
In recent years,the government attaches great importance to the

cultivation of high-level personnel,and constantly expands the graduate

recruitment of students scale,bringing up the fast development of graduate study. There is a heated discussion about the cost of the graduate study.

On the one hand,some people hold the opinion that the graduate study is a high cost and less return. The tuition fee is the only one part of the cost,and you also have to consider the cost of accommodation,living cost and so on. In addition to the cost of a graduate education,you must consider the money you won't make because you are in the university. Consequently, some students would rather give up graduate education just because of the high cost on both time and money. On the other hand,some people may think it is worth for us to apply for the graduate education. It is urgent for us to promote both our knowledge and skill in such an era when knowledge is expanding at an incredible speed. The graduate student education not only expands knowledge,but also improves our professional ability and practice ability.

As far as I am concerned,even though spending three years and some money,we can obtain more return. We know that people with advanced

degrees earn more,generally speaking,than those with bachelor's degrees and those without a college degree. The bigger paycheck is enough to offset the cost of graduate study. What's more,a graduate degree is a credential that can make a job applicant more competitive. If we hurry into the society

before we get well prepared,we will only find that our knowledge is so limited in this increasingly competitive society.

In recent years,the government attaches great importance to the

cultivation of high-level personnel,and constantly expands the graduate

recruitment of students scale,bringing up the fast development of graduate study. There is a heated discussion about the cost of the graduate study.

On the one hand,some people hold the opinion that the graduate study is a high cost and less return. The tuition fee is the only one part of the cost,and you also have to consider the cost of accommodation,living cost and so on. In addition to the cost of a graduate education,you must consider the money you won't make because you are in the university. Consequently, some students would rather give up graduate education just because of the high cost on both time and money. On the other hand,some people may think it is worth for us to apply for the graduate education. It is urgent for us to promote both our knowledge and skill in such an era when knowledge is expanding at an incredible speed. The graduate student education not only expands knowledge,but also improves our professional ability and practice ability.

As far as I am concerned,even though spending three years and some money,we can obtain more return. We know that people with advanced

degrees earn more,generally speaking,than those with bachelor's degrees and those without a college degree. The bigger paycheck is enough to offset the cost of graduate study. What's more,a graduate degree is a credential that can make a job applicant more competitive. If we hurry into the society

before we get well prepared,we will only find that our knowledge is so limited in this increasingly competitive society.


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