
《高级口译教程》(第四版)核心词汇(宣传介绍) 我愿向各位介绍我公司的市场营销策略和未来五年的发展战略。

I would like to say something about my company’s marketstrategies and development strategies for the next five years.


We provide our customers with services of foreign currencyexchange, customs declaration, shipping and insurance.


Our company adheres to its policy of flexible and varied business operations. Our products enjoythe best price versus performance ratio and therefore, have a stable consumer group.


Our company is a cross-regional, cross-trade and cross-ownership (group) corporation whichintegrates scientific research, manufacturing and trading efforts.


All our courses are customized to meet the specific training needs of each individual customer andto ensure that our clients derive maximum benefits from the training program.


The world-famous Tsingtao Beer features a clear and cool spring water with a richly satisfyingaroma and a refreshing and pleasant taste.


Hangzhou’s Longjing Tea, the best of China’s green tea, requires the water from the Tiger Springto bring out its fragrance and delicacy.

有着1800年历史的“苏绣”,中外驰名,其中双面绣因其所绣图案两面可看,倍受青睐。 With a tradition dating back 1800 years, Suzhou embroidery enjoys its fame across the world,among which those products with two-sided patterns are the most popular among buyers.


Beijing’s China Century Platform features the Holy Fire Terrace, the gentle waterfalls and bronzesculptures, respectively symbolizing the eternal Chinese nation, the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, andChina’s 5,000-year history.


The castle, the very best in Europe, has a long history dating back to the ancient Roman times.


Huanlian, the painted face also known as jing, is one of the five major roles in China’s theatricalperforming tradition, namely, sheng (the role of a male), dan (the role of a female actor), jing (theactor with a painted face), mo (the role of an old-aged male actor) and chou (the role of a clown).


Bronze ware, including wine vessels, food vessels, musical instruments, water vessels and weapons,is a fine treasure of the Chinese cultural heritage highly respected in the world.


These works of art are both elegant with classic simplicity and novel with stylish appeal, a fineexample of combining the traditional culture with the world’s fads and fashion.


This company specializes in copies and imitations of ancient Chinese calligraphy and paintings ofmuseum collection. With the specialized traditional restoration techniques, we enjoy an establishedfame both at home and abroad.


This advertisement department has a team of qualified, professional ads designers with balancedand integrated expertise and skills, an acute sense of market competition and strong capabilities inpractical business operation.


The natural caffeine manufactured by this company is an ideal food, drink, tobacco and drugadditive and medical ingredient refined from tea; it owes mostly to the world’s latest patentedtechnology and equipment.


The China International Publishing Group is the largest foreign language publishing, printing anddistribution establishment in China.


China Daily is the first and only national English language newspaper group since the founding ofthe People’s Republic of China in 1949. With a circulation in more than 150 countries and regions,China Daily is an important source of information on the politics, economy, law military affairs,culture, sports, education and social life of China. As the country’s most frequently quoted Englishnewspaper by various communications media both at home and abroad, China Daily is also widelyrecognized as one of China’s most authoritative English publications.


Ever since its official launch, the 21st Century English Language Teaching Website has become apopular website among 21st Century readers and English learners across China. The websiteenjoys 200,000 visits every day, peaking at 600,000 a day. The website provides the users withaccess to the electronic version of 21st Century, audio clips of selected articles in the papers, andactivities including interactive columns and surveys. Special platforms are set up for Englishteachers and student reporters respectively. Teachers can share their teaching methods andteaching plans, while students can apply to become student reporters and receive online training.


The successful bid for the World Expo/Olympic Games showed China’s comprehensive nationalstrength, improved international status and increasing international influence.

Expo 是世界博览会的缩写。世博会由主办国、主办政府或指定机构操办,历史悠久,影响重大,享有“世界经济、文化、科学技术的奥林匹克”之美誉。

Expo, the abbreviation of “International Exposition”, is recognized as a long standing event with anotable impact. It is sponsored by the host country or host government or their designatedagencies, also known as the Olympics of world economy, culture, science and technology.


Initially, the Expo mainly displayed artistic works and traditional handicrafts. It was graduallytransformed into an exposition to display scientific advances and industrial technologies and atsame time, became an event to foster industrial talents and provide relevant elementary educationfor local residents.

