
新人教版八年级下unit 3必背词组及句子


1. Could you please do…? (礼貌请求)你可以做……吗?

2. Could I please do…? (征求意见)我可以做……吗?

3. do the dishes=wash the dishes 洗碗碟

4. take out the rubbish把垃圾带出去

5. fold your clothes折衣服

6. sweep the floor扫地

7. make your bed整理床铺

8. clean the living room打扫起居室

9. do some washing/ shopping/ cleaning洗衣服/ 购物/ 做清洁

10. go out for dinner出去吃晚饭

11. go to the movies去看电影

12. stay out late/ until nine呆到很晚/ 呆到9点钟

13. get a ride撘车

14. give me a ride to town开车送我到镇上

15. need to do something需要做……

16. have to do something不得不做……

17. help out with a few things帮助做些事情

18. at least 至少

19. finish doing something完成做……

20. be/ come back from shopping购物回来

21. any minute/ second/ moment now随时

22. pretty clean and tidy相当干净而整洁

23. be angry with…对……生气

24. solve the problem解决问题

25. throw down my bag扔下我的书包

26. the minute/ as soon as / the moment I sat down我一坐下就

27. take the dog for a walk= walk dog溜狗

28. replied angrily生气地回答

29. all the time一直

30. never help out around the house从没帮助做家务

31. work all day工作一整天

32. do housework all evening整晚做家务

33. shout back吼回去

34. find the house clean and tidy发现房间干净又整洁

35. ask in surprise惊讶地问

36. share the housework分担家务

37. a clean and comfortable home一个干净又舒服的家

38. neither of us我们两个都不

39. hang out with my friends和我朋友一起闲逛

40. pass me the salt= pass the salt to me把盐递给我

41. borrow something from somebody从某人那里借某物

42. lend something to somebody把某物借给某人新-课 -标- 第-一-网

43. hate to do something讨厌做……

44. enough stress from school来自于学校的足够的压力

45. a waste of their time时间的浪费

46. spend their time on schoolwork花时间在学业上

47. in order to do something为了做……

48. get into a good university进好大学

49. there is no need for somebody to do something对于某人来说没必要做……

50. depend on …依靠……

51. develop children’s independence 养成孩子的独立(习惯)

52. the idea of fairness公平意识

53. have no idea how to take care of himself不知道怎样照料自己

54. fall ill生病

55. grades dropped成绩下降

56. as a result因此

57. it’s fair/ unfair for children to do something对于孩子来说,做……是公平的/ 不公平的。

58. get something to drink买饮料

59. be careful with… 小心对待……

60. a few other things I want you to do我想要你做的另处几件事情


1. I think two hours of TV is enough for you.我认为两个小时对你已足够。

2. She won’t be happy if she sees this mess.假如她看到这乱糟糟一团定会不高兴。

3. It’s clean, but it’s not “mother clean”!是干净,但这不是妈妈心中的干净。

4. I’m just as tired as you are!我也和你一样的累。

5. She did not do any housework and neither did I.她没有做任何家务活,我也没有。

6. I could not find a clean dish or a clean shirt.我没有发现一个干净的碗碟,一件干净的衬


7. I’ll finish my homework while you help me with the dishes.在你帮助我洗碗碟的时候,我将


8. I do not understand why some parents make their kids help with housework and chores at


9. It is the parents’ job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their


10. It is important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework.


11. Since they live in one house with their parents, they should know that everyone should do

their part in keeping it clean and tidy.既然他们和他们的父母生活在同一房子里,他们就应该明白每个人都应该做他们份内之事,以保持房子的干净与整洁。

12. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.孩子们越早独立,对

他们的未来就更好。X Kb 1. Com

新课标第一网系列资料 www.xkb1.com

新人教版八年级下unit 3必背词组及句子


1. Could you please do…? (礼貌请求)你可以做……吗?

2. Could I please do…? (征求意见)我可以做……吗?

3. do the dishes=wash the dishes 洗碗碟

4. take out the rubbish把垃圾带出去

5. fold your clothes折衣服

6. sweep the floor扫地

7. make your bed整理床铺

8. clean the living room打扫起居室

9. do some washing/ shopping/ cleaning洗衣服/ 购物/ 做清洁

10. go out for dinner出去吃晚饭

11. go to the movies去看电影

12. stay out late/ until nine呆到很晚/ 呆到9点钟

13. get a ride撘车

14. give me a ride to town开车送我到镇上

15. need to do something需要做……

16. have to do something不得不做……

17. help out with a few things帮助做些事情

18. at least 至少

19. finish doing something完成做……

20. be/ come back from shopping购物回来

21. any minute/ second/ moment now随时

22. pretty clean and tidy相当干净而整洁

23. be angry with…对……生气

24. solve the problem解决问题

25. throw down my bag扔下我的书包

26. the minute/ as soon as / the moment I sat down我一坐下就

27. take the dog for a walk= walk dog溜狗

28. replied angrily生气地回答

29. all the time一直

30. never help out around the house从没帮助做家务

31. work all day工作一整天

32. do housework all evening整晚做家务

33. shout back吼回去

34. find the house clean and tidy发现房间干净又整洁

35. ask in surprise惊讶地问

36. share the housework分担家务

37. a clean and comfortable home一个干净又舒服的家

38. neither of us我们两个都不

39. hang out with my friends和我朋友一起闲逛

40. pass me the salt= pass the salt to me把盐递给我

41. borrow something from somebody从某人那里借某物

42. lend something to somebody把某物借给某人新-课 -标- 第-一-网

43. hate to do something讨厌做……

44. enough stress from school来自于学校的足够的压力

45. a waste of their time时间的浪费

46. spend their time on schoolwork花时间在学业上

47. in order to do something为了做……

48. get into a good university进好大学

49. there is no need for somebody to do something对于某人来说没必要做……

50. depend on …依靠……

51. develop children’s independence 养成孩子的独立(习惯)

52. the idea of fairness公平意识

53. have no idea how to take care of himself不知道怎样照料自己

54. fall ill生病

55. grades dropped成绩下降

56. as a result因此

57. it’s fair/ unfair for children to do something对于孩子来说,做……是公平的/ 不公平的。

58. get something to drink买饮料

59. be careful with… 小心对待……

60. a few other things I want you to do我想要你做的另处几件事情


1. I think two hours of TV is enough for you.我认为两个小时对你已足够。

2. She won’t be happy if she sees this mess.假如她看到这乱糟糟一团定会不高兴。

3. It’s clean, but it’s not “mother clean”!是干净,但这不是妈妈心中的干净。

4. I’m just as tired as you are!我也和你一样的累。

5. She did not do any housework and neither did I.她没有做任何家务活,我也没有。

6. I could not find a clean dish or a clean shirt.我没有发现一个干净的碗碟,一件干净的衬


7. I’ll finish my homework while you help me with the dishes.在你帮助我洗碗碟的时候,我将


8. I do not understand why some parents make their kids help with housework and chores at


9. It is the parents’ job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their


10. It is important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework.


11. Since they live in one house with their parents, they should know that everyone should do

their part in keeping it clean and tidy.既然他们和他们的父母生活在同一房子里,他们就应该明白每个人都应该做他们份内之事,以保持房子的干净与整洁。

12. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.孩子们越早独立,对

他们的未来就更好。X Kb 1. Com

新课标第一网系列资料 www.xkb1.com


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