


















Dear sir/madam:

I am a high school student who pays close attention to your public scheme collection.

It is common knowledge that Beijing has become a next ‘Misty Capital’. Whenever to the dry

seasons, Beijing shroud in a pollution haze. Haze, by its nature, is PM2.5. It stems from many

ways--motor vehicle exhaust and emissions from factories, for instance. It can lead to URI

and threaten human health. Therefore, Beijing becomes one of the heaviest polluted cities

in the world. On the other side, haze hinders the sustainable development of Beijing.

As a local people, I am worried about it. I also felt that I am responsible to do first and make

differences. As early as 2011, I joined in a voluntary association, and spent my leisure time

telling others about haze. Besides, I propagandize a more environmental friendly trip mode.

However, environmental management today is far too much complex for individuals to make

decisions alone, or based solely on the information and perspective of their particular silo.

For this reason, I appeal to the masses to save power—walk, bike, or use public

transportation instead of driving. On the other hand, factories may make use of wind farms

instead of coal-fired power station. Above all, the government ought to play its role

effectively, and improve environmental and air qualities. The environmental public interest

litigation system should be constructed in the process of amending Environmental Law.

Excuse my poor writing.

I anticipate your reply sincerely.

Yours, Alyssa

There is a great deal of differences between Chinese and Western culture, including traditional festivals. We have the Spring Festival at heart at the mere mention of ‘traditional festival’, as most foreigners refer to New Year’s Day on the other side. Although the two ‘New Years’ are both celebrated in our country, and the similar fireworks are followed. Nevertheless, they have had distinct impact on my kin.

The sense of celebrate New Year’s Day is weak in my family. The weariest point is that I would have the final examination just after this New Year’s Day. So I just stayed at home, reviewed the lesson, and had reunion dinner with my parents.

However, we approach the Spring Festival in quite another way. Firstly, more than 30 family members flock together to celebrate. After that, the younger generations give New Year’s greetings one by one, and accept a red envelop with money inside which is given from seniorities. After all, sitting around television and watch Spring Festival Party, I can deeply feel happiness. So do everyone else.

Both of the two ‘new year’ are important for me. Though, I prefer the Spring Festival. Not only for pocket money and the firework display, but also for its cheerful atmosphere which is completely touching. The pleasant atmosphere of making dumplings and steamed buns at my grandma’s home for celebrating Chinese Spring Festival at my childhood time could be with me for a lifetime.

According to my family, the Spring Festival sounds more traditionally and time-honored: we wear new costume; return to our hometown; visit our relatives and friends; and also, have a long history in our country. In conclusion, my family consider the Spring Festival more important than New Year’s Day.

Above all, most of Chinese people regard the Spring Festival as one of the most important festivals and cultural heritages which brings us nation loyalty and a sense of belonging.



















Dear sir/madam:

I am a high school student who pays close attention to your public scheme collection.

It is common knowledge that Beijing has become a next ‘Misty Capital’. Whenever to the dry

seasons, Beijing shroud in a pollution haze. Haze, by its nature, is PM2.5. It stems from many

ways--motor vehicle exhaust and emissions from factories, for instance. It can lead to URI

and threaten human health. Therefore, Beijing becomes one of the heaviest polluted cities

in the world. On the other side, haze hinders the sustainable development of Beijing.

As a local people, I am worried about it. I also felt that I am responsible to do first and make

differences. As early as 2011, I joined in a voluntary association, and spent my leisure time

telling others about haze. Besides, I propagandize a more environmental friendly trip mode.

However, environmental management today is far too much complex for individuals to make

decisions alone, or based solely on the information and perspective of their particular silo.

For this reason, I appeal to the masses to save power—walk, bike, or use public

transportation instead of driving. On the other hand, factories may make use of wind farms

instead of coal-fired power station. Above all, the government ought to play its role

effectively, and improve environmental and air qualities. The environmental public interest

litigation system should be constructed in the process of amending Environmental Law.

Excuse my poor writing.

I anticipate your reply sincerely.

Yours, Alyssa

There is a great deal of differences between Chinese and Western culture, including traditional festivals. We have the Spring Festival at heart at the mere mention of ‘traditional festival’, as most foreigners refer to New Year’s Day on the other side. Although the two ‘New Years’ are both celebrated in our country, and the similar fireworks are followed. Nevertheless, they have had distinct impact on my kin.

The sense of celebrate New Year’s Day is weak in my family. The weariest point is that I would have the final examination just after this New Year’s Day. So I just stayed at home, reviewed the lesson, and had reunion dinner with my parents.

However, we approach the Spring Festival in quite another way. Firstly, more than 30 family members flock together to celebrate. After that, the younger generations give New Year’s greetings one by one, and accept a red envelop with money inside which is given from seniorities. After all, sitting around television and watch Spring Festival Party, I can deeply feel happiness. So do everyone else.

Both of the two ‘new year’ are important for me. Though, I prefer the Spring Festival. Not only for pocket money and the firework display, but also for its cheerful atmosphere which is completely touching. The pleasant atmosphere of making dumplings and steamed buns at my grandma’s home for celebrating Chinese Spring Festival at my childhood time could be with me for a lifetime.

According to my family, the Spring Festival sounds more traditionally and time-honored: we wear new costume; return to our hometown; visit our relatives and friends; and also, have a long history in our country. In conclusion, my family consider the Spring Festival more important than New Year’s Day.

Above all, most of Chinese people regard the Spring Festival as one of the most important festivals and cultural heritages which brings us nation loyalty and a sense of belonging.


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