《高级口译教程》(第四版)核心词汇(宣传介绍) 我愿向各位介绍我公司的市场营销策略和未来五年的发展战略。

I would like to say something about my company’s marketstrategies and development strategies for the next five years.


We provide our customers with services of foreign currencyexchange, customs declaration, shipping and insurance.


Our company adheres to its policy of flexible and varied business operations. Our products enjoythe best price versus performance ratio and therefore, have a stable consumer group.


Our company is a cross-regional, cross-trade and cross-ownership (group) corporation whichintegrates scientific research, manufacturing and trading efforts.


All our courses are customized to meet the specific training needs of each individual customer andto ensure that our clients derive maximum benefits from the training program.


The world-famous Tsingtao Beer features a clear and cool spring water with a richly satisfyingaroma and a refreshing and pleasant taste.


Hangzhou’s Longjing Tea, the best of China’s green tea, requires the water from the Tiger Springto bring out its fragrance and delicacy.

有着1800年历史的“苏绣”,中外驰名,其中双面绣因其所绣图案两面可看,倍受青睐。 With a tradition dating back 1800 years, Suzhou embroidery enjoys its fame across the world,among which those products with two-sided patterns are the most popular among buyers.


Beijing’s China Century Platform features the Holy Fire Terrace, the gentle waterfalls and bronzesculptures, respectively symbolizing the eternal Chinese nation, the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, andChina’s 5,000-year history.


The castle, the very best in Europe, has a long history dating back to the ancient Roman times.


Huanlian, the painted face also known as jing, is one of the five major roles in China’s theatricalperforming tradition, namely, sheng (the role of a male), dan (the role of a female actor), jing (theactor with a painted face), mo (the role of an old-aged male actor) and chou (the role of a clown).


Bronze ware, including wine vessels, food vessels, musical instruments, water vessels and weapons,is a fine treasure of the Chinese cultural heritage highly respected in the world.


These works of art are both elegant with classic simplicity and novel with stylish appeal, a fineexample of combining the traditional culture with the world’s fads and fashion.


This company specializes in copies and imitations of ancient Chinese calligraphy and paintings ofmuseum collection. With the specialized traditional restoration techniques, we enjoy an establishedfame both at home and abroad.


This advertisement department has a team of qualified, professional ads designers with balancedand integrated expertise and skills, an acute sense of market competition and strong capabilities inpractical business operation.


The natural caffeine manufactured by this company is an ideal food, drink, tobacco and drugadditive and medical ingredient refined from tea; it owes mostly to the world’s latest patentedtechnology and equipment.


The China International Publishing Group is the largest foreign language publishing, printing anddistribution establishment in China.


China Daily is the first and only national English language newspaper group since the founding ofthe People’s Republic of China in 1949. With a circulation in more than 150 countries and regions,China Daily is an important source of information on the politics, economy, law military affairs,culture, sports, education and social life of China. As the country’s most frequently quoted Englishnewspaper by various communications media both at home and abroad, China Daily is also widelyrecognized as one of China’s most authoritative English publications.


Ever since its official launch, the 21st Century English Language Teaching Website has become apopular website among 21st Century readers and English learners across China. The websiteenjoys 200,000 visits every day, peaking at 600,000 a day. The website provides the users withaccess to the electronic version of 21st Century, audio clips of selected articles in the papers, andactivities including interactive columns and surveys. Special platforms are set up for Englishteachers and student reporters respectively. Teachers can share their teaching methods andteaching plans, while students can apply to become student reporters and receive online training.


The successful bid for the World Expo/Olympic Games showed China’s comprehensive nationalstrength, improved international status and increasing international influence.

Expo 是世界博览会的缩写。世博会由主办国、主办政府或指定机构操办,历史悠久,影响重大,享有“世界经济、文化、科学技术的奥林匹克”之美誉。

Expo, the abbreviation of “International Exposition”, is recognized as a long standing event with anotable impact. It is sponsored by the host country or host government or their designatedagencies, also known as the Olympics of world economy, culture, science and technology.


Initially, the Expo mainly displayed artistic works and traditional handicrafts. It was graduallytransformed into an exposition to display scientific advances and industrial technologies and atsame time, became an event to foster industrial talents and provide relevant elementary educationfor local residents.


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