitress, who has to lean in close to hear us ask 43 she can work in this noisy place eight hours each day, “ but I’’t even notice it any more.”

From restaurants to public transport,shopping malls to schoolyards,we all live, work and play 一and some ’hearing.

36. A.speech B.scream C.noise D. talk

37. A.that B. it C.those D them

38. doubtful B. regular C.exceptional D. n>mmon

39. A. no B. any C. a D.so

40. A.as B. like C. beyond D.between

41. A.already B. always C.at once D. at times

42. A.on B. for C. in D. from

43. A. how B. that C. whether D. who

44. A.related B. alert C. used D.prone

45. A.replaced B. reserved C.modified D. surrounded

46. A. Thus B. And C.But D. Otherwise

47. A. prepared B. touched C. concerned D.obliged

48. A. all B.altogether C.at least D. as well

49. A.level B.suspicion C.point D. alarm

50. A. obtain B. measure C.discover D. control

51. A. Where B. When C. What D.Which

52. A. expected B.safe C.required D.proper

53. A. further B. little C.other D. another

54. A. If B. Until C. Though D. Unless

55. A. hardly B. simply C. carefully D. unconsciously




Section B Short Answer Questions(每小题 2 分)

Directions : In this part there is a short passage followed by five questions or incomplete

statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the

statements with no more than 10 words. Please write your answers on Answer

Sheet. (10 marks )

Lifestyle is the way a person lives;it includes work , leisure time, hobbies, other interests, and personal philosophy. One person’s lifestyle may be dominated by work with few social activities. Another’s may involve hobbies, recreational activities or personal philosophy.

There is little doubt that lifestyles are changing and that these changes will have an impact on the way business operates in the years ahead. Several cases are causing lifestyle changes in some developed countries.

First, there is more leisure time than ever before. The workweek is now less than forty hours, as compared with seventy hours a century ago. Some experts believe it will be twenty-five hours or less in a few decades. Several firms have adopted four-dav workweeks with more hours per day.Others have cur down on the number of working hours each week. Reduced work schedules mean increased leisure time.

Second, families have fewer children than before—and young couples are postponing childbirth instend of having children early in the marriage.This trend has forced many businesses to modify their competitive strategies.Gerber Products Company used to advertise “babies are our business一our only business”.Now Gerber products include infant and toddler clothing, stuffed animals and accessories such as bottles, baby powder and so on..

Third, people are better educated and more prosperous now than they were earlier. These advantages brine with them the freedom to question current lifestyles and examine new ones.Inquiries of this nature have sometimes led to personal lifestyle changes. Today’s youth, for example ,are not only better educated but more independent and individualistic (我行我素的) than past generations.

The business world is only beginning to realize how people’s lifestyles can influence their behavior as employees, consumers and members of society.

56. How many hours did people work a century ago according to the passage?

57. Why have some businesses dealing with baby items changed their promotion strategies?

58. Why are the people in some developed countries more critical about their lifestyles?

59. What does the writer say about today’s young people?

60. Why is it important for the business world to realize the changes in people’s lifestyles?

Part III Translation (30 marks, 30 minutes)(每小题3 分)

Section A From chinese to English

Directions : Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the

brackets. Please write your translation on Answer Sheet. (15 marks)

61. 网络完全替代报纸 是不可能的).

(过去认为不可能的事)has now become a reality.


64.1 can’t afford to rent a house like that, 更不用说买了).


Section B Front English to Chinese

Directions: translate into English the underlined sentences in the following passage. Write your

translation on Answer Sheet. (15 marks)

Have you ever been bitten? Of course you have. You are surrounded by creatures that might, or do, bite. Even as you rest your head on your pillow, bedbugs are probably nibbling (啃) away at you.They live happily inside most pillows.

Take a walk outside and you are a target for “man’s best friend. ” bites are terrible. A vicious attack on a young There, you run the risk of bites from rattlesnakes,scorpions,and blood-sucking ticks.Not to mention bears, wolves, and mountain lions. Even as they are becoming a threatened species,mountain lions are a growing threat in southern California as man continues to reduce their hunting areas by building housing tract after housing tract。 black widow spider and the brown recluse spider make themselves comfortable in quiet areas of your closets or garage. One bite from either of them can make you very sick;occasionally, people ones. They squash them or run from them at first sight,not realizing that most spiders are actually beneficial to man.

If you’re concerned about bites, don’t forget about rabid animal bites. Any warm-blooded animal can get infected with rabies (狂犬病).Although humans in the US rarely get attacked by rabid animals,the disease is painful and dangerous.

Part IV Writing (30 marks, 30 minutes)

Directions : For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic

Traditional Schools or Online Schools. You should write about 120 words

following the Chinese outline given below.





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